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Cade (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 2)

Page 7

by Selina Coffey

  “Good morning, Cade,” she whispered, not wanting to break the spell he was casting.

  “Good morning, princess.” He growled the words just below her ear, his breathing as erratic as hers as she stroked him in her hand. He pushed himself into her hand, and she squeezed him tighter.

  “I love feeling you sliding in my hand like that. You’re so—oh!” She had to stop speaking, his finger was pressing harder into her clit, circling the nub faster.

  “You were saying?” He prodded her to continue, his voice held expectation of an answer.

  “I…oh Cade.” She couldn’t think, not with him talking to her, filling her hand, and touching her so intimately. “I… oh fuck.”

  She’d never said that word before but it seemed appropriate now, in his arms.

  “Oh yes, I intend to fuck you, princess, but not before you come in my arms again. I love watching your face as your pussy sucks at my cock, pulling me deeper into your wet depths.”

  Jacqui shuddered once again, her body tightening in expectation, her breath stilled in her chest in anticipation as he continued to speak.

  “I’m going to watch you come and then I’m going to fill you with what you’ve got in your hand. And I’m going to make you mine again as I fill you with every inch of my cock.” His words were low, hot, and shivered over her pebbled skin.

  “Cade…” She gasped his name before she flew apart, her body and mind racing into a dark world where nothing mattered but the exquisite sensations flowing from his finger and into her.

  Jacqui didn’t have that weird moment she’d experienced last night and didn’t care, she was too busy enjoying her husband fingering her into a quivery mass of nerve endings.

  “That’s it, baby, let it go. Let the whole world disappear because in just a few moments I’m going to slam into you and make me your world.” His words were rough but made her shudder even harder, her body responding to his words of possession as though she’d been born to serve him.

  She’d never wanted a life like that; devoted to a man, to love, a slave to her emotions. She’d only wanted peace and tranquility but Cade offered more than love, he offered a drug she could not resist. His sex.

  And true to his word, Cade lifted her leg just as she was coming back down to earth and slid into her from behind as he held her leg up. She jerked with awareness, the sensation of him sliding into her different this way. It felt more intimate than before, somehow. It felt like he was entering all of her, and she couldn’t stop the shiver that passed through her.

  She pushed her sex into him as she bent forward. His hand went to her waist, holding her still as he fucked her, letting her feel his length piercing into her and opening her with slow but steady friction. She savored the sensation of being split open before he started to slide out of her, the head of his cock now pulling her walls apart.

  Cade took his time, she noted, letting her need build up once more as she tried not to move, wanting to let him do as he pleased. Jacqui opened her eyes, seeing their reflection in the mirror beside the bed. The sky was light enough to make out his eyes now, but most of the room was still in shadow. Her eyes met his and she saw a flash of orange in the dark depths for a moment. She couldn’t look away and saw that her own gray eyes seemed to be sparkling with a shine she’d never really noticed before. Was this the haze she’d remembered seeing in her mother’s eyes when the other woman had been stoned?

  No, this was a deeper shine, a sparkling twinkle she’d never seen in anybody’s eyes before. A deeper, harder thrust by Cade refocused her attention and she moaned her pleasure.

  “Open your eyes, princess, look at us.”

  She did as he said, seeing herself spread open as he pulled her torso back up to his. She could see his length sliding into her and her lips parted in awe. Oh, that was gorgeous, watching him slide in and out of her, the wetness on his cock coming from her pulsing body. It was beautiful.

  “You see me fucking you, filling you? You’re mine.” The low words were accompanied with a nip of her neck, his dark eyes boring into hers as he did so.

  “Yes, Cade.” He was an alpha male after all.

  “Say it.” He growled the words, demanding she obey.

  “I’m yours, Cade, only yours.” She gave into him, her will, her independence, her everything now attuned only to him and to his needs. He needed her to be his and so she was.

