Fighting Fate

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Fighting Fate Page 5

by Barbara Speak

  "Stop right there. I'm not a prize to win, Mike. I'm a person. You shouldn't have to try, period. Either we click or we don't. That's how this works. You are trying too hard to win a contest and it's driving me crazy."

  "You drive me crazy. The thought of you being wrapped around me won't leave my head."

  The color of my face went past red to purple, I imagine. I found myself crossing my legs to try to muffle the burn that was taking over between them.

  "Excuse me. I'm so sorry that it took so long. We had to deal with a few fans that were trying to get back here. I can assure you the matter has been taken care of. Is there something I can get you both to drink? Or are you ready to place your order? Again, I'm very sorry for your wait."

  Saved by the staff!

  "I would like six shots of caramel vodka to start. Daisy, what about you?"

  My jaw dropped open. I mean like a bird could have flown in, it was that open. Who does six shots? Is he an alcoholic? Should I be worried?

  I looked up and both of them were staring at me like I had a problem. Yeah right, I'm not the one who just ordered six shots for myself.

  "I will just take a glass of water please."

  "Oh no you won't. She will take a bottle of Pinot, please."

  I opened my mouth to argue but the damn waitress walked off before I could say a word to her. That wasn't going to stop me with him though.

  "What in the hell are you thinking? Six shots could kill a person, Mike!"

  "A bet is a bet and I can handle a couple of shots, don't worry about me."

  "Well that is the stupidest idea ever. I didn't expect you to slam it. On top of the fact you are driving me to my car."

  The smile fell off of his face and was replaced with confusion.

  "You're in college. Isn't this a normal day for you?"

  "Maybe for some, but I'm not one of them. I may have a few drinks but I'm not in it to get so drunk that I'm not accountable for my actions."

  "You really are different."

  "Don't make that sound like a bad thing."

  "I'm not. Every second I'm with you makes me pray that I will get to have another one."

  My mouth opened, naturally to shut him down again with these too-good-to-be-true comments, but I realized I had to trust what he was saying. If he was trying to be on what he thought was my level, I had to rise to his.

  "That was sweet."

  Something I never dreamed I would see happened in that moment. He blushed. Mike Harrison blushed. I reached for his hand and squeezed.

  "Now I really need to use the restroom. If she comes back, will you tell her I would like the strip steak, medium, with a loaded baked potato and house dressing with my salad?"

  I stood and watched him check me out from head to toe and then back up again before he smiled and said, "Sure will."

  Have you ever been self-conscious walking away from a man? Like, when you walk, you focus on how your butt moves and the strides you take? Well, if not, I'm sure you think I'm a weirdo, but I did it the whole way until I pushed the bathroom door open and heard it close behind me. "GOD, I'M PATHETIC!"

  It seemed to take forever before I was walking back to the area where we were seated and noticed there were still six full glasses of vodka resting on the table.

  Mike stood and walked over to pull my chair out for me.

  "You don't have to do this. I am not going to think less of you if you don't jump up every time I need to do something for myself."

  He continued to hold the back of the chair until I sat and was pushed back in.

  "Can I ask you a favor?" was said as he walked back to his chair. When he sat back down his focus was solely on me and my answer.

  "It depends on what it is I guess?"

  His hands came across the table and were left open for mine to take. I gave them over without a second thought.

  "Will you please let me be the man I want to be? I have never had something I wanted to cherish before and you are definitely that."

  The smile that took over my face was almost cramping my cheeks.


  I could have said more but there was no need. He put it out there as clear as day. I watched as his face lit up to match mine and it meant everything to me. From any onlooker, we had to be the cheesiest couple ever, but I didn't care one bit. Every night I fell asleep dreaming of what it would be like to have him notice me for once and this was it.

  I may sound kind of demented, like crushing on him went way too far; it never did. I just wouldn't let anyone less than him be a part of me. I just never thought I would be equivalent to his standard. I was finding out that I am and nothing has ever made me happier.

  "What are you thinking about?"

  He broke my train of thought and stumped me at the same time. Could I tell him truthfully? What could it hurt, right?


  "Me? What about me?"

  Here we go again.

  "I guess I'm just happy."

  "Well, if it's only a guess than it's my job to make sure that you know."

  "Really? How do you plan to do that?"

  "You will just have to wait and see."

  "Now you have me scared."

  "Don't be. Just know I'm nothing like what you've had before."

  "Oh boy, now I'm petrified."

  His smile widened, almost to his ears. It was the cutest thing I have ever seen. Mike has always been the brooding bad boy, the kind that can intimidate you with one look. Now I would swear to you that he looked like a little kid that just got his first bike.

  "Here you go. You wanted the strip steak, correct?"

  I didn't even hear the waitress approach our table. I was so enraptured with him, the sky could have fallen and I wouldn't have cared.

  I broke our connection to make room for the plate she was setting down in front of me, never taking notice that she was different from the girl who took our order.

  Mike didn't take his eyes off of me to give her any attention. He simply lifted his arms for her to set his plate down and said, "Thank you. Everything looks great. That will be all we should need."

