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Anaya's Pride: Book Two (A Reverse Harem Love Story) (Beasts of Ironhaven 2)

Page 14

by Chloe Cole

  Fumbling, I moved to pull away his tunic and he pulled back, his warm hand still grasping my neck.

  He reached for the laces of his breeches, untying them quickly as he slid them down to his ankles with his underclothes.

  Then, when his massive length jutted forward, I knew what I wanted to do most. Dropping to my knees in front of him, I shucked off my robe and let it fall to the ground in front of me as I massaged his thighs up and down, my gaze never moving from his throbbing member.

  "Anaya," he whispered, but I didn't look up at him. Instead, I gripped his shaft and lowered my mouth to his base, licking the hard length of him until I reached the tip.

  He let out a low groan of satisfaction and I bent low again, stroking him up and down with my tongue until his fingers wove in my hair, drawing me forward and back as I pleasured him.

  "That feels amazing," he said. "You have no idea how gorgeous you are right now."

  In answer, I closed my mouth over him, sucking long and deep, bobbing forward and taking in as much of him as I could manage. His thickness bumped against the back of my throat and I hummed my approval before backing away and starting again, teasing him as best as I could.

  "You're going to kill me," he said, his voice husky and deep. "I want you. I want to be the one to--"

  I craned back, releasing his head with a small pop.

  "I'm your queen," I reminded him with a grin, as a little more of the fear and tension drained from my body, leaving behind only Gatlin. "Now get on the bed and allow me to show you exactly what I want."

  His gaze went hot and fierce as he nodded, climbing onto the bed. He was propped up on his elbows, drinking in my naked form as I straightened to stand.

  "Do you know what I would give to taste your pussy right now?" he asked.

  A shiver of need rose inside of me at the dirty talk and the stark need etched on his handsome face.

  “Luckily, I’m a kind and benevolent queen," I replied. I straddled him, climbing onto the bed and crawling higher, over his legs, his abs, and his shoulders until I was astride his face, positioned just a few inches from where he wanted me most.

  He gripped my hips and tugged me down with a husky groan. His mouth was like fire as he lapped at my aching core. Up and down, in luscious strokes, he laved his tongue against me while I leaned back, gripping the blankets for dear life while my hips twitched against his grip.

  It was as though he'd been born to love me--he knew exactly what I wanted without my having to say a word, teasing me for a few minutes before finding my aching bundle of nerves and sucking long and deep.

  He licked and sucked and pulled until I was almost out of my mind, muscles tense, body straining for release. Suddenly, I froze as something cool pressed against my overheated, slick lips. He withdrew his mouth from me and groaned as he stroked a long, hard object up and down my pulsing core.

  “What–what are you doing?” I asked, afraid to look down.

  He didn’t answer and continued his play. I gasped as he bent and sucked that bundle of nerves into his mouth again, working it with his tongue, stealing my thoughts. As he did, I felt that cool hardness pressing against my entrance, now with more insistence.

  It felt so damned good and I peeked down to see Gatlin licking me while holding a thick, marble smooth toy very much like the one I’d seen in the book he’d given me. Panicked, I tried to pull away, but he held me in his firm grasp.

  “Where did you get that?” I asked, breathless and shaking with need as he pushed it in and out in shallow, maddening thrusts.

  “When the maids and staff came over from the estate, they cleared out our bedrooms and brought all of our things with them.” Every word sent a hot blast of air rushing over me as I stared down at him, mesmerized at the sight of the slick, thick wand of marble moving in and out of me. “I’d had this made especially for you on the third day you were with us, but never got a chance to see if you would like it.”

  I liked it. I liked it a lot, and I shuddered above him, letting out a keening moan as he sucked me between his lips again.

  It was almost too much, but at the same time, not enough. He never pushed the toy in very far, and soon I found myself wild for more. My hips bounced up and down now, out of my control. A shallow thrust in and out, then his mouth licking and sucking. The pressure began to build, curling in my stomach. I needed it so bad. This release. To feel his hard cock buried all the way inside me, filling me. My pulse careened out of control as I began to pump my hips in earnest. “Please, Gatlin, please.”

