Fighting Fate

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Fighting Fate Page 21

by Barbara Speak

  I snapped out of my thoughts when his hands abandoned my breasts and started to slide lower over my body. His breathing was thick and rapid, turning me on even more. They finally came to rest on my hips, gripping on to my butt as he began to rock into me. I couldn't stay quiet any longer. I knew I had promised to not ask for sex but just maybe I could find a loop hole.

  "Please, Mike, can we not have anything between us. I want to feel you next to me. All of you."

  He didn't say anything but he still managed to answer when he slid back from between my legs bringing my panties with him. Once they were off he stood, pulling his underwear off as well.

  "I want you, Daisy."

  In a room so dark you couldn't see two feet in front of you, I still could feel his need. The mattress sunk letting me know he was coming for me and nothing was stopping him. I sat up, welcoming him between my spread legs by taking his hands and pulling him to me.

  Once he was close, I took him in my hand and softly rubbed him from tip to base. Twisting every now and then, I was trying to learn what would make him suck in a breath. Once I found a rhythm that was working I wished more than anything I could see his face.

  "Daisy, you can't keep doing this."

  I wasn't prepared for that. I knew what I had been doing was something he liked. Why would he tell me to stop?

  "Please don't tell me that."

  "I'm going to cum, baby. You've got me so worked up."

  That put a smile on my face that he never got to see. I let go like he asked but then grabbed his ass and pulled him up to my waiting mouth.

  "Holy shit!"

  The dark finally came to be my advantage. His hands went to the back of my head as I sunk down to the base.

  I wanted to jump for joy when I didn't gag this time! In fact it didn't last that long at all. I guess he wasn't lying when he said he was close. Before I knew it he was jerking in my mouth. It didn't taste awful this time either. I guess it's like beer. You acquire a taste for it.

  My hope was that we weren't finished but from what I had heard, most men couldn't get it up two times in a row.

  "I'm sorry. I should have tapped your shoulder or something."

  "For what?" I asked confused.

  "So you could have pulled back. You don't have to take it all. I have no problem with that."

  "You mean there is a way to do that without swallowing?"

  He laughed at me and then slowly lifted me back further on the bed. I didn't know what he was doing until I felt his mouth between my legs. Holy Hell, why did none of my friends tell me what this was like? I could live the rest of my life out just like this, was all I could think as his tongue caressed me. Soon I felt the pressure of his fingers and gladly accepted those too. Since I was just as turned on as him I didn't last long either. Once he started sucking and applying pressure from the inside I came unglued. I screamed every cuss word known to man as I came down from cloud nine.

  I laid there, spent as he climbed back up my body. When he reached my face with his, I could smell myself. If any of you find this a turn on you probably won't agree with me when I tell you that the idea of kissing him in that moment kind of grossed me out.

  "Do you feel better now, babe?"

  "Can you imagine me actually saying no? That felt amazing."

  "You are amazing."

  He lowered his face and I almost turned my head, but when I felt him go higher and just kiss my forehead I felt cherished instead.

  He moved off of me and then pulled me back in his arms.

  "Good night, Daisy girl."

  I fell asleep that night with a huge smile on my face.

  Chapter 18

  The day had come for me to move back into my dorm. The doctor gave me the clearance necessary, which meant no more excuses could be used to stay away. I needed to get back to my own world filled with classes and exams.

  I hadn't realized just how much I had accumulated at Mike's house until it was time to pack it all up.

  "You can leave that here."

  "Mike, I can't leave my shampoo! What would I use to wash my hair? Seriously, you have to stop. I'm going to come back. I just need to finish college within the next year and a half, not go on a six year plan."

  "I fucking hate this, everything about it. Mostly the fact that I'm acting like a pussy."

  "That you are." I was smiling, guys, I'm not a bitch. "It's going to be fine. The next two weeks are going to fly by and then you have your fight. Once that's done, we can go back to me staying over more."

  "I hate my trainer."

  "No you don't. You just hate that he told you to stay away from me until the fight. We can do this, Mike. Have more faith in us."

  "It was bad enough with you not being here all the time. Now I can't even see you!"

  "Stop, I can't keep repeating myself."

  "I know, we will be fine, it's only two weeks." He said it with as much sarcasm as he could. "I'm officially a pussy, aren't I? What the hell happened to me?"

  I walked over and kissed him before saying, "I happened to you and yes you are."

  "That's it! Maybe sometime in these two weeks I will grow my balls back."

  "No worries there, they were still attached last time I looked."

  "Keep it up, woman."


  After we got his car loaded up it was time to say goodbye to his house and the life I was able to lead over the last three weeks. I may have acted like the strong one but it killed me just as much as him. As we drove away I couldn't help but look back and hope that everything I had said was true. Reassuring him wasn't so easy when I didn't completely believe it myself.

  Getting all of my things out of the car was a whole lot easier than loading it, that’s for sure. Blythe called in all the troops and by the time we pulled into the parking lot they were all waiting for me. Mike put the car in park but sat there staring out the window.

