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Page 25

by Shera Eitel-Casey

  “Good” replied Jett; he stuck the twenty bucks back in my jean pocket and picked up his bag, he put his arm around my neck and said “Let's go Honey,” sarcastically. Everyone laughed and followed us out to the parking lot.

  We took about ten steps into the parking lot and I got that eerie feeling, I started to look around the perimeter of the parking lot. I put my hand on Jett's, the one around my neck. “Does it seem creepy out here to you?”

  He looked down at me. “No, why?”

  “Ah, nothing.” We got to the car and he flipped his bag in his trunk and I got in and locked my door. He got in and looked at me. “Everything okay?”

  “Oh sure,” then I leaned over to his side of the door and slammed his lock down. He stopped me, my hand pressing on his thigh and his hand on my hip. I moved slowly to meet his face and he covered my mouth with his. Our lips parted and I slowly sat back on my side. Jett smiled and flashed all his teeth, I relaxed and almost melted. He started the car, not saying anything. We were in his brothers Trans Am with the gear shifter between us. When he went to put it in reverse, I put my hand over his and said “No way pal, we aren't' going anywhere.” I could feel my cheeks were rosy and my heart was a flutter.

  “Excuse me.” he said laughingly.

  I swallowed hard “Not until you tell me what that kiss was all about and this whole week.” I started out strong but ended with a whimper.

  His hand found mine, he spread his fingers apart and I slid mine through. “I thought we were on the same page.”

  “And what page is that.” He turned his hand over and we intertwined our hands again. “That we're dating.”

  I took a deep breath “So we aren't pretend dating, we're actually dating, dating. When did this happen?”

  “You sound mad.” He replied

  “I'm not mad at all, but when you're dating someone it needs to be mentioned. You can't just assume that we're dating.”

  “Okay, then are we dating...will you...“ I cut him off with a kiss and he reciprocated and said. “I guess we're dating now.” My face was on fire, it was zero degrees outside and I was burning up. I wonder if he noticed how red my face was. Not sure I cared. I had a smile on my face, ear to ear. I looked at him and realized he did too.

  We walked into the restaurant and the others already had a table. We were hand in hand and both grinning ear to ear. Nic gave me a look and I gave her a wink, she knew what I meant. Nic was just as bold as me with speaking her piece so she asked Jett “So does this mean you'll ask her out on another date or what?” He laughed, “This means I don't have to ask her out on another date.” He pulled a chair out for me.

  Boys are big eaters I tell ya, I thought I ate a lot but the three boys put away everything we ordered. Storm started to say something but a big 'crash' sound overwhelmed him. I jerked my head up and looked at Nic wide-eyed, “déjàvu” I whispered. “The manager is going to trip and hurt his ankle.” I whispered to Nic and pointed in his direction. But I didn't whisper soft enough because Jett said “What did you say?” Nic shook her head like she remembered my journal.

  I looked over his shoulder and felt like everything was happening in slow motion. The manager was walking behind our table toward the kitchen but before he got there, he tripped and fell.

  Nic let out a gasp and covered her mouth. She looked back at me and said “Now what?” I just sat there motionless. “Addie what happens now?” I just looked at her with my eyes wide.

  “Umm, what? Ah, I guess we pay the bill and get out of here.” I gave her the evil eye. She knew I didn't want to tell anyone about my crazy dreams.

  I rubbed my arms ‘cause I had a shiver running through my whole body. I waved my hand in the air and yelled real loud “Ah, waitress!” and waved her over. I looked at Nic and said “Done. In my dream, she backed up not looking where she was going and stepped on his ankle spraining it as she tumbled to the floor.” The boys just looked at us like what were we talking about, but no one said anything. Jett took his coat and put it over me, I just breathed his scent in. He scooted closer to me and put his arm around my chair. I think he thought I was cold.

  When the waitress arrived I asked for the check. Too bad she didn't know I saved her and her manager from further embarrassment and injury. If she did, I’m sure she would’ve thanked me. When I got up I handed Jett his jacket back. “Why don't you keep it” he asked. “I like it on you better, especially without a shirt.”

