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For Both Are Infinite (Hearts in London Book 1)

Page 16

by Stephanie Alba

  A subtle smile crossed my lips. “It really was.”


  Rhys dropped me off and kissed me again at my doorstep. It was shorter, but still soft and sweet like his others and I grew addicted to the taste of his mouth after only one night. It wasn’t so bad kissing someone else, it was wonderful actually; my heart raced to do it again. Before he left he asked if he could take me on a proper date the following night, somewhere fancy. I insisted he didn’t have to, but he kissed me and told me against my lips that it was absolutely necessary. Naturally, I agreed after being drugged by his mouth. The following morning I awoke to a text from him.

  Rhys: Good Morning :) I’d really like for you to listen to this song, Magic by Coldplay. It’s a must after last night and perfectly describes how I’m feeling about you.

  I downloaded it, and dressed up for dinner as Chris Martin’s voice sang “And I don’t, no it’s true, want anybody else but you, call it magic.” I added it to my phone permanently, aware that this was Rhys’ version of a love letter to me. He considered music to be poetry and I couldn’t wait to get more.

  Since Rhys had told me we’d be going somewhere fancy, I dressed accordingly in black skinny pants and a pink blush top. It didn’t show off any cleavage, but was still suggestive and tight, and I was pretty pleased with the end result. I had a feeling he would be too. I chose high heels that would still leave me shorter than his 6’4 frame, and wore my hair in a high ponytail. He had warned me not to wear my hair down, claiming it his new weakness, explaining he couldn’t control his actions when I looked like that. At first his words unsettled me, but then I began to admire the unconfined version of him, the maleness and his attraction to me. It made me feel desirable and after years of shutting out even glances from others, I loved the way he looked at me.

  I wasn’t sure how I felt about PDA with him, it had never been my thing, but I was craving his lips on mine again, still in a daze from his physical affections. I imagined they would be wonderful, but I had no idea the power he’d hold over me when his lips actually touched mine. It was like floating weightlessly, and the only things that kept me grounded were his hands on my face and our joined mouths.

  Our dinner reservation was for 5:30 p.m., a last minute addition he was able to call in so he picked me up just before 5:00p.m. I peeked at him through the door and he looked so sharp. I’d yet to see him dressed up like that, but he wore black pants and an extremely fitted black shirt with a gray twill blazer. He looked like the perfect combination of classy and sinful. I felt guilty spying on his body, but there was no way to avoid noticing that he looked like sex on a stick. I wasn’t that sorry for it either.

  When he saw me his jaw dropped a little, as he tried hiding his reaction, but failed when his eyes bathed me in admiration. They caught my gaze and slowly trailed all the way down my body before he brought them back up to my face. There were flowers in his hand that he’d lowered in surprise, leaving them hanging dejectedly to the ground. I started worrying that it was too much, that my outfit wasn’t appropriate, especially as he hadn’t said one word since I had opened the door.


  He shook his head and came back to reality, finally making eye contact with me. “I’m sorry, that was rude of me.”


  “Staring at you like that.” He stepped forward and put his hand around my waist. “You look flawless, and I swear I’m not trying to be crude, but you’re incredibly sexy. I know your hair’s up, but that outfit may complicate things.”

  He was incredibly animated and flushed as he spoke close to my face, and then he leaned forward and pressed one passionate kiss on my mouth. It was quick, but seductive as he opened his mouth and tasted my lips. “If I kiss you more than that,” he said, lifting his hands, “I don’t think we’ll make our reservation.”

  “Rhys!” I squealed, secretly loving it. “Do you want me to change?”

  “No way! I love that you’ll be by my side looking like this. You look stunning.”

  “So do you. I stared at you through the peephole for a while.” I wasn’t sure why I offered this, maybe so he wouldn’t feel so bad, but I instantly regretted it.

  He stepped back and tilted his head, astounded to hear my admission. “Really now?” I nodded, red as a tomato and he continued laughing. “Well now I don’t feel so bad. Come, I’m excited for you to see where I’m taking you.”