  "Wow, you have a welcome back committee."

  "It's pretty cool, isn't it?"

  I opened the door and jumped down only to be grabbed by Blythe before my feet actually touched the ground.

  "We’re so happy you're back. I've missed you way too much to be healthy."

  "You just miss me cleaning up after your dirty ass."

  "That too."

  We both laughed as Hudson and Jordan came up and hugged me too.

  "Can we help?"

  Jordan was always a gentleman first and foremost.

  "Sure you can. Mike had to practically load all of it up by himself. I guarantee he doesn't want the job twice."

  I looked back at the car and he was still sitting in it.

  I walked over to his side while the guys popped open the hatch and I opened his door.

  "Please tell me you're not pouting. I'm pretty sure I fell in love with a tough guy not a sissy."

  He turned and looked at me for the first time since we got there and said, "I am what I am, Daisy."

  He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes, then he got out of the car and walked back to help the guys carry the laundry baskets and bags.

  "He doesn't want this, huh?"

  I would recognize Talon's voice anywhere.

  "No, he sure doesn't."

  He came up beside me and grabbed ahold of my hand.

  "He's not stupid. He picked the best there is and knows how easy it is to lose it."

  "I'm not going anywhere. I've always been his."

  "But does he believe that?"

  "He better."

  I smiled and Talon laughed. "He's one lucky guy." Then he walked away to help.

  After all four men had their hands full, we made the journey up to my old room. Well, we made it as far as the stairs before Mike put down what he was holding to grab me, pick me up and carry me to the top.

  "I can do this by myself, Mike!"

  "These stairs got you in this situation to begin with. Shut it and let me make sure you're safe as long as I can."

  No argument was a good one. He
can be so stubborn.

  Once I was safely on the ground again, Mike ran back down to collect the boxes. When he walked back up toward me I got the smile that I loved. Just watching him made my heart tighten. He really was everything I thought he could be and more. He was perfect, and I was going to miss him.

  "You ready?"

  He didn't say yes. He just honestly answered "As I'll ever be."

  Twenty minutes later we were done. All of my things were back where they belonged and everyone was leaving to go get dinner.

  "You guys sure you don't want to come?" Blythe asked one last time before she joined everyone else in the hall.

  "I'm sure. We'll be fine."

  "All right then, later, roomie. Bye, Mike."

  "Take care of her, Blythe."


  The door closed and then we were alone.

  Mike looked around one more time before he said, "After this fight you should just move in with me permanently. You can't prefer this?"

  Silly man. If he only knew how much I wanted to say yes to that offer, but I couldn't.

  "Maybe someday, but right now I need to be a college kid. You know, do crazy things, skip a few classes, have a lot of random sex partners..."

  "That's not even funny, Daisy!"

  "You know what I'm trying to say though."

  "I do. I just figured it was worth asking one last time."

  "It's always worth asking."

  I grabbed his hands and then looked into his eyes.

  "I'm going to miss you too."

  I think it was the first time I admitted I was scared even if I didn't say those exact words. His hands came up to wrap around each side of my face, as his lips came down to meet mine.

  "Two weeks, Daisy. We got this."

  Talk about flipping roles. My hands came up to rest on top of his without ever losing his eyes.

  "Yes, we do."

  We laid around just trying to have our last moments as normal as possible before we had to say goodbye. They didn't last long enough. Ten o'clock came within what seemed like minutes and curfew mandated all boys be out by ten.

  "I don't want you to go."

  "Ah, finally I get something out of you. I was starting to think you were looking forward to this."

  "You know that's not true."

  We had walked out to his car and were standing against it dragging out the inevitable. You know what I'm saying, the kissing that you want to last forever but never does.

  "I gotta get going, Daisy. Please, please remember you're mine."

  "I couldn't forget if I tried, stud."

  He pressed a soft kiss to my forehead and then let me go to climb into his car. Once the door closed, my heart actually hurt. Two weeks was not the end of the world but it seemed like it would take a lifetime before I would feel his touch again and he had only let me go seconds before.

  I waved as he drove off blowing him one last kiss before he was out of sight.

  "And so it begins."

  I turned to walk back into the building alone. Something I hadn't been in practically a month. I was almost to the dreaded steps when I heard someone say, "It's not safe out here by yourself."

  I looked around but didn't see anyone. Chills ran all over my skin as I took in the fact that it was very dark and there was no way I could out run anything. My head went from side to side looking for anyone I knew. Where the hell could everyone be? This is a college campus for God's sake. There should be people everywhere.

  "Looking for me?"

  I knew I had heard his voice before but when Gabriel came into view, I let out the breath I had been holding.

  "Were you trying to scare the shit out of me or what?"

  As he walked closer to me I couldn't help but notice how attractive he still was. Not that I thought his looks would go away but my memory of them sure had.

  "No, I was trying to look out for you because it's dark and you're alone, just like I said, Marissa."

  "Oh! You figured out my name I see."

