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Wicked Sunset (Sunset Vampire Series, Book 4)

Page 23

by Primo, Jaz

  “Seriously, Caleb? She’s your sister?” Anthony asked.

  Paige winked at him before focusing her full attention upon me. “Brother, are you ever in trouble,” she said with a wicked-looking expression.

  Wasting no time, she reached down to snatch my glass of beer and took a long swig that nearly drained it.

  She returned my near-empty glass to the table with a thump, and leaned down close to my ear and whispered, “Snarkety-snark.”

  “Again with the snarking?” I asked.

  “Thanks for the drink, brother,” she said, her hot breath against my ear. “Although you’re probably going to need it more than I did, tiger.”

  I frowned.

  But before I could inquire further, she offered a slight wave to everyone and danced her way over to the other side of the bar where a couple of fellows were playing pool.

  Trey looked at me with an astonished expression. “Dude, my sister never does that with me.”

  “She’s more of a half-sister, really,” I said.

  “What was that all about?” Olivia asked.

  “Aw, you never know with her,” I said. “I think she’s in an awnry mood tonight.”

  The truth was I was curious about Paige’s behavior, as well.

  I signaled to a passing waitress for a fresh beer and fielded a host of questions about Paige from Trey, Joshua, and Anthony.

  “Guys, she seeing somebody,” I said.

  “Like somebody here in New Haven?” Joshua asked.

  “No, Ethan’s a doctor back in Atlanta,” I said. “We’re only here in New Haven for spring and fall semesters.”

  “A doctor? She dates a doctor?” Chance asked.

  “Yeah, why?” I asked, as our waitress delivered fresh drinks to our table.

  I noticed that even Olivia stared at Chance with a curious expression.

  “Hey, sorry, no offense. Just asking,” Chance said defensively.

  I took a swig of my fresh beer.

  That’s when I saw one of those guys from the parking lot outside of Yalehoos standing near the bar. He glanced over at our table a couple of times before engaging the bartender in conversation.

  I looked over at Paige to get her attention, but she was busy playing pool with some people on the other side of the main room.

  However, when I looked back at the bar, the fellow was gone. I scanned the room twice but didn’t see him anywhere.

  Not for the first time, it seemed as if there was something familiar-looking about the guy, but I couldn’t quite place it.

  “Caleb?” asked Trey. “Man, everything okay?”

  Everyone at our table had ceased talking and was staring at me.

  “What? Yeah, I’m good,” I said. “Did I miss something?”

  “Yeah,” said Anthony. “I was trying to get your attention. My brother said he should have something for you in the next couple of weeks or so.”

  “Really? That’s great,” I said.

  Wow, that was fast. Maybe that’s a good sign my idea was a viable one.

  “What something? Is it a secret project sort-of-something?” Trey asked.

  “Nah, just a small something,” I said. “More of an experiment, really.”

  Thankfully, Anthony let the topic drop and the conversation returned to various professors that were either liked or avoided.

  As The Black Keys’ “Howlin’ for You” began to play, I looked around the room again, hoping to catch a glimpse of the fellow I’d seen earlier.

  My breath caught in my throat as Kat stood just inside the entry area, scanning the room like a predator selecting her next prey.

  She looked so sexy in a fitted dress and black leather boots, and I felt intense desire rush through my body at the sight of her.

  But there was something different about her too; something harder, edgier than when I’d last seen her.

  Her eyes flashed bright green as they settled upon me and she slowly made her way to our table.

  She stopped directly beside my chair and I started to get up, but she held up her hand in a halting motion. Then she bent down to kiss me warmly on the lips.

  “Surprise,” she whispered.

  Despite my surprise, I felt a renewed rush of desire wash over me.

  She stood beside me scanning the faces of my tablemates. Everyone’s eyes were locked upon her, including the ladies present.

  “Everybody, I’m proud to introduce you to my girlfriend, Katrina,” I said.

  I fumbled for a title, almost referring to her as my mate; that would’ve generated a lot of odd looks and questions.

  Kat gave the cutest half-wave. “Hi, everyone.”

  At first everybody remained silent. Then they muttered various polite greetings.

  I was so shocked; I didn’t know what else to say. I was just overwhelmed with joy to see her.

  And I wanted to have sex with her right there on the spot.

  “To be honest, we all started to wonder if you were real or not,” Chance said.

  “Oh, I’m quite real,” Kat said while appearing to closely study Chance.

  “Way real,” Trey muttered.

  “Twin revelations, and all in one night,” Chance said. “Imagine the odds.”

  I narrowed my eyes at her.

  “Well, it was nice to meet each of you,” Kat said, though her eyes lingered on Chance briefly before sweeping back to me.

  She reached out with one hand to caress the side of my cheek with her fingernails while staring down into my eyes. “Honey, I’m home,” she said.

  Then she turned and walked toward the exit.

  She’s leaving?

  I started to say something, but words failed me.

  It was as if I was nailed to my chair as I watched her exit.

  “Is it just me, or is it hot in here?” Anthony asked.

  Chance looked at me with a really peculiar expression and then watched Katrina walk away.

