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A Bride For Luke

Page 5

by Cyndi Raye

  Tommy had been walking so fast she was barely able to keep up. “Slow down.”

  He looked at her, his face serious. “It’s important we get to the apples before the worms do. My momma says for me to eat my apple every day or the worms will eat it first.”

  Abigail held back a laugh. “I don’t think there are any worms here right now. Let’s take a look.”

  They both got busy deciding on the best of the fruit from the tree, making sure no worms infiltrated when a rider stopped. Abigail held her breath when she saw it was Luke.

  The little boy turned. He began to jump up and down. “Luke! Hello, Luke! Can I go for a ride now? Please?”

  The smile on Luke’s face was incredible. “Sure thing, little buddy. Are you finished picking apples?”

  Tommy put the two apples he held into the basket. “Yes, I am.”

  He ran over to Luke who helped him onto the saddle. Abigail watched in amusement as little Tommy abandoned her for a ride on a horse.

  Then Luke looked at her. The man was charming, especially when there was a little boy involved. Her heart dropped four feet to the bottom of her boots when he gave her a smile and wink and rode off.

  How was Abigail going to get through the rest of the day after that?

  “Hello, I’m Melody. It looks like you lost your little helper.”

  Abigail smiled. “I believe a horsey ride is much more adventurous than picking apples.”

  “Don’t you worry, I’ll help. I was happy to hear Luke finally took the plunge and got himself a wife. Welcome to the ranch. My grandpa has been a part of this place for many years.”

  “Hello. It’s nice to talk to someone who is familiar with this place.” She didn’t mention aloud that she was anxious to hear what Melody had to say about Luke since Melody had known him for a long time.

  Melody shrugged. “We stayed here many times over the years. My folks wanted me to have a broader horizon. They said it didn’t hurt to learn how a ranch worked since we lived in the city. Honestly, I think they just liked getting away from the busy city themselves.”

  Abigail observed Melody. She was younger and seemed so happy. “How long are you staying?”

  Melody twirled around in a circle and giggled. “Just until Sunday. I used to do this every time I was sent for apples. One time Miss Nora thought I got lost but she found me here pretending to be dancing with my darling. Now, I am happily married and can’t wait to get to Dallas so we can dance some more.”

  “How long have the two of you been apart?”

  “Not long, a few months at the most, but its been awful. When his company moved him I stayed behind to pack and sell the items we won’t be needing in Dallas.” Her eyes lit up when she spoke of her husband.

  “You must love him very much.”

  Melody had stars in her eyes. “Oh, I do! He is my everything. Well, you should know the feeling, being married to such a wonderful man as Luke.”

  “I have to be honest. I’m a mail order bride.”

  Melody swung around with a huge smile. “You are? How intriguing!” She took a step closer, observing Abigail more closely. “Why, I’ve never met one until now!”

  “I’ve never been one until now!” Abigail replied.

  They both laughed. “Come on,” Melody told her. ”Let’s help make these apple dumplings and then we’ll have some tea on the porch and you can tell me all about your mail order bride experience.”

  They headed back to the ranch house, arm in arm with a basket filled with apples. “I’m not sure there is much to tell.”

  Melody giggled. “With Luke, I’m sure there is.”

  The two women spent the afternoon alongside Nora baking apple dumplings. The smell inside the ranch house was incredible. Some of the hands wandered through, finding excuses to ask Nora questions that were meant for Luke or Adam in hopes of receiving a taste of the delectible pastries.

  Nora shooed each one of them out the door with a promise of an apple dumpling for desert. Once they had her word, they were happy to oblige.

  “I see this place is still like one big, happy family,” Melody told Nora.

  Nora sniffed. “Yes, they are all my kids if I have time to think about it. Sometimes they act like children. I have to keep each and every one of them in line. Even your grand father.”

  “Especially him, I’m sure!”

  Nora wiped her hands on the apron. “That’s all for now, ladies. I’m going to rest a might if you don’t mind. Age is creeping up on me.”

