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Bought by Him: A Breslyn Auction Club Romance (The Breslyn Auction Club Book 1)

Page 10

by Penny Winestone

  She looked at it curiously, wondering what it was. Suddenly, she slammed her hand down on the cake, getting icing all over the place. Putting her fingers in her mouth, she tasted just how sweet it was. She giggled so hard that she started to hiccup. Everyone around us laughed at her charm, watching her.

  Leaning against Charles’ chest, I could hear the beating of his heart. Jimmy nuzzled against my leg.

  I smiled, knowing that from this moment forward my life could only get sweeter.



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  Penny Winestone is a lover of all things sweet and romantic. She’s a writer by day and avid reader by night, who also loves getting out in nature for things like hiking, camping and boating. Penny also enjoys red wine and bossa nova. She’s a native of the American Southwest, but has lived several other places, including Northern California and Taiwan. Penny currently resides in sunny Mesa, Arizona with her husband, two cats and two dogs.

  Recently, she’s been experimenting with writing in different romance niches. Connect with Penny on Facebook to let her know what kinds of books you’d like to see in the future!

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  Rock Me, Ride Me

  A Grimm Boys Motorcycle Club Romance



  With a nod and a click of her pen, Jewel hangs up the phone.

  “Another satisfied customer,” she whispers to herself with a smile.

  She can't help but notice the recent influx of overly satisfied car buyers. The salesmen have been pouring their hearts and souls into their work. It’s clearly paid off. She can't deny that she takes a bit of pride in not only them, but also in her own contribution. She handles a ton work for the sales guys, and ensures they have what they need to do their jobs efficiently.

  Jewel feels that she has an equally important job at the dealership. She's their support system, the glue that holds everything together. As a smirk spreads across her face she begins to wonder if this is the year that her branch is awarded the prestigious Southern California Best Mercedes Dealership of the Year Award. It's an accolade the company has been seeking since its first opening, long before she began working here.

  OK, Jewel. Time to bring yourself back to reality. After all, reality is the place where I actually have to work to get that elusive award.

  She shakes the smile from her face in case any onlookers are wondering why the receptionist is smiling at a blank wall.

  The lobby is starting to get busy as the dealership prepares to close for the day. Some clients are looking around like lost sheep in need of direction. Jewel’s constant clock-checking habit reveals it is indeed about time to go home. A feeling of relief washes over her. As much as she loves her job, she values her free time much more.

  Next to the clock is the name, “Brunson and Sons Mercedes Dealership” in big, bold letters. She takes the time to read the name over in her head and adds “Best Dealership of the Year, 2017” after it. For her, it's motivation to work hard each day.

  The prospect of getting some leisure time starts to sink in and provides her a wave of rejuvenated energy. As she begins placing her pens back in her drawer she notices the corner of a picture buried under some office supplies. Curiously, she picks it up, only to realize that it's an old Polaroid of herself with her ex-boyfriend, Johnny, a sentiment she would have rather not found.

  Aw, shit… why’d I have to find this now? she wonders silently as she tenses up.

  She figures it must’ve been submerged under stack of files from two weeks ago, because she hadn't seen the picture since then. Even though it brings up that familiar, gut-wrenching post-breakup pain, she stares at the photo, recalling the traumatic end to their relationship. The picture shows them together, Johnny posing with his guitar and her kissing him on the cheek. It was taken right before his big show in Texas; a show he had been looking forward to for weeks. In the background of the picture, in the corner, is a cruddy black van, haphazardly painted with the band's name.

  She begins to recall the horrible event just last week, the day she caught him cheating. Jewel was opening the band's travel van, the one they used to haul their gear in, and discovered her so-called “boyfriend” getting it on with another female. She grabbed him by the neck of his jacket and ripped him out of the van, her screams alerting anyone nearby of what she had uncovered. She argued with him and cried for several hours. Sitting here in her office, she can feel her heart beginning to pound and her blood starting to boil, just like when she discovered him with his pants around his ankles.

  That bitch was just a ditsy fan girl! How could he do that to me!?

  Her mind starts racing, as if it was happening all over again. Quickly, Jewel starts to shut down the thoughts. She knows it'll turn her entire evening into a crash landing instead of allowing her to enjoy the rest of her night. Instead she takes a breath, holds her head up, and reminds herself that she is washing her hands of musicians.

  “They are off of the menu for good,” she affirms to herself.

  Jewel is a big, beautiful, blonde woman who feels she could do well with any man she wanted. She promptly throws the picture in the trash, dumping some other junk on top to prevent herself from glancing at it and being reminded again.

  Regaining her focus, Jewel finishes cleaning up her desk. When she stands up to inspect it she gives herself a nod of approval. Then she grabs her bags and turns around, only to see Carol standing directly behind her.

  “Oh, hey, Carol.” she states. “Didn't know you were back there.”

  “Haha, yeah. I just wanted to stop by and say hi. It's about time to go.” Carol sets herself down on the edge of Jewel's desk. “Got any plans this weekend?”

