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Anaya's Pride: Book Two (A Reverse Harem Love Story) (Beasts of Ironhaven 2)

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by Chloe Cole

  The lion in me reveled in it, and I resisted the urge to drop to the grass and give myself over to him completely. To let him take me from behind under the sun in a brutal, raw coupling. Instead, I batted his chest affectionately with one paw.

  God willing, there would be time. Time for me to know each of them that way, and for them to know me. Gatlin was right, though. For now, we needed to take to the forest before we were seen this close to a town still firmly within the palace guards' reach.

  We prowled toward the rest of the group and, as one, began to run.

  I hadn't thought of this. How it would feel to be part of a true pride again. It was only when that thought ran through my mind that I realized I'd never truly been part of a pride at all. My sister and I had run and hunted in pairs when permitted, but as a unit? A group, tied by an invisible thread that made verbal communication unnecessary and felt so easy? So right?


  Until now, as I ran side by side with the Saint John brothers. Smelling the sweet grasses, and feeling the earth beneath my paws. It was perfect. The sense of finally feeling truly connected to my people and myself. Like a dream.

  For hours, we ran, and I could've gone for hours more, but darkness was falling and Gatlin had slowed so we all slowed right along with him. By tacit agreement, we all shifted back into human form and tugged the bags from our necks.

  “There isn’t another town for miles," Gatlin said, gesturing to the east. "I think a couple of us should set up camp here for the night, and the rest go on a hunt. We need to stay strong at all times and ready to fight. We haven't filled our bellies since we left, so that's a top priority."

  "As much as I love the hunt, Michael has the best knife and my back is strongest," Lucian said, glancing around the area at the trees and vegetation. He bent and tugged his clothes from his bag, donning them as he continued. "Between the two of us, we can have a roaring fire, a spit to roast meat, as well as a decent shelter built in the next hour if you three can provide the food.”

  Michael finished yanking his britches on before moving beside Lucian and tipping his head in agreement.

  "All right, it's settled then," Connor said, slipping his bag back on. "Let's go kill something, shall we?" he asked, shooting a glance at Gatlin and I.

  Wordlessly, we followed suit and shifted back into lion form as a thrill ran through me.

  It was the perfect night for a hunt. A clear and starry sky, no wind to speak of, and I was with two of the people I liked best in the world. This would be new for me as well. Iris had been a squeamish hunter, going because she had to, but leaving most of the work to me. Not that I'd minded. Still, it had felt more like a solo expedition whereas, like the running, this felt different. Like another layer of closeness that deepened my bond with these men.

  We trotted away from the clearing, Gatlin leading the way.

  For a while, I just padded along beside them, enjoying the freedom and the night, but soon, I slipped into the mode of the hunt, my animal instincts taking over.

  Each sound was magnified as I focused all my energy on locating my prey. The crackle of a nearby branch, the flap of wings overhead, the babble of the brook beside me.

  Gatlin and Connor were just as intent, skulking low to the ground--or as low as their massive bodies could get, at any rate.

  The hoot of a great horned owl echoed through the trees as I lifted my head to sniff the air.

  A shrew or a vole in the brush up ahead, but it wouldn't make a meal for even one of us. A fox twenty yards away, who was likely on the scent of the varmint in the brush. But it was another scent that tugged at my senses and I froze in place.

  Lucian and Gatlin did the same as we all lifted our heads high, breathing in deeply.

  We couldn't communicate with words, now, but there was a connection between us that went beyond words when we were in our animal form. An almost preternatural hive mind. Without even a chuff, Lucian and I swung around Gatlin's right and then spread out to cast a wider net.

  I crept forward, my eyes sharp as I searched the forest for some indication of the animals we'd scented.

  And then there, in the distance, a half dozen wild boars. They were treading gingerly at first, stepping closer to the water and peering around before drinking. A couple of them stomped the ground restlessly, keeping watch, while the others slaked their thirst.

