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Boss Meets Baby

Page 26

by Carol Marinelli

  Vito was still naked—as was she, apart from her lacy bra. In a moment of self-consciousness, she had slipped her breasts back inside the cups. But, considering— the fact she hadn’t replaced her briefs or done anything else to cover her nakedness, she was still feeling amazingly relaxed.

  ‘We’ve wasted too much time,’ Vito said, running his fingertips idly up her long, creamy thigh.

  ‘We can make up for it.’ Lily smiled at him shyly. ‘Especially if you come home for lunch every day.’

  ‘This isn’t my lunch break,’ Vito said, letting his gaze slide over her body in a way that made her heart skip a beat. He slipped his hand under her thigh and lifted her leg over his lap, so that once again she was open for his touch. ‘I’m not going back to the office today. I’ve taken the afternoon off.’

  Lily looked up at him, amazingly feeling the heat of longing wash through her once more despite the fact that she’d felt totally satisfied a moment ago.

  ‘How can you do that to me, with just a look?’ she whispered, aware that a rosy flush of excitement was spreading over her skin again.

  ‘Do what?’ he teased, raising one hand to lift a swathe of her long blonde hair back over her shoulder so that her bra was showing. Her nipples jutted jauntily beneath the transparent stretch-lace, as if they were seeking his attention.

  ‘Set me on fire,’ she said shakily. ‘Make me ache for you with every fibre of my being.’

  ‘Maybe because that’s how looking at you affects me too.’ He lifted his hands to hold her face tenderly and she looked deep into his blue eyes, knowing that what he said was true.

  Right at that second, Lily knew that they had just shared a powerful moment. It felt like the first time they had been totally honest with each other.

  She knew it was only about one aspect of their relationship—the— physical side. But that was important. She felt so much closer to Vito than she’d felt yesterday. And maybe now they would continue to grow closer still, each time they made love.

  ‘I don’t even need to look at you to want you,’ Vito said, trailing his fingers deliciously down her collarbone. ‘Just thinking about you makes me hard. This morning in the office I couldn’t do a stroke of work.’

  ‘Really?’ Lily asked shyly. She’d always thought of Vito as totally in control, whatever situation he was in.

  ‘Enough conversation.’ Vito’s voice was deep and gravelly as he suddenly pulled her round so she was sitting astride him. ‘This time I’m going to take it slowly.’


  ‘THANK you for coming with me,’ Lily said. She blinked in the bright light as they left the hospital after her midpregnancy— scan.

  ‘You don’t need to thank me.’ Vito held her hand as she stepped down into the boat. ‘It was my duty to be there.’

  Lily squinted up at him, but she couldn’t read his expression— through the glare reflected off the water. During the scan he had seemed cold and distant, which was not how he’d been with her generally over the last couple of weeks. Since the night they’d made love things had been so different—much warmer, with almost no tension between them at all.

  But that was probably because all they did together was make love, she thought with a hint of sadness. At first she’d been overwhelmed by their new-found intimacy and enjoyment of each other. He was the most amazing, generous lover, and he treated her like a princess.

  Just looking at him made her heart skip a beat, and the love that she’d finally admitted she felt for him had continued to grow, like a precious secret in her heart. But as time went by she needed more. She wanted to be able to do more together than have sex.

  Of course that was wonderful—but it would also be wonderful to be able to talk to him, have a proper conversation.— She was aware that whenever her comments became more than just pillow talk he found a way to silence her. Perhaps with a kiss, or a caress, or with a suggestion of something exquisite he’d like to do with her willing body.

  ‘Did you mind it when I asked the radiographer the sex of the baby?’ She delved in her handbag for her sunglasses. She wanted to be able to look at him properly, to see if she could detect any clue as to how he was feeling after the scan.

  ‘My grandfather will be pleased that you are carrying a boy.’ His tone was bland and did not reveal anything about his mood.

  She found her sunglasses and put them on, then her eyes came to rest on the scan photos she had tucked carefully into her bag.

  ‘Do you want one of these?’ she asked, holding the flimsy pictures tightly, as the boat was moving and a stiff breeze was blowing.

