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My Kinda Kisses

Page 4

by Lacey Black

  “Goodbye, Jaime. I’ll see you soon,” he says with a wink before leaving.

  I stare at the space he once stood in for several seconds, willing my heart rate to slow down. That man completely causes my world to tilt on its axis, and I don’t like it. Not one bit.

  It’s when I’m straightening up the counter that I realize something monumental. Something that I didn’t catch at first, but now shocks me to my core. It’s not the fact that he insinuated that we’d be seeing each other again soon. No, this is something bigger.

  He called me Jaime as he walked out the door.

  He knows my name.

  Chapter Four


  I’m still chuckling under my breath as I step inside my office, red roses in hand. It took every ounce of control I had to not drive straight to the flower shop first thing Tuesday morning, but I knew that if I was going to continue this little game of cat and mouse with the gorgeous shop attendant, I needed to give it a few days.

  When I showed up Monday night at Mrs. Hanson’s door with the flowers and cheesecake that I picked up from the deli, she was pleasantly surprised by my visit. I waited until she served coffee before I subtly asked about Blossoms and Blooms. I tried to play it off as just curiosity–you know, since I bought the flowers from there–but Mrs. H has proven to be able to read me like a book in our short year of friendship.

  I ended up caving and telling her all about my first meeting of the beautiful brunette with light green eyes and a stunning smile, leaving out the part where I implied that the flowers were for a friend.

  Over cherry cheesecake, Mrs. Hanson told me about Payton Summer starting the downtown flower business after the previous owners up and closed, relocating to another state. While she was getting her hair done on Monday morning, the ladies were all talking about the second-to-oldest Summer girl, Jaime, moving back home and filling in at the flower shop since Payton was short staffed. So, Mrs. Hanson was already well equipped with information on the happenings in downtown Jupiter Bay.

  The look on Jaime’s face when I said goodbye, calling her by name, is still branded on my brain. I’m not exactly sure who I’ll be buying flowers for next, but you can bet your ass I’ll be back there soon.

  As I set the vase on Mary’s desk, she gives me a look of shock. “It’s not my birthday. What’s that for?” she asks curiously.

  “It’s a just because. I was passing the flower place and they had a sale. Thought you’d like some to brighten up the office,” I tell her as I drop into one of the chairs in front of her desk.

  “Ryan Alan Elson, what did you do?” she asks with a stern voice and even sterner look.

  “What’d I do? Nothing. Can’t someone bring his favorite person in the world flowers just because?” I kick my feet up on the top of her desk as I say it.

  “Humph. If it was anyone else, I might think yes. But you? No, you’re up to something. So what is it? Did you spend everything you have? You did, didn’t you? What did you buy, Mister?”

  Chuckling, I smile over at my friend. “Of course I didn’t spend everything I have. You really think I’d want to deal with the wrath of Mary? I didn’t spend anything except a few bucks on this gift for you. The jobs are all on schedule. Your job is secure. Everything is fine.”

  “I still think something is up. I’ve worked for you for a year, and you’ve never brought me a random gift other than leftover pie from Mrs. Hanson or that fancy caramel drink from the coffee shop, which you left in your truck for half the day ensuring that it was anything but hot by the time it arrived here. So what is it? Are you sleeping with the florist?”

  My eyes shoot towards hers as I realize how close she is to hitting the nail on the head. No, I’m not sleeping with the florist, but I’d damn sure like to be.

  “I am not sleeping with the florist. I’ve only met the shop owner once, almost a year ago, thank you very much.”

  “Then what? Spill.”

  I consider making up some excuse to get to my office. I’m sure there are several documents and checks that require my signature. But staring over at my first Jupiter Bay friend, I realize I don’t want to evade.

  “Actually, I stopped in on Monday to get flowers for Mrs. Hanson’s birthday. The woman working in there is Payton’s sister, Jaime. She’s…striking.”

  It’s hard not to get lost in the memory of our first meeting. Her curves, that smile, the way she practically growled at me when I flirted with her after suggesting that I was buying flowers for a fuck-buddy.

