Fighting Fate

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Fighting Fate Page 18

by Barbara Speak

  I felt his breath on my lips and then the softest brush of his tongue before he came to kiss me. The last thing in the world I wanted was to kiss, well that was until he kissed me. Somehow it made me think of nothing else. The pain disappeared as his tongue met with mine. His hands were on each side of my face and then I felt his body move even closer to mine. We never broke that kiss until he tried climbing over me.


  "OH SHIT! God, I'm sorry!" He jumped off the bed completely, throwing his hands over his face. I only know this because I swear my eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

  "I keep hurting you! Why do you keep getting hurt around me? All I wanted to do was take your mind off of the pain for two seconds. Why does this keep happening to me?"

  "YOU? Get over your pity party already! It was an accident."

  He flew back onto the bed grabbing my face. "I feel like I'm screwing all of this up. You're going to hate me by the time you leave, aren't you?"

  "I need to pee."


  "It's not what I planned to say either but I just realized I have to go, BAD and I don’t have the time to make you feel better, okay?"

  "Are you serious?"

  "No, Mike, I thought I would joke right now."

  "Don't snap at me."

  "What the hell else can I do? I can't walk, Harrison. Carry me or I'm letting loose in your bed."

  "That's it."

  He jumped off and then walked around the bed to my side, scooping me up like a rag doll. Once he got me to the toilet we both just looked at each other.

  "I can't do this with you in here."

  "I don't want to be here when you do this."

  "Good. Set me down."


  "I don’t know. Why didn't they tell us how to do this?"

  "I'm sure if we get you on your good leg I can pull your pants down for you..."

  "Oh, I'm sure you can do that too."

  "Stop it. If I get you on the toilet, you have to give me to the count of three to get out before you go, okay?"

  "Just put me down."

  He set me down slowly on my right leg.

  "It's good. I'm good."

  "Okay, can you let me take down your pants without getting me horny?" He laughed but I rolled my eyes.

  "Did you really just say that?"

  "I'm a guy, Daisy. Looking at you without clothes on is going to do something to any man with blood running through his veins."

  "Just pull them down and run then. I'm about to pee on myself."

  He did just what I said. Pulled, picked me up, sat me down and ran. Chicken shit. That or a sex deprived man. Either way I never felt better emptying my bladder. When it was time to stand up, I tried to do it myself but learned very quickly the drugs had kicked in and I fell to the floor.


  He burst through the door, rushing to me saying, "Why didn’t you call me? Stupid woman, I would have helped you."

  "I know you would but I was trying to do it myself."

  He scooped me back into his arms and started carrying me again.

  "My pants?"

  "We can worry about them when I get you back in bed."

  "This doesn't bother you?"

  "Taking care of you and you trying to do it yourself bothers me. You being naked is no longer an issue."

  He set me back down on the bed and pulled up my pants.

  "Thank you."

  "I'd do anything for you. Now that you're all good we can go back to sleep, right? I set an alarm this time, it won't happen again. I'm so fucking tired my head is spinning. It's three o'clock in the morning, babe."

  "I'm okay."

  He crawled in beside me, resting his head back on my stomach. My hand went to his head and seconds later we were both sound asleep.


  I woke up this time so hungry I could eat an elephant. The smell floating through the air was absolutely amazing and encouraging my stomach to rumble. Peppers and bacon were the main thing that caught my attention and then I realized Mike was still sleeping on me.

  "Mike." I shoved him. "Mike, wake up. Somebody is here."

  "Shhh, Daisy, I'm still tired."

  I shoved him again harder. "Mike! Wake up!"

  This time his head popped up and then his eyes came into focus.

  "What time is it?"

  "Who cares? Someone’s here!"

  It didn't register at first and then you could see it click when his expression changed. He jumped out of bed and ran out of the room only for me to stay put and wonder who the hell I could now hear him talking to. I waited for him to come back but after a while I lost all my patience.




  His head popped around the corner with a mouth full of food in it.

  "Who's here?"

  I actually had to wait for him to quit chewing to get an answer.

  "Oh, it's just—"

  "Hello, dear. You poor thing. Are you hungry? Let me get you some more pillows to stack behind you so I can bring you a plate."

  Janet, Mike's mother, came into the room and just took over.

  "Now, normally we have a rule against eating in bed but surely this is as good of an excuse as any. Do you need anything else? Oh, and what do you like to drink with breakfast? I brought orange juice, apple juice and milk. You young ones all drink coffee now so if you would like that, I will have to still make it."

  The whole time she spoke she wrestled with the pillows under my leg and the blankets making sure I was comfortable. "Janet, you didn't have to do all of this."

  "Now don't be silly. I hear my son finally has a girlfriend only to find out at the same time she's stuck in bed and helpless. That just won't do. Whatever you need, I'm here."

  She patted my good leg and then walked away smiling. Mike was still standing at the doorway now wearing a smile to match his mother's.

  "I was going to say my mom is here."

  "Yes, she is, isn't she."