  ‘I’m sure my grandfather would like to see them all.’ He pulled his mobile phone out of his pocket and switched it on to check if he’d missed any calls or emails while they’d been inside the hospital. ‘Put them away to keep them safe.’

  Lily gazed at him quietly. His black hair was whipping— about and the jacket of his suit was billowing slightly in the wind—but his face was set in stone. He didn’t look angry. In fact he looked completely devoid of emotion.

  It must be hard for him, she knew, believing the child inside her was not his. She still didn’t know why he thought that, but after the wonderful accord they seemed to have reached lately, at least in the bedroom, it seemed so wrong that he still believed something that simply wasn’t true.

  A few minutes later they were travelling along the Grand Canal. Even though she had been there many times before, Lily couldn’t help being impressed by the magnificent array of buildings that edged the water. Recently Giovanni had started to tell her some of the history surrounding many of the important families that had owned the palazzi that could be seen from his bedroom window. She’d found it absolutely fascinating.

  ‘It’s already late morning, so I thought you might like to stop at Ca’ Salvatore,’ Vito said. ‘Unless you’re tired and you’d like me to take you home before I go to the office?’

  ‘No, I’d like to visit Giovanni,’ Lily said. ‘I want to see his face when he learns he is to have a great-grandson.’ She glanced at Vito, suddenly feeling slightly awkward. The comparison between his grandfather’s pleasure and Vito’s utter lack of interest was uncomfortably obvious.

  ‘He’ll probably start choosing names. Traditional family names, suitable for the newest Salvatore,’ Vito said. ‘But don’t be concerned. We won’t name the child anything you are not happy with.’

  Lily pushed her hair back off her face and looked at him with interest. Just when she thought he was showing— as much emotion and understanding as one of the marble statues at Ca’Salvatore, he took her by surprise. It was the first time he’d said anything that showed he took her feelings into account.

  ‘I’d like to choose a name that makes Giovanni happy,’ she said. She wasn’t worried about Giovanni’s choice of names for her son. To tell the truth, it touched her deeply to know that her son was truly wanted by his great-grandfather, and was important enough to be included in the family tradition of names. But in the circumstances it was a bittersweet thought. If only Vito felt the same way as his grandfather.

  ‘I’ll be late tonight,’ Vito said, jumping out of the boat to offer Lily a steadying hand as she disembarked at the water entrance of Ca’ Salvatore. ‘I have a lot to catch up on.’

  Lily watched as the boat eased back out into the traffic on the Grand Canal. She’d felt so happy during the scan, seeing images of her baby. But now a heavy weight of sadness was descending on her.

  The past couple of weeks had been wonderful, spending time with Vito again. She had pushed her concerns about the future to the back of her mind, telling herself that the intimacy she had rediscovered with him would help rebuild the trust between them.

  But this morning his reaction to the scan had told her nothing had changed. Even the awe-inspiring sight of a tiny baby growing inside her hadn’t softened him. By his actions he’d made it very clear that he was just as hard-hearted towards her as ever.

  The next
few weeks continued in the same way. It seemed impossible for Lily to spend any time with Vito without ending up in his arms.

  But she was falling ever more deeply in love with him, and a tiny seed of hope was steadily growing within her heart. If only she could convince him of her innocence maybe things could be genuinely good between them—both in and out of the bedroom.

  At last, as her pregnancy advanced, life gradually began to settle into a routine similar to when Lily had first come to Venice to live with Vito. He started taking her out around the city and eating with her in restaurants again, finally giving her the opportunity to talk to him.

  But, although it was what she had been hoping so for weeks, she knew she had to be careful to take things slowly, to keep their conversations on neutral ground. She was trying to build the foundations of her unborn baby’s life while she had the chance. She couldn’t risk ruining everything she was working towards with a rash comment.

  Then one evening she was surprised to find herself being guided into Luigi’s. It was the first time they had visited the restaurant since their terrible argument when Vito had been horribly suspicious of the kindly restaurateur.

  She stiffened unconsciously as they crossed the threshold. It was unbearable that he had brought her here, especially after they had been getting on so well. Luigi was bound to say something, and she didn’t know how Vito would react.

