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Samurai Zombie Hunter

Page 10

by Cristian YoungMiller

“She does and she loves me anyway. Before her I didn’t know that there were people capable of such love. I mean, look how beautiful she is and look at me. When I’m gone she will do so much better than me. She’ll find someone who will be able to give her everything she wants in life. And whoever she finds to replace me won’t have to fight everyday from snatching someone from a dark alley and eating their brains.”

  Charles lowered his head unable to say anymore about the woman he loved. “Just a few minutes please. I’ll be right out.”

  Van nodded his head in agreement and watched through the glass as Charles approached his love. Charles rubbed his hand against the wall and a dim glow came from overhead. Chuck then slithered into bed and wrapped his arm around the angel whose hair splayed out over her pillow.

  “I love you,” Charles whispered into the woman’s ear.

  The woman who was gently awoken turned nose to nose with Charles. “I love you too,” she said.

  The woman opened her eyes. Sleepily, she examined her lover’s face. It was soft and gentle. She couldn’t help but kiss it. The kiss which started out lips on lips grew deeper in seconds. Trying to breathe him in, her soft pink lips opened calling his tongue to enter.

  Her mind became lost as his tongue entered and gently prodded her own. Coy for only a second her tongue responded by rubbing and stroking his. And when she felt other parts of her body grow and swell she tilted her head back and beckoned him in.

  Charles, sensing the end of all things, couldn’t resist her call. While she slowly rolled onto her back he continued to wiggle his tongue around in her mouth. And as they both exchanged everything inside of them he removed his shirt.

  Van watched, curious about what they would do. Charles had claimed to satisfy her completely and Van had never considered what that could mean, much less gotten the opportunity to see it. He watched as Charles, now shirtless, straddled his love. Breaking away from their kiss, Charles sat up.

  The woman, now underneath Chuck, pushed back the sheets to release her arms and bare breasts. Free, her hands went for his belt buckle and then his pants. She breathed in when Charles’ erect member was exposed. It was like she could already feel its fullness inside of her. It was Charles who removed his pants completely. And, once naked, it was her who removed the sheet that separated the two to reveal her separated legs with an engorged flower inside.

  Without self-consciousness, Charles took his woman. He slid his knees between her legs and pushed them up tilting her dripping parts closer to his cock. And with his tongue again in her mouth he thrust forward, feeling the slippery warmth of her insides.

  ‘So good,’ he thought. ‘I feel so warm in here.’

  Charles pulled himself almost all of the way out and then pushed himself in again.

  “Ahhh,” she whispered, not from pain but for a gentle pleasure that overtook her mind.

  Charles thrust again and again and each time he allowed himself to feel every moment of what he was doing. He felt the soft ridges brush by the head of his cock. He felt the gentle tightening of her hole as he was almost out. And he felt her muscles seductively release as he would next push it back in. There was nothing in Charles’ mind but his woman. And there was nothing in his woman’s mind but Charles. They were together in what they were doing. They were as one.

  Van examined this combined mass of bodies and saw something unique in it. What these two were doing was unfamiliar to him. The motions were all the same but there was a give and take that Van couldn’t identify with. The reason why Van’s sex sessions were… the way they were… was because he was having sex with the women. Often they just lay there and he filled their hole with his cock. And he knew that if he did it enough times he would get off.

  Van couldn’t even comprehend how this give and take had started. What had to initiate it was some moment when Charles looked down at the woman below him and waited for her to start. But Van could never do that because there was always a fear in him that the woman never would.

  What if she simply continued to lay there? The only alternative would then be for Van to ask for it, which would imply that he needed it from her. Van could never imagine himself needing such a small thing from anybody. Why would he want to expose a hole within him to the animal that lay beneath?

  Van had long learned that everyone, outside of himself, was an animal. They ripped at you. They tore from you. And like the parasites that they were, they tried their best to burrow into you so deep that they could bring you down in an instant.

