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Page 4

by Alice Raine

  Holy moly, that was unexpected!

  Using my shock to his advantage, Sean wasted no time in grabbing my wrists and pinning them above my head as he growled his desire and lowered his head to nuzzle roughly behind my ear.

  Talk about a speedy start. There was barely an opportunity to regain my breath, because the next second his mouth had found mine in a kiss so desperate and hungry that it was all I could do to keep up with him.

  I knew exactly what Sean was doing with this dominant display; he was trying to claim me back, reassure himself that we were OK after the Savannah fiasco. What he seemed to have overlooked though, was that he was also mine just as much as I was his, and in this moment, with memories of Savannah’s spiteful lies still fresh in my head I wanted to claim him too.

  As much as I usually loved his control in the bedroom, today I wanted to reciprocate and feel him beneath my skin – needed to – so I attempted to pull my wrists free, to no avail; Sean’s possessive hold on me was just too tight.

  Twisting my head to release my mouth from his heated kisses, I managed to make eye contact with him, my gaze clashing with his desire-filled blues. ‘Let me touch you, Sean, I need to feel you.’ Seeming to sense the reasoning behind my plea, he stared at me for a second before nodding once, and released my hands so we could unite in our desperation to reconnect. My fingers scrabbled in his clothing, craving the feel of skin on skin, and after some fumbling I managed to peel his T-shirt up until it bunched under his arms.

  Mumbling a small complaint of protest at having to let me go, Sean raised his hands so I could remove his T-shirt, and then immediately his warm palms descended upon me again, gripping at my waist possessively as he thrust his groin against my stomach.

  Suddenly Sean paused, his previously frantic movements stilling as he leant back and gazed at me. His face was flushed, his lips slightly swollen and moist from our desperate kisses, and breath was leaving his mouth in short, hard pants.

  ‘I’m yours, Allie. Just yours, baby. You know that, right?’ His tone was low and urgent, and I knew he needed the reassurance just as much as I needed to give it.

  ‘Yes. I know. I love you, Sean.’

  ‘Make me yours. Take the lead,’ he urged me, then twisting us around, he sank down onto a sofa so he was lying flat on his back and then pulled me with him until I was straddling his lap. We’d done this position before, of course, but the fact that Sean was offering me the control when he usually craved it for himself showed just how big a deal this was for him. He needed me to show him that I still wanted him.

  It was a challenge I wouldn’t ever turn down, and after speedily dispensing my clothes, I found myself attacking him with a passion I barely knew I had within me – my teeth found his shoulder, biting and teasing, as my hips undulated urgently on his groin and my fingernails clawed at the button of his shorts.

  ‘Christ, Allie. That’s it, baby. Use me.’

  Use him? Okey dokey, it would be my pleasure. And his, hopefully. Finally I succeeded in ripping the denim apart and Sean lifted his hips to help me drag his shorts and boxers down his legs.

  Chucking the clothing aside, I stopped dead and stared at him. Now, that was a mighty fine sight. Sean Phillips, sprawled naked, his muscled body taut with anticipation, eyes heavy-lidded with desire, and his cock as solid as a rock and bobbing between us frantically.

  The sight of him so aroused did nothing to cool my ardour, and as a bead of pre-come escaped from the slit I couldn’t help but descend upon his shaft, taking as much of him into my mouth as I could until he bumped against the back of my throat.

  ‘Holy fuck!’ His breath escaped him in a hissed curse as I set about sucking on him as if my life depended upon it. He was hard, but got even harder when one of his hands slid into my hair and grasped at the long strands. ‘So deep …’ he groaned, and I smiled around my mouthful of him, pleased to be causing such an effect. My tongue teased the thick veins on the underside and swirled around the broad top until he gripped my head and attempted to pull me away.

  ‘I want to come inside you, my gorgeous girl. Make it happen, baby.’ He might have handed over control to me, but I heard a hint of that low, commanding tone that always sent desire and lust shooting through me.

  Crawling up his body, I laid my palms flat on his heaving chest and grinned when I saw Sean’s heated face watching my every move with fascination. Letting me lead so fully was fairly rare for us, but from the keen look on Sean’s face, he was obviously rather enjoying the change.

  Lifting my body, I positioned myself above him, Sean gripping his cock at the base to help line himself up with my opening. The thick head began to enter me, pushing apart my sensitive flesh until I had to pause, my leg muscles quivering with the attempt at holding myself up. As much as I was tempted to just drop down onto him, I was still a bit tender from this morning, so edged him into me a little at a time, absorbing the delicious stretch with a low, drawn-out groan.

