Fighting Fate

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Fighting Fate Page 23

by Barbara Speak

  "Okay, be careful. I wish Heather and I we’re going with you but with the baby coming in a couple of days she needs so much help."

  "I can't believe it's really happening for them."

  "I know, it’s like... Stop it you two. What did Mommy just say? Marissa..."

  "I'm still here."

  "No, they were asking me who was on the phone."

  All of a sudden I could hear their little voices and knew they were grabbing for the phone.

  "Sadie, let me talk to them."

  "Thank you! They need a MoMo fix badly. Hold on here's Kaden."

  "Mo, is that you?"

  "Yes it's me, little man. How is my favorite Kaden in the world?"

  "I miss you."

  "Aww, I miss you too. How about I come by next week and we have a picnic?"

  He started screaming so loud with excitement that it practically blew my eardrum out and then he dropped the phone.

  "Marissa, are you still there?"

  "Yeah, that was a very happy boy."

  "Now I have one of each. She's about to throw a fit because he got to go first."

  "Oh, give me my Kendal."

  The phone rustled for a second and then I heard, "Hi."

  "Hello, my princess. Have you been a good girl? I miss you so much."

  "Yep, come see me." Simple and to the point.

  "I will. I just told Kaden that we are going to have a picnic next week."

  "Eeeekkkkk!" Thunk. There went the phone again.

  "Marissa I don't know what you told them but I have two of the happiest children ever."

  "I'm going to come by next week and have a picnic like old times with them if you don't mind?"

  "No, I would never mind that. Come over whenever you want. We miss you so much."

  "I feel the same way."

  "Well, I gotta get going. Heather and I are meeting for lunch but do me a favor, tell Mike good luck again for us."

  "You bet."

  "And make sure to have fun."

  "Oh, I will. Talk to you soon."

  "Bye, Marissa."


  "Sadie I'm guessing?"

  "Yeah, she and the twins of course. I can't wait to see them again. Just hearing their little voices hurts. It's been too long."

  "So, not to change the subject but are you going to stay mad at Talon forever, or are you going to let him still come tonight?"

  "I haven't decided."


  "Fine, let him come but I want an apology."

  "You might not get one. He feels like he didn't do anything wrong."

  "Well then he can have fun riding the bus back with the rest of the team can't he?"

  "Get over it already."

  "Says the girl who still hasn't forgiven Hudson."

  "That’s not the same and you know it."

  "Forgive and forget."

  "Time for us to stop talking."

  "Haha, I knew I'd get you on that one."


  Three hours and a lot of stops later we got to the hotel. Chicago is a crazy city, let me tell you. Parking alone is fifty dollars a day. Thank God Mike had taken care of our room or I wouldn't be able to afford to come.

  Walking in to the lobby was amazing. The ceiling was three stories high with artwork like the Sistine Chapel. Blythe couldn't stop looking up at it and bumped right into an old lady before I could warn her, knocking the poor woman to the ground. It wasn't funny until the woman’s had to be at least sixty year old daughter started cussing Blythe out. There is something very wrong with hearing the F-bomb come from a woman her age. Blythe went on and on apologizing, until I grabbed her arm and pulled her away telling her there was no point.

  Once we were led to our room all was forgiven with Mike. He literally put us in a suite with so many windows overlooking the city, it was breathtaking.

  "You lucky bitch! Have I told you this before?"

  She dove backwards on the bed as I laughed.

  "He is pretty amazing."

  "You think? I can't even imagine how much a room like this costs. This is freaking awesome!"

  I walked over to the windows and looked down. We had to be thirty floors up even though technically we were staying on the twenty-fifth. All the people walking the streets looked like ants.

  "All right, girl, we have to figure out who gets the shower first. I say me since I'm the one who has to go get the guys."

  "That's fine with me. I need to text Mike and let him know we checked in."

  "What are you going to say when he asks who's here?"

  "Hopefully he doesn't. If I have to I will just change the subject to sex and he will forget what he even asked to begin with."

  "Good plan. All right, I'm heading in."

  She got up and walked to the bathroom while I turned back to the view I couldn't stay away from.

  "Holy shit!"

  Well that would pull any one away. I ran to see what was wrong but found it was nothing but a form of amazement.

  "Can you believe this? It's beautiful!"

  I looked around and agreed completely but then laughed and said, "Can you believe we are in awe of a bathroom?"

  "Yes! I can't wait to get in this shower. Look, it has heads everywhere, even on the ceiling!"

  "I think maybe I'll go first after all."

  "Oh no you won't. Get out. This is all mine for the next thirty minutes."

  "A half hour! Really?"

  "Did you see that shower?"

  "Whatever, just hurry up."

  I continued laughing as I walked out and grabbed my purse off the dresser in search of my phone. I needed to text Mike back from this morning and let him know I wasn't mad at him. It was a lie but like I told you earlier, I needed to wait on that one.

  I thought for a minute before I decided on the perfect thing to say.


  I hit send and then laughed at myself. That was the corniest thing I have ever done. I wasn't good at being sexy, I was just me.

