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Bought by Him: A Breslyn Auction Club Romance (The Breslyn Auction Club Book 1)

Page 8

by Penny Winestone

  As I carefully closed the door, trying to be silent, I heard another door down the hall. I looked up to find Charles in running clothes. His shorts were tight to his legs and I could just make out the outline of his package. I quickly looked away, but our eyes made contact for a split second and I couldn’t deny the hurt I found within his.

  I tried to run away, my heels in my hand, but Charles quickly caught up to me. “Haley...” He grabbed my shoulder and turned me around.

  “Charles. I really don’t think this is a good idea. I mean…” I trailed off, refusing to look into his sad, blue eyes.

  “You don’t have to pretend like nothing happened. I know where you’ve been. I watched you leave with him last night.” He sighed and pinned me against the wall, his hands on either side of me, keeping me trapped. “I talked to my sister. I know what she did.” I pushed him away and kept walking down the hall, but he grabbed my wrist yet again. “Haley. Please, just listen to me. All I’m asking for is five minutes.”

  “Fine.” I leaned against the wall, looking irritated. After my night with Michael, the last thing I wanted to do was have this conversation.

  “Look. I know it’s no excuse, but my sister is always trying to protect me. I’ve told her time and time again that I’m old enough to make my own decisions, but she just keeps babying me.”

  “Well, I’m sure if you told her how you really felt, she wouldn’t try to control your life,” I told him, feeling like he was a fraud. Here he was - the owner of a billionaire dollar enterprise and yet, he couldn’t even handle his own sister. At one point in my life I thought this man ruled the world, but now, it just felt like he was a phony.

  “I do. She seems to believe that every girl I’ve ever come close to loving is just going to steal my money. But I know that some of them – one girl in particular –would never do that.” He looked deep into my eyes and our faces gravitated together. “I know she would never do that to me and that this time, my sister was wrong. So very wrong…” I was surprised. Deep down, I knew he was talking about me. I could hear the conviction in his voice and couldn’t deny that he was being genuine. My heart skipped a beat as our noses touched and our lips were mere inches away.


  “I’m sorry, I think my five minutes are up.” He straightened out and stepped back. “I guess I’ll be seeing you around.” He gave me a half smile before jogging away.

  “Wait!” I called after him, but he was already gone. I frowned, my heart aching as all my old feelings for Charles resurfaced. Maybe I had been wrong to ignore him. Maybe I should have given him a chance to explain himself. Maybe I had jumped to conclusions way too quickly.

  Sighing, I started walking back to my room, knowing I had nothing else to do. Once there, I plopped onto my bed, still wearing the same dress. My head felt muddled with everything that had happened in the past twenty-four hours. I had learned so much. Met so many different people. Had one of the most amazing nights of my life.

  I settled under the covers and remembered what Michael told me right before we fell asleep after our second round of passion: “I’m going to do everything I can to make sure I get you in the auction.”

  Last night, cuddled in Michael’s arms, I was totally fine with that, but now, after talking to Charles, I wasn’t so sure who I wanted to win anymore.


  I don’t know how long I was asleep for. I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on the door. Feeling groggy, I rolled out of bed and rubbed my eyes. I took a peek at the mirror and cringed. After my night with Michael, and after sleeping without properly wiping my makeup off, I looked horrible. I already had a blemish in the middle of my forehead. I touched it, but it throbbed painfully and I groaned. There was no way I’d be able to cover that up.

  “Haley? You in there, girl?” Emanuel’s high-pitched voice sounded through the door. “If you don’t hurry, you’ll miss the auction!” My eyes widened at the word auction. Was it really tonight? Quickly, I opened the door. Emanuel gasped and stepped back. “Jeepers, what happened to you?” He asked, stepping inside. “You look like you just survived an apocalypse without the nerve to break into a department store and get some makeup wipes.”

