Fighting Fate

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Fighting Fate Page 4

by Barbara Speak

  I started to laugh. So overwhelmed with what he said, the only thing I allowed myself to focus on was the stupid name Mike kept calling me.

  "It's from the Duke of Hayward or something like that."

  "Haha, he's right! You so look like Daisy. By the way, it's “The Dukes of Hazzard”. As in Hazzard County?"

  I remained confused. What the hell is Hazzard County? Like that was going to clear it up for me.

  "Just google it, Marissa, you will see. Damn, I can't believe I didn't see it before. "

  "You’re lucky you didn't, Big Man, or I would have hurt you severely." Kate was laughing as she said it but I knew Tony was right. As soon as I had my phone back I would be looking up whoever Daisy is and finding out what the big deal was.

  Sadie, Ash, Kate and Tony all hugged me goodbye and started out the door when the thought hit me.

  "Wait!" I went running after them leaving Heather, Jason and Mike inside. "I need a ride back to your place to get my car."

  Ash turned around to answer me but was cut off when, "I got her. Go ahead and go" came from behind me. After the bathroom scene I wasn't sure if this was a good idea. Would he expect me to put out? Could I even do it?

  Kate clearly read my expression and said, "Mike, thanks, but we've got her. Come on, Marissa, we can drop you off. It's no problem."

  Before I could take a step, his hands were resting on my shoulders.

  "We're good. You guys don't need to worry about her. I’ll make sure she gets there safe."

  All eyes were on me, waiting for a response. With Mike behind me, you would think I would be able to let them know I was scared to death to be alone with him again, but I couldn't. I went ahead and said, "It's fine. Mike can take me."

  None of them believed me but they got in their cars anyway and pulled away. I stayed right where I was, never turning to face him.

  "You ready to get the party started?"

  "I really need to get back to my dorm and study for an exam I have in the morning."

  His arms wrapped around me pulling me tight into his chest.

  "I will help you study then."

  That one statement had me spinning around faster than I knew I could move.

  "You know bio physics?"

  The look in his eyes melted my heart. He looked defeated. I should have known he knew nothing about my major.

  "Do you have flash cards I could hold up?"

  I grabbed ahold of his cheeks and pecked his lips saying, "Thank you, but I really need to concentrate and I don't think I would be able to knowing I would just be staring at you instead of the cards."

  "Look, I know I'm not as smart as you but I will help if it means I still get to spend time with you tonight."

  How do you say no to that face? Well, I know you can't really see it but let me give you an idea. Nothing about Mike is small. He's ripped with muscle almost to the point of looking fake. He's not the heavy body building type with veins sticking out everywhere, but he is cut clean. His t-shirt hugged his chest, making his pecs very obvious. I would probably guess it would be hard to find shirts that didn't. His neck is thick, blending right into his traps. His jaw is crisp all the way back to where it meets his ears. The lips on this man are to die for. The V in his top lip couldn't be drawn on more perfectly with lip liner. His cheek bones are high and they bring the attention straight to his eyes. He has a small mole that is black right next to his left eye making it appear like eyeliner. It only sets off the amazing green color of his irises. His lashes are long and full only accentuating the color. His hair, what’s left of it to see, is a medium brown but he keeps it cut extremely short. In a nut shell, he's perfect. Well, for me he is. You might go for the tall, skinny, blonde surfer type. I have seen more than my fair share of them growing up in California. Nope. Mike is everything I could ever dream of and in that moment, I couldn't turn him down if I wanted to.

  "Screw studying. If I don't know it by now I would be in trouble regardless."

  "Are you sure? You were pretty adamant on getting away from me two seconds ago."

  "Do you want to spend time with me or not? Because now all you’re doing is pointing out why I shouldn't."

  "Don't get sassy with me, child, you don't want the punishment that will follow."

  The smile I had been wearing left. I don't know why what he just said was bothering me so much, but I knew the five year gap in our age could potentially be an issue and obviously by his comment he knew it too.

  "What did I say? And don't tell me it's nothing. I hate when girls expect guys to be mind readers."

  Okay maybe not.

  "You called me a child."

  "That's what stopped your smile? All right. I want you to listen to what I'm about to say very carefully, because I never want to revisit this conversation again. I, in no way shape or form, see you as anything less than a woman I want to get to know. Not a child, never a child. That would make me one sick son-of-a-bitch seeing as I picture you naked constantly."

  He laughed and I couldn't help but ask him, "You're really okay with the difference in our age?"

  "I didn't say we were getting married and popping out kids like everyone else. I just want to get to know you better. Since you have no intentions of answering my questions, I need to spend more time with you. There is something about you that’s different from all the other girls. It's always been there. From the first time I saw you it's been there."

  "What's been there?"

  "The draw. Have you seriously never noticed how men look at you? You are the most beautiful creature that walks this Earth."

  "You're full of shit and really need to work on your pick-up lines."

  For some reason his compliments made me very uncomfortable along with the way he was looking at me like I was crazy.

  "Do you not look in the mirror, ever?"