  “Ah, yes, Jaime Summer. I haven’t seen her much since she’s been back in town. Her family used to come into the diner when I still worked there. Nice family. Beautiful girl.”

  I nod my head, acknowledging and agreeing, before standing up and heading towards my office.

  “You know, my favorite flower is an orchid. Uncommon, vibrant, and expensive. Every woman has a favorite flower, Ryan,” she adds while keeping her gaze on the roses and I return to my office.

  Every woman has a favorite flower. Those words repeat in my head as I attempt, unsuccessfully, to read the materials list for the tenth time for an upcoming job. Every woman? That means that Jaime must have a favorite, too. Suddenly, finding out what her favorite flower is the only thing I can think of.

  Well, that and the image of dragging said flower across her naked torso.


  I’m not the best planner. That’s why I have Mary. But there are some things in life that require a man to take the bull by the horns himself and get shit done. Case in point? Operation Secure A Date With Jaime. Even though she gave me the nudge I needed, I can’t ask Mary for advice.

  Advice. I’ve never needed help getting a date before in my life–well, if you overlook that time freshman year where I had Billy ask Sabrina if she’d be interested in going to homecoming with me. But that was hypothetical. Today, I’m seeking out a girl that I suspect has as much interest in me as I do her–except there’s also clear hesitation mixed in. And that leaves me unsettled and less confident than normal.

  I haven’t dated since Sara. I tried going out once a couple months back, but the woman wouldn’t get her face out of her cell phone long enough to order her meal, let alone talk to me. I’ve had offers, even so much as one last Saturday while I was shooting pool with my friend Flip, but I just wasn’t feeling it. Even hookups seem all wrong right now. I haven’t hooked up with anyone since the she-devil herself. Nine long months with no action besides my hand in the shower. That’s why my reaction to Jaime is so exhilarating. From the moment I saw her standing behind the counter, I’ve been hard with a craving that only she can quench.

  Jaime. It’s time to focus on Jaime and what I need to do to secure a date. Something tells me just flat out asking her isn’t going to benefit my cause. I’m going to have to get crafty. Probably mention that all those flowers weren’t for other women so much as older women, both who are like a parent and grandparent to me, respectively.

  Pulling perpendicular to the sidewalk, I head towards the very shop in which I purchased flowers for my office manager yesterday. The morning sun is shining and the birds are singing as I inhale some of that crisp Virginia air that I’ve become accustomed to since moving here, a gentle wind blowing across the Bay. Crossing my fingers that she’s working today, I pull open the glass door and step inside.

  The familiar bell announces my arrival. Like a magnet, I’m instantly pulled towards her. Jaime’s standing at the counter beside her sister and an older woman, each of them wearing matching smiles. When she looks up, the smile on her face falters a little. A bit of shyness and maybe a little embarrassment mix with her warm smile.

  “Good morning,” Payton says, standing up tall next to the register.

  “Hey, Payton. How are you? How’s business?” I approach the counter next to the older lady, directly across from the star of last night’s dreams.

  “Everything’s going well. Business is good,” she
says. I can hear the smile in her voice, but I don’t see it because I’m completely transfixed on a pair of light green eyes the color of morning grass after a rain.

  A throat clears beside me. “You keep staring at my granddaughter like that and we’re going to have to change the rating of this shop to X.”

  Jaime’s eyes widen in shock as she chastises the woman beside me. “Grandma!”

  Payton snorts and tries to cover up her laughter with a cough, earning herself a glare from her sister.

  “Don’t you encourage her,” Jaime scolds as she continues to glower at Payton.

  “What? It’s a good thing when a single man mentally strips a single woman, Jaime. It means he’s interested in the horizontal mambo,” the woman says casually. Payton can barely stand up straight she’s laughing so hard, and Jaime? Her face is darker than the red roses I purchased the day before.

  Before either of them can respond, the woman turns to me. “You are single, right? You’re not one of those weirdos just trying to get his jollies off with my sweet girl here, are you?”

