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Fighting Fate

Page 9

by Barbara Speak

  I wanted to scream, "No, I can’t!”

  But I didn't say a word. I waited for Tony to walk away and then laid my looks on Mike until he spoke, never letting up. I was hell-bent on not having to start this. Finally, after I gave him one last dirty look, he spoke.

  "Don't hate me for wanting to protect you."

  "Protect me from what?"

  "From the hell that has already started. Do you know how mad I was up there?" He pointed to the hotel. "I was about to rip one of my best friends’ head off, Daisy. I don't trust myself to keep it together when it comes to you. One wrong comment and I'm going to lose my shit!"

  "Are you kidding me? You want to give up this fight that you said was worth it because you can't control your temper? What are you, five?"

  "Don't talk down to me! It's not my fault that I can't get you out of my mind! Leaving you up there knowing you were upset fucking killed me! I've been pacing the whole damn time. How am I supposed to function when I'm not there to protect you?"

  "Get over yourself. I don't need your protection. What I need is to have fun and this isn't that."

  I was questioning my own choice of words but I couldn't have things like this coming between us. Nothing had been easy since we started whatever this was and it was getting old, fast.

  His face went from raging mad to sad.

  "I don't know how to do this without fucking it all up."

  That one comment changed my whole way of thinking.

  I walked over to him, standing as close as I could get. Raising my hands, I placed them on either side of his face, lifting it up so his eyes were level with my own.

  "Can't you just let fate happen? We are in this together. You and me. The responsibility doesn't fall on your shoulders alone to make this work."

  "I don't know how to be any other way but who I am."

  "And I wouldn't want you any other way. The man that I have always lusted after questioned nothing. He went after what he wanted and got it. So if I am what you want, don't give up. Fight for me."

  He kept his eyes on mine when the words I will never forget left his lips. "I will die fighting for you."

  His mouth took mine and I wanted to live in that kiss forever. His hands came to the back of my head and pulled me closer. As if I needed the help. I could climb inside him and not ever feel close enough.

  When he finally forced me to break free he said, "Lusted, huh? I kind of like that."

  "You do, huh? Well don't make me change my mind and it can stay that way."

  "Is your brother okay with this?"

  "I wouldn't let it stop me if he wasn't but yes, he's good now."

  He leaned his head back to the sky and then brought it back down for his lips to meet mine one more time.

  "Let’s go have some fun!"

  "About time."

  He grabbed my hand and we headed back into the hotel as a couple for the first time

  Chapter 8

  Once we got back to the bar we found everyone having a blast. Some of Sabrina's friends were now added to the mix and it seemed everyone was getting along great. Mike and I walked hand in hand over to the table where the original group was seated. Colt and Sabrina were at the table next to us. Everyone was coupled up except Sadie and my brother, so I was glad that she decided to be his date. Mike apparently thought it was the perfect opportunity to give him shit.

  "Watch out there, Bryan, Ash will kick your ass if you get too close now."

  Bryan grabbed Sadie and threw her on his lap.

  "What he doesn't know won't hurt him."

  His arms were now wrapped around Sadie pulling her close, while she laughed along with him.

  "Don't count on that. Husbands have a way of finding things out."

  I nudged Mike trying to get his attention. "Why don't you get us a drink?"

  His head spun in my direction and then he was out of his seat and on his way to the bar.

  "He didn't even ask you what you wanted."

  I smiled at Shawn and said, "I'll put money on the table that he brings caramel vodka and wine."

  Tony leaned over so he could get closer to me. "I'm glad you talked some sense into him."

  "Oh, no worries. I just flashed him my boobs and all was forgotten."

  Tony's jaw dropped along with every other guy at the table while the girls all began to laugh.

  "You better be kidding."

  Leave it to my brother to spoil the fun.

  "Yes, I'm kidding. Lighten up."

  Sadie nudged him with her elbow in the chest and said, "Leave her alone. For the rest of this trip she is one of us. Not your little sister, okay?"


  All four of the other girls chimed in with, "Yes."

  With Heather, Kate, Ashlee and Angie on my side and knowing their husbands wouldn't argue with them made me the victor in the situation spreading a huge smile across my face.

  "Here you go, babe."

  Sure enough a glass of wine was set in front of me and three shots of caramel vodka were set on the table before he sat down. I don't have a clue what came over me but quickly I pushed the wine in his direction and grabbed each shot glass, one after the other and downed them.

  "What the hell!"

  Mike's chair flew back as he said it and I just sat there wondering the same thing. I never would have done something like that before now. Everyone just stared at me until Sadie stood up and screamed, "Let the party begin!"

  Everyone raised their glass, even the other tables. I was glad no one was staring at me anymore until Mike's chair came back to rest against mine.

  "I thought you didn't drink like that, especially caramel vodka."

  He was so close to my ear that I actually shook from the chills running through my body.

  "I don't know why I did it."

  "I kind of like this free thinking side of you but you know those were mine, right? Now I have to get more."

  "No you don't. You can have my wine."