  Carol is a redhead with short hair. She is rather petite and is always wearing bright, colorful outfits. Today is no exception. She's wearing a blinding yellow jacket over a pink, knee-length dress. If Jewel didn't need to keep up a professional air, she would openly gag on the color scheme, though despite her fashion choices Jewel considers Carol a friend.

  “Yeah. Actually, I do. I've got a blind date. My sister set me up.”

  “Oh, really? Exciting! Wait...she has a musician friend? What’s the name of his band?”

  “Not exactly. He's an optometrist. Cathy says he's pretty good looking and that she thinks our personalities are a match.”

  “What? Ha! Good one.”

  “No, seriously,” Jewel insists. “I've turned a new leaf! Musicians aren't really right for me.”

  “I can't believe you're actually dating someone normal. Are you sure this guy isn't in a secret band?”

  “I'm sure! But hey, I'll let you know how it goes. Who knows? Maybe he's the one.” Jewel gives Carol a wink before making her way to the door to leave. She punches the clock.

  “Try not to be too bored, sweetheart!” Carol calls after her.

  “Yeah, yeah...” Jewel mumbles to herself as the doors close behind her. “As if I can't date normal.”

  As Jewel walks to her car, she tries to imagine what her blind date will be like. She wonders what this optometrist might look like and what he'll order for dinner.

  He'll probably talk about his patients and all kinds of stuff I don’t understand. I hope he doesn’t talk too much and forget that I even exist. Or worse, maybe he'll be way too interested in me and ask a bunch of lame interrogation style questions.

  She grimaces a little before reminding herself of her sister’s good intentions.

  Cathy wouldn't set me up with someone intolerable… right?

  Pulling herself from her thoughts, J
ewel opens her purse to look for her keys.

  She pulls them out and unlocks the driver side door of her car. As she leans over the driver seat to set her bags down, out the passenger window she notices her ex-boyfriend crawling into the same crappy van that he was caught cheating on her in. Unfortunately, Johnny also works for the dealership. He’s a mechanic, so Jewel knew she would inevitably see him again. She rolls her eyes, but doesn't turn away fast enough to keep herself from seeing a slutty looking young woman climbing into the van after the rest of the band.

  Gross. Do you know how stupid you look? No, you probably don't...

  Jewel lets out a painful sigh. They're not even a good band. I would never want to be like them...

  She hesitates a moment.

  At least, not again.


  “Oh, and it’s from Germany. Did you know Scharzhofberger have been known for their wine since the 1300’s?”

  There is a momentary pause as Max takes another sip of the Reisling. The sound of him smacking his tongue against the roof of his mouth breaks the temporary silence.

  “It’s truly profound,” he begins again with a nod of his head and wag of his finger, “and there is just the right amount of sweet.”

  He glances at the ceiling as he says this last part. Jewel can only imagine it’s because his world is so boring that he hallucinates objects into existence for his own entertainment. That is what Jewel feels like doing right now, if only to distract herself from him. Sadly, Jewel doesn’t even find him that attractive, so she can’t focus on finding his appeal. He’s a blond man with thin hair, a bony facial structure, and pretty slight stature. His posture is pretty bad. Even the slightest lean forward looks like a slouch.

  “You really like the wine, huh? It’s too sweet for me, I’m more of a beer girl, actually.” Jewel drops the hint, but it seems to have fallen on deaf ears.

  This date is slowly driving me insane…

  Max’s voice fades into the background once again as Jewel groans to herself. This isn’t the first of his long-winded rants that Jewel has sat through tonight. The first one was about some food the restaurant has on the menu. Something about how it’s been a long-standing tradition for some culture that does this or that and the restaurant owner’s family came from there. Jewel doesn’t really listen to him as he goes on and on about it. Instead, while he’s rambling, she secretly wishes for a beer to magically appear in front of her, or a waiter to bring one by mistake, anything.

  I still need a beer. Any beer will work!

  With Max intently focused on the wine he hasn’t noticed that Jewel has been staring off into the distance, looking at other diners, imagining bludgeoning him to death, and on occasion trying to summon something to drink. Her hand is rested against her cheek, pushing it up slightly. She nods on occasion as if she is actually listening to him, though it may be a bit outlandish because she doubts anyone would really want to listen to his inane drivel.

  Face it, Jewel. You gave up on this guy before you even met him. You’re such a bitch. But how long has been droning on about the wine anyway? As she complains to herself, she accidentally lets out an audible sigh.

  “Erm. Excuse me.” Jewel says as she stands up.

  Max stands too.

  “I’m going to go to the ladies’ room.” With that, she departs with a sigh of relief.

  “Thank goodness.” She mutters as she enters the bathroom. When she stands in front of the mirror she can’t resist the urge to look at her outfit. She chose a one shoulder, shimmering light-blue blouse. She added a curve-complementing, fading blue skirt to match, with a slit up the left side.

  “How can he be so caught up in wine with such a fine-looking lady across from him?” she asks herself disdainfully.

  Slowly, she turns around in the mirror to look herself over. “I wonder how often he gets opportunities like this.”