  “Yes, ma’am, I’m very much single. And I am not a weirdo nor am I here to get my jollies off.” Liar. I’d love to get my jollies off right now.

  Again, a very unladylike snort reverbs through the room as Payton doubles over in laughter. I’m too enthralled with the tiny woman to check for Jaime’s reaction to her grandmother’s inquisition. But if I know anything about her at all, I can guarantee her face is still beet red and she’s doing everything she can to hide behind her long brown hair.

  “Huh, that’s too bad,” the woman grumbles.

  “Grandma, this is Ryan Elson. He owns a construction business here in town. We met once several months back,” Payton says. I offer my hand to the spitfire old woman, but she only uses it to pull me forward and wrap her arms around me in a hug.

  “Please, call me Emma.”

  The hug lasts a few seconds too long, and I glance over at Jaime and Payton for assistance.

  “Grandma, you can stop hugging him now,” Jaime says, a hint of a smile drawing on the corner of her lush lips.

  Emma finally starts to pull away, but not before grabbing a handful of my ass. I’m startled by her boldness and reflexively jerk forward. Unfortunately, the only thing that does is cement my denim-clad manhood against the older woman’s midsection. Thank God I’m not sporting wood right now.

  Now who’s three shades of pink?

  Before Emma returns her attention to her granddaughters, she throws me a sassy wink and a devious little smirk. Something tells me this Grandma is quite the handful.

  “Is there something we can help you with today, Ryan? Or did you just come by to get sexually assaulted by a seventy-year-old woman?” Payton asks.

  “I’m here for some flowers, ladies.” I keep my eyes trained on Jaime as I watch her reaction.

  “Well, you definitely came to the right place. Jaime, can you assist Ryan with his order?” Payton asks, her voice dropping with sweetness towards her sister, again earning her a hard scowl.

  “That’d be perfect. Jaime, do you mind?” I ask, turning my full attention towards the object of my desire.

  “Of course she doesn’t mind. Jaime’s all about assisting young, gorgeous, robust young men such as yourself,” Emma coos with a smile.

  “Grandma, stop flirting with him,” Jaime mumbles as she follows me towards the cooler.

  For the third time this week, I find myself standing beside this gorgeous woman in front of a dozen floral arrangements.

  “So, what can I help you with today? Perhaps a bridal bouquet? Engagement flowers?”

  “Uh, I’m not quite there yet. I’m thinking something a little more timeless. Something classic and stunning and full of intoxicating fragrance.” I lean towards Jaime just a smidge and inhale. She smells like flowers and vanilla and fucking heaven.

  Meticulously taking in each vase, I contemplate my next move. “So, which of these flowers is your favorite?” I ask casually.

  Jaime looks at me, a questioning and suspicious look in her eyes. “Why?”

  “Just curious. I want to make sure I make the best choice…for my friend.”

  “Friend.” It’s a statement, not a question. “Well, anything in here would probably be fine.”

  “And your favorite?” I hedge.

  “Is not in this case,” she finishes. We both continue to scan the case in comfortable silence. “You could always go with gardenias. They’re rich, full, and sweet-smelling,” she says, pointing to a large white flower in one of the arrangements.

  “That’s perfect. I’ll take one.”

  Jaime turns and faces me, her eyebrows pinched in surprise. “One?”

  “Yep, only one. Turns out, I’m a one woman, single flower kinda guy now,” I add, leaving the smirk off my face. Instead, I call in the heavy artillery and give her my best panty-dropping smile.

  It’s a proven fact.

  She stares up at me for several heartbeats, gauging my sincerity, I’m sure. The room is silent, even though I know we’re not alone, which can only mean one thing: We have an audience.

  Jaime must realize it at the same time and clears her throat before averting her gaze. “I’ll go grab one from the back and wrap it up for you,” she mumbles before hightailing it out of the main shop area to the large open workspace and storage just on the other side of a large doorway.

  Heading up to the counter where I have an unobstructed view of the room Jaime’s in, I pull out my wallet. Two sets of eyes follow my movements like a dog would a bone. It causes me to bounce a little on my feet as I feel their gaze burn into me. I swallow hard and stare straight ahead as Jaime wraps up the white flower.