  "It wasn't hard considering the last time I saw you everyone was screaming it."

  "Yeah, that wasn't my fondest moment."

  "Mine either. I can’t believe even I'm saying this but your boyfriend had every right to hit me after what I said. Leave it to alcohol to make a man an ass."

  "That happens to both men and women. That night was proof for both of us."

  "Well, I’d like to start over again if that's okay with you. I'm not the asshole you met that night and I’d like to prove that to you if I can."

  He seemed sincere and for that reason alone I felt he deserved a second chance.

  "I think we both could benefit from doing that. So, Gabriel, my name is Marissa and it's very nice to meet you."

  I held out my hand and he took it.

  "Thank you for this. Now, let's get you up these stairs and back inside where you're safe."

  "Sounds like a good idea to me. Not because of the big bad wolf lurking or anything but because I am flat exhausted."

  We started walking up when he came back with, "You never know what can hurt you, Marissa. Sometimes it's the things you feel safest with. Don't ever be too trusting of anything."

  We finally reached the doors to my building when I turned to him. "I'm a firm believer in trusting until there's a reason not to, but thank you for helping me. Good night, Gabriel."

  "Good night, Marissa. Oh, and you can call me Gabe."

  "Then Gabe it is. Talk to you later."

  That night after I climbed in bed I called Mike but he didn't answer. I had no idea what he was doing which felt foreign. I had known every step he took, we had been inseparable and now it felt like he could be on the other side of the planet from me.

  I decided to just leave a voice message and simply said, "I miss your arms around me already. Sleep well and call me tomorrow when you get a chance."

  I pulled the covers over me and felt a tear fall down my face. It was going to be hard but we would either make it through this or fall apart. Fate works that way. I closed my eyes and prayed that sleep would find me.


  Classes took a little longer to get to but I managed to make it on time. Getting back into the swing of things seemed to be a lot easier than I thought it would. Not that much had changed and for that I was grateful.

  Mike returned to sending me those sweet texts that would wake me up every morning and we talked every night before bed, telling each other about our days and counting down the nights before we could finally see each other again.

  His training was brutal but the fight was going to be a good one. His opponent’s skills matched Mike's to a T. He made it sound like he would basically be fighting himself. They each would be able to see everything coming, leaving nothing by surprise. He was nervous to say the least but I told him every chance I got that he had it in the bag.

  The day before the fight came and I woke up with the biggest smile on my face. We had made it. The two weeks seemed to last forever but I was going to see Mike in less than twenty-four hours. That alone made my day. I just had to get through two exams, pack and get to bed at a decent hour before I drove in.

  The fight was being held in Chicago which was only a few hours from us. Jason and Mike had left the night before but with me having classes and the fact that I had to stay away from him, I couldn't ride along.

  Even Tony and Kate were going up that day to visit Tony's grandparents. Sadie and Heather stayed back to do some baby essential shopping. Oh, crap, I forgot to tell you!

  Jason and Heather were scheduled to get their baby girl in a week! Great huh? They got the confirmation a couple of days before. I wasn't there or anything. Mike had told me one night when we were talking. Of course I hung up on him and called Heather immediately. The joy in her voice was something I will never forget. I could feel how happy she was and it made all of their hurt over losing their own vanish. After she and I talked about everything from names to nursery themes, eventually I had to let
her go to call Mike back.

  "Sorry, handsome. I didn't mean to not say goodbye."

  "I get it, no worries. I'm just as happy for them, believe me. Jason has been dying watching Heather hurt knowing he couldn't fix it. You have no idea what the men in our family are like when it comes to our women. You should see my dad with my mom.”

  “Maybe once I get to Chicago I will get to see it firsthand.”

  “I can’t wait to see you, baby. When are all of you leaving?”

  My lack of how to answer him was obvious by my silence.

  "You are not driving into Chicago by yourself, Daisy!"

  "Stop worrying about me. Blythe is coming with me, I won't be alone."

  "Two girls is as bad as one! Is Hudson coming? Talon? Tell me you have a better plan than this."

  "I have it all under control, Mike. There was a time before we started dating where I functioned fine on my own."

  "Quit with that excuse and listen to me, woman. You better not show up here with only Blythe. Do you understand?"

  The team had an out of town football game, leaving no one to escort us like he wanted. The good thing was the game was right outside of Chicago and during the day. If I played my cards right, I could have Talon or Hudson, if not both with us when we got to the fight that night and Mike wouldn't know the difference.

  "I heard you. Now stop acting like my father and tell me how much you can't wait to see me."

  I heard him let out his breath and then he said, "You have no idea how much I want to touch you, feel you. I want to kiss you more than anything girl."

  "That's better. Now go do what you need to do and just know I will be ringside tomorrow night cheering you on."

  "Nothing could make me want to kick his ass more than knowing you will be my favorite cheerleader. Oh and baby, just remember you're staying with me and I'm not letting you go once I get you. Blythe's going to be all alone if you think you're going to surprise me by coming up here with no one else, so you better rethink your plan."


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