  I set my phone back in my purse and started to unpack. The outfit Blythe chose for me tonight was perfect. I didn't really want a dress. I still had my brace and I couldn't wear heels. A cotton navy blue, flared pant, strapless jumper with a camel-colored roman-style flat would look super cute and not overly casual. I didn't want to look like I tried too hard, even if what I really wanted was to take his breath away.

  Before I knew it, it was time to go. The shower really had been everything Blythe played it up to be. I made a point to remember to thank Mike again for everything once I got to see him. Excitement flooded me with that very thought. Two weeks had become brutal now that we were within hours of being back together.

  I looked over at Blythe wearing a plum colored slip dress that only her body could pull off. She was curvy in all the right ways and I wanted her to get the attention she was looking for. I felt just as amazing and sexy once I had my outfit complete with hair, makeup and jewelry. Blythe tried to talk me into wearing my hair up to show off my neck but I knew how much Mike liked my long blond hair and chose to keep it down.

  "We look hot!"

  "You know Hudson's going to want to wrap a blanket around you, right?"

  She shook her hips and blew me a kiss. "Absolutely. That's the best part."

  I grabbed a pillow and threw it at her. "You need to get going if you’re going to be back in time."

  "Shit! I'm late already. Why didn't you tell me?"

  "I just did."

  She grabbed the pillow, threw it back at me and then hauled ass out the door.

  Once I knew she was gone I walked over to the dresser, opened the top drawer and pushed everything out of the way until I felt it. I picked up the silk corset negligee and couldn't help but rub my fingers back and forth over the smooth fabric. No one would have any idea I was wearing it underneath m
y jumper and that made it that much more exciting.

  Once I had it on I couldn't stop staring at my reflection. Spinning around, I was happy with every angle. It was almost painful having to cover it up with clothes, but Blythe and the guys were due to be back any minute.

  After waiting another twenty, I grabbed my purse and pulled out my phone to call them and see what was taking so long. We needed to leave if we were going to get there on time and I was starting to get nervous. There was no way I could pull off walking in by myself, I don't know what I was thinking. Our seats were next to Tony, Kate and Mike's parents. There was no doubt in my mind that one of them would tell Mike and he would be furious.

  As I put the phone to my ear I heard it ringing out in the hall.

  "Thank God!"

  I ran to the door and threw it open to see a very handsome Hudson and Talon, already dressed and ready to go.

  "What's taking you so long? I thought you would be ready to go. We're waiting. "

  Talon was trying to make me laugh but I turned and walked back into the room for my purse.

  "You can't stay mad at me forever."

  "I can try."

  "You will fail."

  I had everything I needed and walked past him, out into the hall without a glance in his direction.

  The three of them followed me to the elevator without saying a word. When the door opened I took a step but my hand was grabbed pulling me backward.

  "We'll meet you two in the lobby."

  "Sounds good to me. Good luck, bro, you're going to need it."

  The door closed before I could tell Hudson just how right he was.

  Talon turned me to meet his eyes as they bore back into mine.

  "You know all I ever want is for you to be happy right?"

  "Did you really think by going behind my back that I would be happy?"

  "Honestly I didn't think about it that way. Mike didn't ask me to keep tabs on you. He asked for me to make sure that you have fun and no one messes with you. That's not the same thing and you know it. Stop being so hardheaded. It doesn't even make sense for you to be mad. People care about you Marissa, that's never a bad thing."

  "But that's not what you were doing. You have some weird thing going on with Gabe and you are pulling me into it."

  "You have that backwards. You two are the ones with something weird going on and I'm just trying to protect you."

  "It's not your job, Talon! I barely know the guy but he's nice and I'm not going to avoid him because you don't like that we talk."

  I pushed the down arrow and folded my arms across my chest ready to end this pointless conversation.

  "Fine. I will stand back and let you do whatever you want. But I'm warning you, there's something up with that dude and you are walking right into it."

  "Let me live my own life and make my own mistakes, Talon."

  "Done. Just remember this. However much you don't need me, I'm still going to be here for when you do."

  Those were the words that changed it all around. The way he said it broke my barrier down. I turned back to him and saw a very sad friend.

  "Thank you for always caring about me, but I will be okay."

  The door opened again and once more I felt his hand slip in mine, only this time he led me on and waited for the doors to close before he said, "I know you will."

  Blythe and Hudson were waiting for us outside. It would have been nice for them to let us know allowing us the time back from searching the lobby, but all was forgiven when we found them standing next to a limo.

  "Are you trying to see who's inside or what?"

  Talon asked what I was thinking but was shut down when Blythe started laughing and said, "Apparently Mr. Harrison felt the need to provide this for his lady and guests."

  "No way!"

  My jaw dropped to the ground. He couldn't have, was all I could think. Any doubt was lost when a man in a tuxedo came around the car and opened the door for us.

  "You were serious?"

  "Does it look like I am joking?"

  Hudson helped Blythe get in and then bitched the whole time he followed her about seeing her thong and the fact she needed to wear shorts underneath.

  Talon just laughed and got in after them, leaving me to stand back and take in how much my life has changed. I was about to get into the first limousine ever in my life and it was here for me. One last look around and I was interrupted by the chauffeur when he cleared his throat.

