Fighting Fate

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Fighting Fate Page 7

by Barbara Speak


  Day 2.


  Day 3.


  Day 4.


  That one had me laughing. There is nothing like waking up and seeing something every morning like this. He is a hopeless romantic under all of that tough exterior and I loved every minute of it. Some of you might think it's too much too early; I disagree. Reassurance every morning when you wake up hoping it wasn't all a dream is always a good thing.

  I hadn't actually seen Mike since that day at the coffee house and campus was already focused on the new disaster; Stephanie Mathews was pregnant by a professor. She and I aren't close but I now know what it was like to be the talk of every conversation and I felt bad for her.

  Mike's training was taking up the bulk of his time due to a fight he had coming up and my schedule conflicted with his free time. So when I woke, I hurried with my shower but took my time making sure the finished product would be something he would appreciate.

  I waited on pins and needles until the call came with my bag in hand, sitting on my bed.

  "Are you ready? I know girls can take forever to pack..."

  "I'm ready."

  "And I don't mind waiting. I just wanted you to know I'm here. So whenever you need me to...

  "Mike, I'm looking right at you, doll."

  While he went on and on I had locked the door, went down the flight of stairs and walked out into the parking lot.

  As soon as he saw me, he dropped his phone and I watched as it bounced off of the concrete. I smiled knowing my outfit had done its job and caused his reaction. It was a very warm spring day so I chose to wear an emerald green sundress that I knew clung to me in all the right ways. I paired it with bright orange, cork wedge heels. I loved that I could still wear heels around him with my height and not have to worry about being too tall. My hair was down and curled loosely.

  I walked slowly toward him, laughing inside at his expression and then the shaking of his head that followed when he realized I was carrying my bag the whole time.

  He came running to meet me, grabbed my bag and set it down before grabbing me and picking me up off the ground. As he spun me around I tried to not laugh but I couldn't help it. Finally, he set me back down on my feet.

  "Well hello to you too, stud."

  "You are stunning."

  "Thank you."

  "No, thank you. Every man wants to be me and it feels fucking amazing to know they can't."

  "Conceited, much?"

  "Nope. Just the luckiest man alive for having you."

  "You have to stop. You don't want me getting a big head now, do you?"

  "You will never think as highly of yourself as I do of you, so no, I'm not worried at all."

  He pulled away and took my hand, forcing me to spin around so he could see me from all angles.

  "Hot damn, Daisy!"

  "All right enough. I'm about to go change into sweats. I wouldn't want you to not be able to focus on the road."

  "Oh hell no you’re not. Get in the car, woman. I want you just like this."

  He picked up my bag and walked over to my door, opening it up for me to climb in. Now this was a whole different task. My dress was short. Very short. Climbing into his very high car had me stumped.

  "Go on. I know what you're thinking and yep, you bet your ass I'm going to enjoy the view."

  "Turn around."

  "You're kidding, right?"

  "Turn around."

  "Shit, Daisy! You're taking away all my fun already?"

  "Turn around, please."

  He turned, but not without complaining.

  "Why wear the damn thing if you’re not going to let me enjoy it? Better yet, I get to look at all the assholes that DO get to see you. This is just great!"

  While he huffed and puffed I managed to be in my seat and buckled in before he finished.

  "You can look now."

  He spun around, hoping for a little sliver of a show left, but instead he let out, "Damn it, Daisy! You know it's my job to buckle you in."

  "Oh, forgive me, please. I didn't mean to strip you of your honor." I was laughing alone.

  "Listen here, woman, don't make fun of me. Just because I'm trying doesn't mean I'm a puss."

  I quickly unlocked the seat belt and said, "Do your job already."

  The smile he lit up with was priceless. As he leaned in to place the buckle in the latch, he softly pressed his lips to my neck. Then he drug his tongue across my chest, planting a kiss at my cleavage line. Chills ran crazy over my body. I have never let a man take whatever part of me he wanted like I would let Mike. He pulled back to look up at me and said, "We are going to have some fun this weekend."

  One quick peck to my lips and he was out the door and closing it behind him. I watched as he went for my bag and carried it to the back of the car. When he opened the hatch, the wind blew, sending his delicious scent through the car. Whatever cologne he wore needed to be named after him. It mixed perfectly with his natural scent, sending my body into overdrive.

  The hatch closed and before I knew it he was opening his door and getting in the car.

  "Don't forget your phone."

  "My what? Oh, shit!"

  He jumped back out and grabbed it off the ground before climbing back in.

  "Thank God for these cases. That sucker would have been shattered without it."

  He threw it in the console, turned the car on and then looked over at me.

  "You ready to do this?"

  "I have no idea what I'm getting myself into to be able to answer that truthfully."

  His hand brushed my skirt back and came to rest on my thigh. "Making memories. That's what it's about."

  He pulled out of the parking lot and all I could think of was just how true that statement is. Would this be the weekend I finally gave myself away to someone? Am I even ready for that? A million thoughts ran rampant.

