Fighting Fate

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Fighting Fate Page 6

by Barbara Speak

  "I don't know how Avery puts up with it. She has to be holding something over her head. Why else would anyone want her around?" When Hudson asked what we all were thinking, we looked at Jordan for the answer.

  "You got me. I can't figure it out either."

  Hudson, Jordan and Talon looked like they came from the same cookie cutter mold. Each one of them had the same short brown hair, brown eyes, big muscles, you know— the typical mid-western football player type.

  Around school this was the cool crowd. The elite to be with. Yet, once infiltrated, they were some of the biggest dorks you could ever meet, but I loved them to death. Talon will always be the sweetest guy ever, you just don't get to see that side of him unless you're close.

  Jordan is the untouchable. He has first round draft pick possibilities and knows just how great he is, but he also collects Pokémon cards swearing they're worth something. Yin and yang, I guess. I wouldn't date him even if I was paid to do so but Avery comes from money and never lets him think he's got the upper hand. They are the perfect match. Hudson is the playboy. The kind that will swear his devotion and then screw any girl he can behind your back. I think he truly missed Blythe but would never admit to it. I would just see it sometimes when he looks at her and doesn't think anyone notices.

  All of a sudden the doors to the commons flew open with a girl running through them screaming, "He's here! Oh My God, he's here."

  She ran to a table, grabbing another girl, yanking her out of her chair and pulling her back through the doors she had just come busting through.

  "What the hell was that?"

  I looked at Blythe and both of our eyes were huge which caused us to start dying laughing. That scene made my morning and whoever was here had obviously made hers.

  "I have no idea but I'm starving. Are you going to be around for a few more minutes while I eat or will I just see you in class?"

  "I can wait for you but hurry. We only have twenty-five minutes."

  I looked down at my phone and saw that she was right. Crap!

  "I guess it’s a bagel and cream cheese kind of day then. Give me a second to grab it and I will just have to walk and eat."

  "Sounds good."

  The guys got up at the same time I did and left for class. One blueberry bagel and an orange juice later, I was ready to go.

  "Do you have everything or do we need to run back to the room?" Blythe asked while already standing with her backpack in hand when I got back to the table.

  "No, I'm all good. Let's go nail this exam."

  "Spoken like a girl who has never got an A-. I on the other hand will be lucky to get a C."

  We were laughing about the fact that she refused to study when the door swung open, just as I was reaching for it. Startled, I stumbled back only to be caught by the arms of the one man I never expected to see on campus. All of the screaming behind him should have tipped me off but I was lost in a sea of confusion.

  "Aren't you glad I was here to catch you? Or was it my good looks that knocked you off your feet to begin with?"

  He was smiling with that cocky smirk I had seen yesterday and I couldn't form words to respond because of it. He was here. For me!

  Blythe looked at me, then Mike and saved the day by killing my awkward silence.

  "Hi, I'm Blythe, Marissa's best friend or so I call myself."

  He never took his eyes off of me when he said, "Well then, it's very nice to meet you, Blythe. Daisy and I have some catching up to do so could you do me a favor?"

  He looked so beautiful. His eyes twinkled from the fluorescent lights hanging above us. Something I was positive I would never get to enjoy again twenty minutes ago.

  "Sure, whatever you need."

  I watched his lips move as he said, "Scream fire on the count of three."

  "I can't do that."

  "Fine, scream that Adam Levine is in the parking lot. I don't care what you do just get these people away from me."

  "I'm not your bodyguard. This is what you get for just showing up here."

  "What happened to ‘whatever I need’?”

  All of a sudden we were practically knocked down by girls rushing Mike. His grip on me tightened as he started to yell, "Back the fuck off of me! If Daisy gets hurt I will be beating someone's ass. Do. You. Understand?"

  Within seconds there was enough space for us to stand up. Talon and Hudson had a few girls by the arm, pulling them back.

  When I finally felt comfortable that I wouldn't get knocked over again I said the one thing I could wrap my brain around. "What are you doing here?"

  "Can we talk?"

  "Obviously not. They will eat you alive"—I pointed at the crowd outside the doors—"and I have a test to take that I'm probably late for now."

  I attempted to pull away but he wasn't loosening his hold on me. I knew he wasn't going to give unless I gave him a reason to.

  "Okay. We can talk. But after my class, please. I need to pass this exam, Mike."

  His eyes softened when he realized I was practically begging him.

  "Let me at least get you there. Now that I came here, I feel like I made you a target. I'm sorry for that, Daisy. I just couldn't wait another minute. I didn't sleep at all. I need you to know how sorry I am."

  "Mike, this is so not the place."

  "I can fix this, I swear. Just watch."

  He let me go other than my hand and turned to the crowd.

  "Can we please get through the door?"

  All of the people parted like the Red Sea. Blythe walked out first, laughing at all the girls being held back.

  "How pathetic are you people? He's just a guy."

  "Hey, I take offense to that. I'm way more than just a guy. Tell her, Daisy."

  Was he kidding? Please God let him be kidding. I didn't say a word as we walked past more than fifty people all crowded around the commons staring at us. Once we reached the outer part of the circle Mike turned us to face them.