  She huffed and let his plate fall for the rest of its descent. The rattle on the table forced my eyes to meet hers and that's when I saw it for the first time. Hurt. She was obviously hoping he would give her more attention, which sparked my curiosity. Was there more going on between these two than them just knowing each other from him dining here?

  "Then I will let Jenny know that she can take over from here, asshole."

  Well, that confirmed my theory. My jaw dropped just like his plate had. His eyes still never left me. His body grew tense and I knew he had something to say but he remained quiet until she walked away.

  "How does your food look? That's what you asked for right?"

  I'm sure he noticed the shock on my face. That has to be why he's asking me about my food. There is no way I could leave this one alone, even if that's what he was trying to get me to do.

  "What was that about?"

  "I won't lie to you to avoid the inevitable. I slept with her. I have slept with most of the staff here and plenty of others. I'm not perfect. I'm far from it."

  I had nothing to say. I looked down at my plate, picked up my utensils and began cutting my steak without a word.

  "Please say something."

  When I looked up, I noticed he hadn't moved. His eyes bore into me.

  "Like what? Do you want me to pat you on the back like the guys would do and say, ‘Way to go man, she's hot’?"

  Jealousy burned within me. I knew he had experience but to think he threw himself out there for any girl to have pissed me off to no end. Was I next on his list to conquer? If so he was crazy to think I would fall for it.

  "No, I want you to see that you aren't one of them—"

  "How am I different, Mike? Tell me, because right now I feel like all of this is one big show to get in my pants!"

  My voice carried and I felt ridiculous. Nothing about t
oday has been anything but fucked up. I don’t normally talk like that but come on, you have to be thinking the same thing.

  "Stop right there! And if you even think of walking out of here I will embarrass you beyond belief, Daisy. Do you understand?"

  He kept his voice at almost a whisper but the tone was clear as day, which only pissed me off more.

  I scooted my chair back a little and said, "Give me a break! You don’t get to say sweet things and then tell me I'm going to be another number to you."

  "Did I say anything like that? Did I once say that you were a piece of ass to me? I have told you the exact opposite! If you're going to continue to blame me for my past and hold it over my head then go. There is nothing keeping you here, me included."

  With that I was up and out of my chair. I went out the front door and was walking once again. After my anger settled, I realized how ridiculous I was acting. Stupid, in fact! I just ruined any chance I would ever have with him because I let jealousy and insecurities take control over me. So he has a past, who doesn't? It had been my choice all along to hold on to my virginity.

  I prayed he would find me again and force me in his car but that never happened. I walked all of the way to Sadie's house. It took almost an hour and a half but a lot of thinking happened in that time. A lot of regret! How stupid am I to act like a spoiled brat? If this is the side of me that he pulls out, we shouldn't even try to be anything other than friends. That single thought hurt. I refused any advances from men throughout my whole college experience. Once my brother brought me to this town, it has always been Mike and the rest just fell short.

  I entered the code and walked in. Tip toeing to the kitchen to grab my things, I about pissed my pants when the light came on and Sadie was standing there with a smile on her face.

  "So, tell me all about it."

  When I stayed silent she walked toward me.

  "What happened, Marissa? Something has you on the verge of tears. Please, it's just me here."

  That’s all it took and I turned into a blubbering fool. I started at the very beginning and ended the story when I was walking through her door.

  "Oh, Marissa, why would you do that?"

  "Are you serious? You’re going to make me feel worse about this, as if that's possible!"

  "No, clearly I see that you can't feel worse. Do you want to call him? I can give you his cell number."

  "It would be pointless. No apologies are going to make what I did okay. He was nothing but honest and kind to me and my stupid insecurities kept me from seeing past all of them. It won't change. He is Mike Harrison and I am"

  "Well, as long as you see it this way, you're right, nothing will work. He is 'Mike Harrison' but he is also just Mike, the friend that I have had by my side for years. None of us thought it would be easy to be his girlfriend but if anyone could hold up to the hype, it would be you. This just shows I was wrong. Don’t let it get you down, hun, it is what it is. You are a gorgeous girl who can have any man you want. Now you just have to find the one you want, simple as that."

  "Nothing about this is simple, Sadie. He is who I have always wanted."

  "Are you sure about that? If it were true, you wouldn't have walked away from him, now would you?"

  I lost it. Crying like a baby, I spilled it all out. The conversation I was going to have with her and Ash before we found out about Heather and Jason. The test I was sure to fail in the morning because now all I could think about was the hurt I was feeling from letting everyone I cared about down.

  "Stop it. You have a right to live, Marissa! That's not selfish, it's called living. Ash and I will be fine. Mike will either give up or work harder to get you. Whatever will happen is fate's course. You can’t fight it."

  "I need to get back to my dorm and study. I'm sorry I didn't sit down with you both to talk about this like I wanted to. I love the twins like they are my own. Please don't think I want that to change."

  She grabbed my shoulders and looked straight into my eyes, "Nothing is going to change with us, ever. You are family, girl, and I love you so much. Ash will understand. Don't worry about us. Just take care of you. Now go, you need some sleep before that exam. "

  She was speaking the gospel to me. I did need sleep and I was ready for this day to be over with.

