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Page 19

by Shera Eitel-Casey

  “Sure I could, but not tonight.”

  “Oh, I see how you are, copping out all ready.”

  “No, that's not why.” I said giving ’em a nervous laugh.

  “Really, then why?” Declan said.

  “If I tell you I'll probably put Jett off.”

  “Not much will put this kid off; now tell us why you can't eat a whole pie tonight.”

  I looked at Jett and he made an upside down smile and shrugged, like who cares, tell your story. So I went on “First off is because I ate before I came......” with a little unsurety of what they would think of that, I continued “I ate because I thought we were eating in a big group and sometimes you just don't get enough to eat. Since I'm the new girl I wasn't going to say anything if I didn't. You know, just like eating before you go to a wedding.” No one said anything.

  Then Declan chimed in “...and the second reason.”

  “Oh, well my jeans are tight now, if I stuff myself they'll be even tighter and I'll want to pop my button. I don't think that is good first date stuff.” They all chuckled.

  “Oh my god, Jett!” Rae said, laughing excitedly. “I love this girl! She's a perfect match for you.” Everyone at the table chuckled again and Declan agreed and said “no kidding.”

  Jett put his arm around me and gave me a squeeze. “It sure seems that way doesn't it, I ate before I came too.” I looked at him, smiled and asked “What did you have?” I said excitedly. Rae interrupted “Who cares what you two ate. Let's talk about something else.”

  She seemed genuinely happy I was there. Maybe she didn't get along with the other girls. “No more talk,” Jett stated, “You two run along because we aren't sharing our food.” They sat there with puppy dog eyes and looked truly upset they had to sit with the others, they didn’t move until Jett made a thumbing motion toward their table. They got up begrudgingly; Rae turned and stuck her tongue out at Jett, Jett returned the gesture.

  “I like her, she’s cool.” He took my hand in his slowly and said “they are cool… is this, too much?” as he twisted our hands above the table. I pulled them under the table and said “Only if you don't mean it.”

  “Well, I'm having fun so far which is not what I expected. I'm not sure what I expected, but this is all right.” I kept holding his hand.

  After the waitress delivered the pizza he moved to the other side. I looked at him and said “Do I smell?” sarcastically.

  “Nooo.... I need elbow room when I eat, because we're piggin' out right!” he said with a big fat grin on his face.

  “Absolutely,” I told him.

  “Piggin' out 'til we have to pop the button on our jeans.” He said and winked at me.

  “That's what I'm talkin' about” and we both laughed. That’s when I caught an evil look from his ex; I didn't care though. Hopefully our date would keep on going well, even if we only ended up being friends in the end; it would be good enough for me.

  I didn't finish my half so Jett did. I was stuffed. Declan came over told us they were leaving for the show. Jett gave him a twenty and said “Get us two tickets, we'll be right behind ya.” I got up tapped my belly and stretched, forgetting the sweater I had on, and said “I am so full, I may just need a nap.” Jett reached over and touched my belly and I flinched and pulled my sweater down. He moved his hand to my waist.

  “You must not be full enough, your jeans are still buttoned.” I smiled and took his hand. I don't remember laughing at all with Cale, I wonder why that was? I pondered through all our dates on how serious they were and then realized I felt like they were all controlled or very well planned somehow, and just boring. I was quiet in the car contemplating all this.

  Before we got to the movie Jett asked “A penny for your thoughts.”

  “Where's my penny?” I asked. He dug in his ash tray and handed me a nickel.

  “You better be sure you want to hear what's on my mind before you ask, because I always have a lot to say.” I replied.

  “That's fine, talk away…“ He reached out and I slid my hand in his.

  “Well, I was just thinking about Cale.”

  “Oh.” he said disappointingly and loosened his grip. I scooted closer and put my other hand around his so he couldn't let go.

  "No, no no no not like that. I was just thinking, here I am on a date with you expecting to get used and thrown away and to have a terrible time, but I have laughed more with you and have had more fun on one date with you than I ever did with Cale.”

  He let out a sigh of relief and squeezed my hand. “Me too.”