  We skulked closer as a unit, spreading even further apart by tacit agreement, moving noiselessly through the trees. The boars traded places, then, the guards stepping in to take a drink while the others kept watch. They seemed to grow more comfortable now, snorting and snuffling as they rooted around for mushrooms and fallen tree nuts.

  A sense of urgency flowed through me in that instant and I knew it was time. The three of us crouched low and then hurled ourselves forward in great leaps toward our prey.

  The boars spent a few seconds squealing and bucking in a rush to get out of one another's way. It was those few seconds that allowed Gatlin, Lucian and I to break one away from the pack.

  Each of us converging on him from every direction but the front as he ran, crashing through the vine and briars.

  My heart pumped with adrenaline as we closed in. He was only thirty feet away now. A few well-timed bounds and we'd be on him.

  But nothing could've prepared me for the boar skidding to a stop and reeling around to face me.

  Lord, he was huge. A massive male, forty stone if he was a pound. His long, yellowing tusks glinted in the starlight. What had seemed like prey in one moment suddenly seemed more demon, like the beasts in my dreams. It pawed at the ground, snorting in fury a moment before its muscled legs churned and it charged at me, full speed.

  I was still in motion, vaguely aware of both Gatlin and Connor flanking me, but I couldn't stop myself in time. I opened my jaws wide and extended one, splayed paw tipped with razor-sharp claws, but I took more than I gave as I felt one, long tusk lance the meat and muscle of my shoulder.

  I let out a snarl, shuddering at the pain. The animal pulled away, facing Gatlin and Connor now, who had rushed him from behind to call attention from me.

  The pig's fury was palpable now as it shuddered and tossed its great head to and fro, bleeding from its side.

  Connor thundered forward with a mighty roar, teeth snapping as he circled the animal.

  My shoulder throbbed but I sent both Connor and Gatlin out a mental plea as I rose to my feet.

  I needed to finish what I'd started.

  I could sense their hesitation but then they slowed, backing away as I crouched again, ready to attack.

  The boar must've sensed me because he turned around, saliva dripping from his mouth, nostrils flaring with fury, and charged.

  This time, I was ready and waiting. I met him halfway, lunging forward with a growl. My teeth sharp as a razor and my focus sharper than that, I let my jaw snap like a steel trap. Faintly, I heard the squeal of the animal as my teeth closed over its throat, crushing its windpipe.

  It was still shuddering in the throes of death as I stumbled back and hit the ground, morphing back into human form.

  The blood ran freely from my shoulder and I clapped a hand over it with a groan.

  "Bloody hell, I didn't even see that coming," I hissed, the pain finally overtaking the rush of adrenaline.

  "You did well, Anaya,” Gatlin murmured once he’d shifted and fell in beside me.

  The words sent a rush of warmth through me and I smiled.

  "Thank you. I know you guys could've taken him but--"

  "You don't need to explain, lass. He was yours to take. You took the tusk for it. You bled for it. We're nothing but proud of you."

  Connor rushed to my side, in human form now as well. He dropped to his knees beside me and peered at my wound.

  "Eight inches to the right, lass, and we'd be in deep trouble right now.”

  "You need water for that. I'll be right back,” Gatlin said, pausing to rifle through the bag around his neck for his leathe
r bladder before stalking toward the brook.

  "Does it hurt?" Connor asked.

  I shook my head in spite of the sting that still coursed through my shoulder. "I'll be fine."

  He rolled his eyes. "I know when you're lying."

  "Just go along with it," I said, but as he smiled back at me I was suddenly aware of just how exposed we were, here alone in the woods.


  Connor's gaze never left my face or my wound, but that didn't change the fact that I wanted him to look at me. Wanted to feel his hot gaze rake over my breasts, my stomach, my thighs.

  I straightened a little, if only for an excuse to squeeze my legs together and dull the ache that was rising there. Would he notice if I looked at him? Would he follow my gaze as I studied the hard muscles of his chest and his abs? Did he want to watch me lick my lips as I looked lower, finding exactly how much he was aware of me, too.

  I took a deep, shuddering breath.

  "Are you okay?" Connor asked.

  "Yes, of course."

