Fighting Fate

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Fighting Fate Page 3

by Barbara Speak

  He pushed the buckle into place and then backed away to close the door. I have never been angrier in my life. I waited until he had walked around the front of the car and was opening his own door before I couldn't handle my own emotions. There was absolutely no way I could ride in a car with him. Not even for the couple of minutes it would take to get me to Heather's or Sadie's house. Before I even knew I had done it, the passenger door was open and I was jumping out.

  I heard, "Are you kidding me?" but never let it faze me. Tears were running down my cheeks as I began to run as fast as I could away from Mike, the very man I gave my heart to over two years ago with no reciprocation. How could he treat me like this? Just because I didn't do exactly what he wanted I became a burden on him? He can kiss my ass. My hopes came crashing down on me in one fell swoop.

  Thank God I had on tennis shoes versus the high heels I typically lived in. Running has always been easy for me but with every breath I took I felt it burn within my chest. I was bawling like a baby when he caught up to me and tackled me to the ground. I landed roughly in someone’s front lawn with Mike having a death grip on me. He flipped me over effortlessly once again until I had no choice but to look him in the eye. I held back the tears as best as I could, not wanting him to see me broken, but a few couldn't be controlled as they ran down my cheeks.

  "I'm so sorry, Daisy. I'm so, so sorry. Please don't cry, honey."

  His own eyes pooled as he looked down at me. I wanted so badly to wipe mine away but he had my arms pinned over my head. They continued to fall down my cheeks so that I could now feel them in my ears and hair. I didn't know what to say in return. Telling him it was okay to treat me like that was never something that would come out of my mouth.

  "Say something. Anything would be better than the look you're giving me right now."

  The words wouldn't come. I stayed locked in his stare, I couldn't look away. In all my rage there was still a part of me that longed for this man. From the first day that my brother brought me to this town and introduced me to the college and his friends, I have wanted Mike. I don't know what happened to change the last two-and-a-half years but he and I were definitely in a different place.

  Finally words came as I said, "Will you let go of me, please? You're starting to hurt me."

  His hands immediately left my arms but instead of pulling them back, he reached under me and tugged me toward him. I landed with my face in his chest as he wrapped his huge arms around me. With one hand he began to softly rake my hair away from my face, the other stayed on my back, moving up and down to soothe me.

  "I never meant to call you a whore. Daisy, you are nothing short of perfection. Don't let me or anyone ever make you feel any different."

  Even though I felt at home in his arms, I needed to break free of them. I pushed back, giving myself enough space to face him.

  "I wouldn't. That's why I need you to let me go now."

  His hands came to rest under my jaw, while his thumbs made circles on my cheeks. His beautiful green eyes glistened as he stared into me.

  "That's the problem here. I can't."

  He began to move his head closer but never left the lock he had on my eyes.

  "You are absolutely stunning and I want more."

  My focus traveled to his lips as he spoke, coming even closer. I wanted to stay strong but the chills that ran through my whole body convinced me that I needed more of him as well.

  When his lips touched mine it was so soft and delicate. First, he kissed my top lip and then he went for my bottom. It was like he was waiting for me to take the lead as far as where I was going to let him go. I held on, as hard as it was. I stayed strong and never made any advances. He needed to work for me. I needed him to know I wasn't like all the other girls.

  He never stopped. His tongue would graze my lips to wet them but he never pressed for me to do anything. Before I knew it, I was separating my mouth and taking his bottom lip between my teeth. I drug it out, hearing him moan and then his hold on my face got tighter but he never advanced. His patience was killing me. I wanted him to take control, push me down and take what he wanted, yet he stayed solid in his effort to force me to take the lead. And that's exactly what I did. My hands shot up to his chest and pushed him as hard as I could away from me. Something about him put me in a trance. Like the feeling of his mouth made me want to strip my clothes off right here in public and let him take me kind of trance.

  "Why are you so hell-bent on something not happening with us?"