  Van had decided years before that the harder his shell was, the harder it was for others to destroy him. And if he lay on top of some woman looking down at her, waiting for her to make a move, she would see his soft underbelly. And with his weakness exposed, it was only a matter of time before she got her hooks in and ripped his life apart. The only defense Van had against this terrorism was to act like he didn’t care. He had to protect himself from all of the dangers that women posed by having sex with them in a way that showed them that he didn’t care.

  ‘They are beasts,’ Van thought. ‘They are animals. And those that lay on top of each other with their holes exposed are no better than hogs playing in their own shit. Hogs were bred to be slaughtered and the weak are all destined for the same.’

  Van fought the thought. ‘No. Those hogs have something. Even with Charles’ infliction they seemed to have happiness that I don’t have. I feel so empty. Even with Kofi back I still feel so alone. I need more,’ Van screamed in his mind. ‘I don’t know what, but I need more!’

  Van closed his eyes no longer able to bare the pain that his realization caused. Successfully fighting back the thoughts he looked around again. The room looked different now. The soft glow of the overhead lights was now shining on him. ‘Has Charles betrayed my generosity?’ Van wondered. And when Van saw the bright red ooze on his hand and clothes he realized it was more than that.

  Van examined himself for the source of the blood. It wasn’t him but instead the woman that Charles had made love to minutes before. She was bleeding and Van was cradling her head.

  Van spun the woman’s head over in his hand. She was unconscious. Her face no longer expressed the longing he had seen moments before. It was now an expression frozen in pain. ‘I was trying to save her,’ Van decided. ‘But I had been too late.’ In Van’s humanity he had let the monster have one last chance to infect the woman and now her infected life was on his conscience.

  Van looked around for the zombie. He found Charles standing clean and naked at the foot of the bed. In shock, Charles stood with his hands over his mouth. And instead of looking at his victim with guilt as he should have, Charles, with wide eyes, was looking back at Van.

  “You fuckin’ animal,” Van growled.

  Van dropped the woman’s head and looked around for his sword. Van found it on the bed next to him. And already unsheathed Van took aim. Working up from his knees Van jumped across the bed. When his sword came down it was followed by one of Charles’ arms.

  Charles didn’t scream, instead he continued to stare at Van in shock.

  Charles’ neck was now clear, but Van wasn’t ready to bring an end to Charles’ miserable life. So, for what Van knew would be his most cruel act, he positioned in a way to make Charles suffer. Standing in front of Charles, Van swung his sword and removed his other arm. And when the armless zombie wobbled in front of him, Van next went after his leg.

  The femur is a much thicker bone, so when the Van’s sword cut through Charles’ meager meat it stopped halfway through the bone. The blow, however, did have the effect of knocking Charles to the ground. And, lying there, Charles found the courage to speak.

  “You’re a monster,” Charles said.

  ‘What a bitter irony,’ Van thought. ‘The creature who had infected his supposed love was calling me a monster. I can’t hear anymore of this,’ Van thought. So, standing above Charles, Van pulled back his sword one more time and let Chuck’s head roll. He would never eat anyone again
. The job was complete.

  Van looked around at the mess that he had created. If he hadn’t let Charles see his woman one last time, she would still be healthy. Instead the woman lay in bed bleeding from her head and he stood covered in her blood.

  Van worked his way around to get a better look at the unconscious angel. ‘It is such an incredible shame,’ he thought. ‘She doesn’t deserve the disease that has been forced on her. Would it be mercy if I ended her life now?’

  Van stared down at the woman, at her perfect, naked body. She was a bronze angel. And as much as he wished he could, he couldn’t bring himself to end the life of someone so beautiful. During the love-making he had seen her share with Charles there was a soul in her that, although now fouled, was still delicate enough to be worth saving. Besides, Van didn’t think of himself as a judge. He was the person brought in when justice had to be done. The woman with the upturned breasts deserved more justice than he could give her – she certainly didn’t deserve death.