  But I wasn't. I was full of adrenaline from the hunt and suddenly terrified and exhilarated. To be so close to him and Gatlin at once…

  Of course, I'd imagined what it would be like to be with a man before. In my time with each of the brothers, I'd fantasized about each one in turn. And, if I was honest, about all of them at once. And now that we were running on borrowed time, living every day in hopes that it wouldn't be the last? Maybe it was time my fantasy ought to become a reality.

  There was a rustling in the trees behind me and I shifted to see Gatlin reappearing through the leaves, water in hand. As soon as I saw him, I couldn't help but study his perfect, sculpted form. He was gorgeous, all broad shoulders and stormy eyes. The hard muscles of his chest distracted me from the still stinging pain in my shoulder and then my gaze trailed lower and I saw the stiffening of his manhood that let me know he was very aware of my thoughts.

  Still, he got to his knees beside me and poured water into the wound, cleaning it out before it healed entirely.

  “Does it sting?”

  “Not anymore,” I said truthfully.

  “Still. We ought to get back to camp," he said. "You'll need to get healed up and--"

  “I’m already healing," I said, my voice tight in my throat as I swallowed hard.

  This was it. This was my moment and I couldn't let it get away, no matter how my body shook with nerves. There was no denying it also trembled at the thought of their touch.

  "What?" Connor asked, but I could tell by the way Gatlin's gaze penetrated mine, that he understood.

  "I..." I searched for the words, trying to find some that would make them understand how I felt. What I needed. "The king's men could find us and kill us tomorrow."

  Connor nodded, understanding dawning in his hazel eyes. “They could, lass.”

  "I don't want to die a virgin," I said. It was quiet, but sure, and when I looked up at Connor, it was to find his jaw clenched tight. He took my words as permission to take in my stiffened, aching nipples and the length of my bare legs. Breath suspended, I let them fall open just a little so he could see my waiting pink sex.

  His eyes locked with mine, his Adam's apple bobbing as his throat worked. "And you're sure this is what you want? Gatlin and I?"

  I nodded and the brothers exchanged a look before nodding silently.

  "Your first time should be special then," Gatlin said, his voice thick with want. "Let us show you. Lie back."

  I did as he asked, breathing a sigh of anticipation. The soft leaves rustled around my head and I lay, waiting for them to join me.

  “I’m ready for my lesson,” I said softly.

  “This is no lesson, Anaya. This is just making you feel good. We’re going to take it nice and slow,” Connor said.

  I nodded, swallowing hard. If I spoke now, my voice would tremble. They'd know exactly how nervous I was, how the fear of the unknown had practically overtaken me. But still, more than anything, I wanted this. Wanted to feel safe and full in their arms. Wanted to feel them inside me, loving me.

  “I want you so much,” I whispered, then glanced from Gatlin to Connor in turn. "Both of you."

  “Whatever you want,” Gatlin said, kneeling beside me, fire in his eyes. He leaned down and kissed me, soft and sweet. His tongue explored my mouth, soothing me, and I met him stroke for stroke, loving the warm security of his touch.

  Then, just as we fell into a rhythm, strong hands were massaging my thighs, kneading them gently, then harder as my legs slowly opened for Connor. He kissed his way from my knee to the apex of my sex, my breath catching as he reached the sweet space there. I tried to draw in a breath, but Gatlin never stopped kissing me. Instead, he moved to my ear, rolling his tongue along the shell before reaching out and massaging my breast with his palm.

  I closed my eyes, savoring the feel of them as Gatlin pinched my nipple between thumb and forefinger, teasing me and making me wish I could feel his teeth there, sucking my straining bud until I bucked and quaked.

  He must have known what I was thinking, too, because then his kisses trailed lower, down my throat, my collarbone, and finally to the swell of my breasts. He raked his short nails over the underside of my breasts and I breathed a deep sigh as his mouth found me.

  I’d barely caught a breath when the long, slow lick of Connor’s tongue at my seam sent me reeling.