  After we stopped through a drive-thru and grabbed breakfast, we hit the highway. Looking out the window I thought about Sadie and how bad I felt for not telling her where I was going. I don't really think she would be mad but it still felt like I was betraying her, so I never called this week to check up on her or the twins. Avoiding her was better than lying.

  "What's got you so quiet over there?"

  I hesitated and then decided the truth was best.

  "I was just thinking about Sadie."

  "What about her?"

  "How she would feel about me coming to the wedding?"

  "Why would she care? She will probably be glad to see you."


  "What do you mean?"

  "What do you mean, what do I mean? You don't think she will want you there to kill the awkwardness of being in the same room with the very woman that had to listen to Colt's whining about how much she hurt him? She will be happy to see you. Just like I said."

  "Sadie's really coming?"

  "Of course she is. All of the old gang will be here. This is going to be a blast!"

  "Wait! ALL of the old gang?"

  "Well, not Ash. He didn't want to come so he volunteered to stay back and watch the kids. Can't really blame the guy. But anyway, yeah, the rest of us will be there."

  My brother? Oh God, not my brother! Bryan will be pissed I didn't tell him about Mike. Shit! Shit! Shit! Why didn't he tell me he was coming into town? I guess returning his call instead of avoiding him too would have helped.

  "Turn around! I can't go!"

  I started to panic. Like full blown panic attack. I grabbed for the door handle
when Mike reached across my body grabbing the same arm heading for the door.

  "Stop it! What is wrong? And why the hell do you always run from things? Tell me!"

  I was freaking out so bad Mike pulled the car over to the shoulder of the highway. As soon as we came to a stop I jumped out. I began pacing back and forth until Mike came around to my side and stopped me.

  "What did I say? Daisy, please stop and talk to me."

  "My brother is coming, Mike!"

  He looked at me but I could tell he was lost in the meaning of my words.

  "So? You were the one saying we shouldn’t let that stop us. Besides, Bryan and I have always been close. Does he scare you or something?"

  "NO he doesn't scare me! I mean yes. Yes, he actually does. Mike, he will flip out when he finds out we're there together! Like flip the fuck out!"

  "No he won't. Why would you think that? I've always stayed away from you out of respect but I don't think he'll be mad. Bryan is one of the most laid back dudes I have ever met."

  "Not when it comes to me he's not. He's my big brother. He has always been overprotective of me."

  "You're exaggerating. He won't care. I promise you. Now calm down already. You really need to stop doing this, you know. You run from problems and it's not healthy."

  "Says the man who avoided me for almost three years."

  "Okay, you got me on that one. But seriously, Bryan will be happy to see you. Watch."


  Two hours later we were pulling into the hotel and I was just as scared, only now I kept it all to myself. I tried to tell myself that Mike was right. Bryan would just be happy to see me. He wouldn't care at all that I was staying in the same room as the biggest playboy known to mankind. It’s not like Mike came back every night bragging about sleeping with multiple girls to my brother. No, that never happened… Not! He did it all the time. Bryan always told me stories of Mike and to stay away from guys like him.

  "You have got to settle down, girl. Your anxiety is rubbing off on me and I'm not scared of anyone, especially your brother. Let me handle this. It will be fine."

  He got out of the car and walked around to help me down. For the first time I was actually grateful for it. This dress is without a doubt going into the “one of the worst decisions ever” category. I slipped off of the seat and then stood on the curb while Mike paid the valet and grabbed our bags. I followed him into the lobby no longer holding my head high. Everything about this weekend being great went to shit the second he brought up my brother. Don't get me wrong, I was happy to get to see him but him being here killed any chance of Mike and I getting close.

  "All set. Are you ready to go?"

  He had checked in while I panicked and was holding out his hand for me to take. "Ready as I will ever be."

  No lie there.

  "Come on, Daisy, smile for me. This is going to be a blast. I know you know Colt but have you met Sabrina yet?"

  "Can't say I have."

  "Then that's what we will do first. She's amazing, you will love her. Hell, anyone that can put up with Colt is worth knowing."

  He was smiling from ear to ear. It was hard to stay in a bad mood when your company is so happy. And if Mike wasn't worried, maybe I was just overreacting after all.

  The elevator opened and we followed the concierge who was handling our bags into it. I watched as the lights continued to light up the higher we climbed until the elevator stopped on the eleventh floor.

  "Let's get this party started!"

  He still had my hand as he led me off the elevator and down the hall until we reached what was going to be our room for the weekend. Our room!

  Our bags were brought in, set down and before I knew it Mike had tipped the guy and the door was closing.

  "Come here."

  He was still smiling so it wasn't hard to follow through with his order. When I got close enough, my hands went up to his shoulders as his slid onto my lower back.

  "I didn't ask you to come here so you could worry the whole weekend. This is our time, remember? This is when you figure out if our differences are too much to let this work or if I get to remain the luckiest man on the planet. So do me a favor, let me take your mind off of it for a little while."

  Holy shit!