  Of course I have. No one doesn't know what they look like unless they are born blind. That was a stupid way to make a point. I mean yes, I am five foot ten and have long blonde hair. My eyes are blue but that's about it. Other than my big boobs that won't go away no matter how much I work out or diet.

  "I know what I look like, Mike. I'm nothing special and if what you said were true, it wouldn't have taken you this long to approach me. And YOU need to hear ME when I say, don't talk to me like I'm ten years old, either. You don’t want to revisit this conversation? Give me a break. I have a dad, and a big brother. I don't need you speaking to me—"

  He grabbed me and kissed me. Just like that, I went from berating him to turning to mush in his arms.

  When I finally gave in completely, he pulled back.

  "Are you ever going to give me a break or are you going to bust my balls forever?"

  I knew what I was doing was very immature but at the same time, being nice never worked out in my favor with him. It seems the second I stopped kissing his ass was the second that he started to notice me.

  "Would you prefer me to act like all the girls that throw themselves at your feet?"

  "No. I would prefer you to act like the girl I had in the bathroom twenty minutes ago. The girl whose eyes screamed that they wanted me, needed me. And before you start in on me again, what I mean is that I want you to stop fighting it. Can't we just have fun and see what happens from here?"

  "So, you’re really okay with me being younger and Bryan's little sister? I just can't get past the fact that you looked away from me every time I walked into a room. If I sat down with everyone, you got up and walked away. It's been almost three years of you ignoring me, Mike. I don’t know how to get past all of that and just be comfortable with you, even if I am attracted to you."

  He looked at me, never letting his mouth open for words to come out. I could see he was deep in thought and I was willing to wait until he answered me honestly.

  The front door opened and Jason came out to the middle of his front lawn where we were standing.

  "Hey, guys, I don't want to kick you out but Heather and I are ready for thi
s day to be over and are going to bed."

  Mike hadn't let his focus off of me until I could see that what Jason had said sunk in. He turned to his brother and said, "It's no problem at all. Let me just get my things."

  He walked back into the house, leaving Jason and me outside.

  "He really likes you, you know? Don't give him too hard of a time. He doesn't have to chase the girl normally. They fall at his feet. Everyone has known how you have felt, but only Tony and I can read our brother. Give him a break here and there. He is going to need a few."

  "That's just it though. I was one of them and today for some reason I'm not anymore. What happened to set me apart?"

  "You stopped. No offense, Marissa, but no one goes for the easy ones. We all like to have to fight for it a little. The second you stopped drooling when he walked in a room was when he saw you as something to fight for."

  "You make no sense. He has always wanted me but I wasn't worth wanting until I stopped wanting him? This is a game I'm not sure I want to play."

  "You might not have a choice now. He's made it known. He wants you. Good luck if you're choosing now to back away. He doesn't give up on anything."

  I didn't hear him come out of the house before I heard, "Why would I give up? On what?"

  I turned a shade of red I hadn't known of before now. Jason just looked down at me and smiled, "Like I said, good luck."

  "Thanks a lot."

  Mike walked out to meet the two of us but this time it was Jason walking away.

  "I will see you guys later. Be careful going home. And Mike, get her home if you know what I mean."

  He finished talking just as he closed the front door behind him. And there we were. Twenty minutes prior I was like butter in his arms and now it's awkward beyond belief. I had no idea what I was supposed to do. Luckily he broke my thoughts and said, "Come here."

  I walked in to his open arms and let him hold me tightly.

  "I'm sorry. I'm sure you are confused as hell from everything that has happened today." He began to pet my head as he continued. "I don't know what makes today any different, but if I had to name something, I guess it's what Heather and my brother are going through. They have always had it all, perfect in every way. But the one thing they want most they can't seem to have. I'm afraid that might be you for me. If I wait any longer I might never get to have you at all. That is not something I will take lightly. Yes, when you came here you were a little girl. If I didn't say that I would be a creeper. Eighteen is not something I have ever wanted to mess with, unless we are talking about when I was nineteen or younger. I had something for the older ones when I was a teenager." He laughed.

  I couldn't help but laugh with him. My brother was the same way.

  "But, as you got older, I convinced myself that I needed to stay away—"


  He pulled back, looking down into my eyes, waiting for me to explain why I so rudely cut him off.

  "I get it. Really, I do. Neither of us have a clue how to do this." I pointed to him and then back to myself to further my point. "But if we both want it, let's just let it happen."

  He leaned forward and kissed me softly.

  Just as I was about to open my mouth and let it go somewhere further, my stomach let loose the loudest growl. Both of us started laughing. Mike broke first saying, "Let's get you something to eat."

  "You're not hungry?"

  "I’m always ready to eat, Daisy, that's one thing you can always count on."

  He took my hand in his and led me back to his car. Once I was inside, he closed the door and walked around the hood where I could watch him. Chills ran up my arms as I thought about all of the things that had happened again today. It was real. He wanted me for me.

  His door opened and he climbed in wearing a huge smile. It was contagious to say the least.

  After he started the car and pulled out onto the street, his hand found its new home on my thigh. I was so focused on it I almost missed him asking me, "What sounds good to you?"

