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Page 23

by Shera Eitel-Casey

“He tackled me; he came so fast, I didn't know what hit me."

  Nic exclaimed, "He tackled you? Take your jacket off, let's take a look." Storm was just taking all this in sitting next to me on the picnic bench warming my hands and sitting close. He took my hand, put both hands around mine, and then Nic covered them and me in the blanket. Nic was good at taking care of people, especially me, Storm wasn’t bad at it either. I tried pulling my sleeve up to see my shoulder but it didn’t push up far enough without removing layers. So she pulled my collar over to take a peek “Holy crap Addie.”

  "Just leave it" I mumbled.

  Storm asked “Should we take her to the hospital?"

  "No” I snapped. “I'm not going, it's just a bruise. He hit me two seconds ago, give me a minute, would ya?"

  Nic replied “Ahhh, what do you mean two seconds ago? You were knocked out when we got here!"

  Storm started getting protective all of a sudden and said, “Addie you had to be knocked out for at least five minutes. If Cale did this, you should call the police on him, he had to hit you hard to knock you out. I'm sorry, but I hate that guy and he needs to be put in his place.”

  Nic had made more snow ice packs, Storm felt the back of my head, found the knot and put the ice on it. “My head is pounding.” I said.

  "I hope you don't have a concussion.”

  He took out his pocket knife and said "Can I cut your shirt?"

  I started to whine "Do you have to? It's one of my favorite sweatshirts."

  “It's either that or you're going to the hospital!" he got a little sharp with me. I held the ice pack to my head with my other hand and he cut, “I don’t know what the big deal is.” He just gave me a look.

  "Fine" I said sardonically. He cut a slit on either side of the neck, it allowed him to pull the shirt down over my shoulder.

  "Ow, ow, ow, STOP!" I squealed.

  He stopped "Do you see anything?" I asked Storm. Both Storm and Nic's eyes were wide.

  "Addie you are.... I was going to say black and blue, but there is no blue, just black."

  Storm said "We need to ice this up and get you warm. Are you sure you don't want to call the police or go to the hospital?” I nodded. “Nic, can we go to your house?"

  “Wow. A man who takes charge, glad you brought him Nic."

  He helped me put my coat back on my arm, I still bumped it on the table and I let out another little yelp.

  It occurred to me that I had no idea why Storm and Nic were here together. “So why are you guys together, are you together?” I said as my teeth chattered. Nic looked up quickly at Storm. Storm just gave me a squeeze around the waist helping me up as Nic's mom pulled up in the lot. I told them not to help me so Mrs. Newland wouldn’t know but couldn’t help but limp. Nic told her I slipped and fell on the ice, I told her Nic pushed me and laughed. Nic denied it and we were bantering like normal all the way home.

  When we got to Nic's house, she started telling me that Storm was worried about Jett and he needed someone to talk to; Storm finished her story and told us “Jett's been really sick again. I think he's having a relapse, because I can see all the symptoms happening again. If he loses his temper he gets sick even quicker, so my mom is trying to keep him happy all the time now – he gets whatever he wants. We used to fight a lot, now I just keep my distance.” Storm explained his symptoms, “he gets sick with a fever, then his temperature drops, he gets real pale looking and shakes a lot, says he’s in a lot of pain that it feels like all his bones are breaking. Each time he gets sick it gets a little worse. He even lost a couple of teeth but the doctors think it's unrelated to the rest of whatever he has. They don’t know what's wrong with him either. However, within 24 hours after receiving a blood transfusion last time he seemed to be fine. Quickest recovery they have ever seen.” I didn’t know what to say to him.


  It's freezing cold outside and going back to school was a drag. I never did hear from Jett, but maybe he was still sick or just busy with the holidays. People with big families always have lots of plans, and I got the impression his family was big. I guess I'm trying to make excuses, maybe I just have to get over Jett and move on. Besides, it's not like I was having the best of luck; I still have the issue of Cale possibly stalking me but it’s been quite lately, maybe he’s over it. In any case, I'm glad I have all new classes so I can avoid Cale altogether.

