Never Over You

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Never Over You Page 6

by Ryleigh Andrews

“Ethan, you’re going to play.”


  “No. Even though I wish I could be with you at home, I can do this without you. Go play these games. You need it.”

  “I need you more.”

  “I’ll be fine here. Maybe I can do this bed rest from the house, listening to the ocean. That always calms me down.”

  “Let me talk to my coach first, then we’ll talk about this some more,” he said, kissing the crown of her head before leaving the room to make his call.

  When he left, Mia closed her eyes and did her best to relax, but about ten minutes later, her bandmates arrived. Nap time was over. Marty tossed her backpack on the bed. “Yay, my bag!” she exclaimed, rummaging through it until her hand encircled the cool metal she was searching for. “My phone!”

  While Marty turned on the television, flipping to the awards show, Mia turned her phone on. Todd sat on the bed by her feet and Clark sat in the chair by the window.

  All eyes were on the TV. The category they were nominated for should be up soon. But after a quick glance at the screen, seeing that another artist was performing, those six eyes focused on her. “So, what the fuck was that all about?” Marty laid into her.

  “You scared the hell out of us,” Todd added and Clark nodded in agreement.

  “Sorry, guys. If it makes you feel any better, I scared the hell out of myself.”

  “What’s wrong?” Marty asked, leaning over and kissing her forehead, acting all big brother on her. Secretly, Mia loved that about Marty. “Are the babies all right?”

  “The babies are fine. I have, uh … preeclampsia. Something to do with high blood pressure in pregnant women.”

  “I told you we shouldn’t have done this show tonight. Too much strain on you,” Marty said. She didn’t say a thing because he was right. He didn’t need her to tell him that. “You need to learn to listen to me.”

  Todd and Clark laughed at that. Mia tried to keep the smile off her face too. “Never gonna happen, man,” Todd said.

  Ignoring them all, Marty switched gears. “Where’s Ethan?”

  “On the phone. I’m stuck in the hospital until at least tomorrow and then more than likely stuck in L.A. for another week. In bed! Ethan has a game on Sunday night. We were supposed to leave tomorrow morning. Now he’s trying to figure everything out,” she said, looking up at the TV screen. “Hey, it looks like our category is up.”

  “Turn up the volume,” Clark ordered.

  “Look! Josh and Austin are presenting this category. Two men that you’ve sucked face with. That would have been so awkward with Ethan in the audience!” Todd said.

  Not as awkward as her bandmates would have thought. Maybe one day, she would officially introduce Ethan to Josh. She and Josh had remained friends after they’d broken up. Though he hadn’t been invited to her wedding, he’d sent her a lovely letter wishing her the best with Ethan and that he really was happy for her.

  Mia tried not to let this award get to her. No one would see her reaction whether they won or lost. Absolutely no need to worry, but man, did she want to win this one too.

  “And the winner is …” Austin said, opening the envelope. After a quick glance and a grin, he announced, “Last Star!”

  “Holy shit!” Mia said under her breath.

  “We won!” the guys said in unison.

  “Last Star is not here to accept this award,” Josh said somberly. “Mia, you’re in everyone’s thoughts and prayers. I’ll get this to you soon,” he said, holding up the award. “Oh, if you’re watching this, check your damn phone!”

  Mia hurriedly checked her messages and saw the one from Josh.

  You better be okay! <3

  She quickly texted back.

  You better not break my award! <3

  Her eyes flicked back to the television when she heard Austin. “Who said you’re taking that award to her?” Austin exclaimed, taking the award from Josh. The audience roared with laughter. Mia let a laugh escape when she saw Josh’s shocked face. His eyes opened wider and he took his phone out of his pocket.

  “Why are you checking your phone now?” Austin asked.

  “It’s from Mia,” Josh hissed. Austin looked over his shoulder as Josh read her message.

  “See!” Austin yelled. “Mia wants me to give the award to her.” He smiled and focused on the camera. “I’ll take good care of this, Mia. I never thought I’d hold one of these …” he said as he walked off stage.