  I just stared at him. What kind of an expression was that? “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. Didn’t anyone teach you that you simply cannot, under any circumstances, go to bed without properly removing your makeup? It’ll destroy your skin.” He frowned and touched my forehead. “See, it’s already started. Tsk, you’re going to make my life a whole lot harder.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. It’s just that one thing led to another… it was a crazy night, to say the least.”

  Emanuel flashed his hand in the air and I stopped talking. “Don’t worry about it. I’m here to make you look flawless, no matter the circumstances.” He winked. “Let’s face it, I could even make the Loch Ness Monster look beautiful.”

  “Are you comparing me to that Scottish monster?”

  “Better than the Chupacabra.”


  I rolled my eyes. “You didn’t come here, just to patronize me, did you?”

  “No.” He chuckled. “Like I said, I’m here to help you get ready for the auction.” He reached into his trunk and pulled out a garment bag. “Don’t look.” I sighed and looked out the small window. There wasn’t much of a view. “Okay, turn around.”

  I gasped the second I saw the lace dress in his hands. “Don’t tell me that’s a Dimitris.” I stepped forward, my fingers shaking as I reached out to touch it. “Only he would put this amount of painstaking detail into lace… all of these beads were stitched on by hand.”

  “Oh? You know your designers.”

  “I do. I almost launched a website…” I trailed off. “You know what? It doesn’t matter. But yes, Dimitris is my favorite.”

  “Well, lucky you. Now put it on. We’re burning daylight here, sister. Chop. Chop.” He snapped his fingers as if to urge me on.

  “Calm down, calm down. I’m on it.” I slipped out of my clothes and started to get dressed. It didn’t bother me that Emanuel was still in the room. It was obvious that what I was selling, he wasn’t buying…

  The dress felt divine. The inside was lined with a silky material that caressed the skin. The bones that composed the corset part were thin and flexible. They didn’t poke into my sides like most others would. The beaded neckline fell perfectly on my breasts, just enough to tease, without being too provocative. The tight-fitting design hugged my hips, making them a little wider which concerned me, but I didn’t worry about it long. With the beauty of the dress, no one would focus on my hips, right?

  “How does it fit?”

  “Like a glove.”

  “Perfect. Now come, we’re definitely going to have to give you some bangs for tonight. Even my best foundation won’t cover up that pimple on your forehead. And next time, don’t even think about going to bed without cleaning your makeup.” Emanuel chastised. I felt my cheeks turning red at his words and I nodded, sitting down. Emanuel quickly got to work his magic as my mind wandered off.

  I started to think about Michael and Charles. I knew it was nice – no, more than nice – to be with Michael, but deep down, I knew I’ll never forget my night with Charles. He had made me feel different like there was a fire burning in my chest that would never be extinguished. He made me shake and shiver. He made me scream out his name and hold onto him tight like I never wanted to let him go. Michael just made me feel good, not incredible.

  “There, what do you think?” Emanuel roused me from my daydream. I blinked and stared into the mirror for a while, not recognizing myself. Emanuel had played around with my hair, giving me side swept bangs that covered up my acne.

  “How do you do this? I don’t even look like myself…” I smiled, the bright plum-colored lipstick making my lips look large and kissable. My cheekbones were highlighted, making them look bigger and bolder. My eyes shone like diamonds. I c
ouldn’t believe the transformation. Just an hour ago, I could pass off for a Halloween decoration, but now… I looked beautiful. I felt beautiful.

  “Oh, stop it, you. You’re going to make me blush.” Emanuel giggled as he packed up his things. “But you should hurry, the auction is about to start in ten minutes.”

  Right on cue, there was a knock on the door and an escort popped his head into the room. “Ms. Winslow, are you ready?”

  I nodded, my heart speeding up in my chest. This was what I had been waiting for. The big day. The day I would put my beauty on display for men to flaunt their cash over… I couldn’t believe it was happening. As I followed the security guard, I ran on autopilot as my mind fretted over the situation. Would anyone bid on me? The Dimitris dress brushed against the ground and sparkled in the light. Its silky fabric teased my body. In a dress like this… how could they not? I held my head up high. It was time for me to stop doubting myself. I was beautiful.

