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Medieval Wolfe Boxed Set: A De Wolfe Connected World Collection of Victorian and Medieval Tales

Page 54

by Alexa Aston

  Nothing felt well at all. “I am sorry about last night, Brianna, truly. I hope you can forgive my behavior. Where is Robert? I must seek his forgiveness, as well.” All she could do was shrug. She had not seen Robert since the night before. Keegan’s brow dropped. “You do not know? What could possibly keep the Lone Wolf from a ceremony for his brother?”

  Heartache, rejection, sorrow, she thought to herself. She had caused him great enough pain to make him stay away and that sudden realization was like a punch to the gut. “Keegan. You were there when Ferghus passed, aye?” He nodded slowly and ran a hand through his hair. “What did Ferghus ask of Robert in those final moments?”

  “Robert did not tell you?” genuine shock shone in his eyes.

  “He told me Ferghus insisted he marry me,” she replied with indignation. It still hurt every time she spoke the words.

  “Brianna, listen, I have loved you my entire life. All three of us have. There has always been this underlying competition for you between myself and the Wolf Brothers. I tried to force my attention on you years ago and I never apologized. I am deeply sorry.”

  Why was Keegan saying all this now, and what did it have to do with Ferghus’s last words? “Ferghus knew Robert loved you. He waited for Robert, but when he did not offer for you, Ferghus did. But in his heart, you always belonged to Rob.”

  “Nay. ’Tis not true. I loved Ferghus very much,” she protested.

  “Aye, I know, Bri. But you never stopped loving Robert and he never stopped loving you. Ferghus knew this.”

  “So, he forced Robert to vow to marry me?” she asked, shifting Wee Ferghus in her arms and looking around for any sign of Robert in the crowd.

  Keegan sniggered and shook his head. “’Twas not forced, lass. ’Tis all Robert ever wanted. Ferghus made certain of it when he forced an admission from Robert.”

  Her brow furrowed, and her heart skittered. “I do not understand, Keegan.”

  “Robert told Ferghus he was desperately in love with you. It was clear Ferghus knew and he was demanding honesty before he died. That was when Ferghus made Robert vow to wed you.”

  “But… but Robert refused at first.” Her hands were shaking and her legs were weak. Ferghus knew Robert loved her?

  “Lass. To marry you would mean Ferghus was gone. Of course, Robert refused. He was not ready to lose his brother. But he loves you. Ferghus wanted you to be happy together, truly. I saw it in his eyes and heard it on his lips, Bri.”

  She could not take it anymore. She needed to find Robert. She had made a grave error. “Keegan, ’tis unlike you to be so honest with me.”

  Her words made him chuckle. “You know me well. Mayhap I have bent the knee to defeat. I never stood a chance with you. ’Tis time I accept that and move on. I only ever wanted you to be happy. So, go. Find Robert. Be happy.”

  Keegan bowed slightly and left swiftly, fading into the crowd and smoke. Was it possible? Could she truly be happy? Abigael’s words swam in her mind again. That was no false message. Ferghus had been urging her to seek happiness. If he only knew how happy she had been with him, as well.

  “Ferghus. If you can hear me, please know I loved you so very much. I would have been content with you forever. And you gave me our child.” Another tear slid down her cheek. “Am I a terrible woman for loving another man? For seeking happiness in this life as I move on?”

  A cold hand clamped down on her wrist and Brianna screamed at the top of her lungs, almost dropping her child.

  “Do not fret, lass. ’Tis only I.”

  Clasping a hand over her heart, Brianna groaned. “Och, Abigael. You scared me half to death!”

  “I am sorry lass, but I could feel your turmoil from across the village. Did I not already give you Ferghus’s words?” the healer said gently, squeezing Brianna’s hand.

  “Aye, you did. Only, I wanted to make certain he would not hate me forever,” Brianna kissed Wee Ferghus on the top of his fuzzy head and rocked him gently in her arms.