  Her phone buzzed again and she saw a reply from Josh.

  Seriously … you okay?

  I’ve seen better days. We’ll talk tomorrow.

  Then Mia sent a text to Austin. She wanted that award! They had the perfect place for it in their new recording studio.

  I do expect my award back you know <3

  Hey, some of this is mine, you know. I sang with you! And ‘Mania’ is all about me. ;)

  You scared me. Are you okay?

  Don’t know just yet. But feeling better. I’m going to be stuck here for a week at least. Stop by—and bring my award. :)

  While the guys continued to watch the show, Mia scrolled through the rest of her messages. There were a lot of them. Absolutely no way she would be able to reply to them all. Then she saw missed calls from three people whom she knew would be flipping out: her father, Luke, and Allie. She should probably call them all back, but she didn’t have the energy. She sent them a quick text and told them she felt better and would have Ethan get a hold of them later. For now, she would do as Dr. G requested … rest.


  Malibu, September 2011

  The moment Ethan had called him to ask if he’d be able to stay with Mia, Luke had begun packing. When he saw her collapse at the awards show, he stared at the television screen in absolute shock. He knew she was in good hands, but something was wrong with his best friend and he needed to find out what. That need to take care of her overwhelmed him.

  Running up the front stairs of her Malibu home, Luke stopped to take it in. It was absolutely stunning—the breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean to the west and the mountains to the east. He could get used to living like this.

  With the key Ethan had given him, Luke entered her Malibu retreat for the first time. This place was serene compared to her colorful decor in her Chicago place and he understood a little better why she came here after the upheaval of her life.

  Mia knew he was coming and had told him where she’d be holed up when he arrived. Hurrying up the stairs, he stopped in the doorway when his eyes landed on his best friend resting on the bed, her gaze focused on something out the window. “Hi, sweets!” he said as he stepped into her room. The grateful look on her face spoke to the boredom she must have been feeling.


  “In the flesh.”

  “I’m so glad you’re here.”

  “How you feeling, pregnant mama?” he asked, standing next to the bed, kicking off his shoes.

  “I hate this, Luke! I have been stuck in this bed way too long and I am going out of my mind!”

  “It’s only been three days,” he countered, looking down at his beautiful friend. She may be bitching about being stuck on bed rest, but her skin glowed, her petite little body looked perfect with her bulging belly. He couldn’t wait to feel the little guys kicking.

  “Damn, it’s hot out here. I mean, seriously, it’s fall! It shouldn’t be ninety degrees,” he said, shedding his sweater and dress shirt. He yanked out his undershirt and then took the empty spot next to her on the bed. “Now, let me say hello to my nephews,” he said, placing his hands on her basketball-shaped belly. He bolted up when he felt a swift movement under his hand. That was new! “Oh my God! Did they … was that a kick?”

  Mia smiled. “It sure was. I think they are playing football in there.”

  “Every time I see you, I’m still so amazed that you’re going to be a mother soon,” he said, leaning forward to kiss her on the lips. “How are you doing without Ethan?”

nbsp; “Hmm, I already kissed another man,” she said with a laugh.

  “Hey, that was just a peck!”

  Her laughter quickly turned to tears.

  “Hey, sweets, why the waterworks?” he asked, putting his arms around her. Mia reciprocated and clung to him. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m so scared, Luke. I don’t want anything else to go wrong. I know I’m grumbling about being in bed, but I’ll seriously do whatever to make sure these babies are all right.”

  “This is only a precaution … follow the doctor’s orders, get yourself home, and we will all go from there. So don’t worry. I’m here for the next week and then hopefully you’ll be coming home with me on Friday. Focus on that—going home.

  He felt her nod against his chest before she spoke. “Going home.”

  “Do you want to talk?”


  “What do you want?”

  “My husband,” she said after a long sigh.

  “I know, sweets. I’m here though.”

  “And that means the world to me.”

  It meant the world to him too. So he just held his best friend and would do his damnedest to keep her calm.