  His hips started a tighter pace then, faster, not as deep, as he sought his own release inside of her, his movements only for his pleasure. But Jacqui felt her own pleasure building. She watched him behind her, pressed up onto his elbow, and let her hands slide to her own body.

  One hand went to her left nipple, cupping her breast as her fingers clasped around the dark bud. The other went down to her clit and she exploded just as the first jet of Cade’s release pulsed into her. Her fingers tightened on both buds, and she called out his name as she found her own release once more, coming with him as he groaned in satisfaction.

  With a final grunt, Cade released her and went to his back. Jacqui stayed where he’d left her, shocked at her emotions, at the swelling of emotions in her chest. This wasn’t supposed to be happening, not at all. He didn’t reach out for her and soon he was snoring once more. Jacqui eased herself from the bed, knowing she wouldn’t get back to sleep now, not with this new worry in her mind and heart.

  As she’d come back to reality she’d realized that she was becoming overly fascinated with the man, that she might even feel some kind of love for him. But she barely knew him! She rarely even saw him, what was this incredible pull then? Was it love, this animal magnetism? She had to get out of the room, away from him, so she could think.

  She went into the bathroom, her own private room, and started the water running into the porcelain tub. An old fashioned claw-footed tub, the thing was huge with a slanted back that allowed her to rest in a rather heavenly way. Jacqui loved the tub with the brass fittings. It suited the large white room filled with blood red towels, the only color in the room besides the brass fittings. A large round window with frosted glass allowed the sunlight to shine in, filling the room with warmth as the hot water filled the room with a haze.

  Jacqui slid into the water, her tender body relaxing in a pleasurable way as she slid beneath the depths. Sighing loudly, she sank down to her chin and let her head fall back on the pillow she’d found wrapped in plastic when she’d first come to the house.

  Jacqui knew she was trying to avoid her worries over Cade, her brain almost erratic as she tried to avoid overthinking recent events. She knew she had to think about it all though and as she floated in the water, her pale body absorbing all of the heat it could, she wondered if she was in trouble here. She was meant to offer Cade comfort, but as the cold automaton he’d ordered as his bride, not this whimpering mess of “fuck me”.

  Jacqui couldn’t decide if she was more put out with her willingness to give up her self-control to the man or with her need for him. She’d come into this with an idea, a plan. It had all gone out of the window the moment he’d touched her. What were things going to be like now? Was she going to have to act like a real wife? Could she allow people to see her so very sappy in public the way Kane and Damesha were?

  She felt a shudder chase down her spine and shook her head no.

  “That will not happen.” She had too much reserve to ever allow that. Surely?

  Jacqui tried to remember exactly how all of this had happened. They’d gone to New Orleans and all was well, she thought. There’d been a bit of a slip just after the wedding when she’d been thrown against her handsome husband in the car, but the moment had passed. Then she’d found that ring and had to buy it for him. She couldn’t explain why she’d had to buy the ring at the time but she realized now that the orange of the amber matched the flashing in his eyes when he was aroused.

  How had she gone from calm, cool and collected, to this? Jacqui let the hot water wash away her thoughts for a moment. Resting under the water, she
expelled the air from her lungs and enjoyed the absolute silence for a moment. Sliding back up to breathe, she started her bathing routine and got out of the tub.

  The thought of Cade still in her bed, warm and soft in sleep, made her want to crawl back into bed with him but she made herself dry her hair and wrap up in a towel first. Patience, you must be patient, she kept repeating to herself, in the hopes of not making a fool of herself. She opened the door of the bathroom and stepped into her room, his name dying on her lips before she spoke it.

  Cade wasn’t in her room. Her bed was empty. He hadn’t even said goodbye! He’d just left.

  Frowning at the door, Jacqui felt a sting begin in her chest. Was this how it was going to be? Late night passion, all day cold fronts? Maybe it was for the best. With her lips pressed together and her left eyebrow raised, Jacqui decided to finish her toilette, then go find some breakfast. Her pale eyebrow was almost translucent before she put her makeup on but it still managed to give off an air of irritation.