  Paige stepped into my field of vision with a tight-lipped expression and motioned with a jerk of her head toward the exit.

  Thankfully, my brain finally kicked into gear again.

  “Gotta’ run,” I said while scrambling up from my chair and fumbling with my wallet to fish out some money for my drinks.

  “Jesus, Taylor,” Lillian said. “I’m straight and I’m going to beat you to the door!”

  “Just go!” Olivia exclaimed, shooing her hands in my direction.

  I grabbed my leather jacket and practically tripped over Trey’s chair as I bounded for the exit.

  “Told ya’,” Paige said as I bolted past her. “Snarkety-snark!”

  Once I made it outside the pub, I scanned the parking lot, but didn’t see Kat anywhere.

  I rushed out toward the street and looked up and down both lengths of the sidewalk. Again, no Kat.

  It took a second to get my bearings, and then I walked at a fast pace down the sidewalk along Temple Street toward Trumbull in the direction of our house, located on Lincoln.

  As I approached Trumbull, a figure appeared out of the shadows nearby.

  I quickly turned to confront the person.

  It was Kat.

  She slyly smiled. “Miss me?”

  I reached out to pull her against me, crushing my lips against hers in a passionate kiss.

  Time seemed suspended as I held her tightly in my arms, kissing her.

  “I missed you do damned much,” I said between kisses.

  “I missed you too, my love,” she said.

  She gave me another kiss before separating from me slightly. Reaching down to take my hand in hers, we briskly walked together in the direction of the house.

  I scarcely recalled the distance from the front door to our bedroom. Mere seconds after I kicked the bedroom door closed, our clothes were shed.

  Soon, our bodies were intertwined on the bed together amidst a flurry of passionate kisses.

  Then time stood still.

  Chapter 25


/>   When I awoke, one of Kat’s legs and arms were lazily draped across my body, and she was eerily still.

  I got the distinct impression she was asleep, in fact.

  However, as soon as I moved slightly, she lifted her head up from the pillow; her sharp eyes targeting mine.

  “Good morning, my love,” she said.

  “Sleeping?” I asked.

  “Dozing,” she said, and then softly kissed me.

  “I’m so happy you’re here,” I told her.

  “And I’m happy you’re happy,” she said. “By the expression on your face last night, I definitely surprised you.”

  I chuckled. “You could say that.”

  She gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

  “We’ve got a lot to catch up on,” she said. “But first, I’d like to know more about these two men who you’ve been running into around town.”

  I repressed a sigh. Security-related talk already?

  “They seemed really odd. I wish I had more to tell you,” I said. “You may want to speak to Roman.”

  “I already did,” she said. “But I will again.”

  “So, how are things in London?” I asked.

  “Oh, you know, just boring vampire politics,” she said. “But I didn’t come all the way here for vampire shop talk. I’m on holiday.”

  “You’re even beginning to sound British,” I said.

  While it was amazing to have her lying next to me, it bothered me she wouldn’t talk about what was going on overseas. And I knew better than most that vampire politics were rarely boring; usually deadly.

  “I was originally English, you know,” she said.

  She lay her head back down and began nuzzling my neck, which tickled slightly.

  “Well, as much as I’d like to stay, I better get up. I’ve got class in little over an hour,” I said, stifling a yawn.

  Her fangs extended against the skin of my neck.

  “Not quite,” she said. “I haven’t finished with you yet.”

  I froze. “I see somebody’s feeling particularly feral this morning.”

  Her soft lips sealed against my neck and I felt her silky tongue press to my skin. The telltale feeling of numbness quickly formed around the affected area.

  Moments later, she made a pleasurable sound, almost a growl, and I felt a dull sensation as her fangs extended into me.

  Soon, I heard the suckling sounds of her drinking from me as she caressed her fingernails across my chest.

  She hadn’t taken blood from me since before I arrived in New Haven.

  I lay back, closed my eyes, and drifted on a sea of soothing contentment.

  This was something of myself that I could freely offer her; something to convey my love and commitment to her.

  Later, after a quick shower, I went downstairs, and caught a glimpse of Kat perched on a stool at the breakfast counter conversing with Paige with a very serious expression on her face; hard and stony.

  Kat often confided things in Paige; things she didn’t want me having any part in. It only made my curiosity about events in London all the more pointed.

  However, she quickly noticed my presence and her expression transformed into a welcoming, pleasant visage.

  After a quick kiss and a promise from her not to leave town abruptly without saying goodbye, I headed to class with Roman in tow.

  My mood was vastly improved from recent weeks, and the day seemed to pass more quickly than normal.

  For once, life felt more as it should.

  It was the closest I had felt to normal, and happy, in quite some time.

  Kat only stayed for three days, but they were three absolutely enjoyable days. It was how I would’ve preferred my entire experience in New Haven and Yale to be.

  It felt complete.

  However, at the end of those three days, Kat left for the airport and her absence once again felt stark to me.

  My life in New Haven felt incomplete yet again.

  Still, I had needed the quality time with her, however brief.

  I think she felt the same, too.

  During her brief stay, I noted occasions where she seemed stoic and guarded.

  I sensed that her time in London was changing her, and I hoped it wouldn’t be for the worse.