  “So you dated Cale too? Just kidding.... Hey, are we here to make your ex jealous or what?” He didn't respond right away.

  “I don't know” he responded with sincerity “We made her jealous at the restaurant. Making her envious was fun but I have moved on, starting with you. The more I hang with you the more I realize she wasn't such a nice girlfriend.” He jiggled our entwined hands.

  “I think it would be fun if we had a plan.” I said. “Something to make her jealous but nothing too obvious, she may already be provoked by us from the restaurant.”

  “What do you mean?” So I told him I caught her giving me “an evil eye” a couple of times during the evening, he enjoyed that.

  We didn't make a plan which was fine since I'm not that vindictive of a person. The ride to the theater was short so there wasn't a lot of time to plot and plan anyway. We had to park in the back lot because the front lot was full. Jett shut the car off and I slid myself out. As I was straightening my coat and shirt someone grabbed me from behind. A gloved hand covered my mouth, pressing my head back firmly onto him so I couldn't move it and the other around my arms and chest. I couldn't scream. I looked for Jett, he was on the other side of the car. When he finally looked back he did a double take. I could tell he was confused, shocked. I saw him saying something but couldn't make out his words.

  My feet were dragging on the ground as I was being pulled backward. I tried to dig my heels into the snow and ice but it didn't help. I lifted both feet up hard and pushed off of the car, we fell back, hit one car and bounced off another and then we both hit the ground. I was on top trying to get up but he was pulling on my coat, I turned around hit him, got up, kicked him and started running toward the building but not before he grabbed my ankle. I fell right into Jett, he grabbed both my arms, whipped me around releasing my ankle and asked me if I was ok. He sounded a million miles away. I nodded, I had a hand on his car holding me up, he took off running but not very well as the parking lot was slick with ice. Once he hit the snowy field, though, he really took off.

  As I turned to look at the building, I saw Declan and Rae walking toward me. I yelled and pointed, “Jett just took off after this guy who attacked me!” Without even flinching Declan took off in the same general direction. I stayed leaning on Jett's car, I was trying to get my bearings. Rae yelled my name, she was standing by the building, she waved me over. She was holding her coat closed, carrying the biggest purse I have ever seen, she looked cold. I let go of the car, my legs were shaking but managed to make my way over; as we walked to the front of the theater I told her what happened.

  “Are you okay?” she asked. “What kind of maniac would try something on you around Jett? If he gets hold of him he'll tear him apart.” I didn't say anything, I was just shivering, not sure if it was from the cold or the fact that I was totally freaked out.

  “Let's go inside, get you warm plus it’s probably safer inside.” Rae said as she led me around to the front of the building, after we turned the corner and stepped onto the sidewalk we saw Jett and Declan, they were walking toward us. They jogged over to us.

  “We lost the guy, he had parked his truck on the side street” Declan announced thumbing to the street behind them “...and took off.” I didn't stop, I just kept walking until I was inside the theater doors. When I stopped inside Rae fixed my hair straightened my jacket; she had me turn around looking to see if I was alright.

  I shivered �
�Ah Jett, I panicked and kicked your car, I'm sorry, I’ll pay for any damages.” He smiled and came over, put his rough warm hands behind my neck and under my hair and pulled me closer. I put my hands on his chest, they were still shaking.

  “We’ve had girls do crazier stuff than that to our cars and never once has any of them apologized nor had a good reason for it, please, don't worry about it.” Then he kissed me on the forehead and gave me a hug. “Are you okay?” He rubbed my back and it warmed me immediately and I felt safe in his arms. I pushed back gently, “I am fine, don't we have a movie to see?” I asked, giving my fake cheesy smile. Jett pulled me in for another hug, I could get used to this.

  Rae questioned my efforts, “Don't you want to go home or call the police?” I knew I had 24 hours to report a crime, since Nic and I had researched it after my other incident this summer. When I told them I could wait to file a report; they seemed amazed I knew that information.

  “Let's go see the movie, and after, if all of us think we should call the police we will. But I'm sure it was someone just playing a prank on us....” Not that I believed for a second it was meant for anyone else, but I thought it sounded good.