  “Do you think your dead husband has time to console your every fear?” Abigael scoffed. “He told you to find love… with Robert. Ferghus has passed over the veil now, lass. You will find nay more signs from him. He told you both what he wished while he could. ’Tis up to you now to do as you wish with it. Do you not love Robert?”

  “Aye, that I do. Very much. I have ruined everything!” she squeaked, feeling her anxiety return as she looked around for him once more.

  “You will not find him here, lass. He has gone to the place you used to play as children. He felt you preferred to live without his presence.”

  “Gone? Did Ferghus tell you this as well?”

  Abigael waved a hand in Brianna’s face. “Nay, lass. I am the queen’s mother! I know aught! Robert told King Garreth he wished to be away. I am not so wise in all matters. I simply use my ears,” the old woman smiled, her gray hair fluttering gently in the breeze. Putting out her hands, Abigael grabbed Wee Ferghus from Brianna’s hands. “Now… shoo! Go! Before Robert truly turns into the Lone Wolf!”

  Brianna’s heart fluttered wildly in her chest. It was seldom a woman got more than one second chance. She would not waste another moment. Before she could second-guess herself again, Brianna fled into the woods, knowing precisely where to find her love.

  Chapter Twelve

  This cursed hut had been a terrible idea. This place was filled with memories of Brianna. It was just outside this hut where he found her tied to a tree and had rescued her. It was that very night she vowed to marry him one day. He loved her even then, he was just too young to know it. It had been within the walls of this hut that she had dared to kiss him for the first time. One of her old dresses was still stored in the worn wooden chest in the corner, its iron hinges now rusted over. The thatch roof needed repairs and based on the dampness of the earthen floor, it had been leaking for quite a while. ’Twas nothing he could not manage. He could take on any physical task. But could he take on the challenge of living here all alone, living with nothing more than her memory?

  The ceremonies had to have concluded by now. He had said his piece to his brother and strangely, a calmness had come over him. Both he and Ferghus knew he was meant to be with Brianna. If only the lass knew it, as well. But she was mourning the loss of her true love and he would not push himself on her. If all he had left was this old red, faded and tattered dress that Brianna used to wear constantly, then he would cherish it and keep it close to his heart every day. This was not the way he ever expected to live, but life seldom went as planned.

  Come morning, he would begin by repairing the roof and cutting logs for a fire. He would set some animal traps and gather both meat and furs. Aye, he could do this alone, even if alone was the last thing he wanted. A part of him hoped his seed stuck within Brianna’s womb. Was it selfish to wish his child upon her even if she did not love him? Probably, but he desperately wanted a child of his own and only Brianna would do as its mother. She could hardly avoid him forever if she birthed his babe.

  “You really are an arse, Rob,” he murmured to himself as he sat upon the wooden chest, clutching her red dress to his chest.

  “Aye, you are.” Turning his gaze toward the door, he saw moonlight filtering in through the doorway. He had started a small fire but with wet wood and little kindling, he had only been able to find a few usable pieces of wood, giving him little light or warmth. His gaze narrowed as the familiar figure stepped into the room.

  “Bri?” She wore what appeared to be a light blue dress, though it may have been the light of the moon casting a shadow over her.

  “Aye.” She stepped forward slowly, hands on her round hips. “May I ask why you are out here all alone, Robert? Living up to your new name?”

  Standing slowly, he took a few tentative steps toward her. He wanted to entrance her, kiss her, ravish her, but instead, he did what he suspected she preferred and kept his distance. “I am here because this is my new home.”

  “Nay. ’Tis not.” She stepped c
loser and now he could see her features a little better. She wore a tentative smile and wrung her hands nervously.

  “’Tis not?” he asked in confusion. Was she trying to chase him away from the village altogether? His ire peaked. “I suppose I am not far enough away for your liking?” he asked irritably.

  “’Tis much too far away for my liking, Robert.”

