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Page 8

by Jessica Wilde

  Lifehouse 'Come Back Down'

  Faking It

  "You gonna talk about what happened or pretend it didn't?"

  I turned away from my prep work of rolling silverware in napkins to see Molly standing behind me with her arms crossed over her chest. She had been trying to corner me all day, but it being a Friday night had not only saved me from a piece of her mind - the piece she wanted so desperately to give me - but it had kept my mind off of things I wanted to avoid.

  Molly Barker had been working at McCall's for a long time and if I had to guess, she would be taking over the pub once Jim and Marie decided to finally retire. If they ever did. She was tough as nails, funny as hell, and had no filter whatsoever.

  I really, really liked her.

  She stared at me with those green eyes that looked like they knew all the secrets of the universe. She was smart as a tack and knew it, of course. But she was smart because she was observant and she was observant because she had been through a lot in her twenty six years. At least, that's what I assumed.

  "Well?" she prodded and flipped her long honey blonde hair behind her shoulder before giving me a glare that scared the hell out of me.

  "What was the question?"

  She rolled her eyes. "God, you really are in denial."

  She fell into the seat next to me and started rolling the silverware, quickly and efficiently. The pub was still open with the last ten or so patrons finishing up their drinks or meals and getting ready to head out to somewhere more eclectic to celebrate the weekend. There were just a few regulars left that always liked to stay until the last minute before heading home. Janet was working behind the bar with that bubbly smile and when I glanced over to make sure she was okay, she gave me a thumbs up.

  Everyone had welcomed me back with open arms and concern written all over their faces. Pity. I couldn't wait to finish up the day and get back to the apartment to crawl under the blankets and hide from everyone's questions. It was Molly's turn to close and as soon as I was done with my prep work for the next day, I was heading home.

  "You showed up here out of the blue all cute and cuddly and looking like a scared rabbit. Everything was mysterious, but fine, and then BAM!" Molly smacked the table, making me jump. "All of a sudden, you don't show up for two weeks and Jake West is like a grenade with the pin falling out."

  "I'm not sure -"

  "Why did you move here, Arianna?" Molly interrupted my ever present denial.

  "I wanted to be with my brother." Truth, but not the whole truth.

  And it wasn't a surprise she didn't believe that.

  "Yeah and you were just fine a couple weeks ago. Your pretty face was the talk of the town, now it's the talk of the town for a whole other reason."

  I looked down at my hands and cursed myself for coming back to work so soon. I needed the money and the bruises on my face had been fading quickly and make up made it look like nothing had even happened. At least, it did if you weren't looking for it. The only giveaways were the occasional wince when I had to bend down or if I ran into something and my ribs flared with pain. My ankle was even more stable and not hurting near as badly.

  Molly didn't miss a damn thing, though.

  "You try to hide those bruises with makeup and you could totally play off the pain in your ribs and stomach as menstrual cramps, but I'm not an idiot and I am very observant. You came here to get away from something or someone and if I had to guess, that someone found you. Not to mention the time you have spent hiding back here whenever a group of guys walks in, or your adamant refusal to work the bar if Jim is too busy to pay any attention to us girls out here."

  My hands started shaking as I continued to wrap the damn silverware. The forks and knives clanged together and the sound was starting to give me a headache. I didn't like to talk to anyone about the details of the life I was currently living. I barely spoke to Jake about it, so I was determined to keep it from everyone else as well.

  Molly watched me carefully as I tried to come up with some kind of explanation.

  "Seriously? Are you really going to sit there and lie to me? Deny what is really happening?"

  "I don't -"

  "How long ago did you leave the fucker?"

  I sighed and closed my eyes. There was no getting out of this. Molly was the kind of person that always got her answers - the true answers - before she walked away.

  "Several months ago."

  "Were you hiding or just moving on?"

  "A little bit of both, I guess."

  "And let me guess, this douche nugget doesn't want you doing either?"

  I nodded.

  "What made you leave?"

  I dropped the silverware onto the table and put my trembling fingers in my lap. Molly didn't pause as she continued wrapping and she didn't give any indication that her patience was gone. She waited. Quietly. Letting me sort through the story and figure out what I wanted to tell her.

  It would be the truth, just lacking a few details.

  "He put me in the hospital. When he didn't show up to take me back, I figured he was done with me," I said quietly, clearing my dry throat a few times as I pushed the words out of my mouth. "You don't need to tell me how stupid that was. My father had a hard enough time not telling me, but I know how impractical that is."

  Her brow furrowed as she processed my explanation, then she looked me in the eyes and asked, "How many times?"

  I didn't need her to clarify. It was the question every case worker, doctor, and nurse asked me when I had been in the hospital. Every time I had been in the hospital.

  "Too many to count," I answered shakily.

  "How many times did it land you in the hospital?"

  "A few."

  Molly's fists clenched as she pushed aside her towering pile of silverware. "Please tell me the asshole is paying for it."

  "Not yet."

  She sighed in frustration and ran her slender fingers through that shiny hair of hers. "And Jake?"

  "He wanted me here. Has wanted me here for a while and I couldn't tell him no. Not after I left him out of my life for so long."