  As he brought his mouth to mine, his hands went under my butt as he picked me up and carried me to the bed without ever breaking the connection with our lips. There is no doubt this was a great distraction. Once he laid me down, he climbed on the bed after me. Our kiss was slow at first but the second I wrapped my legs around him, all control was lost. My dress slid up to my waist and I could feel his bulge pressing into my panties every time he rocked forward. The harder he pressed and rubbed against me the better it felt. His hands went to my breasts still covered by my bra and dress. My hands found the back of his head as I pressed against it, bringing him closer to me as his tongue brushed against mine. Every couple of seconds I let out my breath or would make a sound that I had no control over. He growled back only heightening my pleasure. Nothing has ever felt as good as having Mike on top of me. Dreams don't touch the reality of this situation. I climbed and climbed until I was ready to fall over the edge...

  Bang! Bang! Bang!

  I heard it but I was so close I didn't care. A few more seconds and I was going to blow.

  Bang! Bang!

  "I know you’re in there, asshole. Answer the door."

  Mike broke our kiss and lifted his head to hear clearly.

  "Shit!" Came out of his mouth which was the last thing I wanted to hear.

  "No. No. No. No. Please don't stop. Please, I'm so close."

  I looked into his eyes, begging for him, needing him like I have never needed anyone before. His mouth came back to me as he thrust again and again. This time his hand rubbed on top of my panties in little circles.

  "Holy shit! I'm..."

  He pulled back from our kiss and brought his other hand over my mouth as I shattered into a million pieces.

  Bang! Bang!

  "Come on, dude. Answer the door."

  Out of breath, Mike removed his hand from my mouth and leaned over to kiss me one more time.

  "Watching you come undone is the most amazing thing I have ever witnessed. This is going to be the best weekend of my life."

  One last peck and he was off the bed. He grabbed my dress and pulled it down over my legs again making me laugh.

  "You have to get up, Daisy, this is not funny. There is no fucking way I'm opening that door with you sprawled out on the bed like that."

  I had no energy, but I knew he was right. My hands were over my head with my hair spread out all over the pillow. There was no mistaking what just happened with me lying down like this. I sat up and let Mike pull me to the end of the bed. When I got up, I walked straight over to the mirror to adjust myself as Mike walked to the door. Before he turned the handle he looked back at me and said, "You are pure perfection."

  I smiled in return and watched as he opened the door and found Colt standing on the other side of it.

  "What took you so fucking long to answer?"

  He walked past Mike, entering the room as he was talking until his eyes settled on me.

  "Oh my God! It’s been a long time, girl. Come here!"

  He was walking toward me with his arms stretched out when I met him halfway and fell into them.

  "Damn it's been years. You went and grew up."

  He pulled back to look at me again and then pulled me back in for another hug.

  It had been years and I forgot how much I adored him. Staying so close to Sadie had let my feelings toward him fade but having him in front of me brought it all back to the surface.

  Colton Jennings was and always will be a heart stopper. The definition of sexy would include his picture for sure and age only looked better on him. His hair was still as dark as night, with piercing eyes and a thousand watt smile. I understood and agree with Sadie's choices but it had to rip her heart out to walk away from this

  "It's great to see you too. And congratulations, by the way."

  His smile only spread as he began to talk about his bride-to-be.

  "Sabrina is the kindest, sweetest woman you will ever meet. I still wake up every day praying it wasn't just a dream that she said yes. Come on, I will introduce you guys."

  He took me by the hand and started to lead me out of the room when Mike spoke up for the first time.

  "What the hell am I doing here then? You ask me to be your best man and then don't even say a word to me. What the fuck?"

  "Oh, girly boy Mike got his feelings hurt."

  I laughed as the two of them started to wrestle around after Mike went to shoot for Colt's legs.

  "Don't girly boy me. I can still kick your ass, old man."

  Colt fought back but there was no use; Mike had him pinned in no time.

  "When you boys are done playing with each other, I would love to go grab some lunch."

  Both of their heads shot up.

  "Playing with each other?" came out of their mouths at the same time.

  I just laughed and started to walk out the still open door when a face I have known all my life was staring back at me. Bryan's eyes grew big when he saw me and then the sledgehammer came crashing down when Mike came running out of the room saying, "Where do you think you're going, Daisy? I'm not done with you by a long shot." As he picked me up from around my waist and started to swing me back into the room.

  My eyes never left my brother’s as I watched rage take over his whole face.

  "Put my fucking sister down!"

  All my fears just became my reality.

  Mike set me down as he turned to face my brother for the first time.

  Colt came out of the room stepping between the two.

  "What's up man? I’m so glad you could make it."

  Colt walked to Bryan and gave him a man hug while I stayed right where Mike had set me. He stood in front of me, shielding me from my own brother. Who would have ever thought I would need protection from him? I have always been the perfect little sister and now I know I have disappointed the very person I thought I never would.

  Bryan shouted, "Is someone going to tell me what the fuck is going on?"

  "I'm getting married remember. It is why we are all here."


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