  All of a sudden the juke box or radio somewhere kicked on. “Bartender” by Lady Antebellum started to play and I was out of my chair and grabbing onto Heather and Kate, pulling them to the open area to dance.

  Sadie yelled, "Hey, don't forget about me!"

  Ashlee and Angie followed us and before we knew it so did Sabrina and her friends.

  "I could have wrote this song back in the day!" Kate yelled over the music.

  I never knew alcohol could kick in this fast and I was feeling fantastic.

  "I'm, Daisy, I mean, oh my God, no I'm not, definitely not that. I'm Marissa, what's your name?"

  The girl dancing next to me was now looking at me like I had three heads not even two.

  "She's Trish and she's a bitch but we love her anyway."

  Sabrina came from out of nowhere saving the day so I mouthed “thank you” where Trish the bitch couldn't see me.

  She smiled in return and winked once before turning her back to me to dance with another one of her friends.

  Four songs later the alcohol had kicked in full effect. I was so thirsty. Who knew drinking more would deprive you of fluids? I made my way over to the bar and ordered water but then heard, "Add four shots of caramel vodka to that, also."

  Of course I knew the voice but I didn’t expect him to be so close.

  "I hope those are all for you. I don’t need anymore shots. Mike, I'm drunk."

  I had turned to face him and almost fell over in the process.

  "Are you going to be all right, Daisy? Maybe you should stick to water for a while. Besides, I have some catching up to do."

  I grabbed his head and pulled it down to me.

  "I will be a lot better after you kiss me again."

  "Well, I wouldn't want to not help you, ya know. Anything I can do to make you happy."

  "Shhh, no more talking."

  I pulled one more time, bringing his mouth to mine. God, those lips. One pull and then another on my top and bottom lip came before he let his tongue slide against m

  "Get a room."

  That would be my brother breaking up a perfectly great kiss. I pulled back just enough for Mike to hear me say, "Watch this."

  I stood up, letting go of Mike, and put my hands in my hair lifting it off my neck.

  "Great idea. You want to go back to the room?"

  Both men's jaw dropped. I expected Bryan’s but Mike knew I was setting my brother up. Why was he shocked?

  To play it even further I placed my hands on the side of Mike's stomach and started to drag them up to his chest and then back down to his stomach.

  "What do you say?"

  "Please." Came out of Mike in a quivered tone and I almost died in laughter. Then I felt the throbbing bulge in his pants and knew I was teasing the wrong man. Playing with fire was more like it.

  "This isn't even funny, Mar, stop acting like a whore—"

  "I wouldn’t finish that sentence if I were you, dude. She was trying to have fun getting a rise out of you. Don’t start name calling."

  "Well it wasn't me she got the rise out of obviously."

  Bryan walked away leaving Mike and me alone again.

  "That backfired huge."

  "Do you feel what you do to me? Do you have any idea how badly I want you?"

  And that took another turn that put me right back into his space.

  "You want me?"

  "More than fucking anything. Do you really want to head up to the room? No one will miss us."


  I had never been so nervous, yet excited in my life.

  "Here you go."

  Shit! The bartender returned with our drinks. I had completely forgotten how thirsty I was, but when the water was set in front of me it all came back. On top of the fact that Mike was still staring me down waiting on a definitive answer I didn't know what to do, so I just grabbed one of the shots and downed it.

  "Hey! Are you going to give me a chance to catch up or what?"

  "I need the courage."

  If liquid courage was going to get me to forget how scared I was getting, than that was the route for me.

  "Listen to me, Daisy."

  His voice had dropped to a very low, serious tone.

  "You don't need to get drunk to be with me. I'm not going to bite. Okay, maybe nibble a little."

  He pulled back wearing a smile that I could never resist.

  "I know, it just makes it easier."

  "That's fine with me. If you think you can handle both I'm not going to stand in your way, but know one thing. Tonight, you're mine."

  I swallowed and then took a deep breath while repeating, “This is going to be the night I give myself away for the first time” in my head.

  "I think I can handle it."

  And then I grabbed another shot and downed it thinking, FUCK I hate shots!

  The look on my face must have said it all.

  "That was priceless, Daisy, just priceless. Now let's go have some fun."

  Three hours later everyone was trashed. The rehearsal was set to start in less than a half hour and not one of us could walk a straight line.

  "Hey, Marissa, come over here!"

  Sabrina, who had become my drinking buddy, was sitting on the bar just after she finished singing in the microphone a terrible version of “We Are Family” by Sister Sledge to all of her bridesmaids. Whoever would have guessed that a hotel bar would have karaoke? Well, it wasn't really karaoke, they didn't have a screen with the words and you had to sing over the recorded version of the song not just the music. So in all actuality, it was more just a microphone but the girls were taking full advantage of the possibility to humiliate themselves. Sabrina begged Sadie to sing after all of us went on and on about her voice but she refused, explaining it wasn't something she did anymore. I hated that she retired, per se; her voice was one that deserved to be heard.

  "It’s your turn."

  "Oh no it's not!"

  "Get over here. We all have to do it at least once."

  "Sadie didn't have to."