  "You're going to be treated like a queen now. If none of the girls have told you than you're in for it. Mom always wanted girls and never got any, obviously. She spoils Heather and Kate rotten. Welcome to the club, Daisy."

  "This is crazy. Does she cook breakfast for you every day?"

  "None of this is for me, babe. It's all for you."

  Janet walked into the room with a steaming hot plate full of scrambled eggs mixed with peppers and cheese, sausage, bacon and biscuits and gravy.

  "Mike, go get her something to eat off of. A tray or something." When he didn't move she screamed, "Now!"

  "Yes, Mom."

  I had never seen him scurry away so fast.

  "Boys. What would they ever do without us?"

  Mike came back in with a cutting board.

  "Are you kidding, boy? I asked for a tray. She can't eat off of a cutting board! Where's all the sense I put into you? It probably got knocked out with all that fighting you do."

  "I don't have a tray, Mom."

  "Well, then this will have to do but the next thing on my list is getting you some serving trays. She can't keep eating off of a cutting board now can she?"

  "No ma’am."

  I wanted to laugh but thought it would be disrespectful so I held it in the best I could.

  "Now go get yourself something to eat while Marissa and I have a chat. Go on."

  Mike looked back and forth between us, threw his hands in the air and then walked away.

  Janet sat down on the bed beside me after setting up my plate.

  "That boy has always been my biggest lover. I'm sure now that he finally found someone to give it all too, it can be a little overwhelming, huh?"

  I had to wait to swallow before I could answer her. Those eggs were incredible.

  "At times. But, Janet, I feel the same way he does. It scares me a little but we both are just taking things as they come."

  "Smart girl. I've always hoped he would act on his
feelings for you. A mother knows her son. And the way he's looked at you for the last year is unmistakable. I just wanted to know if you were in this the way he is. I know you have a good heart, honey, but his has never been broken before. If you hurt him, it will crush him. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

  "Yes ma’am but I could never hurt him. He's my everything."

  She patted my leg again and then stood up.

  "Good to hear, dear. Welcome to the family." She yelled over her shoulder, "You can stop eavesdropping and come in now" and sure enough Mike walked in. "Some things never change." She patted his back laughing and then walked out of the room.

  Mike stayed in the doorway resting his body against the frame. "Sorry about my mom."

  "Don’t be sorry, she loves you and just worries about you."

  "That she does and always will, even if she makes me sound like a pussy. Anyway, is there anything I can get you right now? Do you want some fruit?"

  "She brought fruit?"

  He smiled and then turned to walk away. "Let me go get you some, baby."

  Other than a few bathroom breaks here and there, Mike and I spent the rest of the day in bed watching movies. Janet made sure we had meals and Chris came by to check on me and do my therapy. In fact, the rest of the three days went pretty much the same way. We laughed, sharing stories of our childhood. I cringed at all the gross injuries he described from fighting. Overall we got to know a lot about each other being trapped in bed.


  The morning of my first appointment came and I wasn't so happy after all to see the surgeon. I never wanted to overstay my welcome with Mike but it hadn't felt that way, he truly wanted me there and I wasn't sure I wanted to leave.

  "You ready, babe? We need to get going."

  "As ready as I can be."

  Mike had Blythe bring over some of my clothes and things so I wouldn't be stuck in his pajamas all the time, which I didn't mind. She had also talked to all of my professors for me and got my assignments. I did eventually get around to calling my parents and boy were they pissed that I waited as long as I did. After speaking with Bryan he knew I was in good hands and just begged me to be more careful. All in all I was actually feeling a lot better. I even managed to get ready on one leg but something about seeing this doctor worried me.

  "Hey, what's wrong? And don't lie to me, I can tell it's something."

  "I don't want to go."

  "What do you mean you don't want to go? Why wouldn't you?"

  "No reason."

  He grabbed my face and forced me to make eye contact. "You do realize that he very well could unlock your brace. That means back to mobility, Daisy, which would be awesome."

  "Why are you in such a hurry to get rid of me?"

  His hand dropped and his mouth went with it. "What in the hell would make you go there?"

  "Why else would you want me mobile? I figured you were in Heaven with me stuck in your bed."

  "You need to get a few things straight and please forgive my rudeness ahead of time. I need you to get better because not only do I hate to see you in pain but there are plenty of other things I want happening with you in my bed. You in my bed, did you still hear that? You're not going anywhere."

  I started laughing once I realized how stupid it was to forget that he was all man. Of course he wanted me better for multiple reasons including fooling around, what was I thinking?

  "Oh, I guess I just like it here way more than I thought I would."

  He ran his hands up and down my arms. "Glad to hear it, babe, ‘cause you're not going anywhere."

  I smiled but then it fell when I remembered I had a life I needed to be living outside of these walls. Somehow my time with him let me forget about all that.

  "I just realized I have no choice. I have to leave."

  "No, you don't. You can get back to your classes, sure, but you can come back here every night just like I suggested originally."

  "Let's just go, we're going to be late."