  “Get a room!” Declan chanted.


  No school on Monday and I was just moping around the house. My mom said “Shouldn't you return Jett's jacket, what if he only has one coat?” she paused “I thought he was picking you up today?”

  “Yeah but not ‘til later, he doesn't have a car 'til then.” My mom was putting her coat on “Why didn't you ask me for a ride?” I just shrugged my shoulders. “I can drop you off now if you want.” I called over there; no one answered, but went with my mom anyway.

  It took us thirty minutes to get there, running an errand in between. The sun was out, the sky was blue, it was a nice day. The closer we got to his house the more nervous I became. I rang the doorbell once and waited with his coat in hand. No one answered, so I rang one more time.

  I turned around to go back down the steps when Jett whipped the door open, his hair all wet and only shorts on. He had one hand on the door and the other on the door frame. You could see every ripple of every muscle he had.

  My mom rolled down the window and said “If I leave her here, you gotta promise not to walk around naked.” She was being facetious. I turned toward him laughing and tilted my head and spoke so only he could here “It doesn't bother me a bit,” and raised one eyebrow.

  He laughed “Of course not Mrs. G, I just got out of the shower,” and he pulled me in and closed the door. Then opened it and my mom hadn't had here window quite closed, “I'll a... drop her home later.” My mom just waved.

  I got inside, handed him his jacket. I went to pull mine off when I knocked a vase off a table that was close to the door. I turned around with my arms still in the sleeves and caught it with both hands before it hit the ground. “Sorry, so sorry.” I exclaimed.

  “What are you sorry about? It didn't break. I could tell you stories of the things my brothers and I have broken.” He turned and walked toward the kitchen. I put the vase back and finished sliding my coat off carefully and left my shoes on the mat.

  Jett turned to me in the hallway and said “Has anyone ever told you, you have quick hands?”

  “As a matter-o-fact once, a semi-pro baseball player told me I did.”

  “Did you break his vase?” Jett chuckled.

  “If he thought I had quick hands, do you think the vase would have broke?” I said sarcastically but then continued. “I knocked a salad dressing bottle off the table with my left elbow and caught it before it hit the floor. And then he made me do it a bunch more times to see if I could do it again, and I did.”

  “No offense but that doesn't seem all that hard.”

  “No, it's not, but try doing it without looking at the bottle at all, plus, I'm right handed. Don't look at me that way, not sure how I did it nor if it's all that significant either, just know that I’m quick.” As he headed back toward the kitchen, I gazed at Jett's back. It didn't look or smell like he was just out of the shower but his scent was still intoxicating to me as always.

  “So why are you half naked and not showered?” I asked. He sat down at the kitchen table, rolled his chair over to me and pulled me onto his lap. “Do I smell?” I let go of my coat and pressed my lips into his. We maintained that position for a while. I slid off his lap, picked up my coat and said “Well I got what I came for, I guess I'll be going.”

  He pulled my elbow back; I fumbled over one of the casters on the chair but caught myself on Jett, one hand on the back of the chair and the other on his chest, our faces so close I didn't bother to say anything. He pulled my face down into his hot lips, his skin was
warm to the touch. I breathed him in and pressed back.

  “You're right that was much better, now I can go.”

  “No, actually you can't. My Uncle Grey is coming over for dinner and you're stayin’.” He pulled me back into him.

  “I guess if I have to.” I mumbled while our lips touched.

  “You're very sarcastic, aren't you?”

  “I do try. If I stay, you'll owe me, I do have places to go and things to do you know.”

  “Oh really, that's it?” He said, stood up, ducked under my arm and waist and lifted and hauled me down to the basement.