  I was whining like a baby. Over the last hour I hadn't moved from my spot on Mike's lap. He was rubbing my back and it felt amazing.

  "Come on! Please."

  She was talking through the microphone the whole time, so that everyone in the bar and practically the lobby could hear her. All of the people started to chant, making it super uncomfortable.

  "You might as well get up there, Daisy. They aren't going to let you out of this."

  "Great, even you won't help me out here?"

  He started to push me off of his lap.

  "Go on now. Don't think about it. Just go have fun."

  After I was forced off of my comfortable spot, I turned around to face him.

  "Says the guy that gets to stay in his chair."



  After I accepted that I was going to have to do it, the crowd all started to scream.

  I walked over to her and grabbed the microphone from her hand which only made her laugh harder at me.

  "I don't know any good songs to sing."

  Sabrina leaned forward and almost fell off the bar trying to talk to me.

  "Then I will pick for you. It's just like singing in your car. You can do this."

  She made it sound so easy. Yeah right. Humiliating myself didn't sound or feel like fun at all.

  Paramore’s “Still Into You” started to play and of course I knew the words. Who wouldn't? The song is played over and over on every radio station in town. The music started and I went blank. Everyone in the room was staring at me and I froze. When the words about letting them wonder how we got as far as we did and how I didn't need to wonder at all came, I finally let loose.

  Mike's eyes were glued to me as my body started to move without effort. All of a sudden, all of the girls were dancing with me and singing the words. It felt great to let go and just have fun.

  When I sang about how some things just make sense and one of those things is him and me it made me feel like life could flash forward ten years and I could still be singing Mike this song. By the time it was over I wasn't ready to stop, but Sabrina grabbed the microphone and screamed in it, "It's time, bitches. Let’s go do this!"

  I was having so much fun that I forgot what we even came here for. Everyone began to leave the room while I stayed in place waiting for Mike. He took his time walking over to me but once he was there the wait was worth it.

  He grabbed me and picked me up, allowing my legs to straddle his waist.

  "That was awesome! I love this side of you, every side of you, you in general."

  Holy shit! Did he just say what I think he said? Play it off. Play it off. You can do this.

  "Glad I could amuse you."

  "You do way more than just amuse me, Daisy."

  He wasn't letting this go. Instead of saying anything else I just kissed the shit out of him and hoped that that would end this completely awkward conversation.

  "Well, that's one way to distract me."

  "You caught on to that?"

  "I don't miss a thing when it comes to you, girl."

  I looked at the empty room and then back to him.

  "Aren't you in the wedding?"

  "Creative. I will give you props for that one too, but we’ll be revisiting this later."

  "Hopefully way later,” I whispered to myself.

  Don't get me wrong, I have been in love with this man for what felt like forever. But I was alone or at least I felt like I was alone in those feelings. I didn't believe that he could feel that way about me yet. It would take time and I wanted all of that time with him to prove my feelings were real also.

  He took my hand and led me out the doors to the bus that was waiting apparently on us.

  "We're taking a bus?"

  "More like a shuttle, but yes. Did you not see how much alcohol we all drank within the last couple of hours? Who could drive?"

  "I guess that makes sense."

  We stepped onto the bus
and I noticed immediately that none of my friends were here.

  "Where is everyone?"

  "This is for the rehearsal, they don't need to come to this part."

  "Oh, well then I guess I will just see you when you get back."

  I went to take a step backwards but the wall of Mike Harrison stood between me and the door.

  "You're staying with me."

  I looked around at the wedding party and realized I was the only plus one on the bus.

  "No I'm not. Go do whatever you need to do and I will be here when you get back."

  I went to walk by him again with no luck.

  "If you think for one second I'm letting you out of my sight you're mistaken. You're drunk, Daisy. End of conversation."

  "There is no way you're going to tell me what I have to do. Now get out of my way!"

  The whole bus got quiet, making me feel like an idiot.

  "We're going to be late, Daisy, I mean, Marissa, or whatever your real name is. Just sit down."

  Can you guess who that was? If you said to yourself, Trish the bitch, you would be right. I guess every group has their Allison and Trish was theirs.

  "Come on, Daisy, I don't want to fight with you. Just stay with me. It will be over quick and then we are meeting back up with everybody after dinner."

  I sat down but I wasn't happy about it. Mike sat down next to me and put his arm around the back of the seat and pulled me into him.

  "Don't be mad, even though I find it cute as hell when you are."

  Trish was staring at us and I couldn’t help but wonder what the hell could be her problem with me. I had never seen her before in my life. How could I have pissed her off?

  Mike tugged on me one more time to get my attention. When I looked up at him, he grabbed my chin and kissed me lightly on my lips and then the tip of my nose.

  "Don't hate the haters. They’re just insecure and jealous. All you need to do is give them more reasons to hate you and you win."

  That right there is reason enough for you guys to see what I see.

  "You’re pretty amazing yourself."

  "Glad you like me because I'm not going anywhere anytime soon."

  "Good to hear."

  Colt and Sabrina were in one corner talking to themselves while the rest of the group continued to party. When the bus finally got to the church, I was ready to get away from Trish's stare.


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