  He left the bedroom and jogged down the stairs. Once in the family room, he made his way to the deck and then the wall. Following his sword over the wall he got into Kofi’s car and took off his shirt. Wiping his hands with it, he tossed it to the floor and calmly drove back to Silverlake.

  After a shower that washed away his bloody evening, Van sat in a towel in front of his computer. In the browser he typed ‘sexual techniques’ and a number of sites came up. Scrolling through them, Van found a video called ‘How to have Multiple Orgasms.’ The name intrigued him. He clicked play. What followed surprised him.


  Chapter 7

  How to Have Multiple Orgasms

  “Hello, my name is Cristian and this is my vlog, How to Have a Multiple Orgasm. This is for men and women because it turns out that the female body is not that dissimilar to the male body when it comes to orgasm. Yes, I know, men have orgasms easier than women. But women have similar orgasms to men. Women, like men, can have titanic orgasms and they can have smaller orgasms. And when a woman has a titanic orgasm, she responds the same way that men do when they have large orgasms: she rolls over and falls asleep.

  But it is during smaller orgasms when women can experience multiples. And by the way, guys, don’t worry about your girl having multiple orgasms - worry about her having one. For more information on helping your girl have an orgasm, you can check out one of my other videos at It is the video called How to Find the G-Spot and Female Orgasm. Watch that. Worry about one. Don’t worry about multiple.

  However, women, I’m going to describe how to have a female orgasm by using the male model. Men don’t usually know that they can have multiple orgasms. And with the male body, it is easier to describe.

  So, I first stumbled across the multiple orgasm the way most men discover it. I was having a good time having sex, and five or six minutes into intercourse, my partners was nowhere close to coming and I was about to blow. Because I noticed it a little too late, I started clenching, trying to hold back the orgasm. But it didn’t work. I orgasmed. I felt it was a full orgasm with the involuntary twitches and I thought ‘Oh, man this sucks.’ But I continued going, thinking that maybe I could get a few seconds more. But I kept on having sex and having sex and did not lose my erection.

  We then switched positions and, wearing a condom, I pulled out and noticed that I hadn’t actually ejaculated. After the first orgasm, I was able to go for another full session of five to seven minutes and was able to orgasm closer to when she did.

  This has happened a couple of times! I didn’t try to have a multiple orgasm either time - it just kind of happened. And after I realized ‘Oh wait, I didn’t ejaculate,’ I had another orgasm.

  So here is how it works: both men and women have something called a pelvic floor muscle. This is the muscle that prevents you from orgasming. And by building up the strength in your pelvic floor muscle, men can hold back their ejaculate from shooting out. And women can hold off the orgasm experience.

  Women, if you build up the pelvic floor muscles, you will be able to have those titanic orgasms after which all you can do is roll over and go to sleep. Or since women have ejaculate, some a little and others a lot, holding off will allow a woman to have one orgasm and then another. It’s the same thing for men. With a strong pelvic floor muscle both sexes should be able to hold back their cum and have one orgasm after another.

  How do you build up your pelvic floor muscles? I talk about this in another video I have called How to Last Longer in Bed. Essentially, there are Kegel exercises, and for both men and women it is the same. When you’re peeing, once you get a full flow going, you try and stop the flow. And once you get it to stop without dripping, you hold onto it for five seconds and let it flow again. Let it get to full force and then you hold on again for another five seconds. Do this 7 times every time you pee and you will build up your pelvic floor muscles.

  When you do this, you will be able to hold back your orgasms and have the titanic orgasms when you do. And you will be able to hold back your cum and have multiple orgasms when you want. Again, this goes for both men and women.

  You can do the same exercise when you’re not peeing. Simply clench your peeing muscle for five seconds for a series of 10 times. Women can enhance this exercise by inserting things into their vaginas to get more resistance: foam, exercisers and what not. But doing these two exercises are the ways to build up your pelvic floor muscles so that you too can have multiple orgasms.”