  Abigail was right by her side. “Are you not feeling well, Nora?”

  “I’m fine, trust me. Last night was difficult for me to fall asleep. It was the anniversary of my husband’s death ten years ago yesterday so I didn’t sleep well. Happens every year.”

  “I’m sorry.” Abigail gave her a hug. “We’ll make some tea and sit on the porch so you can get some rest. I’ll keep everyone away so they don’t disturb you.”

  Nora hugged both ladies. “I appreciate you both. Melody, I’ll miss you when you are away in the big city of Dallas but remember you always have a home here if you need one.”

  When Nora went to her bedroom, Melody frowned. “I wonder why she said that?”

  Abigail carried a tray with two cups of tea outside while Melody followed. She sat the tray on the small table between the rockers. “I’m sure it was meant as a courtesy.”

  Melody chewed her bottom lip. “I wonder if my grandfather was mentioning the fact my husband hadn’t wanted us to follow him to the big city at first.”

  “I’m not sure.” Abigail sipped on her tea.

  “It’s true, I complained to my grandfather how unfair my husband was acting. Grandpa told me to take the bull by the horns and start packing. So, I did. When my husband came home for the weekend a month ago, I gave him four weeks to find us a new home in Dallas. What you see in that buggy is all of our possessions.”

  “Good for you. I’m certain he will be so happy to see you made the move.”

  Melody shrugged. “He doesn’t exactly know when I’m coming. I told him four weeks but yesterday I got a telegram from Dallas telling me he hadn’t found a big enough place yet. You see, he is staying at one of the city’s premier hotels and his company is paying for the room and may not agree to have us there. It’s too late now, I’ve already made the arrangements and sold most of our belongings.”

  Abigail became worried. “He doesn’t know you are coming?”

  She shook her head. “I’m afraid not. But the suite he described where he is staying should be plenty big enough until I can help secure a place of our own. He needs me more than ever. He said he is so busy he hadn’t had time to rent anything. I hope I’m doing the right thing.”

  Abigail patted her hand. “I’m sure he will be ecstatic to see you and Tommy.”

  Melody smiled and sighed. “I’m sure, too. He loves when I take matters into my own hands.”

  Abigail wanted to broach the subject of Luke. She tried to be nonchalant. “So, you have known Luke all of your life?”

  Melody placed her tea cup back on the tray and took Abigail’s hand. “Yes, since I was about three years old when we’d come to visit Grandpa every summer. Luke is a little older so I didn’t spend much time with him but he was always so serious. Now, Adam, he’s my best friend. We spent all of our time together climbing trees and swimming in the water hole on the property. Samuel would tag behind. Sometimes we’d let him come along but he was so annoying.”

  Abigail frowned. “Luke is different when we are alone. Everyone thinks he is so cold and serious. I see another side of him. At least I did until the other night.”

  “What do you mean? Did something happen?”

  Abigail nodded. “I answered the ad as a mail order bride because I wasn’t about to marry the man my parents wanted me to. He was old and scary. When I got here, Luke told me upfront he was marrying me to appease Nora, who was insisting all her sons find brides before she gets too old. He has it all fi
gured out. In the contract from Miss Addie it clearly states in three months if we are not happy, Luke can annul the marriage.”

  Melody’s eyes got huge. “He did what! Oh, wait until I speak to him!”

  “Oh, no, please. You can’t say a word. Nora is not to find out. I promised.”

  “What exactly did you promise?”

  “That I’d never mention the terms of agreement to Nora. In two months, I’ll go see Miss Addie and announce the marriage isn’t working and she’ll send me on my way as a mail order bride somewhere else.”

  Melody crossed her arms across her ample front. “Now that makes no sense. I saw the way Luke was watching you when he picked up Tommy at the orchard. There is something more to this story than meets the eye.”

  “I get the same feeling.”

  Melody turned to her, a look of surprise on her face. “I know what to do! It’s so easy! An annulment is for couples who have not met in the marriage bed.”