  “And where would you have me, Brianna? You made it clear I was unwanted.”

  Shaking her head, she placed a hand on his chest. His heart beat wildly. He wanted to stay angry with her, but it was too cursed hard when her floral scent filled the musty room and her internal light glowed all around, making everything brighter. “Robert. Can you forgive me? I have been grieving, but I have also been cruel.”

  “You are forgiven, Bri. I know Ferghus’s death has been hard for us both. I just do not know why you are here. How did you find me?”

  “Nothing is a secret in a small village,” she smirked and he twitched, fighting back the urge to pull her to him. “Tell me what you told me yesterday,” she whispered.

  Frowning, he shook his head in confusion. “I said many things.”

  Her other hand pressed against his chest, bringing her body up against his. “Tell me what you said after we made love.”

  Furrowing his brow in thought, he closed his eyes to remember the moment. How could he forget? He had confessed his love and she had refused him. Now she wished him to make a fool of himself again? His pride almost made him refuse, but his need to see where she was going with this was much too strong.

  “I love you,” he murmured, looking down at her big bright eyes. She was smiling and his heartbeat picked up a notch.

  “I love you, too, Robert O’Faolain. ’Twas just outside these walls when I vowed to marry you one day, was it not?”

  “Aye. I rescued you and you said you would marry me.”

  “But you never asked.”

  He pulled her to him, feeling her breasts crush against his chest. “I asked you last night,” he growled, his lips hovering just above hers. Gods, he loved this woman.

  “And I foolishly refused you,” she said, bringing her lips up to his, brushing them gently with her own. “Marry me, Robert.”

  His head spun as her words sank in. Was he living in one of his many dreams? Lifting her up by the waist, he felt her legs wrap around his hips as his lips slashed across hers. His tongue delved into her sweet mouth and she opened for him as her hands went around his neck. He needed to have her again, here and now. There was no bed yet, only a pile of soggy furs he had been loath to sleep on. Pushing her against the wall, he slid his hands under her dress and gripped her bare backside in his hands. Her skin was as soft as the finest silk he had once seen on a trade ship from a faraway land. She felt so good against him, her dark hair draped around his head.

  “You have not answered me,” she whispered as her hand released his neck and came down to his trousers, pulling on the string.

  His trousers loosened and easily pooled around his ankles. Fumbling with her skirts, he found his way beneath them with one hand and pushed his manhood into her with a groan. “Aye,” he growled as he filled her to the hilt. “I wish to marry you and make love to you every day. I have many years to make up for,” he whispered as he kissed down her long neck, his beard dragging down her skin as she laughed.

  “’Tis your own fault, that,” she panted as he rocked against her, losing himself to her snug heat. She arched and screamed, banging her head on the wall behind her. She did not seem to notice or care as her entire body stiffened around him, causing him to lose himself in her.

  “Aye, ’tis my own fault,” he agreed as her arms wrapped around him again and she buried her head in his neck. “I plan to make up for it every day of my life.”

  “You are off to a good start, I would say,” she practically purred like a feline in his ear; he was so overcome with love for this woman in his arms, he had to focus on his breathing whenever she was near.

  “Tell me what else I can do to make it right, Bri, and I shall do it.” He still held her tightly in his arms, her legs wrapped around his torso with a grip so strong he expected she planned to stay there for quite some time.

  Sprinkling soft kisses over his eyelids, his nose, both cheeks, and finally landing on his lips with a loud smacking sound, she looked into his eyes and he saw pure love staring back at him. “Help me raise Wee Ferghus as your own.”

  “Done,” he said without hesitation. He already loved the wee lad as his own.

  “And… I want many more children,” she whispered.

  “Done,” he agreed again with a smirk, looking forward to the task.

  “Make love to me one more time, then take me home.”

  Pressing her against the wall once more, he groaned as all his dreams came true at once, finally feeling a hard-earned peace wash over him. He would have the love of a good woman and many children to sire. Never again would he be the Lone Wolf.