  “So, you do construction, Ryan?” Emma asks, pulling my eyes towards her.

  “Yes, ma’am. Home construction mostly.”

  “Funny you should say that. I’m thinking of doing a little remodeling at home.”

  “What are you talking about, Grandma? Dad hasn’t said anything about remodeling the house,” Payton questions.

  “Oh, your dad doesn’t tell you everything, girl. We were just talking the other day about making updates. He’s wanting to start on the second floor, the northwest bedroom.”

  “Hey! That’s my bedroom,” Jaime hollers, joining us at the front counter, flower in hand.

  “Yes, I suppose it is, sweetie, but you won’t be in that room for long. I’m talking your dad into knocking out the wall between your room and the twins’ bedroom beside it. If we knock out that wall, we can put in a playroom.” Emma gives me the sweetest smile known to man.

  “That’s so sweet of you guys to want to plan for your great grandkids, but none of us are pregnant, Grandma,” Payton says.

  “Oh, not that kinda playroom, Payters. I’m talking the dirty sex kinda playroom. Like the one in that movie with the Dom who uses those crazy toys on the virgin.”

  “Grandma!” Jaime gasps, her hands flying up to hide her eyes.

  “Are you talking about Fifty Shades? You’ve seen Fifty Shades of Grey?” Payton asks, but I’m pretty sure she doesn’t really want to know the answer.

  “Seen it? I own two copies! Your grandpa loves that scene where that cute little millionaire spanks her for the first time,” Emma adds with a hearty cat-that-ate-the-canary smile.

  “Oh God,” Jaime groans. “Wait, and why won’t I be in that room for very long?”

  “Because I’m working on marrying you off, girl. I have a whole slew of hot, strapping young men who are itchin’ to take my granddaughter out on a date!”

  Suddenly, I’ve gone from pleasantly entertained to an uncontrollable need to punch someone as the back of my neck burns with annoyance. If even one of those strapping young men so much as looks Jaime’s way, I’ll remove their balls with a wooden spoon.

  “Look, I’m not looking for a date or to get married,” Jaime states pointedly to the elderly woman next to me. “And you
,” she starts while turning her attention back to me. “I’m sure you have a friend to get to. Thank you for visiting us. I’m sure we’ll see you again very soon.”

  And with that, Jaime turns and walks into the back room, essentially cutting us all off and ending the conversation. I watch her go, surprised by how bothered I am that she seems upset. Upset at her grandma or me, I’m not sure, but the thought of her being annoyed or hurt does something to my insides, like someone’s twisting my intestines around a butter knife. Like cooked spaghetti noodles. Pleasant.

  “Wildflowers,” Emma whispers, pulling my attention from the woman in the other room.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Wildflowers. Her favorite flowers are wildflowers you pick along the sides of the road or in the tall grass near the Bay. She’s always been a fan of simple beauties over grand gestures.” Her green eyes twinkle with mischief, and maybe a little bit of love for her granddaughter.

  “Thank you,” I reply with a wink before grabbing my gardenia and heading out the front door.

  My mind is racing a million miles a minute as I walk swiftly towards my truck, but a game plan is formulating. I’m not sure how I’m going to convince Jaime to go out with me, but I’m determined to make it happen. And thanks to that gem of information that Grandma handed me on a silver platter before I left the flower shop, I have a bit more ammunition in my back pocket.

  Now, to sway her into saying yes.

  Chapter Five


  My first week at Blossoms and Blooms has finally ended. Honestly, I’m dead on my feet after working forty hours standing behind a counter. Even though I’m supposed to be considered part-time, Payton’s business is booming enough to warrant my attendance every day. All I can think about right now is a hot bubble bath and a glass of merlot. Of course, knowing that my grandpa will probably be standing outside the bathroom, banging on the door because his bladder is the size of a pea, does dampen my splendid fantasy. In fact, my post-workweek relaxation plans die a slow, painful death.


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