  ‘Lily, Vito!’ Luigi bundled over to them with an extravagant— flourish. ‘It is wonderful to see you again after so long.’

  ‘Luigi.’ Vito greeted the proprietor of the restaurant with a neutral tone.

  ‘Mamma mia! I see congratulations are in order!’he exclaimed— as his gaze settled on Lily’s very obvious bump.

  ‘Thank you.’ Vito guided Lily to her chair and held it for her himself.

  ‘And I am so glad to see you back in Venice after the last time we met,’ Luigi said, addressing his first words to Lily. Then he turned to Vito, a protective glint flashing unexpectedly in his eye. ‘You must have been so worried, to think that your love was roaming the streets alone that cold, foggy night.’

  It was the comment Lily had been dreading. She couldn’t stand it. She’d worked so hard to make things right with Vito—for the sake of her unborn son and also for her own future happiness. Suddenly, at that awful moment, it seemed easier to bear the shame herself rather than have Luigi think the worst of Vito.

  ‘It was a silly misunderstanding,’ Lily blurted.

  ‘No, it was my responsibility.’ Vito spoke calmly and placed his hand over Lily’s, which lay trembling on the white-linen tablecloth. ‘And I wish to thank you for taking care of Lily when I was remiss.’

  ‘You must be so pleased to have her back,’ Luigi said. He still had an assessing look in his eye, making Lily want to move the conversation on as quickly as possible.

  ‘It’s—good to be here.’ She stumbled over her reply.

  ‘She’s my wife now,’ Vito added, his voice deep and intense.

  ‘Molte congratulazioni!’ Luigi beamed, instantly loosing all of his sternness. He called across to a waiter to bring out a bottle of prosecco.

  Lily felt Vito’s hand pressing hers, and she lifted her gaze to his face. He looked as drop-dead gorgeous as ever, but she couldn’t read his expression. Was he telling her that he believed that she had not been involved with Luigi?

  Or was he simply letting her understand that, despite the fact that he believed she had been unfaithful—if not with Luigi, then with some one else—this was all part of the act he was prepared to play to ensure his grandfather’s— happiness?

  But, as glasses of sparkling prosecco were poured, and extravagant Italian toasts to the newlyweds were made, she couldn’t dwell on the problem any longer.

  ‘You look terrible,’ Vito said, rushing to help her up the last few stairs and onto the sofa in his study.

  ‘Thanks.’ Lily tried to smile, but she really didn’t feel very well.

  ‘I’ll call the doctor,’ Vito said, dropping down onto one knee in front of her to look at her properly.

  ‘There’s no need,’ Lily said. ‘I only went for a check-up— two days ago. Everything’s fine—it’s just I got so hot walking back from Ca’ Salvatore.’

  With a muffled curse Vito shot across the room to the bar area, clunked ice into a tumbler and poured mineral water on top.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ he said as he handed the glass to her. ‘I should have thought of bringing you something to drink right away.’

  ‘That’s all right,’ Lily said, touched by his concern. ‘The first thing I needed was just to sit down.’

  ‘You shouldn’t be walking in this heat,’ Vito said. ‘You need to rest for a few days. Then, after you are re-covered,— if you want to visit my grandfather you must go by boat.’

  ‘I don’t need a few days’rest,’ Lily protested. ‘I’ll be all right by tomorrow. And I need to walk or I won’t get any exercise at all, and that can’t be good for me.’

  ‘I’m calling the doctor.’ From the decisive tone of his voice it was clear that he had already made his mind up. ‘I want to know for myself what it is all right for you to do. I won’t let you overdo it.’

  Lily stared at him in bewildered consternation. At seven months pregnant she could still be working fulltime,— if she wasn’t in the privileged position of being married to a rich man.

  ‘Your ankles are puffy.’ Vito knelt down to pull off her sandals. He sat next to her on the sofa, turned her sideways and lifted her feet up onto his lap. ‘Is that normal?’