  “Done,” he murmured against her lips, never happier in his entire life.

  Author’s Note

  Thank you for taking the time to read The Lone Wolf’s Lass! I have had so much fun writing for the wonderful World of De Wolfe Pack Series, created by the fantastic Kathryn Le Veque. I thank her for allowing me to become part of her world!

  All my Celtic Romance novels take place in the first century AD and I just love writing about this time period! The Pagan Celts had a wonderful social structure that viewed women as equals, had a very firm set of laws called the Brehon Laws, and were much more civilized and modern than many people believe. Ornate jewelry and clothing were important to them as a vain society and they bathed frequently. Cleanliness was highly regarded and expected, especially in the noble ranks. It’s a time of fire festivals, faeries, myth lore, and powerful women whom I just love to create!

  The story of Robert and Brianna has been in my mind for a long while now, and the story was more painful to write than I suspected. I wanted Ferghus to be a beloved character who would be hard to lose. But when that time came, I was filled with so many emotions. It is never easy to remove a strong character, but it had to happen, otherwise Robert and Brianna would never fulfill their destiny together.

  If you have read my previous novels, you will have recognized King Garreth, Queen Ceara, her mother Abigael, and the hillfort village of Coraindt! I could not resist writing Robert and Brianna into their world!

  If you are new to my novels and would like to read more, I have a novella I think you will love to start with because it is the story of Ceara and Garreth! It’s a fun story and the prequel to my first Celtic Romance Series, The Sisters of Danu! Read on for an excerpt from Forsworn Fate!

  Connect with Mia!





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  Forsworn Fate (Excerpt)

  Chapter One

  Ériu 55 AD

  “Oh, the nerve of him!” Ceara stormed into the house, slamming the door and causing the fire to flicker with the wild gush of wind trailing in behind her. She heard her mother sigh in the corner of the house as she worked on another new dress at the loom. Her mother always sighed when Ceara and Garreth argued. For the life of her, she could not understand why her mother had arranged her marriage to the infuriating lad before either of them could have a say. It was not at all common in their village for such arrangements, and yet no amount of shouting about the lad would ch
ange Abigael’s mind.

  “You sigh again, Mother and yet you would have nay need to if you would just break this marriage agreement and allow me to be free of him.” She crossed her arms and spun on her heels to face her mother. “Do you know what he said to me just now?”

  Abigael looked up from the loom and actually gave Ceara her full attention. Ceara’s hopes rose for an instant, wondering if she had finally convinced her mother to listen to her many grievances against her intended husband, but then a slow smirk spread across her mother’s face and Ceara growled. “Och! It does not matter what he said, does it? The man could tell me he thinks me as hideous as a toad, and you would still encourage me to marry him, would you not?”

  Abigael waved a hand dismissively in her direction and scoffed. “Ceara. Nay man in their right mind would call you a toad. And certainly not Garreth. He is quite taken with you.”

  A snort escaped Ceara, so loud it shook her brain. “Taken with me? Is that what you call it when a lad has a new lass on his lap every day? I just ran into him at the gathering hall. He had that lass Mary Gallagher on his lap this time. When I asked him why he even bothered with other lassies when he knew he was to marry me, he replied that he needed to sample as many lassies as he could before he became my prisoner! Prisoner! Mama, the lad does not want to marry me. He has made himself quite clear.”

  That seemed to get her mother’s attention. Abigael stood up slowly and walked over with a sad smile on her face. “You care for the lad, do you not?” Abigael ran a finger down Ceara’s face and stared her in the eyes. Ceara wanted to balk at her mother, but she was never good at hiding her emotions from anyone, least of all her mama. When Ceara was happy, which was most days, she could not contain her jovial spirit and the urge to smile at every passing villager. But when she was angry, most of the time while in Garreth’s infuriating presence, she could feel the fire burning in her veins, like a force greater than herself controlling her every thought.


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