  We entered the next set of doors. Rae gave us our tickets. “We're getting popcorn, you guys getting anything?” I looked at Jett and shook my head. “No, we're good,” he said. I saw a wall and thought I'd hold it up while we waited. Jett came with me, stood across from me, his hands in his jean pockets. He looked solemn, serious, he looked into my eyes “Are you sure you don't want to leave?”

  “I'm fine.” I said, shaking my head, “A little shaken up maybe, but fine.”

  He came even closer to me, put one of his muscular arms on the wall next to me and leaned into my ear. “Are you sure, you look like you’re trembling to me.” His hot breath permeated around my ear and sent a definite tremble through my body that sent a warm feeling right down to my toes. I turned my head only a smidge and my cheek touched his “I’m fine.” I whispered back. He touched my face and pulled back slowly until our lips made contact. We released and I opened my eyes and held his gaze for a moment when I noticed Lisa standing only a few feet away, giving me another dirty look. I looked right back at her and gave her a nod. Jett turned his head slightly, spotted her then turned back toward me and said “Sorry, I didn't know she was there.” He straightened up, stood next to me and took my hand.

  Jett sat on one side of me in the theater and Rae on the other. She handed me a bottle, I handed it to Jett, he opened it and handed it back; it was beer I could smell it when he handed it back to me. Rae said “You deserve it girl, drink up, it will settle your nerves.” She gave one to each of the boys too. The girls in front of us, which were part of the rest of our group, including his ex, giggled and talked through the entire movie, knocked over bottles that rattled all the way down to the front of the theater and were just utterly obnoxious. Thank goodness I didn’t knock any over because I could tell Jett was annoyed.


  Before we got to the end of my block I asked Jett to pull over and park. He laughed and said “I thought guys were always the one to ask the girl to park.”

  “Really, I wasn't sure how that worked because I’ve never parked before.”

  “Now that I don't believe” he said “You and Cale never...”

  “No, I told you we never had fun and we only kissed. He was boring and acted like my dad more than anything else. Now that I think about it I'm not sure why I dated him.” I paused then continued “Oh yeah, I dated him because he was good looking but looks can only take you so far in a relationship, obviously.”

  He put one hand behind my waist and slid me across the bench to him. “Nice.” I mumbled.

  I started “I don't want to...” and he pressed his lips into mine before I could say anything else.

  “THUD!” Both of us stopped and froze, then tried looking around outside. Jett got out of the car and I followed suit. Something was on his trunk. We inched toward it slowly. It was a big rock with lots of mud on it, like someone just dug it up and decided to toss it. “That wasn't very nice” I said, “They didn't even leave a note.”

  In a split second Jett took off, I saw it too, the movement between the two houses. He ran fast, I yelled “Jett don't....”

  I stood, my body locked in a still position, just outside his car. We were on my street, in my own neighborhood where I normally felt comfortable but tonight I got that peculiar eerie feeling. I looked at my watch and thought I would wait right here…..then I thought if he doesn't return in five I'll get in the car and lock the doors, and if he doesn't come back in ten I'm running home …. Since this summer's incident, I scheme and pre-plan exit routes all the time.

  I looked at my watch again, it hadn’t even been a minute but felt like five. I started pacing and looking around to see if anyone was sneaking up on me. I saw nothing. One thing about being out in the country is when it's dark, it's dark. I felt like my eyes were opened wider than possible. This had to be someone playing a prank, I told myself. Crap, I should have gone after Jett. I looked back down at my watch and only two minutes had gone by.....I ruffled through his glove compartment looking for a flashlight, nothing. I started nervously walking in the same path that Jett took behind the houses. There was a tree line a few feet wide dividing the neighbor’s yards. Behind the houses and yards was the same ravine that connected to mine. I heard nothing standing next to the neighbor’s house, still nothing when I got to the back yard. My heart felt heavy and my hands clammy. The backyard was pitch dark, the owners were either in bed or not home.

  I heard some rustling in front of me. I kept walking; I stumbled on a big branch and decided to pick it up. I heard something again as I approached the ravine. I raised the branch over my head and I said quietly “Who's there?”