  When we arrived at the restaurant, Rhys came around and opened the door for me, leading me into the venue. It took my eyes a moment to adjust to the darkness, but when they did I saw just how beautiful the dimly lit room was. The walls were covered in dark espresso wood and painted in a warm orange color. The space was barely lit by synthetic lights and instead each table was covered in candles, their flames bouncing off the walls along with the ones from the gorgeous fireplace. I noticed the tables were empty and I figured we were having dinner early to avoid the crowds and gain privacy.

  Our host ushered us to the back room, a private dining area with a ceiling that caused my jaw to drop; above all the tables were vines and leaves that were covered in white roses. It was something out of a movie or fairy tale, and I couldn’t believe he’d brought me there for a first date. Once the waiter explained the specials and the menu, we were finally left alone.

  “Rhys, this is amazing. I feel like I’m sitting in a dream.”

  He placed his hand face-up on the table and I grabbed it. Rubbing my hand with his thumb, he said, “I’m thrilled you love it. I thought you would.”

  We placed our orders, and after the waiter served us wine, Rhys made a toast. “I want you to know I’m elated to be here with you. I know this is quite new, Ellie, but I’m exceptionally happy.”

  I held my glass to his. “Me too.”

  He told me about his day, how his mother came over for lunch and told me a little about her. She lived in London, but spent part of the year at her Scotland cottage. Fortunately, she’d made Rhys ecstatic when she promised to attend his Friday show and I got the sense that they were close. He mentioned that she heavily influenced his career choice and supported him more than anyone, and I wondered when I’d get to meet the woman that molded him. I wondered if she would like me. Then, out of nowhere, he changed the subject to my schedule.

  “So, I know we talked about your schedule last night, but I wanted to discuss something with you.” I nodded as I sipped some wine. “I don’t get much time off from the show, but we hired an understudy and I’ll get 10 days in October while they earn experience. I also get a few night shows off throughout the season, but I have to request them ahead of time with Michael. So I was thinking of asking for some Thursday nights off, maybe a Saturday or two, so we could spend them together.”

  “Okay,” I beamed. “That sounds nice. That’s great you get a break in October.”

  “Yes, that’s what I wanted to discuss with you.” He nervously took a sip of his wine. “I had an idea, but you need to be open-minded, okay? Let me finish before you freak out.”

  “All right,” I nodded nervously.

  A hesitant smile crept over his mouth and his jaw protruded slightly as he laughed with humility.

  “So…I wanted to see if you’d let me take you to Paris. I would love to take you. I wanted to before and you can stay at my place. I obviously don’t expect us to stay in the same room; I have three so you’d have your own room and bathroom. I’m aware you were planning your trip, so I thought we could go together.”

  He was so nervous, the entire time his eyes flitted around the room and he couldn’t keep eye contact. He spoke quick, flustered words as he tried to convince me to say yes. I’m sure my expression didn’t help; I’d been staring at him in disbelief since his first sentence. And then my response was not what he expected. “Rhys, are you sure you want to plan that far in advance with me?”

  He shrugged, “Yes, of course. Why wouldn’t I?”

  “It’s 6 weeks from now�

  “Well, are you planning to break things off before then?” He seemed hurt, surprised even.

  “No, not at all.” I reached for his hand and he offered it to me, but he still seemed offended. “It’s just, most guys don’t commit that far in advance, or this early on.”

  He hummed and squeezed my fingertips. With a vague smile, Rhys looked down at his lap for a moment. “Ellie,” he looked at me. “I’m not most guys, I adore you. I’m not afraid to say that I want this relationship to have a future.”

  Right there, Rhys tore a little hole into my heart and buried himself so deeply that there was no way I’d ever get rid of him. Not even if I wanted to, not even if he hurt me. I stared back at the way the candlelight glimmered on his pale skin and light eyes, eyes that were filled with warmth, for me. I didn’t hesitate after that. “I’d love to go to Paris with you.”