  Abigail was starting to follow her meaning. Her eyes widened at the brashness of Melody’s statement. “I, yes, you are correct.”

  Melody stood and placed two hands on her hips. “Well, then, darling, you better get busy and become his wife in more ways than one. If that’s the case, he can’t send you away.”

  Abigail stood too, quite shocked. “How in the world will I do that?”

  Melody laughed. “Oh, darling, it won’t be difficult at all. Take it from a married woman, I’ll give you all the details after we settle Tommy for his afternoon nap.”

  Abigail wasn’t sure if she should be shocked or excited to learn how to seduce her own husband. Will this work? Can she keep herself from leaving here and secure a place on the White Ranch after all?

  Chapter 6

  Abigail, Melody and Nora handed each man a dumpling as Rusty sat on a stool in the yard and played his fiddle. Some of the hands sang along to the music. It was a warm September evening as everyone gathered around the front porch, some men leaning against the rails while others sat on the steps or mingled in the yard.

  Abigail handed Luke an apple dumpling before sitting beside him on a bench pushed up against the wall on the front porch. He had slid over when he saw her coming. When their hands touched, sparks flew up her arm. She blinked, shocked that his touch got to her so fast. How was she going to follow Melody’s instructions if he made her feel out of control whenever their skin touched?

  Luke didn’t speak much while he ate his dumpling besides a moan here and there. Abigail looked at the others and they were all doing the same thing. Even the fiddle became silent as Rusty gobbled his apple dumpling down.

  Melody sat on the step with Adam, leaning her head on his shoulder. She had mentioned they were best friends. Yet, there was a spark in Adam’s eye she wondered if Melody was aware of. It was plain to see from Abigail’s perspective.

  “I’ll miss Melody when she leaves tomorrow.” Abigail had enjoyed her company, even the conversation they had earlier in secret on how to take matters into her own hands.

  Luke nodded. “I’m sure you will. She’s been a staple of this family since I can remember. Every summer her parents came here to get out of the city until they retired some time ago. They moved to Montana from what I understand.”

  “She told me all about it. I’m worried for her though. Her husband doesn’t seem too fond of her moving to the big city. He had wanted her to stay behind because he hadn’t found a home yet. Melody and Tommy are going to surprise him.”

  Luke didn’t say anything for some time, instead, he stared at Rusty playing the fiddle. It was a lively tune which got some of the ranch hands stomping their boots and slapping thighs. He turned to her, staring into her eyes. “I’ll talk to Adam. They’re best friends.”

  “Want to dance?” Abigail asked, ready to start charming her husband like Melody had instructed earlier. Melody said to get close to him as much as possible and he wouldn’t be able to resist her.

  Was she ready to chance making him her husband for all time? Abigail didn’t want to be thrown to the side by Luke and forced to start all over. She liked it here. Nora had taken her under wing and made her feel welcome. Even Samuel and Adam treated her like a sister.

  Why would she want to start over somewhere else? Besides, it would break her heart to leave Luke now. Determined to make him see the error of his ways, she stood, not giving him a choice.

  Luke followed suit, taking her arm as he led her to the yard. Two of the ranch hands were kidding around, dancing together as a couple. The others were laughing and teasing them while Luke and Abigail fell into the shadows.

  Luke’s arms around her waist made her gasp at first. Then she found the warmth of them as she allowed herself to move closer. She raised her hands to his shoulders, resting her fingertips on his strong muscles.

  He nuzzled his cheek against hers. “I should steer clear of you.”

  “Why?” she whispered. She desperately wanted to place her lips against his skin but was worried he would figure out she was trying to seduce him. Melody said it had to look natural, as if they both were in need of each other.

  Abigail was scared to death he would react in a negative way and brush her aside. She closed her eyes, allowing the sway of his hips to lead them in a dance across the yard. A fiddle played somewhere far away, it’s fading music no longer needed as they stepped together in unison to the sway of each others bodies. Voices, laughter and words hung way back in the recess of her mind as Abigail boldly pushed herself closer.