  Van watched the video end. He wasn’t sure what to think - sex for him was never so complex. In his world there was no need for technique; it wasn’t about extending the experience or enhancing it. Sex for Van was about pushing his dick into a woman and then pulling it out. Watching this very enthusiastic video host proclaim that multiple orgasms were possible in both men and women, Van wondered if he could have more.

  The situation with Charles was unfortunate. But before he presumably lost his mind and killed his girl, he had seemed very happy. Van had always been happy after sex but in a different way. Charles seemed satisfied. Van would describe his own feeling after sex as completion.

  If he was indeed bad at sex like all of his past conquests had suggested, and if the video host believed that there were things people could do to improve your technique, maybe he could get better at sex. But Van’s instinct told him that there was more to Charles’ seeming happiness than technique. An improvement in technique would probably help, but Van’s instinct told him that there was also something deeper.

  Wanting to bring an end to this disturbing night, Van changed into a pair of shorts and went to bed. The lapse in judgment he had tonight could have turned much worse very quickly. He was simply grateful that it hadn’t.

  The next morning, Kofi arrived to collect his car. As Van imagined he might, Kofi came bearing a new job that had to be completed by the end of the day. When Kofi asked how the Charles job went, Van didn’t offer any details. During the night Van had decided that that job would remain a part of his personal shame.

  The following week proceeded without incident. Van hunted another 20 zombies and then, as the week before, he and Kofi spent Saturday night at a club. Knowing that the picture in the bathroom stall would continue to cockblock him, Van took them to a new club.

  Their new spot was Sessex, a blatantly trendy club off of Hollywood Boulevard. When Van and Kofi arrived, there was already a line out front. But for an unknown reason, the bouncer immediately let them in with a half hug and a fist bump.

  Inside, the response was even more unusual. Even though both Van and Kofi did their best to avoid cameras, everyone in the club seemed to recognize them. Guys wearing expensive suits offered them fist bumps as they walked by, and Van couldn’t help but notice the unusual amount of breasts that rubbed against him as they pushed through the crowd. Without seeking it, they had stumbled into full celebrity status – and they both liked it.

  The night was going perfectly until Van looked across the room
and saw Britta. Britta was a memorable girl who Van had banged a year earlier and slipped out on an hour later. He remembered it as being a wild night worth having, but nothing he’d ever want to do again. Britta wasn’t one of the girls he had called. He wasn’t sure why she hadn’t made it to the list but it definitely was conscious choice to keep her off.

  With the room full of beautiful women, Van couldn’t help but stare at Britta. When Britta scanned the room, she spotted Van and stared back. There was something about the way she looked at him that made Van anxious, but even so, he was pulled to her. However, had he remembered their night together he would definitely have walked away.

  “Did I fuck you?” Van asked, feeling almost drunk with panic.

  “Yeah you did,” Britta replied, not backing down for an instant.

  ‘Fuck,’ Van thought as a hint of that unspeakable night came rushing back to him. ‘Fuck!’ he thought again as his new disorientation caused him to reach for a chair. “Fuck,” Van finally said aloud.

  “Yeah, fuck!” Britta repeated.


  Chapter 8

  The Reckoning

  Britta sat at the end of a booth with three of her girlfriends surrounding the table. The heaviest of the women leaned across the table and addressed her.

  “Is this creep bothering you?” she asked, giving the wobbly Van the stink eye.

  “I haven’t decided yet,” Britta replied.

  “Can I talk to you alone?” Van asked, trying to pull himself together.

  “Stay here,” the heavyset girl interjected.

  “That’s ok. He can’t do anything to me.” Britta gave Van another look. She liked Van weak. It gave her satisfaction. “I’m goin’ for a smoke. If you want, I’ll be outside,” Britta said to Van.


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