  “Mia?” came a woman’s voice from downstairs. Luke stiffened. He knew that voice. He’d never forget it. The voice of his fantasies, his dreams. The woman who’d moaned his name all night long after Mia and Ethan’s wedding. Neither of them had said a thing to anyone that they knew each other—very intimately. They’d pretended they just met. He had led her into the reception, done all the things he was supposed to as the other best person, and every single touch between them had been so electric that by the end of the night, they were fumbling their way up to her hotel room, clothes flying all over.

  “Allie, I’m in my prison—I mean, my bedroom,” Mia called out.

  “Allie’s here too?”

  “Yeah, Ethan wants her to move to Indy. He’s stealing her from me. So, she’s packing up her things here … along with babysitting me.”

  “Wow!” He hadn’t heard from her since that night when she’d fallen asleep in his arms. When he’d woken up, she’d been gone. She hadn’t returned his phone calls or his texts. Luke didn’t understand why she had to put distance between them like that, but he’d be finding out. That was for sure.

  “Yeah, he’s trying to convert her to spy for him.”

  “Whatever, Mia,” Allie said, standing in the doorway, a smile on her face. His eyes took her in. Her hair was a little different—longer, lighter, but still as beautiful as ever. Just like he remembered. He should be pissed at her for how she’d left things but dammit, he was so fucking glad to see her.

  “Yay, you’re here, Allie!”

  “I am!”

  “With a list of instructions from my husband, I presume?”

  “And you would presume correctly.”

  “Luke, you remember my manager, Allie?”

  Vividly, he thought to himself.

  “Allie,” he said, clearing his throat, “Nice to see you again.”

  “Luke,” Allie replied pleasantly, but he saw the panic in her eyes before she turned her attention to Mia. “Ethan said he’d Skype you after practice … so about four or five p.m., so make sure your iPad or laptop are charged, or he might flip out if he can’t contact you.”

  “He’s a little stressed out, huh?” Mia asked.

  “Just a little,” Allie replied. “My phone keeps buzzing with more messages from him.”

  “Hmpf!” she pouted. She was watched over by everyone except the one she wanted. “At least he’s messaging you. I haven’t heard from him since last night.”

  “In a couple hours, don’t forget.” Allie paused. “So, I came up here for a reason. Are you hungry? Dinner ideas?”

  “What will my lord and commander … I mean, my husband let me have?”

  Allie took out her phone and scrolled through with her finger. “Uh, well, nothing spicy, that is for sure.”

  Mia leaned her head back in thought. Luke could see the gears clicking and smiled when it came to her. “Oooh … how about some creamy garlic pasta with chicken? And maybe a salad and some crusty bread … and some chocolate cake?” she asked expectantly.

  “I don’t see why not.”

  “Yay! Even the babies are excited. They know their mommy really wants that. Daddy can’t say no—ooooh!” Mia stopped, her eyes wide. “Come here, Allie! Feel!” She placed Luke and Allie’s hands on her stomach, not right next to each other, but close enough that Luke could feel the energy from her. “There. Feel it?”

  “Holy shit!” Allie exclaimed, her eyes wide in amazement. “They are strong!”

  “That they are. Just like their daddy,” Mia agreed, leaning back against the headboard, a yawn escaping her smiling face.

  “And like their mommy,” Luke added, kissing her forehead. “Nap time for you, sweets. We’ll talk more later.”

  He knew she was truly exhausted when she just nodded and rolled over to face her floor-to-ceiling windows. As he adjusted the blinds, Allie snuck out of the room. Did she think he was going to stand for that?

  She couldn’t leave now. She couldn’t ignore him.

  Luke hurried down the stairs after Allie and caught up to her in the kitchen. “Allie, wait!”

  Instead of ignoring him like he expected, she spun around. “What is it, Luke?” she said, annoyance lacing her voice.

  “That’s the kind of greeting I get? I think you’ve forgotten that I’ve seen you naked.”