  “Please what, love? What do you want, my queen?” he urged, his breath again battering my overheated core as he slid his weapon of torture just a little deeper, stroking me just a little faster. “Do you want me to lick you while I do this until you come?”

  “Yes,” I hissed, out of my mind with need, too far gone to know anything but the prison of his mouth.

  “Yes,” he responded, moving to cover me again with his lips and tongue. He suckled, then guided the marble length deep this time, five, six, seven thick, hard inches filling me, stretching me until I quaked. He withdrew it slowly, then worked it back in again, using a consistent rhythm, pressing just a little harder each time until he was fucking me hard and I was filled to the hilt as he ate me alive.

  “Oh my God. I–”

  Helpless to stop, I crushed myself against his face as he pounded deep until I broke apart, shattering into a thousand pieces, coming and coming against Gatlin’s molten mouth, clenching tight over the heated, slick toy.

  I was still twitching in the aftermath when he pulled it away and dragged me lower to straddle his hips.

  "I'm yours, Anaya,” he growled. And when he gripped himself and guided me onto his cock, I was all too ready. I sat fully astride him, plunging him deep in one thrust that made him hiss.

  "Yes, love, just like that," he demanded. “Take what you need. Take that cock deep and hard until you scream again and I can feel that pussy clench over me.”

  His words lit a new fire in me and I stared down at him as I rose again and fell, burying him to the hilt.

  It was more than the release of tension--more than the simple friction of our bodies. Being with Gatlin was a reminder that we were not only alive, but complete. And as heat rose through my body with every push and pull, his hands found my thighs, then traveled higher, cupping my breasts as I bounced up and down.

  "You are so beautiful," he ground out, pinching one of my nipples between thumb and forefinger before twisting hard and making me gasp with the pleasure and pain of it.

  "You are perfect," I said back on a gasp as the thick head of his cock batted against a spot deep inside me that made me shiver. "Absolutely perfect."

  He gripped my hips so tight I was sure I would have bruises for a short time, but I didn't care.

  I reached out, gripping the blankets again for purchase, anything for support as I closed my eyes and savored the quaking of my walls, the arching of my back as he pushed into me again, driving me closer and closer to the edge.

  “Come for me, love. Let me feel you come."

  On a moan, I let go, unraveling until the world fell away and it was nothing but me and Gatlin in this ocean of pleasure.

  My whole body tingled as my toes curled and I sank into the sublime ecstasy of my orgasm, the waves crushing me in torrents of satisfaction.

  “With me, Gatlin!” I whimpered.

  "As my queen commands," he managed through gritted teeth. His eyes pinched closed and then he froze, his cock jerking and leaping inside me as he came in a hot rush.

  Yes. It would all take time. Time to heal the wounds of this war. Time to learn to be queen. Time to make this castle feel like home.

  But here, in Gatlin’s arms…surrounded by my tutors…my guardians…my protectors and their love?

  I was home already.

  Chapter 19

  Gatlin and I lay there for a long time, no words spoken between us. In his arms, all my tension had faded, but now
I was restless again.

  Tomorrow would bring many challenges and when it came I would have to be ready. Sitting with a piece of parchment and making a list would surely soothe me, but there was no reason to wake Gatlin.

  When his breathing had finally evened and slowed, I shrugged my robe back on, tying the heavy velvet rope around my waist before pushing back into the hall and returning to my chambers.

  Breathing deep, I stepped through the door and appreciated the crisp smell of night air all around me. Walking toward the window, I glanced at the homes and stables beyond, the few candles still lit in the windows.

  These were my people now, my kingdom. It was amazing, incredible really, how quickly it all had changed, but in my heart, I knew it was right. Even with the well-being of a nation on my shoulders, Gatlin had reminded me that I was worthy of the task.