  That was the question that I needed to hear to allow me to ask mine.

  "Why were YOU so hell-bent on ignoring me for the last few years? What makes today so different? You know what, never mind. We have friends and you have family waiting for us. Did you even bother to get the alcohol that we came for?"

  "I did and they can wait. You asked me a question so I'm going to answer it and then I expect you to do the same. First, as far as ignoring you, I was trying to not get close. There is a huge difference. Second, you want to know what makes today different? I'm done with it all." He raked his hands over his head a couple of times looking up into the soon-to-be-night sky and then back at me. I didn't help him feel more comfortable, I wanted honest answers. Eventually he finished with, "You are my friend’s little sister. Don't you understand what that means?"

  Oh no, no, no. No way was he going to pull this. I have heard this excuse my whole life. Heaven forbid someone see me for me.

  "And? No, apparently I don't. To me that is just an excuse, not an explanation. Besides, that will never change. So, if you hold my brother in such high regard, then why change your mind now? Let it be as it always was and let's move on."

  He lunged for me and within seconds I was in his arms and he took a firm grip on my face, forcing me to look at him again.

  "That's my point, Daisy. It has always been me wanting you, always. I’m just tired of letting everything else get in the way of it."

  I let his words sink in as deep as they could run. Mike Harrison wants me?

  I looked down at his lips and said, "Talk is cheap. You are going to need to prove it."

  His lips parted but it was a long wait before I watched them move, saying the very words I needed to hear. "You're worth the fight."

  Chapter 3

  Mike finally talked me into going back to the house where we found everyone in the kitchen sitting around the table playing a drinking game. Seeing the cars in the driveway, we knew Tony and Ash must have found someone to watch the babies and had made it over. By the count of empty bottles, I would say they were all feeling pretty good already.

  "What the hell took you so long? You're lucky I stopped and grabbed the wine or the girls might have clawed your eyes out by now."

  Tony had gotten up from his chair and walked over, giving me a hug while he chastised his brother.

  "How are you, Marissa?"

  Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me for my response.

  "I'm just as good as always, how about you? Is Anthony getting better about his colic?"

  "No," came from him and Kate in unison.

  "Who has my little demon of a nephew anyway? Did you pawn them off on Mom and Dad?"

  Mike wore the sexiest grin until Tony answered, "No... Mom and Dad weren't home yet…"

  I knew exactly where Tony was going with this and it was proven when what he said finally reached Mike's eyes. They practically popped out of their sockets.

  "Sadie's parents are out of town! You made them watch all four? Are you nuts? Kate's parents have to be going crazy by now."

  "What are you taking about? They love having all of their grandkids."

  Ash was smiling up from his chair at Mike when Sadie grabbed his hand and said, "That's a bold ass lie, Ash, and you know it. Between Kendal and Anthony I'm sure they were ready for us to come get them an hour ago."

  I looked over at Heather, only to find her head on Jason's shoulder, as he ran his fingers through her hair. All of this talk
of children couldn't be helping the situation.

  Mike must have thought the same thing because he said, "Well we just got here, so nobody is going anywhere just yet. What game are we playing?"

  I glanced over at him and smiled. He winked back at me and then pulled out a chair for me to sit between Sadie and Kate. Once he was sure I was comfortable, he walked back out the door to finish bringing in the alcohol.

  "So, what did take you guys so long huh? Anything you want to share?"

  As soon as Kate asked the question, both she and Sadie leaned in for my answer. What could I tell them? That he just might be everything I built him up to be or he will be the one thing that tears to me shreds. The last thing I needed was them telling me how to handle this. If anything was going to happen between Mike and me, it had to be on our terms.

  "We talked. That's all I have for you, sorry."

  Sadie flew herself back in her chair screaming, "There is no way you are going to stay quiet now. We've heard for almost three years now about how hot he is and what you would do—"

  "Three years! Really?"