  “You're going to hurt yourself! Put me down!” I yelled. “I'm telling your Mother!” He just laughed and tossed me onto a tattered worn plaid couch, you could tell it was the one they used previously in the family room upstairs and now it was on its last leg in the basement. He wedged one leg between the inside of the couch and my hip, he kept the other planted on the floor. He leaned forward and put his hands on either side of my face. I pushed my hands up on his bare chest, his skin felt toasty, his skin a beautiful shade of melted caramel. He bent over to kiss me, I took one hand with all my nails spread and gently dragged them up the center of his back.He pulled up and said “Damn, don't do that...” I pulled him close again “sorry” left my lips and his next kiss told me he really liked it, maybe too much. I broke away and pushed him into the couch as I slid out.

  “Wew. I didn't, ah, come here for that.” I said as I fanned my face then fixed my clothes and hair. “Are you actually going to take a shower sometime today?” I headed back toward the stairs, he caught up in two steps; put his hand on my hip and I just felt the warmth come over me.

  He turned me at the bottom stair and kissed me while his hand slid from my hips to my butt. I could do this all day I thought. He pulled away and then kissed me on the neck. “I gotta help my mom,” he said as he took two stairs at a time to the first floor.

  “What?” I replied following him, thank goodness, His mom? Then I heard someone by the front door, Storm and she had their hands full, I on the other hand never heard them coming. He took the bags from his mom and I took the bags from Storm, who gave me a piercing look. It took a couple of trips to get everything in.

  His mom came into the kitchen and seemed frazzled, yet tired at the same time. “Hi” she said to me “You must be Addie.”

  “I am” I replied. “It's very nice to meet you.” I said with a smile as we shook hands. I started unpacking the bags and folded the empties and laid them on the table. She looked up at me, took a deep breath and said “Thank you for helping!”

  “Jett, finally a girl who has manners. Go get in the shower. Storm, go clean the family room.” I interrupted “What would you like me to do.”

  “Oh, nothing honey, you're our guest.”

  I replied “If a guest doesn't hold their own then they aren't invited back as much, besides I am a great sous chef.”

  She pursed her lips together, looking at me “Really? Since I'm running behind I'll take you up on it.”

  “Great what are we making?” She rattled off the menu and I came back to her with “If we par-bake the Italian sausage we won't have to grill it as long. If you have a crock pot we can heat up the sauce in it and add the sausage after it's cooked on the grill to give it more flavor and that way you're done and no one has to cook while your company is here. I'll cut up the veggies for the salad and the peppers and onions to sauté. Then we can sauté veggies, cook pasta and cut rolls 10 minutes before dinner. Or we can wrap the veggies in foil and cook them on the grill.”

  She looked at me, mouth opened, not saying anything. I inquired “Too pushy?”

  “No, no, very helpful as a matter of fact.”

  I continued “Actually, if you point out where a broiler pan, crock pot, cutting board, and a chopping knife are I can get everything started.....” I let that sit for a second before continuing. “If you need to get ready or something - - I got everything under control for now.” I looked in the oven and then turned it to 350.

  “Storm, I need the crock pot from downstairs and my big metal pot.” His mom announced. He looked up at me kind of grumpy like, I guess I just made work for him: I followed him into the basement. Storm handed me the pot, by the time we got upstairs Mrs. McGaven had everything out. She took a deep breath and looked at me with dubious eyes. “Storm and Jett can help you with anything else you need.”

  “Awesome, my mom always says the more cooks in the kitchen the faster things get done.”

  Storm replied “I thought too many cooks in the kitchen spoils the pot.”

  “I think I'm gonna like you and your mom.” Mrs. McGaven replied.

  Storm was still looking at me funny, “What? I’m not a good cook, just very organized in the kitchen, don't worry, we can't mess this up.”

  “I wasn't worried about that. What are you trying to do? Kiss my mom's ass to get on her good side.”

  “I can't even believe you just said that, don't you always have to help out with dinner and cleaning the house?” I asked.

  “Ah no, my mom does that.” Storm said.

  “Well, that's just rude, especially with the way you guys put away food. Rinse that pot and fill it a little over 3/4's of the way and put it on the back burner on medium.” He just looked at me. “D o I h a v e t o t a l k s l o w e r?”

  “Talk slower for whom?” Jett said walking up to the kitchen.