  But then, so was he. He would be my right hand, counsel I would need in the days to come as we all adjusted to a new order. Michael, with his quick mind and even quicker hands, would train my armies, teaching them how to rise to the task as he always had--how to fight and serve with honor. On matters that required a firmer hand, I would have Lucian at my side. And finally, when it came time to learn whether to strike with force or show mercy, Connor would be my conscience.

  I needed them all--loved them all, and I was blessed to have each of them in my corner. I could not go on without them and though I might not yet be ready to call myself a fully-formed queen, I knew that with my pride at my back, together we would prevail and bring glory back to this place.

  A fresh blast of air poured through the window and the curtains fluttered around me, but just as I moved to shutter the window, I stopped short.

  The room had been warm when I'd left it. Still. And as I'd carried the lantern to Gatlin's room, it hadn't flickered with a passing breeze.

  I'd never opened the window.

  A heavy beat of foreboding rolled through me and I hugged my robe tighter, ready to make my way to Gatlin’s room, but before I made it more than two feet, something cold and heavy closed around my throat, pulling so tight that little spots of light burst in my line of vision.

  Gasping for air as pain lanced through me, I tried to shift, but it was impossible to focus. My vision was blurring and fading fast. Summoning all my strength, I reached for the cold metal at my throat, trying to break it or pull it away, but it was no use. If I didn’t act—and fast—my reign would be over before it had ever begun and my people would suffer for it.

  Thinking quick, I stamped on my attacker’s foot and waited for them to lose their balance before trying to slip beneath the loosened chain, but that too was no use. Instead, they careened backward, pulling me along with them, tumbling us both to the floor with the chain still taut around my throat.

  My brain was growing woozy from lack of oxygen as I tried to think.

  The body against me wasn’t large. It felt thin, almost to the point of frailty, and as I struggled, I could feel the swell of breasts against my back. Whoever was trying to kill me was a woman.

  I clasped my hands together and shoved my elbow behind me with all my might, trying for my attacker’s ribs or kidneys, but she let out a grunt and twisted the chain harder, the metal links pinching my skin as they moved.

  I reached out, desperate to do anything that might make noise, but as my fingertips reached the edge of the nightstand, everything atop the surface clattered to the floor.

  “Not going to happen, bitch,” my attacker rasped. Her voice sounded just as delicate as her body felt, thin and lilting in spite of the malice in her actions. “You’re not getting away this time.”

  But I would. I had to. Not just for myself, but for all the people who now depended on me. In one last, desperate motion, I thrust my elbow into her ribs and she gasped, loosing my constraints for a split second.

  It was just long enough, and I grasped the chain and pulled hard. It came away from my neck and I rolled away, gasping. But as I faced my attacker, I found that it was attached to her. The chain from the manacle that still clung to her trim ankle.

  Gwynthryl’s bright eyes glowed with madness in the moonlight and I shot to my feet.

  She let out a low growl and pounced at me, throwing me onto the bed. I rolled away and climbed onto all fours, chest still burning as I tried to catch my breath.

  “You ruined everything,” Gwynthryl hissed.

  “You don’t want to do this,” I croaked, but she was heedless as she circled the bed, the length of chain in her hand looking more and more dangerous by the moment.

  The woman was clearly unhinged. She needed help.

  “If you stop now,” I warned, “I swear, I will spare your life and send you into guarded exile far away. No harm will come to you.”

  “What harm could be worse than what you’ve already done? You’ve stolen my home. My crown. My life.” She lunged and I rolled quickly off the bed and to my feet, catching sight of a letter opener on a nearby desk as I moved.

  “Let. It. End.” Every word was a raspy struggle, but I needed her to hear me, needed to offer her this one last chance.

  “So my legacy, my life’s work, is handed to some red whore because her mother was a whore and managed to fuck a royal before she became worthless again?” Gwynthryl spat as she paced toward me.