  "That didn't sound like what I want to hear but we can talk more in the car. You're not leaving, Daisy, I just got you."

  He picked me up and carried me out to the garage which had become my means for transportation lately. When I reminded myself about how he put off his training, agents and promo stuff to stay with me, I fell in love with him all over again.

  "You will have me forever, Mike. No matter where I am."

  He opened the door and sat me in his car. "Just stay with me for a little while longer. Promise me."

  I got to say "I promise" before he closed the door and walked away.


  The surgeon did release me to crutches just like Mike had said. He also told me I could go back to my classes in three weeks as long as I was cleared by my physical therapist. Orthoscopic surgery heals way faster, I guess. That meant only three weeks left with Mike and it made my heart ache. Without me hurting myself, we never would have had this time together. Four days solid of nothing but laughing and learning. I loved every minute of it and knew after the next couple of weeks it would be that much harder to leave. On the positive side we could get back to being normal.

  We got back to the car with me hobbling on new crutches. It was going to take me a while to get used to them but I liked the idea of gaining some independence after all. Mike laughed at my attempts at first but then applauded my efforts the closer we got until I reached the hood without stumbling, but then something changed.

  "Quit smiling."

  "Why? This is great. No more having to feel like a helpless person. No more having you carry me to the bathroom. No more of you having to do anything. This is awesome."

  "I'm glad you think so."

  He opened my car door and for the first time walked away without helping me in. Several weeks ago I would have gladly gotten in by myself but now I missed it and wanted it back.

  I watched through the car as he got in his seat and started the engine, never moving to get in myself.

  "What are you waiting for? Get in."

  He just snapped at me! What the hell?

  "I don't do that, remember?"

  "Well, you sure sound like you don't need me for anything anymore, so get in."

  "Why are you being an asshole?"

  "Why aren't you being your normal stubborn self? You wanted this, now you got it."

  I didn't move. Everything in me wanted to turn and walk away. But first, it would be more like hobble and second, I had way more to stick around and fight for. I wasn't giving up this easy.

  "Get over yourself. I wasn't saying I don't enjoy how you take care of me or appreciate what you do. I simply forgot how good it feels to have some independence. Why are you being such a baby?"

  He turned off the engine, got out and slammed his door before walking back over to me. Boy was he pissed off.

  "You have no idea what I feel like I'm losing here. If you're this excited now, how are you going to be about going back to your dorm or getting back to your classes?"

  "Are you kidding me? You can't possibly think that I want to stay helpless."

  "You sure sounded that way before we left!"

  "You are being ridiculous! I don't want to lose anything we have, ever. Why would you even doubt that?"

  "I don't know, maybe because the last time we were apart you were hooking up with someone else."

  "Wait, WHAT? You are talking out your ass right now."

  "Then please explain to me how that dude got the impression you were open for any man to take? Huh?"

  "You have lost your mind, Michael Harrison."

  "Funny you call my name but have no answer to my question. That says a lot, Daisy."

  I was done. This conversation was going nowhere but downward and I was getting tired of standing in a parking lot arguing.

  I pushed past him as best I could and set the crutches on the floor board before I grabbed ahold of the handle on the door and attempted to push myself up with one leg.

  "Just stop it!
You're going to hurt yourself."

  His hands grabbed my waist and instantly I was shoving them away.

  "Get off of me. I can do it myself."

  "The hell you can. Knock it off."

  I was still pushing his hands away any time they came in contact with my body.

  "That's it!"

  I was scooped up, spun away from the car and then set down on my one foot.

  "What the hell is the point in this?"

  "Tell me what happened that night."

  "You brought me over here so I had no chance of going anywhere without my crutches. That's bullshit, Mike."

  "Tell me. It's eating me up inside. The idea that you're leaving and going back there to whoever he is is killing me and I've been sitting on this for days."

  "What are you doing to yourself? There was no guy. No guy! I was pissed at you and all men for that matter. I blew Gabriel off and would have done the same to any guy that approached me. You really need to get past this."

  "So you're telling me that he was just saying it to piss me off?"

  "It worked, obviously."

  "I don't want to lose you and I feel like this is the first step."

  "Because I can actually take a step again? Knock this off. We have been great and now that things are getting back to normal you get insecure. Stop it."

  "Do you love me?"

  "Why are you asking me this?"

  "Do you?"

  "Of course I do."

  "Then show me."

  He grabbed my face and smashed his lips to mine. We had kissed over the last couple of days but nothing like this. His mouth felt like Heaven as he shared it with mine. Getting lost in him came so easy. As he slowed down and eventually pulled away I'd hoped this stupid argument would be over.

  "Okay, I'm convinced. Let's go home."

  "Just like that?"

  "Just like that."

  "I'm pretty sure you're bipolar. Your mood swings are insane."

  "I'm only crazy for you, Daisy."

  Chapter 16

  Two weeks had flown by faster than we ever would have wanted. Time wasn't on our side but we agreed not to talk about it and then just maybe it wouldn't feel real. It was only five short days before I had to move back into my dorms and our fairy tale would end.


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