  Soon, we reached the auction room. There was a line of girls waiting outside the door. Victoria orchestrated the event, occasionally sending the next girl to the stage. When she saw me, she pulled me aside. “Make sure you stay in the back. I want you to be our closing act.”

  “Me?” I asked, my cheeks turning pink with blush.

  “Yes. You. You look stunning.” She said, her lips flashing with a smile before it disappeared behind the brim of her hat.

  I blushed darker, feeling hot all over. A few of the girls were looking at me, commenting on my looks. I could see the jealousy in their eyes. I couldn’t believe I was causing all this commotion. Never before had I felt so confident about my body. Grinning, I walked to the back of the line, glowing with newfound self-esteem.

  It took a while before there were only a few girls left in the line. I got closer and closer to the door, finally hearing the sound of people inside. Occasionally, someone would call out an outrageous number, but it wasn’t long before the next person bid even higher. So far, the highest bid had been four-hundred-thousand dollars. I started to get nervous. I had no idea what to expect. Already, my heart had started to pound.

  “Don’t worry dear, you’ll do great.” Victoria squeezed my bare shoulder. “You look like a goddess.” She whispered. “And the new haircut really suits you. I knew it was a good idea to assign Emanuel as your stylist.”

  I blushed and tried to peek into the room, but Victoria blocked my way. Someone walked up to her and whispered in her ear before she pushed me through the door and I stepped over the threshold. This was it. This was the moment I had been waiting for…


  Taking a deep breath, I walked onto the stage. Instantly, I couldn’t see anything past the lights. They shined in my eyes, making it hard not to squint. I tried my best to keep my posture erect and my face relaxed. I stopped in the middle of the stage where there was a small X and rested my hands on my hips, assuming a pose.

  The bidding started shortly after. Five male voice rang out from the otherwise invisible crowd. I recognized two of them almost immediately – Michael and Charles. I moved around a bit, shifting the weight from my right foot to the left. I tried to see the crowd in front of me, but it was impossible.

  The bidding was slow at first, raising up in increments of twenty-five thousand. The five men battled it out until three of them eventually grew silent. Michael and Charles, however, were still going at it. They were bouncing back and forth so fast, that it was hard to figure out who was saying what. The price reached $800,000, double the highest bid of the last girl. I couldn’t believe these men were willing to spend nearly a million dollars for a night with me…

  In a daze, it took me a moment to realize that someone called out for a bid of two million dollars. The room went silent. My eyes grew big. Who had bid? Michael? Or Charles?

  “Did you say two million?” Victoria, who had taken over the role of the auctioneer sounded shocked. There must have been a nod because she slammed her gavel against the podium, closing the deal. “Bidder 70, you are tonight’s winner.” I looked over at her, and then out at the crowd. Who had won?

  Still in a whirlwind of confusion, I was ushered off the stage. Victoria’s hand pressed into the small of my back. I desperately wanted to ask who the winner was, but my voice had suddenly stopped working. It was like a rock was lodged in my throat.

  Backstage, I was bombarded by the remarks of some of the girls who hadn’t participated in the auction.

  “Wow! I can’t believe you fetched such a high price.”

  “How did you make those two want you so bad…? You simply have to tell me your secret.”

  “Beginner’s luck if I ever saw it. Congrats, girl. I’m sure you’re going to have one heck of a night.”

  “I’m so jealous. My first time, I barely made fifty grand!”

  “It must’ve been this gorgeous dress! I haven’t seen this style of Dimitris before, it suits you really well.”

  All the girls were very gracious as they congratulated me. I felt my face heating up with their compliments. As I sat down, I tried to clear my mind and as I did, I couldn’t help but do the math.

  Two million dollars… minus Victoria’s cut of 50%… I would still have just enough money to skip over the media consultant project and get straight back to First Date Boutique. I could fund it myself if I wanted to. I could finally make my dream come true. I grinned to myself.