  Everything in me wanted to scream "More of you" but there was no way I was letting that out.

  "Whatever, I'm not picky."

  He glanced over at me with a crooked smirk on his face. "You better be. I would hate to think that any college kid could draw your attention away from me."

  I laughed out loud, harder than I had in a long time.

  "I don't think you need to worry about that right now. Now, would you feed me please? I don’t think my stomach is going to stop growling until it’s happy again."

  "You can make your stomach happy?"

  "Shut up and take me somewhere already."

  Chapter 4

  We pulled into the steak restaurant I had always wanted to go to but on my college budget had never been able to afford.

  "Haven't you ever been here before?"

  It was as if he was reading my mind.

  "Why would you assume that?"

  "Because you look like you just won the lottery and the food isn't that great."

  "Well if it sucks, why did you bring me here?"

  "I know the guy who owns it."

  "As if that makes any sense."

  He ignored my comment and got out of the car. You bet he walked over to my side to help me out. As he opened the door he said, "Don’t even say it. I will always get your door for you, so be over it already."

  He had me on that one.

  His hand found mine as we walked through the parking lot and into the restaurant.

  Everything smelled delicious. My stomach must have agreed with me because it made itself known quite loudly.

  "Damn, Daisy, you must be starving! When was the last time you ate something?"

  I had to think about it. The fact I was walking into a public place, holding hands with Mike Harrison, was clouding my train of thought.

  "I took the twins on a picnic for lunch around noon, so not that long ago."

  His eyes bugged out of his head.

  "That was eight hours ago, woman! That's not healthy. You shouldn't do that to your body. It needs nutrition to—"

  "Your table is ready, Mr. Harrison."

  Saved by the hostess, thank God. If I had to hear one more parental sounding lecture I was going to scream.

  Mike squeezed my hand and then led me to a table in the back corner away from all of the prying eyes. And believe me, there were plenty. The whole place was gawking at him. Could they make themselves any more obvious? At the same time, if I was sitting there and he walked in, I would be the same way. Talk about a hypocrite.

  The hostess walked away leaving us to seat ourselves. Yeah, right! Like Mike would let me do anything for myself. I sat in the chair he was holding out for me and then he proceeded to scoot me in before he walked back around the table to sit opposite of me.

  His eyes found me immediately. I know this of course because mine had never left him.

  "God, you're beautiful. I could look at nothing but you forever and die happy."

  I broke out in a fit of laughs that I just couldn't contain.

  "Why is it so funny when I tell you what I'm thinking?"

  I did everything I could to settle down my nerves.

  "Because you’re so serious. Because you sound like you have told these lines to a million women and perfected them."

  "That's crap. I don't have to say nice things to women, they want me anyway."

  "Wow! A little full of yourself now, aren't you?"

  "No, I'm just telling it like it is, which is exactly what I have also been doing with you. The problem isn't me here. It's you being able to accept how I feel about you."

  "Okay, once again, this is getting awkward. Can we please just eat? I'm starving."

  "That's what I was trying to say earlier. You need—"

  "No, you need to shut up. God! Stop already."

  I sat back, shocked at my own outburst. Just as I was about to cover my face with my hands, I noticed Mike's face fall. That's when I realized how terrible I wa
s being. He was trying so hard and I was killing every effort of his.

  I leaned forward again, grabbing for his hands in the process.

  "I didn't mean that and I'm sorry. Thank you for worrying about my health. Thank you even more for the compliments. It's going to take some getting used to. This is all so strange. I have been here for years and we are still practically strangers, yet we have always had the same circle of friends. And now you’re confessing these feelings that just seem to have come from out of nowhere."

  He looked at me for a second, shook his head and then went back to his menu. Instead of pushing the same conversation again, I focused on my own menu and decided quickly on the strip steak. I looked up to tell him but he was still avoiding me with his eyes. What the hell? This morning I still didn't exist, this afternoon he's calling me a weird name that apparently young boys jack off to, then he's getting me off in the hall bathroom of his brother's house and now he won't look at me. I know you didn't need the recap but I had no choice while I tried to wrap my head around all of it. Just when I couldn't take him avoiding me anymore, I slid my chair back. I was about to excuse myself to the ladies room, when his head popped up and he spoke for the first time in what seemed like ten minutes.

  "Sit back down. Please."

  The look on his face proved that he had to force out that please. He's lucky he did though, or my ass would have been out the door not just to the bathroom.

  "I need to go to the bathroom."

  "Can it wait two seconds? I have something to say."

  I sat back down, never leaving the stare I was giving him.

  "I'm not proud of how I handled you or myself for that matter. I'm an 'All in' kind of guy when I decide I want something. I don't know how to be anything else. You obviously don't understand what I mean, but maybe someday you will." He looked down and then his eyes came back to rest on me. "Do you know when the last time I had a girlfriend was? It was the tenth grade, Daisy! I don't know how to date, how to move slow and let it happen. For me, if you want something, you get it. You don't stop fighting for it until it's yours."


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