  Third quarter gave me a new start. Too bad my arm was still really sore, and I still had a small knot on my head; at least neither were visible.

  After lunch, Nic and I got to chatting so much I was almost late for my architecture class. I ran in the room just as the bell rang. I glanced around quickly and all the seats were taken but two. At least they were at the back of the class. Then I noticed Declan was in the row in front of the open seats. He's the one who suggested I sign up for the class. Plus, I thought it sounded like fun so I did. I noticed someone's stuff on one of the chairs so I took the desk next to it. The teacher announced “Take your seats.” I plunked my books down on the desk and I noticed Jett walking toward me, he smiled moved his items from the chair to the desk and sat down. My eyes were about to pop out of my head

  It figures! I had to arrive late to the only class that I have with Jett and the only empty seat was right next to him. I'll just have to get here early tomorrow and grab a seat elsewhere. I betcha he never sits in front. The teacher started talking “Where ever you are sitting today is where you will sit for the rest of this class!”

  “Pffff” I let escape from my mouth. The teacher and our wrestling coach started walking down the aisle between the architecture tables. “Do not raise your hand and ask if you can move. You can't. I don't care if you are dating the person next to you,” he touched my desk and looked at me. “And then you break up, I don't care.” All hands went down. “I repeat, do not ask me to move you because I do not care,” Mr. Landry announced. He's why Declan picked the class, I bet all the wrestlers took this class; I looked around and noticed quite a few.

  “The only nice thing I will do all year is give away this packet of architecture tools to whomever comes closest to the number I am thinking in my head.” He held up a package of rulers, T-squares, specialty pencils, led and other supplies. He continued “The number is between 1 and 100!” He said as he headed back to the front of the room. I immediately thought of the number 27, because it was my favorite number but it was also Jett's football number, but I'll be darned if I pick it. So I decided on the number 54, 27 doubled, as long as no one else chooses it first.

  As he pointed to students they guessed at the number. He did it methodically, the first row right to left, and then the second and so on. The good thing about going last was you could pick something no one else had. Nobody else even picked a number in the 50's so I held fast with my number, so when he pointed to me I said “54”. Jett gave me a dirty look when I picked it, I just gave him a look back. “I have a winner!” He kept pointing at me “...and she was only two numbers away from the number I picked which was 56!”

  “I won!” How fun was that, I looked at Jett and scrunched my nose. Declan turned and said “Good job Addie.”

  “Why thank you Declan” He turned back around, I didn't even look at Jett again. Coach started to lecture, but only for about ten minutes. He told us all the supplies we needed to purchase, told us about the class and after we got up to get our books and syllabus at the front of the room. He also had supplies for students to purchase today.

  I was lucky, since I only had to grab a syllabus and book. Declan and I were first back to our seats. He leaned on the front of my desk and asked “Are you and Jett fighting?” I just shrugged. “What are we going to do about Cale” he continued, I shrugged again.

  “Ugh, I can't think about that right now. My head and shoulder are still killing me.” As I'm finishing my sentence Jett came walking right towards our desks and bumped into me on purpose, hitting my bad arm sending shooting pains throughout my shoulder. I stood up so fast
my stool flew back. I grabbed my bad arm and leaned on my desk. It was now throbbing hard, uncontrollable tears flooded my eyes.

  “Dammit Jett, can't you watch where you're going.” I gritted through my teeth as the whole class and Declan just looked at me.

  “I’m sorry Addie, are you okay? I didn't mean to hurt you.” Jett said.

  Declan interjected “She has a bad shoulder, really bad. You okay Addie?” I looked at Declan, “I am fine, I'll be fine.” I said sternly. I had explained to Declan earlier about my run in this weekend and how I thought it was Cale who tackled me….

  “Addie, I'm sorry I didn't know you were hurt, are you okay?” He said “sorry” again the same way he always says it “soary.” It was cute and made me ease up a bit, plus, it looked like he meant it.