  "We need to get going, Miss Daisy. I would hate for you to miss the big event."

  I couldn't help it. I tried but it broke through anyway. I laughed louder than I ever have before. I couldn't even keep my balance and had to lean against the car for support. Talon's head poked out from inside, looking around to see what was so funny.

  "What are you laughing about?"

  The driver must have thought I was crazy. He blankly stared at me causing me to lose my breath and practically hyperventilate.

  "Miss Daisy, are you okay?"

  It wasn't two seconds later the car erupted in laughter along with me.

  "All right, I don’t know what I'm saying that has you kids laughing so hard but really, we need to get going if you want to make it on time."

  I got in the car and let him close the door after me, but every time I looked at any of my friends I was laughing all over again.

  "He sure is driving Miss Daisy, isn’t he?"

  By the time we got to the event I had damn near cried all my makeup off. Thank goodness for the mirror built in and Blythe for carrying back up eye liner and mascara. The guys bitched while we cleaned ourselves up, but understood immediately why when the door opened and I stepped out into a crowd of people, along with the paparazzi. Fear took over me instantly. Blythe came out of the car to stand next to me and whispered in my ear, "They don't know who you are yet. It's okay."

  She was right. I was a nobody. I was just here to watch the fight like everyone else.

  Hudson got out followed by Talon, coming to stand beside me.

  "You girls ready?"

  I moved my head up and down but never actually answered Hudson. True to Blythe's word, they didn't pay any attention to us and we were able to walk past them unnoticed. Once we made it through the ticket line we were scot free. A wash of relief came over me and a smile replaced it once we walked in and I saw the octagon.

  "Holy fuck! I’m in the mother fucking Octagon!"

  Blythe slapped Hudson, "Watch your mouth and no you're not, you're looking at it. We are about to go sit next to Mike's family so get it out now. You will not embarrass me in front of them."

  I could hear her but I was too busy looking around to care. It had been a while since Sadie had brought me to one of these and it was definitely under different circumstances. I was a girl with a crush on a fighter then, now I was in love with a man that was about to get punched and kicked repeatedly. Everything was different.

  We were escorted to our seats and as we got closer to the cage, I spotted Tony immediately. Kate was next to him of course, followed by Mike's mom and dad.

  We took our seats which left me to the right of Kate, Blythe next to me, then Hudson, leaving Talon on the end.

  Kate grabbed my hand, squeezing it followed by a smile.

  "Hey, guys."

  Tony looked at me and smiled back. "Glad you could make it."

  "I wouldn't miss this for anything."

  "Marissa, dear, how are you?"

  I leaned forward so I could look at Janet when I answered her. "I'm feeling much better, thanks for asking. How are you?"

  "I'll be better when I can see my son after the match. He's nervous with this one. It's something I haven't seen in a long time."

  "That's not because of who he's fighting, Mom, it's who is watching that has his nerves shot."

  I looked at Tony. "Who's here?"

  "You are."

  "Well that's just stupid. I've been to his fights before."

  "Not that he can remember. But
don't worry, he will be fine."

  "I don't want to hurt—"

  "Marissa, he's messing with you. Don't listen to Tony. Reynolds is here. That's what has Mike riled up."

  I sat up in my seat, looked around and then back at Kate. "Why would he be here?"

  "He lost to this guy last month. It's all about brackets and if Mike wins, he owns the seat as far as being favored to take the championship title again."

  "Damn, Firecracker, I have taught you a thing or two."

  "Don't get too full of yourself. It's hard work zoning all of you out at Sunday dinners when this is all you have been talking about. I just gave up."

  I laughed but continued to search the room. It's not like I really even knew who I was looking for. I wasn't at any of his fights and Reynolds had kind of faded out of the media after Mike took his title years ago.

  "He's up there."

  Mike's dad pointed to a box at the very top of the seats which was glass enclosed.

  "Don't worry about him. He's a washed up fighter who wants retribution. He will never get it from my son."

  Something in me felt uneasy. I had all the confidence in the world that Mike would win but why this man was following his fights in person made me wonder.

  "I believe you."

  All of lower weight classes went before Mike's and the place seemed to be getting more riled up as the night went along.

  Blythe, Hudson and Talon were in complete awe of the event. I guess because I had already been to several, nothing shocked me. The broken bones and blood were just a part of it all.

  The main event came and everyone got on their feet as Mike's opponent was introduced. Steven Marshall was coming up through the ranks but it didn't make him any less lethal. His arm stretch was one and a half times Mike's and he had three inches on him. It wasn't going to be an easy win.

  The room erupted in a roar when Avenged Sevenfold's song “Nightmare” began to play over the loud speakers.

  Watching Chris and Jason, along with Mike's trainer come out, gave me goose bumps so bad I found myself rubbing my hands up and down my arms to calm myself down.

  And then he came out in the open.

  I hadn't seen him in so long I forgot just how malignant he could look. Every vein on his body was visible to the naked eye as he approached the cage. He had the focus of a man going in for the kill and I loved every second of it. If it weren't for the fight, well, and the people watching, I would have run into his arms and begged him to take me right then.


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