  She blushed and he took that opportunity to move a few steps closer to her. “Remember … I was there with you, coming with you. I enjoyed myself and you more than enjoyed yourself. Quite a few times, if I remember correctly. So I don’t understand why you are treating me this way. I didn’t hurt you.”

  “Luke, stop fooling yourself. You just want me because I don’t want you.”

  “That’s not true and you fucking know it. You want me,” he said, moving even closer to her, crowding her space, his eyes focused on her face, watching as her pupils quickly dilated with desire. He backed her against the kitchen counter, placing his hand on the fridge beside her head, before he leaned in to kiss her. As he knew would happen, she didn’t resist him—she kissed him back, matching his intensity with her own. He smiled when her hands grabbed his waist, pulling him to her, his hard body flush with her soft, luscious one. As much as he wanted to fuck her right now, he knew that wouldn’t help anything. He needed to leave her wanting—craving him.

  Slowing down the kiss, he let his lips linger on hers, her eyes fluttering shut. She looked so freaking content. “Stop lying to yourself … you so want me.”

  Luke kissed her one more time before leaving the kitchen to check out his room for the next week. One corner of his mouth pulled into a grin as her sexy whimper hit his ears.

  Mission accomplished.


  Indianapolis, September 2011

  Ethan hated being away from Mia. He knew she was in good hands with Allie and Luke there, but here he was, half a country away, alone, with a computer, searching and reading up on her diagnosis. He was so worried something bad was going to happen. He wanted to be prepared, but the more he read, his worry quickly turned to panic.

  Damn it. He should not have consulted Dr. Google.

  He tried to distract himself with studying plays. It took a while but it eventually worked. He concentrated on this week’s offensive strategy against the Boston defense. Time flew by and when he next looked at the clock, it was close to eleven. Mia should be done with dinner now.

  With a sideways glance at the empty side of the bed, he opened his laptop and brought up the program that had been his life many years ago.

  Mia answered almost immediately, her gorgeous yet tired face appearing on the screen. First thing after that he noticed was that she was actually in bed like a good patient.

  “Hi, suga.”

  “Hi.” His words made her face light up, but the moment she
spoke, he heard the reined-in fear in her voice. She was trying to be brave for him, but he could see she was scared out of her mind. He wanted to be there so fucking bad to hold her, comfort her. Just a few more days until her next doctor’s appointment. Hopefully she’d be able to come back home.

  “How are you?”

  “Bored! Allie’s taking care of business, and Luke just left to chill for a bit. They’ve both been great, catering to my every need. Though I draw the damn line at help in the bathroom.”

  “I’ll help you soon.”

  “I still draw the line at you helping me in the bathroom.”

  “How about if I prepare a relaxing bath for you, would you let me join?”

  “That would be absolutely perrrrrfect,” his wife said. “Ethan, I miss you so much.”

  “Remember this during the off-season when I’m around all the time and you’re sick of me.”

  “That’ll never be the case, Ethan. You and me. Forever.”

  “You got that right.”

  She stayed quiet after that. He didn’t like her lost in that still-fragile mind of hers. She was so much stronger than she’d ever been, but when she got like this, it scared him, made him think of the times when she wasn’t. “Come back to me, Mia.”

  She gifted him with a sweet smile. “I didn’t go anywhere.”

  He tilted his head, his eyebrows high, and her face scrunched up as he silently called her out. “Okay … I was thinking, but it was nothing bad, really.”

  “Then tell me.”

  Mia’s first instinct was to keep things to herself. He needed to prod her to share to continually let her know that opening up to him was okay, that nothing bad would come from giving him that piece of her. He knew she’d get there—he just needed to keep proving it to her.

  “Well, I was …” she paused and brought her bottom lip between her teeth, her eyes focused on her laptop screen. “I was sitting here thinking about one of our last Skype conversations …”

  And when a grin stretched across her face, he couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled out of his mouth. His little, pregnant hornball. “I’ll do those things to you in a few days.”

  “You promise?”


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