  As with so many things, time would tell.

  * * *

  The days seemed to drag on after Kat left. I was also dismayed that, despite her assurances before her departure, she didn’t stay in regular contact with me for very long.

  Oh, I received an occasional text now and again, but our phone calls were infrequent. It wasn’t uncommon to go many days in a row without actually talking to her.

  That bothered me.

  About three weeks after Kat left, I received a box from Benton Technologies. It was from Anthony’s brother, Gregory.

  A simple handwritten note left inside the box said:


  I hope you like the prototypes I shipped to you. This was a lot of fun and a real challenge. There are still some things we need to iron out, but let me know what you think.

  Then we’ll know where to go from here…


  I unpacked the box’s contents with the excitement of a child on Christmas morning. Within minutes, I was giddy with enthusiasm.

  Gregory, you rock, my friend.

  However, I kept silent about it for the time being; at least until I felt the time was right. Besides, there were still those issues left to work out that Gregory had alluded to; topics I discussed at length with him during the following week.

  * * *

  Two weeks later, early on a Thursday evening, Roman and I had no sooner walked through the front door at the house when, to my surprise, I saw Alton sitting at the kitchen counter talking to Paige.

  “Alton?” I asked.

  “Caleb, Mr. Lee,” he said rising to stand.

  “Mr. Rutherford,” Roman said with a nod.

  “Roman, Paige tells me you’ve been doing an admirable job here,” Alton said.

  “Thank you. My pleasure to be of service, sir,” he replied.

  “I appreciate that very much. Why don’t you take the rest of the evening off?” Alton said. “Caleb and I are going to spend some time together.”

  “Yes, sir,” Roman said. “Thank you, sir.”

  Wasting no time, like a soldier who’d been dismissed, he quickly proceeded upstairs.

  “I’m glad I could surprise you, dear boy,” Alton said, focusing his attention upon me.

  “Oh, I’ve learned you’re always full of surprises,” I said.

  Paige laughed aloud and Alton gave her a disparaging look.

  “Is Kat here, too?” I asked.

  “She’s still in London, I’m afraid,” he replied.

  Something in the way he said that didn’t sound particularly settling.

  “Is she okay? Has something happened?” I asked, a feeling of dread rising in my chest.

  “She’s fine,” he said with a casual wave of his hand. “But let’s you and I take a walk. There are some things we need to discuss.”

  Paige maintained a neutral expression as my sense of curiosity increased.

  It was a cool evening; the air was crisp and held the nostalgic scent of burned wood from nearby fireplaces.

  We walked down Trumbull, chatting about how the weather compared between New Haven in London. As we strolled onto Yale’s campus, the glow from streetlights overhead brought the rich colors of fall leaves to life around us.

  Yale hosted such beautiful campus grounds.

  We stopped to sit on a wooden bench in the midst of the beautiful, park-like area. Alton casually folded his arms before him and stared across the grounds.

  “So, what brings you to town?” I asked. “London’s a bit far away for a quick trip just to see me.”

  “True enough, I suppose. As it happens, I was on the east coast on other business, so I thought it would be nice to drop in and say hello,” he said.

  “I’m glad. It’s always good to see you, Alton,” I said.

  His arm extended across the back of the bench behind my shoulders. “I do enjoy our chats, Caleb. I wish I could visit more frequently.”

  I studied his features as he stared directly ahead of him.

  “How’s college coming along?” he asked.

  “Great. I’m settling in here, and I like my doctoral program so far; although you insisted upon a particularly challenging subject for my dissertation.”

  “Do you need some assistance getting started?” he asked.

  “Like I said, it’s challenging but nothing I can’t handle,” I said.

  “Good, good,” he pleasantly said. “I never doubted your potential for success.”

  “I’d like to know why him; why Oliver Simonson?” I asked.

  “First, tell me what you’ve learned about him so far,” he said.

  I explained that research materials still hadn’t fully arrived from the interlibrary loan process. However, I was able to discover that Simonson worked alongside his father in Union hospitals during the American Civil War where he became interested in phlebotomy.

  “I’m not sure why he found blood so interesting,” I said.

  “Ah, more to the point, the Ancient Art of Bloodletting,” Alton said.


  “I still haven’t researched phlebotomy yet,” I said.

  “Sorry, spoiler,” he said. “Do go on.”

  “Well, Simonson completed advanced medical degrees from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, and then traveled to Europe to study under leading physicians,” I said. “So far, it all seems kinda’ unremarkable.”

  “Do you recall when we flew to New Haven for your meeting with Dean Eddings?” Alton asked.

  “How could I forget?” I countered.

  “Do you remember what I said to Eddings about Professor Gowan?” he asked.

  Why does everything have to be so cryptic with Alton? Couldn’t he just tell me straight out and be done with it?

  I searched my memory. “I don’t know; something about the Enlightenment period, I think.”

  “Correct,” he said. “Dr. Gown specializes in the American and European Enlightenment period. At one of his lectures that I attended, he spoke about the early scientific contributions of Dr. Hugh Simonson, Oliver’s father, as an Enlightenment figure and his early medical research into human diseases.”


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