  She was going to become his wife tonight.

  It was bound to happen sooner or later and the sooner the better.

  Luke kept moving them both in the direction of the barn. Abigail nestled against him now, not caring if anyone looked up and saw them. She raised her face to touch his mouth with her own. The instant she did so, his arms closed in tighter. He was so strong it almost took her breath away. She pulled back to stare into his eyes. Even in the darkness she saw his need for her.

  When his mouth touched hers again it was good he had his arms wrapped around her. His mouth lingered over her own as he pulled her closer. Their bodies were plush against each other. A need began in her belly, a feeling of being powerless while in his arms.

  Wasn’t she the one who was supposed to seduce him? Why was she unable to move, to do nothing but feel how his touch made her surrender?

  The gentle neigh of a horse echoed in her head but she was too far gone to realize she was in the barn. Coarse strands of straw pushed against her skirt as she leaned against a bale of hay. She clung onto Luke’s strong arms as his breathing became heavier.

  “I can’t stop myself,” Luke told her, his voice a ragged whisper. “Tell me to stop, please,” he begged her, his warm breath in her ear.

  Abigail placed the palms of her hands against his cheeks. She was surprised at the strong protective feelings she had for him. “I can’t stop you. I don’t want to,” she told him, her raspy voice barely above a whisper.

  He groaned and kissed her again. Abigail was barely able to think. Yet, she knew if she made him her true husband this way, the guilt would overcome and she’d never forgive herself. Oh, why a conscience now?

  “Luke, stop.”

  He paused. His arms loosened at once. They left her and hung by his side. “I’m so sorry, Abigail, did I hurt you?”

  She shook her head back and forth. “No, Luke.” Her hands still cupped his face.

  He closed his eyes. “I am so sorry. I’m not sure what came over me. Forgive me.”

  “There’s nothing to forgive.” Was she going to tell him that she was the one to entice him because she didn’t want to annul the marriage in a few months? If she hadn’t asked him to dance and then press against him they would not be in this position right now.

  He took a step back, as if she were a wild animal ready to pounce on him. “I get near you and this always happens. You are a witch, aren’t you?”

  Abigail didn’t know if she should cry or laugh. �
��A witch? Do you think I cast a spell on you, Luke? How can you say such things?”

  He glared. “I’m sure you are. I told you how it was going to be. We are married in name only. Except every time I get close to you, this happens.” He spread out his arms.

  “Oh, Luke, I’m not a witch.” Didn’t he know they had mutual feelings for each other and his plan was starting to backfire on him? How was she going to convince him?

  The anger that flashed in his eyes worried Abigail. She moved towards him but he stepped back as if she were going to devour him. “Did you do this on purpose? Lure me here to make sure we?” He left the sentence unfinished. Her hand went to her mouth. How dare he once again accuse her of, of, what? Seducing him? Because it was true, that’s exactly what she had been doing.

  She stood her ground. Hands fell to her hips. “Yes, I did.” Abigail took a step towards him. It was now or never. She was going to give everything she got to this man and if he still refused then she would be on her way sooner than later.

  He backed away. “What are you doing, Abigail?”

  “Luke White, it’s true. Maybe I am a witch after all. Except the plain truth is yes, I was trying to seduce you into the marriage bed. I will not give up until I succeed so you better stay far away or you will wind up there, I promise you this.”

  He was near the entrance to the barn, his eyes popped open wide. “What the-”

  She kept moving until he was through the door. She followed him outside. “I won’t stop now, Luke. I didn’t come all this way to be refuted like an ugly swan. If you step one foot inside our home, be prepared, Mr. White. Because I’m going to make you mine no matter what!” She was shouting now, her finger poking into his chest.

  The fiddle had stopped as the others turned to the two standing out side the barn. A silence so loud covered the yard.

  Abigail was afraid to look up to see if his mother watched. She didn’t want to know if they had heard her words. Embarrassed, she lifted her skirts and marched away towards their little cabin down near the edge of the property.


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