  “For Storm, he's mad I'm helping out.” He came up behind me squeezed my shoulders.

  “What do you want me to do?”

  “I heard you've never helped out in the kitchen before, at least that's what Storm tells me.”

  “Not so much, but I'll start now.” Jett stated leaning on the counter. He had no socks on, jeans and a t-shirt that looked like it had been washed a thousand times but definitely looked good on him.Talking to both Storm and Jett I said “Don't you find your parents give you more, let you do more and give you less flak the more you help around the house?” They both just looked at me with their mouths open, dumbfounded. It must be a McGaven thing. “I'm just saying...”So I gave Jett instructions on putting the sausage on the broiler pan; when he opened the pack he pulled his face away from it and wrinkled his nose said that the sausage was really strong. I smelled it and didn’t think so. Storm did the water and then I had him setup the crock pot. By the time their mom came back down we were all sitting at the table cutting vegetables and breaking up lettuce.

  She stood in the doorway “So they are capable of working in the kitchen.” The timer went off and Jett looked at me, “Start the grill and I'll set the timer for 15 more minutes.” He actually got up and did it.

  “Wow, I'm impressed.” Mrs. McGaven said.

  “Oh thanks, I’m actually not a good cook, but I can bake. Your oven is warmed up if you have rolls or a cake or brownie mix we can pop it in after..... “I looked up at her, “...if you want......”

  “Feel free to keep it up. It’ll be nice if I don't have to think.” I just smiled at her. “Box cakes are easy...” she said grabbing a box from the cabinet.

  She sat down and took a deep breath and ordered Storm to get a bowl for the peppers and onions.

  “If you have a big frying pan we can just throw them in there and save a dish.”

  “Storm, get our big frying pan out instead.”

  “So, I see you've done this before.”

  “Yeah lots. Usually on very big scales, my mom and dad entertain a lot. We have a great basement for it, plus, I don't think my mom knows how to cook a small meal.”

  Jett chimed in “She does have a great basement, they also have a huge stocked bar.” We were all done with chopping the salad by the time the timer went off. I got up and took the sausage out. Jett volunteered to grill and, being competitive, Storm said “What should I do next?”

  I looked at Mrs. McGaven and she shrugged her shoulders and said. “Your show.”

  “We need a mixing bowl, eggs, oil and a baking pan.

  Everything was moving and going. “Oh honey, did you already put the water on?”

  “Yes, we over filled the pan and put it on medium so the water will be preheated and boil faster when we're ready to start pulling everything together.”

  “I don't know why I asked.”

  “Because I’m a teenager and you should be checking up on me?” As I realized I was talking out loud she gave a little laugh, “Right you are. What next?”

  “Music, bake the French bread and set the table.”

  We had a great time, I even washed the dishes and Jett and Storm dried. “My boys have never worked so hard in the kitchen before” Mrs. McGaven stated, “I'm going to have to kick up their allowance if they keep this up. “ I turned to the boys and raised my eyebrows in complete satisfaction as in 'I told you so.'

  After dinner, Jett got his Uncle to come into the living room by himself. Since I didn't have my paperwork, I had to go off memory but told him everything I could remember, dates times and places. He asked us questions jotted some stuff down and then we gave him Cale's name. He sat back in his chair and put his hand through his hair. Jett was silent, listening intently, like he was trying to remember everything I told him verbatim.

  Grey had a serious look on his face “Cale Winters huh,” he said grimly and leaned forward rubbing his face. “This guy Cale Winters, stay away from him,” he said in his deep raspy voice. “He is slicker than you’d think. We have checked on him and he's suspected in foul play....” I interrupted “Like for Jewel Ann Richardson's murder?”

  He just gave me a dead stare which felt like forever, then he shook his head a bit and continued like I hadn't interrupted him and glanced away “...his alibis...” then said and cleared his throat making eye contact with me again “ ....he always has one but they seem to be too convenient and he always has the right answers. We haven't got him on anything yet but I don't like or trust him and neither should either of you.”


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