  Things weren’t going as she’d planned but in the burning light of day she knew there wasn’t much she could do. She’d agreed to be his wife in name only but now, well now it was anybody’s guess. Perhaps he’d never mention it again, maybe it was a momentary lapse. But she could still hear him growling the word “mine” into her ear as he came inside of her and she couldn’t stop the shivering. Or the hope that she’d hear that word in just the same way again.

  Hours later, Jacqui stared out her bedroom window and realized she felt like a bird in a cage. Looking out at the life going on around her she wondered if she could really keep this up. Damesha and Kane were taking Elspeth out to some swimming hole thing and Jacqui hadn’t made friends with anyone else yet. She was on her own and all she could fill her time with was watching the workers keep the grass mowed and the hedges trimmed.

  She realized she felt like a fairytale princess locked away in a castle. Her clear eyes watched the people talking amongst themselves, the arrival of cars another curiosity. They didn’t look happy to be there but their faces changed when the doors opened to the house. Perhaps Cade should know about that. She hadn’t heard a peep from him the entire day, not a single word. She didn’t even know for sure that he was in the house.

  She was warring with herself, trying to make a decision about telling Cade about what she’d seen when her phone started to buzz. She ran to it, happy for the distraction, and smiled when she saw it was Evelyn.

  “I don’t know why you’re calling but I’m so happy to see your name, Evelyn! How are you?” Jacqui knew she sounded as though she’d been running a marathon but couldn’t help it, she was so happy to talk to her mentor.

  “I’m at the airport honey, I just wanted to know if I could meet you this evening? We have some things to discuss.” Evelyn didn’t sound like her normal self, she sounded almost motherly and intense. At least that’s the impression Jacqui got.

  “Of course, where are you staying? Come to the house, we have plenty of room.” Jacqui would have insisted but Evelyn declined.

  “It might be hard for you all to explain who I am and I’m sure your new husband doesn’t want his family to find out what line of business I’m in. No, I’ll stay in the roach hotel the town has listed. It won’t be the first time I’ve had to stay somewhere like that. Shall we meet there at seven?” Evelyn didn’t sound as though she expected Jacqui to decline so Jacqui didn’t disappoint her.

  “I’ll be there then. I’m so glad you’re here!” Jacqui knew she was probably worrying Evelyn with her ebullient happiness at hearing her voice but couldn’t help it. She was changing and this was one of the signs of that change. It remained to be seen whether that change was for the better or worse.

  Jacqui went to her closet, she had a couple of hours to get ready but she couldn’t sit still. She drew out a pair of jeans but put them back for a pair of slacks. She could get away with slacks and a blouse, even if the town was tiny with few women dressing in anything more formal than their “fancy” jeans. With fresh makeup and her hair smoothed back into place, Jacqui went downstairs to find out about going into town. Usually, someone drove her but she had no idea when she’d be back so she wanted a car she could drive.

  She went to Cade’s office and knocked, unsure if he was even in the room or not.

  “Come in.” Well, that answered that. She gave a nod of her head and opened the door.

  “Ah, Jacqui. What do you need?” Cade didn’t even look up from his keyboard as he typed. How did he know it was her?

  “Oh. Uh, a friend from Florida has come in for a visit. I’m going to meet her in town. I need a car.”

  “I’ll have Kane drive you.” Again he didn’t look up. That was making her nervous.

  “No, that’s not necessary. Really. I could be a while, she’s like my surrogate mother, my mentor. I could be gone a while.” Her voice shook slightly at the end and she cleared her throat.

  “I see, Evelyn’s in town. If you don’t want to bring her here that’s fine but I’d prefer someone drive you into town. I’ll call Kane now.” He picked up the phone and Jacqui might as well have disappeared. She backed out of the room, shock coursing through her.

  She went out to the front steps, waiting for her brother-in-law. She was warring with herself again, was she angry or hurt. Perhaps both in equal measures. She was angry that he’d just dismissed her without even looking up at her and hurt for the same reason.