  I’d managed to maneuver us close to the desk now, and, as she lunged for me, I dove for it.

  The cold iron felt good in my hand as I feinted and turned just like Michael had taught me. A second later, she was pinned to the wall with my makeshift knife at her throat.

  “It’s over now. I gave you your choice,” I said, and as I pressed the blade to her throat, a bead of ruby blood dripped down the long column of her neck.

  “This beautiful kingdom deserves better than the likes of you. I regret nothing and I do not surrender. But mark my words, red whore. You will pay.”

  Distantly, I heard the sound of the door splintering and the thunder of feet. But it all happened so quickly. Her eyes glittering with fierce determination, she gripped my wrists and pushed me away hard before yanking me close. I could hear the sucking sound of the letter opener sinking into her flesh…feel the meaty slide as it slipped easily between her ribs.

  “No!” I shouted, pulling away. But it was too late. The heavy rivulets of blood and the quickly paling cheeks told me all I needed to know.

  She had thrust the weapon into her own heart and wouldn’t survive.

  “Step back, Anaya,” Lucian muttered.

  I felt a strong hand on my shoulder and, a moment later, I was tugged against a broad, masculine chest.

  I breathed in Connor’s scent and burrowed closer.

  “It’s all right, lass. She was too dangerous an enemy to be left alive. There would still be those who would support her and be a constant threat. It’s for the best.”

  I nodded, letting someone pry the letter opener from my numb grasp.

  “But I’m not a monster like he was. I don’t want to turn into that.”

  “She did this to herself,” Lucian added, rubbing my back in slow circles. “And it’s over now, Anaya. It’s all over.”

  We stood like that for a few minutes until, in one swift motion, Connor swept me into his arms. Together, as a group, we moved to the door across the room and a moment later, I was in Connor’s massive bed, surrounded by Saint John men.

  Exhaustion hit me like a stone and I lay there, soaking in the warmth and comfort of my pride.

  We slept like a pile of puppies that night…the first night of the rest of our lives.


  "If you might stay still, Your Grace, we're almost finished." Hattie shot me a half-smile as she pulled one last stitch through the hem of my gown. The reminder of her presence sent a wave of calm over me that I sorely needed and I smiled back.

  "You mean to say that my head to toe trembling is making it difficult for you to sew straight, Hattie?"

  "You could say that," she shot back with a wi

  The maids and seamstresses that had been working on my outfit for the feast all stopped and stared at me, eyes wide, waiting to see how I responded to the perceived insolence, but I just threw my head back and laughed.

  "I'm so glad you're here," I murmured, touching a hand to her shoulder affectionately. The other women in the room seemed to let out a collective sigh of relief and resumed their work.

  "You and me both," she confided as she stood. "Have you seen my quarters? I have a massive bathtub of my own! Me and Cook both."

  I had not only seen it, I'd selected the room for her specifically. And the other servants who had been living in relative squalor here had all gotten an upgrade as well.

  The Royal Harem had been a little more difficult to manage as, while some were sad that the king was dead, most just wanted to maintain their cushy lifestyle. The Saint John brothers had come and once again saved the day, offering to hand off their estate to the retired harem females so they could live out their lives in luxury if they chose. A few of them had opted to leave and try to find love and a mate, the rest had stayed and seemed happy enough in their accommodations.

  And the Saint John men? Now that we were all together, just a few yards away from one another, they were happy as well.

  It had been a hard road but we'd made it to the end, battered and bruised but alive and together.

  I couldn't have wished for more.

  "I think you're ready, Your Grace," a maid named Sarah said as she stepped back and motioned for the rest to follow suit.

  I turned and peered into the full-length mirror, gasping at my reflection. My hair was still on the short side, but the women had worked their magic and it was now fully auburn again, the perfect foil for my hunter green gown. It was woven with delicate strands of gems hung from a thin gold chain that sparkled whenever I turned my head. And, atop it all sat a delicate new crown made for a queen. Made for me.


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