  In the midst of admiring her outfit, her phone vibrates. She pulls it out of her purse to take a look. It’s her friend Alyssa.

  “Hey girrrl! Going to a concert. Got an extra ticket. Wanna come?” Alyssa asks.

  Jewel thinks a silent Thank God! before responding, “Definitely!”

  She turns around, checking herself over in the mirror before leaving the restroom.

  “There’s no point wasting any time. I gotta get out of here,” she exclaims to herself.

  With grace and poise she returns to the table to rush the date along toward its inevitable conclusion. She tells Max something came up and she’s got to leave a little early. They eat quickly without much more conversation. Jewel feels bad for ending the date so awkwardly, but doesn’t see a better option. After saying goodbye and exiting the restaurant, she takes a glance back at her date to see him daydreaming about something, his hands moving around, drawing invisible things in the air.

  “Optometrist? What was I thinking?” she asks herself, a bit appalled at her own choice in following through with the blind date. At the curb, Jewel flags down a cab and climbs in. She dials Alyssa’s number and waits for her to pick up.

  “Hey Alyssa. I’m on my way now.”

  “Ok! I guess you don’t need a ride.”

  “Yeah, I drove, so I’ll meet you there. That man was beyond boring. All he talked about was the fish and the wine. Can you believe that? He just droned on and on about how it tasted, or was made, or where it came from.” Jewel responds.

  “Jewel, I could have told you how this date was going to go! He doesn’t sound like your type.”

  “I know, totally. I don’t know how Cathy thought she should set me up with him. It was the most boring date ever. EVER! And that’s saying something.”

  “Well, it’s all over now. I can’t wait to see you! Seven Ravens is playing tonight, have you heard of them?” Alyssa asks enthusiastically.

  “No. I’ve never heard of them. Seven Ravens? Nope. Oh, but Ash Steele… that name… it sounds familiar. I’ve heard it somewhere. Oh my... he was that hottie on American Voice! Ha. I had a huge crush on him.”

  “Oh, really? I had no idea! Maybe we’re in for a treat, then.”

  “Yeah. He made it onto American Voice for his music. He wasn’t one of the winners though, which was kind of sad. He had a personality. It showed on the stage too, mmm. Everyone seemed to like it.”

  “That’s too bad, at least he’s still singing and didn’t give up.”

  “Yeah, but actually, after that show he disappeared. There were a few stories about him in the news, said he was getting into drugs or something like that. He got arrested a few times. Guess he finally made it back to music. A guy like that...”

  Jewel cuts herself off. “ someone I need to stay away from.”

  “Oh please, Jewel! You said you had a crush on him! You should try and meet him tonight.”

  “What? No, I’m no longer dating musicians, remember? He’s the exact opposite of what I’m looking for.” Jewel pauses to consider if she meant what she said.

  “Hey, I’m almost there. I’ll talk to you in a few.”


  As Jewel steps out of the cab into the dimly lit parking lot, she notices there are groups of people trying to buy last minute tickets near the entrance. Some of the bidders are clearly fangirls, who seem too young to be dressed as they are. Jewel goes back to looking for Alyssa. As she does so, she starts to feel a bit misplaced in her date clothes, as everyone else is dressed in appropriate concert attire.

  In the distance, Alyssa is waving an arm around to get Jewel’s attention. Jewel walks over to see Alyssa holding a bag.

  “Hey! Oh, you brought me clothes! Thank you! I was starting to dread this outfit. You simply are amazing.”

  “Oh, don’t thank me. We both know what a good friend I am.” Alyssa smiles at her sarcastic retort.

  “Of course!” Jewel states, playing along as she grabs the clothes from Alyssa and turns around.

  “Now to fix this terrible outfit.” With that, Jewel marches off to th
e restroom to change.

  “I’ll be right here!” Alyssa calls out.

  In the stall, Jewel can’t help but feel cramped. “These stalls are never big enough for bigger, bustier women. Come on, not all women are toothpicks with feet. Seriously!” She complains aloud, and she really doesn’t care who hears.

  “Amen to that, sister!” Another voice responds from one of the other stalls.

  “You’re a big girl too?” Jewel asks.

  “Big and proud! But people never seem to make stuff with us in mind.”

  “Ain’t that right!” Jewel agrees before slipping her heels on.

  As Jewel opens the stall, she walks over to the mirror. “Hair is in order. Dress… well, a little more revealing than usual, but it’ll work.”

  She takes a moment to make sure her boobs are perky but still in their proper place in her bra before continuing. She wouldn’t want them falling out randomly.

  “And make up…” Jewel continues as she leans closer to the mirror to touch up her lipstick and eye liner. She strolls out of the restroom.

  Once back with Alyssa, they take a quick detour to Alyssa’s car to deposit the other clothes, then make their way into the venue. They are a little early, but there is already a small crowd of people gathering around at the base of the stage. Their first stop is the bar. There are only a few people sitting around; three men and one female. As Jewel and Alyssa sit down, they ask for beers.


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