Fighting Fate

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Fighting Fate Page 22

by Barbara Speak

  Shit! He was right. I hadn't thought about that at all. I knew I was staying with him. What were we going to do if the guys weren't back from their game in time? He would never believe that they chose to not come to a MMA fight. SHIT!

  "I'm not even worried, champ. Just be prepared for me. Don't exert all of your energy. You're going to need it."

  I heard him laugh through the phone before he said, "Don't you worry about that. I could never be that tired. I'm looking more forward to that than the fight. But hey, babe, I've gotta to get going. I can’t wait to hold you and kiss your perfect mouth."

  "Right back at you, stud."

  "Goodbye, Daisy."

  "See you soon."

  My morning went from being exciting to scared as hell with the thought of that one phone conversation. I needed to make sure the guys would be there or Mike would kill me for lying. Blythe had already taken off before I got out of bed so I knew my time was limited if I wanted to catch the crew at breakfast. Not having a class on Friday until eleven meant I could brush my teeth and basically go down in my pajamas, but that would never happen.

  After I showered and got dressed I hauled ass, well as fast as a gimp with a brace could, and made it just in time.

  Avery and Jordan were gone but Blythe, Hudson and Talon were still eating when I got to the table.

  "Good morning, everyone."

  Hudson looked up at me first and laughed.

  "Someone’s excited to get laid tomorrow."

  "No I'm not!"

  That got Blythe and Talon laughing with him.

  "Why deny it? What girl wouldn't be excited to shag Mike Harrison? I know I would."

  And that was what got Hudson to stop laughing.

  Blythe noticed, grabbed his hand and squeezed. "Give me a break. Like you wouldn't say the same thing about Nina Dobrev?"

  "Hold up! Hudson, I will punch you in the face if you say one word about Nina unless it's how fucking hot she is."

  While they bickered I pulled up a seat.

  "Listen, guys, we need to work out a plan. Mike's fight starts at eight. We need to be seated by seven-thirty at the latest. What time is your game going to be over?"

  "It's going to be close. The bus will probably be leaving to head back around six. One of you will have to be there to pick us up and then it’s a forty-five minute drive back into the city. That's before traffic."

  Talon knew how much I needed this to work. Mike and I had already decided that we waited long enough. If I was finally going to give myself to him it couldn't happen with him being pissed off at me.

  "Blythe, you've traveled to all of these places. You know where to go to grab them, right?"

  "I will get them but what if we are running late?"

  "I can walk in by myself and if I have to come up with something I can always say that you guys took too long getting ready or something. I just need you there no later than seven forty-five. I need to know we can do this."

  "It'll be close but we got this. I for one am not missing Mike Harrison fight live."

  "Why when you talk about him do you always refer to him using his first and last name? He's my boyfriend, Hudson, not a freak."

  "Whatever! He was bad ass long before you started calling him honey or baby."

  Blythe rolled her eyes at Hudson and then turned to me.

  "I really need to get to class. See you tonight at the rally?"

  "You know I don't want to go to those kinds of things anymore."

  Talon’s face lit up like he had the best idea in the world. "Be my date? Unofficially of course. I just mean, you know, you don't have to drink to have fun around me. Besides, I don't want you sitting in that room alone."

  "Fine, I'll be there but only until nine, then you’re on your own. I want a good night sleep."

  "Okay, then it's settled. I really need to get to class. See you back in the room around five. We can get ready together."

  “Sounds good to me. Good luck with your exam.”

  “I’m gonna need all the luck in the world for this one.”

  Hudson got up with Blythe and followed her out like a little puppy wanting to be pet. It had been this way since I got back.

  Talon looked back at me once they were gone and said, "She needs to just forgive him or move on. He looks pathetic."

  "I'm not sure she’ll ever forgive him but she loves him all the same."

  "She cheated too!"

  "It's all in the details Talon."

  "What's that supposed to mean?"

  "That's not my story to tell."

  "Whatever, I gotta get going too. See you tonight?"

  "I promise."

  "Okay then. Look hot for me."

  He was already out of his seat and wrapping his backpack over his shoulder. "Anything for you."

  He smiled and then walked away. After realizing I was going to have to eat alone, I decided a bagel would do and headed back up to my room to pack with a smile on my face. I was only going to be a virgin for twenty-four more hours!


  My exams went great even though I was side-tracked beyond belief. I couldn’t wait to see Mike again. Knowing this weekend was going to be epic beyond proportions made everything seem wonderful. Even the two people shoving their tongues down each other’s throats I had to witness on my walk back to my dorm didn't bother me.

  When I got back to my room Blythe was tearing through her clothes, needless to say none had made it into the suitcase lying on her bed.

  "What are you doing?"

  She paused mid-throw to give me the dirtiest look known to man.

  "What do you mean what am I doing? We are going to Chicago! To a televised main event! Why are you so calm? I’m not even the one who will swarmed by media, I'm just hoping for a little screen time. What the hell do I wear?"