  "Why don't you start from the beginning and give me as little or as many details as you want. I'm your friend and getting it out in the open is only going to help. I'm no judge and you certainly don't need one right now. I'm just an ear, okay?"

  I don't know how she did it, but I wanted to tell her. I wanted to tell her everything because for some reason, I had the feeling she would see my side. She could understand some of it even if it was only the slightest bit.

  So I did it. I told her a short watered down version. I left out the extreme details that I hadn't revisited myself and never wanted to revisit again. I explained how quickly everything changed, how stupid I felt for staying, but how necessary it was. When she asked me what he thought he had on me, I shook my head and told her it was better not to know. She relented and listened to the rest without any more questions. Once I got to the part where I moved to be with my brother, I felt almost euphoric. My head buzzed and my shoulders slumped. We had finished all the silverware and only a couple regulars sat at the bar and a trio of women close to my age sat in the back corner. Marie was clearing up some tables and I was surprised that she didn't tell us to get our asses moving. When she nodded at me from across the room, I realized she must have known that this was an important conversation for me to have and any interruptions would probably end up gluing my mouth shut.

  These people actually cared about me even if they still didn't know me that well.

  "I never thought he couldn't find me, just that he wouldn't care enough to find me. Especially with my brother around."

  Molly patted my hand. "You have to understand that men like him, they don't care whether or not their feelings are real, it's all about the control. He lost that control when he lost you. He's trying to take it back."

  "Jake said he won't leave me alone until Roger is taken care of," I added, talking myself into feeling safe again when I felt an
ything but safe.

  "Smart. So he should be here any minute then since you are just about out of here."

  Just then, the bell above the door jingled and we both looked up at the same time to see Jack filling the doorway with his broad shoulders and commanding presence. The whole place went silent, even more silent than it had already been. Just standing there, quiet and brooding, he was able to bring the entire room to a standstill.

  Jack looked around the pub quickly before his eyes landed on me and stayed there. I couldn't do anything but stare back. The man was stunning, sexy, and the look he was giving me had my hands trembling all over again, but for a very different reason.

  "Sweet baby Jesus, that man is hotter than a summer bonfire in Texas," Molly sighed.

  "You can say that again," I sighed back.

  "Oh, sweetie. I've said it thousands of times. To him. About him. And now, judging by the way he looks at you, I can see why it never mattered when I did."

  I didn't have a chance to ask her what that meant because Jack was already standing next to my chair and looking down at me with those aqua blue eyes.

  "Jake's flight was delayed. He won't be back until late tonight so I'm here to take you home." Out of the corner of my eye, I could have sworn I saw Molly fan herself once he started speaking. I wanted to do the same because Jack Garrett had a voice that could melt glaciers.

  "O-Oh. Okay, I'm just about done."

  "I'll wait for you," he grinned and made his way to a chair at the front by the door.

  I stood quickly, trying not to stare at him so blatantly the way Molly was, and started counting out my tips.

  I'll wait for you. I knew the words meant nothing more than what they said, but a part of me wondered if they ever could. Would he wait for me to find my way out of this situation I had been buried in? Was he even planning on staying in my life one way or another?

  It doesn't matter, Ari. He only sees you as his best friend's little sister. Amanda's friend. A helpless woman that he feels obligated to help.

  It didn't take long for Molly to sidle up to me and bump my hip with hers to get my attention. "You didn't tell me Jack Garrett was a part of your protection detail."

  "That's because I didn't know he was. My brother's trip was extended and he was supposed to be home by now. I guess I figured Jack had other things to do."

  "Well, once Roger finds out Jack Garrett is in your corner, he would be a jackass not to back off… then again, I guess he is the ultimate jackass so never mind."

  "Why would that make him back off?"

  "Because Jack is a fighter."

  I gave her a blank look. Fighter?

  "He trains guys and even trained two semi professionals at his gym before they moved up a level or whatever you want to call it. He could wipe the floor with that shit stain, Roger, without breaking a sweat."

  "His gym?"

  "Yes, Ari. He owns Milestone and spent the last however many years perfecting his fighting. Never went into the career. Just loved the sport. Everyone in town knows that, even the people who have never spoken to him."

  "He owns a gym?"

  Molly rolled her eyes, "Yes. Did I not just say that?"

  I tucked the wad of cash I had earned tonight into my purse and tried not to look over at Jack. How did I not know these things about him? It wasn't like I had asked very much about his current life, but owning a gym and being a fighter in whatever capacity seemed like something that would come up in conversation. Especially since I had practically begged him to train me while not having a clue that he actually could.

  It all made sense, though. It explained how he had gone from a scrawny new adult to the man he was today. He had always been sexy, but with the added muscle and the hard lines his body showcased, he had become irresistible. Strong. So fucking sexy that it was hard to breathe around him without panting.

  By the time I was ready to go, Molly hadn't moved from my side and it was obvious she was paying close attention to both me and Jack. I looked over at him to find that he was watching me. No, not just watching me. He was watching me. The way a man watches a woman he actually wants. The way a cheetah watches that gazelle from the bushes just before he explodes out of them to chase her. I had felt like prey before. Roger had made me feel like the kind of prey that had no hope of escaping the chase. But this... this was different.