  I was still trying to come down from the high of Gatlin’s teeth nipping the tip of my breast when pure, molten heat flowed over my core.

  My breath hitched as Connor's tongue swept over me in a long, slow lick.

  I arched my back helplessly and shivered as the sensations threatened to overwhelm me.

  "That--that feels so good," I murmured, diving one hand into Connor's soft curls even as I dove the other into Gatlin's silky strands.

  I held them both closer to me, encouraging them to take me deeper. To bring me to the mysterious place I had known only the once.

  Gatlin's fingers closed over my other breast, teasing that straining nipple until it was as hard and needy as the one in his mouth, making the pressure settle lower between my hips.

  I could barely hold on to the thought when Connor's gentle licks grew more intimate, his masterful tongue delving into my folds.

  "Ah!" I cried out softly, waves of pleasure rolling over me, beckoning me closer to the edge. But he was just getting started. His clever mouth closed over that swollen bundle of nerves at the apex of my sex and drew on it. Gently at first, batting it lightly with his tongue and then harder, drawing it into his mouth, suckling.

  The sensation was so sublime, for a moment, I hung there. Eyes wide as I stared at the stars, suspended in ecstasy. But then, I could stay still no longer. My hips jerked and shook as I cried out, suddenly overwhelmed with desire I wanted to sob with it.

  "Please, I--I need you so badly."

  My head tossed wildly in the leaves and I wasn't even sure who I was talking to anymore, but I knew I needed to climax or expire from want here in the forest.

  Gatlin's breathing went harsh, along with his movements, as he plucked my nipple harder and abraded the other with the edge of his teeth, dragging me closer to the precipice.

  But it was the hard suck and long finger of Connor that sent me over.

  I shoved the heel of my hand into my mouth as I came, shuddering onto Connor's finger, quaking against Gatlin's mouth.

  Through the rush of blood to my head, I could hear Connor's groans, feel the heat of his breath washing over me as my channel clenched and released his finger.

  My body was still trembling with aftershocks as he pulled away.

  His face was tight with need as he gazed down at my sex. I could see the moisture from me gleaming on his mouth and he licked it away with a grunt of satisfaction.

  "Perfect, lass. You're perfect."

  Gatlin pulled back, releasing my nipple with a pop, his face as tense as Connor's.

  I'd reached my climax but I certainly didn't
want it to be over. I rolled up to sit and tried to catch my breath. "I know I'm done, but can we--"

  Both brothers broke into nearly identical, toe-curling smiles.

  "Done? Ah, love, that's not how this works at all," Gatlin said, tracing a line from my breast, over my belly to my sex and dipping his finger inside me.

  "We're just getting started," Connor murmured, pressing his mouth to mine and slipping his tongue inside.

  The fire that I'd thought was banked came roaring back to life, pulling me in, swallowing me whole.

  Gatlin's hands were magic as he thrust his finger in and out, tracing slow, infuriating circles around the bud that once again ached with need.

  Connor sucked on my bottom lip hard, reminding me of exactly what he'd done with that mouth only moments before.

  I barely sensed it when, seamlessly, they drew me to my feet.

  Connor pulled away, his gaze hot on mine. "The first time can hurt some, and you're so fucking tight..." He broke off and cleared his throat. "It'll go easier this way, lass."

  I could feel the hard length of Connor’s cock throbbing against my side as Gatlin pulled his finger from inside me.

  "I've yet to taste her," he muttered to Connor. An unspoken agreement seemed to pass between them as Connor shifted to stand behind me.

  Gatlin lowered himself to knees but just as he nudged my legs wider, I was distracted by the sensation of Connor’s cock butting against my bottom.

  “Bend forward, lass,” he instructed.

  Legs trembling, I obeyed, using the rough trunk of a birch tree to support me. The motion sent my ass in the air and Connor’s broad head brushing my slick entrance.

  I opened my mouth to groan but barely had a chance when Gatlin’s lips closed over me.


  It all happened at once, in a glorious rush as Connor’s cock slid into my waiting entrance.

  “You’re so ready, sweet,” he gritted out.


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