  “Perfect. I’m relieved,” he smiled and clenched his jaw. “I’ve already started planning a bit. You may have to miss two days of work, perhaps put it in your schedule now? Look through your book and tell me what you must visit, and I’ll plan everything.”


  As I fell asleep later, my jaw was killing me from smiling all night and I realized how out of practice it had been.


  I spent the next few days accomplishing errands and catching up with people other than Rhys. Tuesday morning I called my mother because she’d been harassing me about the play since Friday night. Of course she had no clue I was busy with Rhys and dealing with a new relationship, so I got it over with and told her everything. She laughed and made little sounds reacting to my stories about our fight, about dinner the night before, and how sweet he’d been. She told me to enjoy myself, that I deserved it.

  Besides speaking with my mother, I found myself with too much time on my hands. I enjoyed being off, but when I was isolating myself it was my main distraction from my life’s problems. Somewhere along the way, Rhys had taken over as my primary distraction and while I welcomed it gladly, I also knew I needed balance, especially as a safety measure for my heart. Things weren’t guaranteed, both in my life and with Rhys; allowing him to be the only good thing in my life wasn’t healthy, no matter how exciting.

  Despite having a few more days off, I went into work on Thursday to clean my office and prepare for the new semester. Campus was especially quiet without students; void of music and college organizations overpowering the courtyards, and the London sky only added to the dreary scenery. One giant cloud covered the heavens, preventing any inch of blue from escaping through the gray cotton-like clouds piled upon one another. The temperature was changing too, and leaves were beginning to wither off the trees that first week of September. I’d always thought London was most beautiful when framed in dried-out, bare branches, and I couldn’t wait to walk in the park hand in hand with Rhys.

  The English department was equally vacant, having only two other offices lit with fellow professors getting a head start. I had been printing my syllabuses for copies when John walked by and stopped, surprised to see me.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked.

  “Wanted to get my copies done,” I said, holding up my papers.

  “Ah, good thinking. I’m doing the same later.”

  John stared at me with a speculative look in his eye. He tilted his head, pausing for a moment. “Something’s different about you… since dinner at his house.”

  I shrugged, “What do you mean?”

  “You look,” he paused hesitantly. “Don’t be offended, but more alive.”

  “Hmm…” I looked down at my monitor trying to remain contained, but it was unsuccessful.

  “Ah, he asked you out didn’t he?” John laughed.

  My eyes opened wide and shot up at him. At first I didn’t say anything as shock crossed my face, and then I decided playing dumb was my best choice. “Huh?”

  “Don’t huh me, Ellie. You know exactly what I’m talking about.” He walked in and shut the door behind him, yet still whispered when he said, “Rhys asked you out.”

  John knew me better than I gave him credit for. “How do you know that?” I asked, panic rushing over my body. Were we already all over tabloids? Or worse, were people at the office talking about me?

  He noted the fear in my eyes and sat down at my desk, leaning in. “Relax. A few days after that first meeting, he asked if you were available. I said you weren’t attached, or available, and he asked what I meant. I explained it wasn’t my place to say, but I could tell he fancied you since day one. I’m more surprised you said yes.”

  “What? When exactly did he ask you?”

  “About a week after meeting you. He said you were unlike anyone he’d encountered, that you were obviously gorgeous, but it was more than that… he felt connected to you.” John opened his eyes wide and rolled them. “At first I found it ridiculous and cliché, but then I saw how he looked at you during dinner… he genuinely cares for you, it wasn’t a game. You’re together I take it?”

  I didn’t hear John’s last question, too distracted by the fact that Rhys asked about me that early on. That’s how badly he wanted to be with me, and of course he’d asked the closest thing I had to a father in London. John asked me again, “Ellie?”

  I told him everything, and explained that I was happy again. He smiled genuinely through my story, but when I finished he didn’t say a word. “What are you thinking?” I asked.

  “Nothing. I’m overjoyed for you. A bit jealous it wasn’t my nephew, but the heart is the one that decides, eh?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, mine did even though I tried preventing it, actually.”