  Feeling Jack's eyes on me made me want to run, but I wouldn't want to get away. I wanted to be caught. I wanted to be touched by him. I wanted to feel what that powerful body could do to me all while knowing without a doubt that he would never raise a hand to me. He would never hurt me with that power. I wanted control, but I wanted to have that control taken away from me by this man. Jack was the kind of man that would give the control back when he was done blowing my mind. Fuck, I wanted my mind blown by Jack Garrett no matter how much I knew it shouldn't happen and the realization of that want made my knees tremble. I had to grip the edge of the counter to keep from tumbling to the ground and the only way to stop it was to stop looking back at Jack.

  But I couldn't stop looking at him and he didn't stop looking at me. It was like a magnetic energy had erupted between us and the pull of it was impossible to fight. Especially when I could see his chest rising and falling as rapidly as mine was.

  My grip on the counter tightened. Molly noticed.

  She crossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes. Something told me this was her move when she was about to get important information.

  I finally tore my eyes away from Jack and faced her.

  "You know," she began casually. "For someone who is supposed to be so close to him, you sure don't know a lot about Jack."

  It felt like a slap in the face, but not the kind that was supposed to hurt. It was the kind that pulled me out of heated thoughts racing through my mind and back to the present. What did she mean by that? Did she know a lot about Jack? Had they...?

  "I know enough," I assured her, my voice thick from the arousal that had built with just a look from Jack. "I know the things that matter."

  Her lips pursed before they stretched into a devious smile. "Keep telling yourself that."

  I left her standing there with that smile while I made my way into the kitchen to say goodbye to Jim and Marie.

  "You take care, darling. Give that brother of yours a hug from me and make sure Jack takes good care of you." Marie hugged me goodbye and shooed me out the door before I could protest about her ideas of Jack and me. Jim just winked and kept on cleaning up the grill instead of setting Marie straight.

  It wouldn't have mattered anyway because Marie was like the older version of Molly and arguing with either one of them proved futile. It didn't take me more than a couple days to realize that.

  I made my way back to the front and saw Jack still sitting in the same seat, but he was no longer alone. One of the women in the back corner trio was sitting across from him. Her long blonde hair was curled in bouncy waves that hung down her slender shoulders. From where I was standing, she was beautiful and from the way Jack was smiling at her, they knew each other well. Very well.

  I tried to ignore the sudden flare of jealousy and started toward Jack. Molly grabbed my wrist, stopping me before I could make it past the counter.

  "Hey, you take care of yourself out there, Ari. Be smart and keep your chin up okay?"

  Her concern was genuine and for the first time ever, I was grateful for it. Not only because it distracted me from the beautiful woman that Jack looked so interested in, but because it sent a warmth through my chest that I only ever felt with my family.

  "Thanks, Molly. Hey, I'm starting a self defense class tomorrow night. Do you want to come with me? Amanda Garrett was the one that told me about it."

  "Hell yeah!" Molly cheered and clapped her hands. "I used to take one back in the day. It's been so long I think it would be a good idea to brush up on some skills. Plus, who doesn't want to learn to kick some ass, am I right?"

  I chuckled, relieve
d that I would have someone else there by my side to see me through even if they had no idea they were doing it.

  "Hey, Janet!" Molly called across the room. "You want to come learn to kick some ass tomorrow night?"

  "Hell yeah! I'm there," Janet called back with a fist pump.

  "Call me with the time and we'll carpool," Molly said and hugged me goodbye.

  I slowly made my way to Jack, approaching the table from behind the woman he was still chatting with. His eyes flickered up over her head and saw me coming. Those aqua blue eyes darkened. At least, I think they did. It was hard to tell with the dim lights and the fact that my vision was going blurry from breathing in and out so quickly.

  "You ready?" he asked with a grin.

  "Yes, thanks for waiting."

  "And who might you be?" a smooth, husky female voice asked.

  That's when I saw her face to face. The woman Jack had been talking to and smiling at was breathtaking. Beautiful in a way that made the hair on my neck tingle and the color in my cheeks fade away.

  Her blonde hair was not only long and shiny, but flawless. Styled to perfection with not a hair out of place, but looked sexy and flowing like you could run your fingers through it and feel like you touched a million dollars. Her eyes were a light blue, so light they were almost grey and her smile was devastating.

  I had no hope. If this was the kind of woman going for Jack, the rest of us had no hope whatsoever. Especially if there was more than one of her out there.

  I cleared my throat and tried not to be envious of her generous chest and tiny waist.

  I think Victoria's Secret lost one of their angels and she was standing in front of me.

  I suddenly wanted to hate her.

  "I'm Ari."


  "Oh, sorry. Ari West."

  Jack put his warm hand on my shoulder and I turned my head to see him grinning down at me before finishing the introductions. "This is Jake's little sister, Arianna. Ari, this is Julia Frederick. She is the one that helped Jake find his building for West Ink. She's a real estate agent."

  Of course she was.

  "Nice to meet you," I said quietly as I turned back to her and held out my hand.


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