  “Oh my God he heard her!” was all I could think as I went into my shell. Right then and there, someone needed to shoot me and put me out of my misery. Nothing was going to get me to turn around and face him. I couldn't even look at Ash who was sitting across from me. My eyes were glued to the stack of cards in the middle of the table.

  I felt Sadie's hand on my thigh, rubbing back and forth trying to calm me, but there was no going back. All of a sudden I could feel Mike closing in from behind. His breath was tickling my neck, as he leaned down into my ear and whispered, "I'm glad it was me all along or I might have had to kill the lucky bastard."

  When he pulled away, chills ran rampant over my skin. Just him being that close to me made every part of my body go crazy. Now that I had a small taste of Mike Harrison, I needed more. He was like crack cocaine to me: addictive from the very first try.

  I thought that when he moved away I was in the clear. I needed to collect my nerves and the only thing I could think of was to get out of this room and away from prying eyes. But the second I went to stand, he had me spun around and facing him.

  "What’s got you wound so tight? You aren't ashamed of me, are you?"

  He was wearing a smirk that I wanted to smack off. Without a response, I pulled away from him and went straight to the bathroom, locking the door behind me. Once I knew no one could get in, I turned to the mirror and let out the air I had been holding. What the hell is wrong with me? I have had men hit on me before. Why do I let him get to me like this? Right about then the panic set in. How am I supposed to leave the bathroom now? I just made my situation fifty times worse by coming in here. That's it! I’ll just wait it out. They all have to get tired sometime and want to go home.


  Shit, shit, shit!

  No, I didn’t say any of that out loud. I'm not that pathetic. But what I should say to him stumped me. I was screwed regardless. Having no choice, I opened the door. Mike stood there with his hands in his pockets, arms flexing, as he stared me down with those beautiful eyes.

  "This is not how things are going to be, do you understand? This is my family. I have absolutely no shame in putting you and my intentions out there for them to see. I learned well from Tony after he made that stupid mistake what it could cost me."

  He watched, carefully taking in my reaction before he pulled his left hand out and reached for me. My hand met his and once they folded themselves together, I pulled with everything I had, bringing him into the bathroom with me.

  He closed the door behind him with his foot and then picked me up, placing me on the counter with him coming to rest between my legs. He brought his face down to mine so I could actually feel his breath hitting me when he said, "Why are you in here running from me? Am I that scary to you?"

  "You ask a lot of questions."

  "You don't answer any of them. How else am I supposed to understand you?"

  "Spend time with me. Learn. Don't take the easy way and ask. Find out for yourself."

  "You are complicated in every way, aren't you."

  "There you go with the questions again."

  My hands went behind his head, bending my arms and resting my elbows on his broad shoulders, while I began pulling him to me. I arched my back so that our chests could touch as I softly kissed his lips.

  "I like your way better."

  "Then stop talking and let me continue."

  A growl came from his chest as he grabbed me on the upper part of my thighs and squeezed. His heart was beating so hard I could feel its rhythm match my own. Every time his tongue brushed against mine my grip got tighter, pulling him closer. I have never wanted anything more in my life than this moment. Mike let go of me, causing me to whimper from the loss of his touch.

  "Don't worry, Daisy. I'm not letting you go."

  "You just did."

  "Okay, so technically I did, but only because I don't want them to get the wrong idea about you. We need to get back out there."

  I knew he was right but no part of me cared. I wanted him more than I ever had before and it clearly showed.

  "Quit looking at me like that. I'm not a good guy, Daisy. I'm the guy your parents warn you about and I'm trying my best here not to be that way with you. Now, get off that counter and get away from me before I lose all the control I have left."

  With each second I resisted, his pupils got darker. He looked almost dangerous and that only turned me on more.

  "I would love to see you lose control on me."

  O-M-G! I couldn’t believe I let that come out of my mouth. Something was happening to me and I wanted to find out where it was going to go. My inhibitions were lost in a haze. I had gone from not wanting him to use me to being the aggressor.