  How did I not think about that? Would the media figure out who I was or more importantly what I was to Mike? Before I knew it I was opening my own suitcase and tearing through it while Blythe started laughing at me.

  "Let me guess, you didn't even think about it, did you? No, you just couldn't stop thinking about sleeping with your very own sex God."

  "Shut up and help me. What am I going to wear?"

  "How the hell can I help you when I can't even help myself?"

  We both stopped at the same time, looked at each other and fell to the floor laughing.

  "We are so screwed up."

  "You got that right, Daisy."

  "Don't call me that."

  "Why? It's soooo cute."

  "Stop it!"

  "Daisy, Daisy, Daisy."

  "You're a bitch."

  We were still laughing uncontrollably.

  "Whatever we decide it needs to be done quickly, the rally starts in an hour."

  "All right, you pick for me and I will for you. Deal?"

  "You got it, precious Daisy."

  "Keep it up and see what you will be wearing."

  "I'm sorry, I'll shut up now. I need all the help I can get."

  Turns out, it's way easier to pick for someone else. We were packed and ready for the rally with five minutes to spare.


  Walking wasn't really an option for me with my knee; the rally was on the other side of campus so Blythe drove us in her car.

  The field was a mad house when we got there. Finding the guys was going to be a chore for sure.

  "You look that way and I'll look this way. Surely they will find us if we can't find them."

  Walking through hundreds of people dressed in the team colors wasn't the easiest thing to do, especially considering I was still somewhat the talk of the school. For the most part I just did my thing and they left me alone but with this many people, there was bound to be a few dirty looks or the occasional whisper.

  "That's the girl who fell down the steps."

  Or, "She's the one fucking that MMA fighter."

  Blythe squeezed my hand and leaned closer to my ear. “Just ignore them. They’re ju
st jealous bitches with no lives of their own.”

  I was just about to thank her when something caught my eye.

  "There's Jordan!"

  I screamed it like we just found a life preserver.

  "Hallelujah. They have to all be nearby."

  We bobbed and weaved until finally Avery, Talon and Hudson came into view.

  When Talon saw me, his eyes lit up.

  "There you are, we have been looking everywhere for you two! Come here, girl."

  Quickly I was safely tucked underneath the arm of one of my best friends, while Hudson leaned down to kiss Blythe but she turned her head at the last minute.

  "I'm glad you're here."

  "Thanks. Me too."

  It was loud with the music and the crowd but this is what college is made for. Times that you will never get back, with great friends.

  Blythe's dad took the stage with a microphone in hand, welcoming everyone and thanking us for coming. He went on to talk about the team stats and how great they were going to do against the Tigers. I didn't really pay attention until Gabriel took the stand. I don't think I was alone in that either. Every girl within a square mile couldn't help but stare.

  He talked about plays and stuff like that too. Boring! Then he was handing it over to the other coach who started on about the same stuff. Just when I went to pull my eyes away from Gabe and turn to Blythe, I saw him point to me and smile. I smiled back and then heard, "He's still on a mission I see."

  I looked up at Talon who was wearing an expression I didn't see often on him. He was pissed off.

  "No, he's just being friendly. We talked a while back. It's all good. Don't worry."

  "I don't trust him with you."

  "I do. He's not a bad guy. Give him a chance."

  "Stop seeing the best in people, Marissa, it's not always a good thing."

  "You worry too much."

  Before long the party was in full swing. The place was crazy. A live band took the stage. We were all dancing and having fun. Watching all of my friends around me smile and laugh will forever be burned in me. Memories can come from even the smallest of things yet still be your favorites.

  Before I knew it, it was ten o’clock and I had stayed an hour longer than planned. "Talon, I need to get going."


  He grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to hear me better.

  "I need to leave. It's already ten o'clock."

  "Shit! Okay. Let me get Blythe and take you both home."

  He let go of me and walked away to find the girl who had disappeared a half hour ago with Hudson. I looked around and low and behold spotted Gabriel ten feet away. I couldn't help but stare at him while he smiled and laughed at whoever he was talking to. When he turned and caught me, my face flushed red. I don't know why. I wasn't attracted to him in that way, I just found him pretty to look at. Before I could do anything he was walking toward me. I looked around for Talon but he wasn't back yet.

  "Hello, Marissa. Glad you could make it out."

  "Thanks, me too, but I'm actually leaving."

  "Why? It's just getting started."

  "I have to be up early to drive in for Mike's fight in Chicago."

  "I was wondering if you were going to make that. As crazy as this sounds, I'm going to be there too. An old friend got us tickets long before I got to meet your boyfriend in person."

  "Shut up! That's awesome! Maybe I'll get to see you."

  "That would be cool. Here, give me your phone."

  I pulled it out and handed it to him, watching as he punched in his number and handed it back to me.

  "Give me a call and maybe we can meet up somewhere."

  "Sounds like a plan."

  "Marissa, are you ready? We need to get you home."

  Talon was back and by his tone he wasn't happy with the situation he found me in. Sure enough when I turned around to look at him it confirmed my thought.