  ‘I think so,’ Lily said as Vito began to stroke gently along her feet, smoothing the slight indentations the straps of her sandals had made, and then massaging up her calves towards her knees. ‘Unless it gets too bad. The midwife always checks for it—but I don’t know what it means.’

  ‘I’ll ask the doctor.’

  ‘Really, I’m fine now,’ Lily protested. The glass of water had refreshed her, and she really did feel fine. Better than fine, in fact. The touch of Vito’s fingers, which she was certain he meant to be purely comforting,— was already doing things to her libido. Her progression— well into her third trimester had not done anything to curb her physical desire for Vito. ‘But I think I might feel better if I freshen up in the shower.’

  Before she realised what he was about, Vito swept her up into his strong arms and, holding her cradled against the broad planes of his chest, carried her upstairs to their bedroom.

  He took her through into the en suite and set her down on the marble floor. The small mosaic tiles felt deliciously— cool under her feet and, as always when she was close to Vito, Lily felt completely aware of her own body. And every inch of her skin or strand of her hair was conscious— of Vito—longing to touch or be touched by him.

  ‘Do you need any help?’ he asked, and Lily could see from the darkening of his blue eyes that he knew exactly what she needed.

  ‘I’d love some help.’ She sucked in a shaky breath as he brushed past her to turn on the shower. Then, bending to take hold of the hem of her loose-fitting summer dress, he pulled it up and straight over her head.

  He shed his own clothes quickly, and kicked them out of the door into the bedroom before turning back to her.

  ‘You are so beautiful,’ he said, letting his hands caress her seven-month bump as he reached for her lacy underwear.

  Lily held onto his powerful shoulders as she stepped out of her briefs. He still showed such adoration of her body, even though her pregnancy was well advanced. And he was very inventive when it came to finding new ways for them to enjoy their love-making despite her changing body. The way he was treating her gave her hope for the future—maybe in time he would come to share her feelings of love.

  He reached behind her to unfasten her bra. And then, totally naked, they both stepped into the shower. She sighed asVito started to smooth exotically scented shower cream over her body. Being with him was incredible.

  Later that even
ing Vito took Lily to his house in the Dolomite mountain-range. As soon as she stepped out of the helicopter she could feel her body relaxing in the cooler atmosphere. Although sometimes it had felt like it, she knew she hadn’t really been hot all the time in Venice—the palazzo was air-conditioned—but there was something wonderfully refreshing about being in clear mountain air.

  ‘It’s incredible,’ Lily breathed, gazing at the awe-in-spiring— view.

  ‘The chalet makes a useful retreat,’ Vito agreed. ‘And it will be a good place for you to rest.’

  ‘I don’t exactly do much in Venice,’ Lily protested, turning to look at what she presumed must be Vito’s chalet. It didn’t look like her idea of a chalet—but then she was thinking of the small, individual holiday-homes she and Ellen had sometimes stayed in while she was growing up. Not an impressive timber building that looked more like an exclusive alpine ski-lodge. ‘I’m pregnant—not an invalid.’

  ‘The doctor thought it would be good for you to get out of the city,’ Vito said, taking her hand and leading her up the wooden steps to an impressive first-floor balcony that appeared to run right round the building. ‘And I agree with him.’

  He led her into the first-floor living space, which was laid out to take maximum benefit from the ravishing— view that seemed to roll on and on for ever.

  ‘Sit down and rest, while I speak to the housekeeper about dinner.’

  Obediently, Lily sunk into a huge comfy armchair. It did feel good to be off her feet, even though she’d only just stepped out of the helicopter. And before that she’d spent most of the afternoon sleeping, until Vito had woken her up to tell her that the doctor had arrived.

  He had confirmed that everything was fine, and had said there would be no harm in Lily leaving the city for a while. After he had left, Lily had started to say that there was no need for Vito to disrupt his work routine for her. But then she’d discovered Vito had already packed for her while she’d been asleep.

  She knew that once Vito had made up his mind there was no way to change it. And also she was secretly touched that he’d taken the trouble to pack her things himself. Never in her life had anyone packed her suitcase for her. On short breaks away with Ellen, she’d always had to be the responsible one who made sure nothing essential was forgotten.


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