  "That’s it." He grabbed me, spun me around and slammed me against the wall. My legs wrapped around his waist as he pushed his extremely hard self up against me. Keeping hold of my ass, he began to rub me up and down over him while he stared directly into my eyes.

  Pressure was building inside me and I knew without a doubt I was going to explode. He continued to rock into me as he said, "Is this what you want? You want to play dirty? I will take every wet dream you have had of me and turn them into child’s play, Daisy."

  That was it. I opened my mouth to scream but Mike was quick to cover it while I convulsed in his arms. My whole body turned to mush as he slowly let me down to the floor.

  "Don't even think I'm done with you. I'm just getting started, but we’ve been in here long enough." He walked to the door and grabbed ahold of the handle before he turned to me and said, "That was unbelievably hot, by the way."

  And then he walked out, leaving me in the very bathroom I used to escape him.

  What the hell is happening? I turned to look in the mirror again and scared myself. My hair was a tangled knot on my head and there was still no makeup to speak of. My face was beat red. I looked awful and yet, at my worst, he came for me. Well, actually, I just came for him but who's keeping track? My body shuddered from the thought of what he did to me. Then cold blooded fear took over. Would he expect me to sleep with him tonight? Could I?

  "Marissa, are you still in there? I need to go to pee."

  Crap! It was time to face everyone, whether I liked it or not. I opened the door to find Heather standing outside of it this time.

  "Sorry. It's all yours."

  She walked in before I could get past her and said, "Did that just really happen?"

  "Did what?"

  She grabbed me into a tight hug and squeezed.

  "I'm so happy he has finally realized what's been in front of him this whole time. But, Marissa, be careful. He's a great guy don't get me wrong, but he has no idea how to commit as a boyfriend. Don't let him hurt you. Okay?"

  I knew she was trying to protect me.

  "I'm going to be fine. I'm not throwing myself at him like you would think. We talked and he knows where I st
and. But thank you for loving me enough to worry."

  Her hold on me tightened and then she let go, pulling back to face me.

  "I will always love you. Now go, my bladder is about to burst. "

  She pushed me out and closed the door, leaving me in the hall and forcing me to confront everyone again. This time when I walked around the corner, Mike was closing the refrigerator door and walking toward me, holding a bottle of caramel vodka with a smile on his face.

  "Time to pay the punishment."

  "Are you really going to start that now? It’s eight-thirty already. You really don’t have to. It was a joke."

  "I don't lose often at anything, Daisy, and when I do, I own up. Besides, no one here is going anywhere anytime soon."

  "Speak for yourself. We still have to get the kids."

  Sadie stood up, stumbling a bit, making it obvious she couldn't drive anywhere, let alone go get the twins.

  "What she meant to say is, Tony and I still have to drive our wives home and go get the kids."

  Sadie looked at me cross-eyed and said, "Yeah, what he said."

  "Why did he just call you, Daisy? And since when are you two buddy-buddy? Did I miss something?"

  I looked at Mike for help, since I had no idea how to answer Tony. The way his eyes darkened let me know he wasn't happy with answering him either.

  "What I call her is my business. As far as how close we are, get used to it." Mike glared at his brother when Ash broke the silence.

  "On that note...Sadie, I think it's time for us to go." He grabbed her hand to steady her balance and brought her around the table.

  Kate stood up as well and everyone started grabbing their things, leaving it even more awkward than the room I had walked into several minutes ago.

  "You guys don't have to leave. I mean really, we just got back."

  I couldn't help but feel like all of this was my fault. Mike stood firm. His whole body was tense. His muscles constricted as he remained silent, watching them.

  Tony walked past him and patted him on the shoulder letting him know there were no hard feelings and then walked over to me. He leaned in close, whispering in my ear, "It's about time. He's been holding back for so long with you. I'm glad to see it all come out. But you really do need to tell me what the Daisy thing is about."


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