  "Excuse me, everyone. I came here to see my girl. That is what anyone else would do if they were dating someone, right? So show me some respect." He paused for effect and I wanted to die of embarrassment. But then it got worse. "With that said, I want you to also note something. If one hair on Daisy's beautiful head gets touched I'm out for blood. Don't mess with her. Don't bombard her with questions. Leave her the fuck alone. Am I clear?"

  I stood next to him with my jaw hitting the ground and my blood pressure going through the roof. The only thing gratifying about any of this was Allison's face as she listened to him spew his nonsense.

  "I don't hear any of you. I said: Am. I. Clear?"

  The crowd actually responded in unison with, "Yes". Unbelievable!

  "Thank you. Now, go do whatever you were doing before I got here."

  Everyone started walking away in different directions, leaving me so pissed off.

  "What in the hell did you just do?"

  He turned to me losing the cocky attitude he had used on all of my schoolmates.

  "What? I fixed it."

  Blythe spoke for me and said, "No, idiot, you made her the talk of school and an outcast all at the same time. No one will go near her now."

  He didn't even flinch at the comment she made.

  "Good! I don't want any little pricks hitting on her or thinking they stand a chance."

  I had to stop them. This was ridiculous.

  "I'm not yours to claim publicly, Mike! I walked home last night or did you forget! I can't do this right now, I have class. Please, just go. You've done enough."

  He looked almost hurt. The last thing I wanted was to make this harder for us to stand a chance, but school was my first priority and I had to go.

  "Don't think I'm giving up."

  I leaned forward and kissed his cheek. Pulling back I said, "I hope you don't." And then I grabbed Blythe's hand and pulled her away.

  Once we made it around the corner and were out of sight of Mike, she grabbed me and pulled me to a stop.

  "OH MY G
OD! You have so much to tell me, girl. What the hell was that?"

  I simply answered, "That is Mike on a mission."

  "Must be nice being on the receiving end of that mission finally. Hot damn he's gorgeous."

  "Can we just go to class, please?"


  "Well, that was awful." I had just walked out of the classroom and found Blythe waiting for me in the hall.

  "You're telling me. I had no idea what half of the questions were even about. Thank God for the letter 'C'."

  "I'm not talking about the exam. Did you not see how everyone was staring at me or whispering about me the whole two hours we were trapped in that room? He ruined my life this morning!"

  "No he didn't; he made it more interesting. You needed some drama of your own. It’s not fair being the only one with issues around here. Welcome to the club."

  "I don't want to be in this club."

  "Looks like you don't have a choice."

  We had walked out of the building and were headed to the parking lot when low and behold Mike was standing there in a crowd of people signing crap.

  "Are you kidding me? He's back?"

  "Marissa, I don’t think he ever left."

  I turned to walk the other direction when I heard, "Daisy, wait up!"


  I stopped and just put my head down. All of this attention was driving me crazy. What was I thinking? Mike has people everywhere, all of the time. How could I ever have thought I could handle this?

  "That's it. What the hell happened yesterday? Twenty-four hours ago you would have been running and jumping into his arms."

  "I realized he's real."

  "Care to elaborate?"

  "Issues with both of us came to the surface. My insecurities and his need to win at all cost. I'm nothing but a challenge for him now."

  "Oh, Marissa, you are so much more than that. He's lucky to have you. You need to see it that way for once. If he's real to you it means he's not untouchable. You have your chance finally. Take it."

  I was just about to respond when Mike finally reached us.

  "Hey guys, how did your test go?"

  He was acting as if it was just a normal question to ask. Mike Harrison, the MMA champion. But this wasn't the fighter in front of me now. This was Mike, the man who showed up this morning and turned my world upside down by screaming to the world that I was his girl. I needed to remember that.

  "Aside from everyone whispering and staring, it went good."

  He reached for my hand and said, "Blythe, would you mind if I walked Daisy to her next class?"

  She smiled huge and said, "Not at all. It's in three hours, though. You have a lot of time to kill."

  Blythe started to walk away and then turned to say, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do" and then waved over her back.

  "That doesn't leave much." I yelled out to her but she just kept walking. When I turned to Mike he was standing there with his hands in his jean pockets looking rather uncomfortable.

  "So, um, do you think maybe we could talk?"

  Now who looked insecure?

  "Sure. Where would you like to go?"

  His face lit up while he said, "Anywhere as long as you're with me."

  "Well then, let's go to the coffee shop. I could use a mocha latte about now."

  "Perfect, lead the way."

  I started to walk when I felt his hand take mine.

  "Is it okay that I do this?"

  I looked back at him and said, "More than okay."

  Campus of course was filled with nosy onlookers as we walked hand in hand over to the coffee house. The line was out the door as usual but seats were still available inside. Most students were used to the grab and go service, not having the time to sit and enjoy it.

  "Why don't you go ahead and grab us a table while I get you your coffee?"

  "Sounds good."

  I hated that line. I stood in it every day so sitting and letting him handle it didn't bother me one bit. Besides, this way I could stare at him the whole time.