  “Well, if the way you look is a result of him making you happy, he’d better keep it up.”


  On my way home Rhys texted me, and after only hearing from him in between rehearsals and shows, it made my heart fly.

  Rhys: Are you free Sunday night?

  Me: No, I obviously have plans with you.

  Rhys: Perfect answer. I have a surprise.

  Me: Hints?

  Rhys: No, but you’re going to like it. I’m sure of it.

  It had been a week since our last date, so Sunday I awoke thrilled to see him. We played phone tag the day before, and I missed him. Stupidly I thought I wouldn’t since we were in the same city, but if anything I missed him more than when I’d been home. Something about knowing he was now mine made me want him around even more. I didn’t have to limit my gazing, I could touch him if I was brave enough; I could even kiss him. With no idea of where we were going, and the only directions being to dress warm and be ready by 6:00p.m., I texted him in hopes of more information.

  Me: 2 questions… 1, should I eat beforehand? 2, can I bring treats for us?

  Rhys: 1, I’ll have dinner for us after at my house. 2, treats…besides yourself?

  Me: Yes, besides me, charmer. I was thinking of baking.

  Rhys: That would be wonderful. FYI, I love chocolate.

  Me: Duly noted. Have a good show.

  After finding the perfect chocolate cookie recipe, I went to Tesco express and got the ingredients I needed. Baking used to be my favorite way of spoiling Aaron. He loved my treats and always claimed I was trying to keep other women from stealing him away. Truthfully, I just enjoyed making him feel special. He had done it for me every day, and that was my way of doing the same. I hoped Rhys wouldn’t find my gesture juvenile, but I highly doubted he would. Sometimes I felt that our relationship left me inexperienced, especially with Rhys’ fame and the fact that he was thirty-one and I was only twenty-seven. It wasn’t a huge gap, but our experience in love wasn’t comparable since I’d only been with Aaron. I didn’t know much about Rhys’ past relationships, and I wasn’t sure where that left me in the rankings either. Hopefully he didn’t see right through that.

  Going on the instructions to dress warm, I chose a beaded white tank, a thick knitted cardigan, and my skinny jeans. Assuming we’d be outside, I wore
flats in case we needed to walk too. While packing the cookies, Rhys knocked on my door and the butterflies swarmed instantaneously in my stomach. I opened quickly, uncaring that it might seem desperate, and his grin stretched over his gorgeous face all the way to his eyes.

  He leaned forward and grabbed me possessively by my waist while planting his lips on mine. Squeezing his hands on my hips, he pulled back after kissing me once more with one hard, long kiss. Craning his neck to look at me, he said, “Wow, I missed you. I was aware I did,” his brows rose curiously, “but seeing you made it intensify. I love the way you light up when I look at you.”

  “Rhys…” I mumbled, leaning into his chest.

  “Am I making you uncomfortable?” he asked, tilting his head with a sly grin.

  “No,” I whispered, inhaling his scent. “Just very shy.”

  He rubbed my back. “I’m sorry, I just feel the need to tell you.”

  “I missed you, too,” I said, squeezing my hands around his back and I felt his smile pressed against my forehead.

  He grabbed me so quickly my hands were squished against his chest awkwardly. He grabbed one and pushed me back enough to admire my outfit and the long waves down my back. Thoroughly pleased, he stepped close again and sighed deeply before pressing his lips to mine. He kissed me gently, slowly, tilting his head significantly because of our seven-inch height difference. Rhys’ mouth lingered over mine, breathless, desperate for more contact. “You look lovely…are you ready to go?”


  Rhys walked ahead to open my building door for me, and it allowed me to admire his outfit. It was the first time I’d seen him in jeans; ones that fit perfectly tight and made his long legs look impossibly longer. I flat-out stared at him, adoring how equally hot and preppy he looked in his shawl-collared cardigan that fit against his lean frame. I still couldn’t believe he was mine.


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