  "I love you too. I will come by tomorrow as planned and give you a couple of weeks to find my replacement."

  "There's no need. I can handle them from here on out. They are my hellions, after all."

  I hugged her goodbye and walked to my car. Something made me feel like I was being watched but I was in too big of a slump to care. Once I turned on the ignition, I cranked the volume so I could drown out what I was feeling, listening to “Rude” by Magic.

  My dorm parking lot was full, forcing me to walk yet again. After locking up my car, I found myself screaming at the top of my lungs, "GOD! This day can't get worse!"

  Once I made it back to my room I noticed Blythe missing. And then it hit me. "Shit, the party!"

  I looked down at my phone for the first time in hours and noticed she had text me twenty-eight times. Having no energy to deal with her either, I simply turned the phone off, climbed in bed and went to sleep.

  Chapter 5

  The next morning came with a scream from Blythe to wake me up.

  "Get the hell out of bed, you sleepy head. We have an exam to take!"

  I forced one eye open to see her standing at the foot of my bed with her arm raised like she was about to hit me.

  "Please don't. I'm up."

  "Good." She slammed herself down on top of me and said, "Why didn’t you come home last night? You know I wanted to go to the Sigma EP party with you. I text you a million times and had to go by myself!"

  I sat up as much as was allowed with her pinning me down and said, "A lot happened and I totally forgot."

  "Damn girl, that's all I want to hear from you before you brush that dragon breath of yours."

  She waved her hand in front of her nose to prove her point which only made me grab it, pull it down and huff a giant breath in her face.

  As she dropped to the floor kicking and screaming, I got out of bed, stood over her dramatics and said, "That's what you get for waking me up with fifty questions."

  "Oh my God, I'm going to die. Lord, please forgive me for my sins. I am sorry for all I have done!"

  "Shut up and get out of my way so I can go shower."

  I climbed over her and was about to walk out of the room when I heard, "Please, for the love of all that is holy, scrub that mouth while you are at it!"

  I closed the door behind me and headed for the shower. All of yesterday came running back through my head. I actually had Mike Harrison wanting me and I blew it. Maybe Sadie was right. Fate had its own way of guiding life and somehow it chose to stand between him and me. Either I choose to believe that or the truth. I ruined my chance. It wasn't fate's fault at all, it was mine.

  Once I thoroughly scrubbed my teeth—because she was right, my mouth was foul—I found Blythe in the commons for breakfast. There was no mistaking her. She has golden brown, naturally wavy hair that any girl would die for. She was seated at the table we have come to call ours with Jordan, the school's quarterback; Avery, Jordan's girlfriend; Allison who always wishes she could be Avery; Hudson the running back; and Talon the wide receiver. The rest of the team was spread out amongst the tables surrounding ours.

  Blythe had dated Hudson our freshman year, which is how I got to know all of them in the first place. Luckily they broke up and somehow managed to stay friends. Well, I guess that happens when both of you happen to cheat at the same time. Who can be blamed the bad guy?

  I grew up with wrestling from my brother so I never knew much about football until I came here and was assigned to a dorm room with Blythe. She, on the other hand, was the head coach’s daughter. She knows all of the players and doesn't miss a game. That might also be another reason her and Hudson remained close. No one wanted to piss of
f Coach and he wasn't in support of their relationship from the get go.

  "I don't recruit men here for you to date, sweetheart. They're here to play ball, not get their hearts broken by you."

  That I have memorized after hearing it at every family dinner I attend with her.

  As soon as I sat down I heard, "We missed you at the party last night. Where were you anyway? Let me guess, babysitting?"

  There is a reason I described Allison the way I did. I can't stand her and wonder how Avery can be her friend. Just the way she asked me had bitch wrapped all around it. She had no right to own her attitude. She is a whopping five foot three and about twenty pounds overweight. Her hair is cut to look like Victoria Beckham but looks more like Kate Gosselin, if you know what I mean.

  "No, Allison, I wasn't babysitting. Actually, I was at dinner with Mike Harrison."

  I didn't mention how the night ended of course. I just gave enough info for her to back off or so I thought.

  "Really, is that right? Do you have any proof? Because I don't believe you for a second."

  That’s it, I officially hate this girl.

  Blythe leaned into me and whispered, "Are you fucking kidding me right now? You were actually out with Mike and you didn't tell me!"

  I looked back at her and said, "My dragon breath forced my silence, remember?"

  "Oh, come on! You know I would have plugged my nose for that story."

  "I’ll tell you later, okay?"

  All of a sudden I was hearing that awful voice again.

  "No, it's not okay. You brought it up, so please do share. We would love to hear how you managed to have dinner with Mike Harrison. Oh, wait, you were probably just watching the kids while he and his friends had dinner. That's how you would just like to spin it."

  I was just about to reach across the table and slap her when Avery said, "I think it's time for class. Are you ready? "

  She stood to make her point and of course Allison was quick to rise out of her chair as well to follow.

  I was watching them walk away when Talon reached for my hand, squeezed it and said, "She's a bitch and we all know it. Don't let her get to you."


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