  Once I found a table I did exactly what I had planned; I watched. No one noticed who he was at first since he had a Cardinal’s baseball hat on. It matched his dark blue t-shirt, torn jeans and leather flip flops. He really did look like he had no sleep and had just thrown some clothes on. It's crazy to think he lost sleep over last night. I was the one that was wrong to leave and get upset. Yet, here he was.

  "Holy shit, you're Mike Harrison!"

  That was all it took; one person to recognize him and the frenzy began. He was relaxed and natural in a setting where I would feel awkward and nervous. But I guess that comes from experience. He was handling it with grace. The line progressed and by the time it came for him to give our order, the craziness had settled.

  He walked over to our table handing me my latte. Once he sat, he turned his hat backwards so I had nothing obstructing my view of his perfect face. Yeah, I don't think that's why he did it either but it worked for my benefit.

  "So, can I go first and get this out of the way?"

  I had just started to take a sip of my coffee but sat it back down and nodded my head for him to go ahead. The fact that I didn't even know where to start made it a very easy decision to make.

  "I was wrong in every choice I made yesterday. The only thing I don’t regret is telling you that I have always wanted you. The rest was to prove something to myself that I didn't need to prove to begin with.

  “There is a reason for me not having a girlfriend for all this time. I don’t trust women to want me for me and not my title. I know you aren't one of them. I never should have started out so strong. Daisy, I want this to be real between us. Me and you, not the hype of my job. I came here today for you. But I also wanted you to see what comes with being with me. I can't make all of the fans go away. It's just part of it and so is my past. I'm far from perfect but I want to be the perfect man for you."

  Wow! Did you hear that?

  "You weren't wrong, Mike, I was. I put you on this pedestal for years. You were the untouchable for me. When you started telling me that everything I had always thought was wrong and then your past with women, it was just too much at the time. I never should have walked out on you. You were right to let me. I deserved to walk—"

  "No, you didn't."

  "Yes, I did. I was acting like a spoiled brat. But I want to make sure dating you will even work before I ever want claim of being your girlfriend. I don't deserve it yet. That is a title I need to earn and so do you. We can't jump head first into this, one of us will get burned and I can bet it will be me."

  He took a sip of his coffee and then sat it back down on the table. A few new heads popped in through the door. I'm sure to see if he was really here as the rumor spread across campus. He wasn't fazed a bit by it.

  "What are you doing this weekend?"

  "Where are you going with this?"

  "Come on, just trust me. Do you have plans?"

  "I guess not real plans. There are a few parties I was supposed to go to with Blythe."

  "Would she mind if I stole you away?"

  "I might. What are you planning? The sneaky look that took over your face has me worried."

  "One of my best friends is getting married. I want you to come with me."

  Holy shit! He had to be talking about Colt. Sadie's Colt! I couldn't go.

  "I can't."

  "You can't? What do you mean you can't?"

  "I just can't."

  He sat back in his chair and adjusted his hat, only making him harder to resist when his biceps tightened. God, he is sex on a stick.

  All of the sudden he leaned forward and said, "Yes you can. Sadie won't care. I know that's what you're worried about and I want you there. This will be our test, the weekend away alone together. What better way to see if we can do this?"


  "Just please tell me you’ll think about it. The idea of you being at those parties while I'm that far away kills me."

that was it! He almost had me convinced until he pulled the jealousy card.

  "The answer is no. Not I can't but I won't. You have got to stop with this. Just when you almost have me agreeing with you, you pull that crap. Mike, you fight for a living. You travel all of the time. Are you going to make me come with you for every event just so I'm not here without you? That's ridiculous!"

  "No it's not and why wouldn't you want to be at all my fights to support me? Do you have any idea how many little douche bags here want to bang you now just because your mine?"

  "I'm not yours!"

  "Yes you are. Whether you want to be or not, you are. I don't want to be with anyone else. I don't want to feel their lips on mine or their legs wrapped around me. It's you. You are all I think about. You are what I fantasize about. You. So yes, I'm worried. Can you blame me? You are the hottest thing that walks the planet. Half these guys probably jack off thinking about you."

  "You're ridiculous! I haven't dated one guy since I got off of a plane two-and-a-half years ago and saw you!"

  His jaw dropped and so did mine. Did I really just say that out loud?

  Mike stood up. All six foot two of him, towering over me as I sat still in my chair. He walked over to me and held out his hand for me to take. I grabbed my latte which was now probably cold and stood. I guess this was our talk and now it was over. I turned to walk around the table in the opposite direction he stood, when he grabbed me and pulled me to him. Slowly his hands went into my hair as he pulled me toward him. I knew the kiss of my life was about to happen so I set the cup back down and let him have me.

  The second his lips touched mine there was a fire that lit. The way he softly pulled on my lips but then licked the crease had me forgetting where I was. He finished with two soft pecks and then pushed with his hands so that my head came back just a few inches from his lips.

  "You're mine."

  There was no denying it anymore.

  "Yes, I am."

  And I always will be.

  Chapter 6

  Of course I agreed to go to Colt's wedding with him. He sent me a different text every morning leading up to the day we left reminding my why it was the best decision to make.

  Day 1


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