  Trying to fight back the tears I told them I was fine. They were both hovering at this point and I didn't want to draw any more attention to myself. Jett went to the front of the class and then disappeared by then everyone else had gone about their business. I felt relieved; I didn't want to show him any weakness. Jett came back in minutes with an ice pack. He said “May I?” Holding it up so I knew what it was. I let go of my shoulder, he pulled the stool back up for me, as I sat and tried to relax, I looked him in the eye; he did look soary. He took the edge of my sweat jacket and pulled it back carefully. The bruises weren't totally hidden under my tee, but it looked better. “Holy cow Addie, what happened?”

  I looked down and pulled my sleeve up to show the remnants of the very large green, yellowish and brown bruise. “Oh, this looks good, you should have seen it two days ago.”

  “My God” Declan said. “That's what Cale did to you?”

  I snapped my head in his direction, gave him a dirty look. “You mean when I fell.” Jett pulled my sleeve down and put the ice pack over it and put my sweat jacket back on my shoulder and held the ice pack in place.

  “Cale did this?” He said in almost a whisper.

  I let out a breath of air in a huff. “Ya know Declan, you have a big mouth.” But I knew that when I told him, so maybe I wanted Jett to find out, maybe I was looking for him to tell someone because I do need help but it's too much for me to figure out right now, especially with the searing pain in my shoulder.

  “Addie that isn't even the half of it and you know it. And if you don't do something by this Friday, I will.” Declan said with authority, I gritted my teeth with annoyance.

  “Gee Declan, what do you think you'll do? Tell my mommy?”

  “Sure I will, at least it’ll be something.” Declan smirked back.

  “Maybe I can help.” Jett interjected. “Maybe Declan is right, you should tell someone. I mean, you did get attacked on our date, twice.”

  I looked at him and said “How do you know it wasn't someone after you.”

  He and Declan chuckled. “Because no one in their right mind would mess with a McGaven, they have a reputation you know.” Declan said.

  “What reputations, all I know is they are moody and have no follow-through.” Jett switched hands with the ice pack and put his free hand on my back, laughing at me. “I'm glad you think it's funny.” I said looking at him trying to soften my tone.

  “I do think it's funny. I was sick the entire Christmas break so between that and family plans I had no time to myself. Besides, my phone wasn't ringing either.”

  I looked at him with a little smile and a glimmer of hope. “I shouldn't have to call you, not until after the third date, isn't that the man's, I mean boys job? You’re supposed to do the asking and chasing. Ask your parents I’m sure that's how it goes.”

  Declan started laughing, “I guess you have met your match!” After the two of them stopped laughing at me, Declan took charge “Addie you need to start by telling Jett your story, because whether you two are boyfriend and girlfriend or not, he's got a point, no one messes with the McGaven's.” There was a slight pause. “We have to come up with a plan because Topher was obviously right, Cale is stalking you.”

  Declan came back and said “I'm not overreacting and by your arm and your head you know I'm not. We should call the police or at the very least have Jett take care of him.”

  “Cale's stalking you and he knocked you on the ground hard enough to make you pass out? That’s how you got your bump on your head and your shoulder so messed up?” Jett said exasperated. I looked at him and blew air through my pressed lips, it made my bangs ruffle.

  I explained to them that I actually sought Cale out; I was the one that went to the park to find him. “Yes, when he tucked his shoulder and ran into me I got knocked off my feet into a tree and landing on the ground before losing consciousness,” trying to make the topic sound much lighter than it was. “We can’t exactly go to the police because I never saw Cale’s face, it’s just he’s the same size and shape and I am pretty sure it was him. And I don’t want Jett ‘taking care of him’ either. I don’t want anyone else getting hurt.”

  “What an ass” Jett replied and Declan agreed with him.

  I put both my hands to my face and rubbed it. Jett's hand was rubbing my neck and moved down to my back and I felt a tingle go down my spine. “I rather it all just goes away,” I murmured.

  Jett started talking to Declan but was replying to my statement, “Cale is scrawny and I could take care of him easily, but I’d bring back-up just in case.”