  “It's me”, Jett whispered. I saw him bend down, he picked something up, it was a piece of wood. “Get back to the car.” he whispered loudly.

  Oh no, dammit, déjàvu. I know this, I know it! “Jett,” I said in my normal voice as he walked backward toward me. ”He's gone, I'm sure of it.” Jett said.

  He turned to look at me and he said “Nice branch.” He held up his, mine was three times bigger. “What were you going to hit me over the head with that?”

  “No, what were you going to do with yours, write a message in the dirt?” We both laughed.

  “I thought I'd conk the other guy on the head with it.” Jett dropped his and I threw mine like a spear into the black abyss and we heard a grunt and then a bunch of rustling. Jett and I ran to the car.

  We were laughing, he started the car and headed down the street, “How do we get to your house from here?”

  “Just up four houses on the right” I said.

  “We're awfully close to your house to be parking aren't we?” He asked and chuckled.

  “I didn't want to park, park. I just wanted to talk to you alone.” He pulled to the bottom of my driveway, put the car in park and turned off the engine. “What do you want to talk about?”

  “Oh, not like that, I just wanted to talk since we couldn't during the movie and if we're here we'll probably get interrupted.” Our outdoor lights went on and they cast light and shadows into his car, there was just enough light to catch a glimpse of the blood trickling down his arm onto his hand. “Holy crap, you cut your arm! Are you okay?” I looked closer, “Do you need stitches?”

  “No, I don't think so.” He pushed his sleeve up and the cut was pretty big, I touched it “Are you sure?”

  “No it looks fine.” Jett said as cool as a cucumber.

  “You better come inside, I'll take a look at it and clean it for you.....” He hesitated. “Come on don't be a baby, I don't bite.”

  I led him into our basement through the garage, and over to the bar, which reached across the width of the room, it was big. “That's a nice bar,” he commented.

  “Thanks, my parents entertain a lot so it’s fully stocked too. Grab a seat.” I pointed to
the bar stools. I went behind the bar and grabbed our first aid kit. I grabbed the bag next to it as well. “What's in the bag?” Jett asked.

  “My mom overstocks gauze and first aid supplies ever since my brother slid down a tree.” He looked at me with a puzzled look.

  “Well, let me tell you my brother's story.” I helped Jett take his coat off while I was talking. Then I rolled his sleeve up. “After swim team, two summers ago, we came home and my brother wanted to play outside, so no big deal, he did. The problem was he had his Speedo on, no shirt and no shoes. If you've ever seen a Speedo you know they're like underwear.” Jett nodded in agreement. “He was climbing a tree near our fort and was pretty high up. It was one of those skinnier trees with very rough bark and no branches for at least 12- 14 feet in the air. When he got up really high, the tree started to bend, you know flex. And I think it freaked him out because that's when he lost his grip and slid all the way down. He still has the scars on his chest to show for it.” Jett made a noise like he knew it hurt.

  When I was done cleaning and bandaging his arm I noticed his jeans were torn on his thigh, he had a cut there too. I just stared at it and he said “What?” he looked down. “I didn’t know that dog got me on the leg too. You ought to have your parents call animal control.”

  “It was a dog? I thought you said it was a guy?”

  “I don't know, I didn't see much. When we tussled I thought I heard a growl, maybe it was a dog and a guy. Or a really hairy guy,” he said laughing.

  I asked Jett again, “Are you sure you don’t need stitches?”

  “No.” He said ripping his jeans a little more. All I could do was stare at the muscular leg – he was perfect. “I’ll be fine” he murmured. I couldn’t believe we were on a date. This beautiful boy asked me out, but would he ask me out again or was I just supposed to make his ex-jealous? Plus, this date had been overly chaotic, one incident after another. I'm not sure I would want to date me.

  I managed to get another piece of gauze out, he took it from me and cleaned his leg. I managed to get the bandage on him without embarrassing myself, although, the touch of his skin made my heart race. It was hot and smooth and I didn’t want to stop touching him, so I smoothed the bandage on really well, leaving my hand on his leg and it felt very serene just touching him, I was in heaven.


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