  "Sure am." I looked back at Gabriel and said, "Great seeing you again."

  "Always a pleasure, Marissa."

  Talon took my arm and led me away before I could even say goodbye.

  "Let me go you're hurting me."

  His hand dropped, then he stopped walking completely forcing me to also. "I'm sorry, Marissa. I never should have done that."

  "No, you shouldn't have. What's your deal?"

  "I don't like him! After that night at our house I feel like he's out for you."

  "Whatever he's out for isn't going to happen so stop worrying about me. You're acting like Mike."

  "Well that would make sense since I promised him I would look after you."

  "You did what? When?"

  He jumped back. Like he never planned to tell me and it just slipped out.

  "Tell me what Mike asked you to do!"

  "He didn't do anything wrong, Marissa. He just wanted you to be safe."

  "You're lying."

  "No, I'm not."

  "Whatever you two are fighting about, it can wait. We need to get going."

  Talon may have thought he was saved by Blythe but he was dead wrong. By the time we got to Blythe's car I was about to blow.

  "What did Mike tell you to do, Talon, and don't lie to me again. The only time you seem to have a problem is if Gabe is around so..."

  "Gabe? Now he's Gabe?"

  "You have no right to act like this! I'm not your property or Mike's for that matter. I can be friends with whomever I want and I don't need a watch dog. "

  "Hold up! Did I hear her right? Did Mike have you keep her away from other guys?"

  Talon didn't answer but he didn't have to. I knew it the second I saw his reaction to what Blythe asked.

  "You know what? You can come back with the team. Your services are no longer needed. You're officially off duty. As for my boyfriend, we will be having a little chat too."

  I walked around the car holding my hand out for Blythe to give me her keys.

  Once I had them in hand, I got in the car and started it, never looking back at Talon before I drove away.

  Chapter 19

  I was so mad that I didn't take Mike's call that night. I didn't want to yell at him, taking any chance that he would be sidetracked before the fight. That was his trainer’s whole point in having us stay away from each other for the two weeks. A fighter is no good if their head isn't in it. Distractions can strip a fighter of his capabilities. I might have been mad but I didn't want him getting even hurt. The fact that he didn't trust me was what bothered me most. I had never given him any reason whatsoever to feel that way. The longer I laid in bed, the more I realized I either had to accept that this would ruin our weekend or I needed to let it go. Not that sex was more important, but I wanted to enjoy him. I wasn't giving up on the argument, just postponing it, per se.

  Blythe was the one to calm me down the most, describing in detail what it must feel like to be Mike and not be around. As far as Talon she thought he deserved the ass chewing but seeing as he was watching out for me, he also deserved to be forgiven. My point of him being my friend and not Mike's didn't do much for my cause. I still felt his allegiance should have been for me not Mike. I didn't need a keeper. I fell asleep with way too much on my mind and in the grand scheme of importance, none of it should have mattered.

  The next morning I woke to another text from Mike. This is the one that should have let me lay into him, but I was going to wait no matter what.


  I set the phone back down without responding, seconds later it rang. I didn't want to talk to him yet, so I grabbed it to silence the ringer when I saw it was Zoey instead.

  "Hey Zoey! How are you?"

  "More importantly, how are you? Are you excited? I bet you're nervous, huh?

  "Mad would be
more like it."

  "Wait, what? What happened?"

  "Mike sicced Talon on me is what happened. I guess he felt I needed a watch dog while he was away."

  "What man wouldn't if they had you?"

  "Not you too!"

  "So I guess everyone but you feels the same way?"

  "He should trust me Zoey."

  "Yes, he should, but he can't trust everyone around you too. Men are pigs. Mike knows all too well what they can be like; he is one. He loves you, Mar, he just wants to protect you."

  "He doesn't love me."

  "How can you even say that?"

  "He's never told me."

  "Maybe he's never said it but that doesn't make it any less the truth."

  "Well call me selfish but I want the words. I've never heard them from a man before and he's the only one I ever want to hear it from."

  "They're only words, Mar, it's how he makes you feel. Does he cherish you? Make you feel like you walk on water?"

  "Of course he does."

  "Then enjoy it. Quit overthinking this and go have the best, most memorable night of your life."

  I smiled for the first time. "I will."

  "Call me tomorrow night when you get back. Remember what I told you too. A little pain is so worth the pleasure behind it."

  "I remember. I needed this, Zoe, thank you."

  "Always, woman, that's what I'm here for."

  After I talked to her, my hopes raised. I was about to go sit ring side and not only watch my man win a huge fight, but I was going to get to have sex for the first time in my life with the man of my dreams. Who gets this lucky?

  Blythe and I piled all of our stuff into her car and headed out at about ten o'clock. We knew it would take a couple of hours and wanted to make sure we had enough time to shower and get ready once we checked into the hotel.

  About twenty minutes into our road trip my phone rang again. This time it was Sadie.

  "What's up, woman?"

  "Hey, girl! Are you on your way already?"

  "Yeah, we left just a few minutes ago."


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