  Victoria finally approached me, her long black dress masking her figure. “Are you ready to meet the man who won?” She helped me up, taking my hand in hers.

  My fingers were shaking. “How does this work now?” I asked quickly, hoping there was still time to answer the question, but we were fast approaching the exit. My heart felt like it would explode.

  “That’s up to you, my dear. You’re free to do whatever you’d like with the winner, but keep in mind that if they’re not satisfied, they’re not obligated to pay the full bid amount.”

  I nodded and gulped down my fears. When my hand touched the doorknob, my heart skipped a beat. Somehow, I knew – no, I felt – that it was Charles standing behind the door. My fingers tightened around the knob before I slowly turned it.

  It opened.

  And there was Charles. Our eyes locked and the world seemed to stop for a moment before he grinned. “I couldn’t let you get away this time.” He pulled me close, our faces gravitating together. “I couldn’t watch you go away with someone else for another night.” Before I could stop him, he leaned down and kissed me. The kiss was soft and sweet. His lips were gentle against mine as if he was afraid to break me.

  His arms tightened around my waist, pulling me even closer until our hips locked together. My heartbeat quickened and I felt my skin tingle with electricity. The hair on the back of my neck stood on edge.

  Charles pulled away and smiled, our noses touching. “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to do that…” He whispered, once again kissing my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and felt myself melting into the kiss. As it intensified, I was glad Emanuel had opted for the 24-hour lipstick, meant to last even through the most passionate of moments. At least that’s what Emanuel had told me. I parted my lips and Charles’ tongue slowly slipped into my mouth, tangling with mine, until I was lost in the passion and sweetness of the kiss. Everything was slowly falling back into place. Life was once again making sense…


  Suddenly, just as the kiss was getting really good, a door slammed open. Feet stomped across the floor as someone stormed through the backstage area, heading toward the exit where Charles and I were still kissing, lost in the moment.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I jumped out of my skin, hearing the sound of a very irate female. I turned around and saw Vanessa. The color of her face matched the color of her hair. She looked angry – no – more than angry. Fuming.

  “Kissing what’s rightfully mine,” Charles answered, without skipping a beat.

��s face turned a shade darker. “You spent two million dollars on some nobody. Are you out of your mind?” She turned, her face full of scorn as she stared at me.

  “She’s not a nobody,” Charles growled, his eyes narrowing in anger. “And you have no right to talk to her like that.” He stepped forward, standing in front of me in a protective manner.

  “I can talk to anyone however I damn please. I’m your sister and you’re going to listen to me.” Vanessa’s voice was menacing.

  “No.” Charles’ voice was just as cold. “I don’t want to hear it anymore. I’m not the little boy I used to be thirty years ago!” Charles stepped forward, squaring off to his sister. He towered over her. “Now, leave.”

  Vanessa didn’t move. She crossed her arms over her chest. “No.”

  Charles raised an eyebrow, his eyes darkening. “You know what? Don’t bother returning to the company. I don’t need someone like you on my team. You’ve been pushing me around for way too long and so far, I have tolerated it because you’re my sister, but now, you’ve crossed the line. You have no right to talk about Haley as you just did and you will never speak to her like that again, do you hear me?” He threatened, his voice menacing.

  “You can’t be serious…” Vanessa suddenly looked frightened, taking a step back.

  “Oh, but I am. Expect a phone call from my lawyer. You’re no longer to be the Vice President of my company and I will make sure you can never misuse your power ever again.” Charles held his stance and watched as she retreated, her face so red I thought it was going to explode..

  He watched her leave before he turned, facing me with a smile. “I’m sorry you had to see that…” He said, about to walk away.

  “Where are you going?” I asked. The moment Charles spoke about leaving, it felt like my heart had frozen over. We had just been reunited. The idea of being separated from him so soon sent a shiver running through my spine. I walked up to him, my hand on his chest. “You can’t leave… I won’t let you.”


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