  “No, no, no.” I said “Declan is right. If all this weird stuff is happening we may as well go to the police and try to have him put away so no one else gets hurt. The last thing we need is for one of us to get arrested over this.” Declan smiled at me like a cat that just ate the canary because I finally agreed with him.

  Declan started filling Jett in on all the details. Class was a bust with everyone jabbering. I tapped Jett's hand and he took the ice pack off and put it on the desk, my shoulder was numb. He and Declan were still talking; he was still rubbing my back with his one hand, just small gentle circles; after he put the ice pack on the desk and pulled my sweatshirt back on, he moved behind me and rubbed my neck with both hands. The bell rang.

  At wrestling when, Jett came in the room, I caught his eye and looked at him and he nodded at me with a smile. So at least I know we are on talking terms, what I want to know is why his big muscular hands were rubbing my neck in class today. He did it like he had known me forever and we'd been dating for years. Maybe he was a playboy and just knew how to get all the girls to lust after him.

  Declan came up to me “I'm driving you and Jett home after practice.” I nodded and smiled, as he walked away, I shouted a little “What about Nic?” He turned around putting his head gear on and gave me the thumbs up.

  Nic, the poor girl was cleaning the mats again, so I thought I would empty the bucket. There was a low sink in the utility closet, I could dump it no problem. She was just about done so I got up and rolled the bucket toward the closet, Jett came running over. “I'll do it.” he said.

  “Are you sure? You wouldn't want the other wrestlers to think anything was going on.” I held my arm across my waist like it was in a cast. I held the door open so everyone could see what was going on. He dumped it, I'm sure I could have managed, but it was nice seeing him bend over to dump it. I tilted my head and watched him walk away when Nic walked in and said, “It is a nice view.”

  “I know isn't it? I think my arms going to be sore for a while.”

  Jett just stood up, rolled the bucket to the back of the closet, and looked me up and down smiling and slid his hand around my waist as he exited. I just took a deep breath as he walked by, he didn't wear cologne but he always smelled good. He didn't notice, but Nic did, “Girl, you are bad.”

  “I know.”

  As Nic and I waited in the lobby we wrote down all the dates we thought Cale had hurt someone, including all my incidents. No one knew about my dreams except Nic, oh and Detective Grey, and darn it possibly Storm too, but no one else and I was planning on keeping it that way. We had no idea when Cale first spotted or starte
d stalking me, but I would guess around the first dream I had about the shiny pay phones – with the guy at the phone with a baseball cap on.

  When we got in the car, Nic and I sat in the back and the two guys in front. As soon as the doors closed, I just started talking. I had decided to look at all this as if we were figuring out a mystery and it wasn't really about me; I was thinking it would make it easier. “Nic and I made a list of all the dates we would like to know the whereabouts of Cale. We also think that maybe we should go to the police, tell them I was attacked several times and that we suspect Cale, and that he may be responsible for other incidents. We could give them our timeline and maybe someone could question him about the dates and see if anything comes up.”

  Nic continued from there “Of course like on TV, if he’s really good and pre-plans all this he could have fake alibis, so this may not even help us.”

  Declan said “You watch way to much TV.”

  I looked at Nic and said “I forgot about the raccoon date, let's write that down.” She took her pen out and said “Do you remember the date.”

  “You dated a raccoon?” Jett asked laughing.

  “Ha ha ha. No, I heard noises like someone was on our deck and found a dead raccoon, well it actually wasn’t dead yet.” I said.

  “Seriously?” Jett replied.

  “I know it was on a Thursday and in September...where's your calendar?” She pulled it from her bag. Looking at it I knew it had to be September 17th.

  Jett turned around in his seat “This guy’s been stalking you since September?”

  Declan replied, “We think June or July.”

  I looked back at Jett, held his gaze, shrugged my shoulders as best I could and said “I guess I’m just so irresistible he can’t….”I laughed at myself mid-sentence and then continued, “or maybe he has too much time on his hands.... We only think that because of what Topher said and because of the weird things that have been happening to me, like on our date. Weird, right?”


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