  Jacqui had tried not to hope for a warmer reception from Cade, but she had and now she knew; her walls had to go back up. She doubted there’d be a repeat of last night’s performance and dashed away her plans for new lingerie. She put away her burgeoning hopes for a family and a normal life. Cade wasn’t that kind of man and she certainly wasn’t the woman for that life either.

  Kane pulled up and Jacqui slid into the town car with surprise. Elspeth and Damesha were in the back seat.

  “We thought we’d go out and have a bite to eat while you’re out, see what’s happening in town.” Damesha spoke but it was the look Kane sent his wife in the rearview mirror that let Jacqui know Cade had asked them to stay near her. But why? He acted like the family was constantly under threat but he’d never explained why.

  Jacqui wanted to ask Kane what was going on but knew she’d get the same kind of brush-off answer Cade would give her. This family had secrets and she wasn’t part of it enough to be let in on them yet. Feeling fear tighten her stomach for a moment Jacqui knew she’d have to change that somehow.

  Damesha filled the drive-time with tales of Elspeth’s doings that day and Jacqui let her friend distract her, asking the appropriate questions and making the right sounds. She really did adore the baby and Damesha so it wasn’t a chore to listen to her, but Jacqui had a lot on her mind.

  Namely Cade.

  Kane soon pulled up to the tiny hotel Evelyn was staying at and waved her off as they headed to a restaurant across the street. She and Evelyn weren’t going to have much privacy if they went there to eat. Which made her realize Cade probably arranged that as well. She hadn’t even thought about it but now she knew the only reason Cade hadn’t forbid her going out completely was because Kane and Damesha would be close by. With a roll of her eyes and a sigh, Jacqui went to Evelyn’s door and knocked.

  “Hi there, honey.” Evelyn’s soft southern twang soothed Jacqui’s nerves and she smiled at her mentor.

  “I am so glad to see you.” Uncharacteristically, Jacqui took the woman into her arms and held her close rather than giving the usual stiff-armed clench with air kisses.

  Evelyn searched Jacqui’s face as she stepped away, letting the door close behind her. Jacqui tried to look away but Evelyn held her still.

  “Not going as planned, huh? I thought it might not be.” Evelyn went into the tiny kitchenette the hotel had installed in the room and began unpacking bags of what looked like Chinese food. Adding it to pots and pans, Evelyn soon had it all reheating.

  “You brought my favorite with y
ou? You’re kidding me! Can you read my mind or something?” Jacqui kicked her heels off and found tableware, setting the small table in the room. “That’s a great idea, my in-laws are at the place next door.”

  Setting the food down on the table, Evelyn sat opposite the younger woman and offered her the spoons. Jacqui filled her plate with her favorites: Szechuan chicken, an egg roll and fried rice. Evelyn handed over an unopened bottle of soy sauce and Jacqui indulged herself in the one food she could not resist. They ate in silence for a few moments but as the initial wave of excitement wore off Jacqui looked up at Evelyn.

  “Why are you here?” She knew she had to be the reason but wasn’t sure why.

  “Things have changed for you, Jacqui. Some very profound things. I thought I’d check in on you.” Evelyn’s eyes probed Jacqui’s but the gray eyes of the young woman were resistant to her probing as usual. Jacqui had always been an impenetrable fortress.

  “They have, yes. Some of it is confusing but I don’t think there’s anything you can do about it.” Jacqui sighed but then smiled as she realized that somehow Evelyn had snuck her favorite butter pecan cheesecake on the table as well. “How did you do that? I swear stuff just keeps appearing. People have some serious sneaking skills.”

  “That’s one of the things that I came to talk to you about but I’m not sure you’re exactly ready to hear it all.” Evelyn pushed her plate to the other side of the table and started cutting the cheesecake, putting two slices on smaller plates. She wouldn’t look Jacqui in the eye this time.

  Jacqui paused as she raised her fork to her mouth, the last bite of her rice on her fork. “What?”


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