  ‘You drive me crazy in the best of ways, baby,’ he murmured, his words almost reflecting the exact sentiment I had thought about him earlier. As I neared the end of him, the tightness became exquisite. I felt so full, so owned, and yet somehow so in control. Sean’s hands were now flexing repeatedly on my hips, which I suspected was his way of holding himself back from dragging me down onto him. He needn’t have bothered, because when I felt another rush of moisture seep between my legs I relaxed my muscles and dropped the final inch so he was embedded in me from root to tip.

  ‘This just keeps getting better,’ Sean ground out, his eyes briefly closing before opening again and capturing me with his intense gaze. ‘You just keep getting better, Allie.’

  Unable to voice a reply I nodded my agreement and began to grind my hips in a circle so I could feel him everywhere inside of me.

  And I really do mean everywhere. It was incredible, but suddenly my slow movements weren’t enough, and I lifted myself up and dropped rapidly back down, eliciting cries of pleasure from us both.

  Sean had wanted me to set the pace, and I would. Repeating the same movement, I slammed my hips down onto him, feeling like a prize rodeo rider as I gyrated and slid up and down his rigid cock until we were both groaning and clutching at each other with needy fingers.

  My nails had sunk into him on several occasions already, and as I saw the reddened claw marks across his torso I smiled possessively – my man was going to bear my mark tomorrow, there was no doubt about it.

  That thought, combined with the feel of me moving him inside me suddenly triggered me to climax, the pleasure rushing at me so intensely that I think I briefly lost the use of my muscles. My body went lax, a long, drawn-out cry left my lungs, and then I was falling forwards onto him, my trembling body failing and unable to carry on, even though I knew he hadn’t found his own release yet.

  Strong hands gripped my hips, and suddenly I was turning, finding myself flat on my back and trapped below Sean as he plunged back inside of me again with a bark. ‘My turn.’ His hips began to draw back, and from the dark look on his face I just knew this was about to be hard.

  It was.

  Oh my god, it was.

  His entire body jacked forward on a plunge that was so hard and so deep that I could barely deal with the intensity of it. Stars spun before my eyes and a yelp flew from my mouth as pleasure lanced through my body, causing me to arch up off the sofa to fully unite us. Ignoring my exhaustion, I clung to his pumping hips and clawed, fingers digging into the firm cheeks of his beautiful arse.

  I was pinned below his weight, surrounded by the smell of his clean sweat and the feel of his hot, hard muscles, and I couldn’t think of anywhere else I’d rather be. Well, except perhaps pinned below his weight, surrounded by the smell of his clean sweat and the feel of his hot, hard muscles somewhere a million miles away from Savannah Hilton.

  As his hips kept up the relentless pace, I writhed below, trying to line up his cock so it would hit just the right spot. I was desperate to orgasm again ev
en though I’d just had a mind-blowing climax minutes earlier that had almost rendered me paralysed. Talk about greedy.

  His hips slowed marginally, and I felt him expand even further inside of me, his strokes now hitting perfectly on the g-spot deep inside. Jackpot. The contact caused my internal muscles to clench and a growl escaped Sean’s throat as he began to climax, his cock throbbing within me, jerking and filling me until my own second orgasm washed over me, gentler than the last one but just as satisfying.

  Sean’s head fell forwards as his hips continued to work us down from our peak, his sweat-slicked face a twisted mask of passion as it hovered above mine, not once breaking our eye contact.

  Finally, he stilled, rolling us over so I was flopped on top of his body. He really did make the best mattress ever. His hot breaths whispered across my temple as he snuggled me into his chest with his cock still buried within me.

  ‘I love you so fucking much, Allie.’

  I would never get sick of hearing those words. Feeling drowsy and loved up, I snuggled closer, contentment washing over me and pulling me towards sleep.


  A smile stretched on my lips as I realised that Allie had fallen asleep. Her breathing deepened, and the weight of her body relaxed further until it was almost difficult to work out where I ended and she began. Although seeing as my cock was still buried inside of her, we were technically joined at the hip, a feeling I would never tire of.

  It was a stupidly masculine outlook, but the fact that I had worn her out with my sexual antics and was still inside of her made me feel ridiculously proud of myself. So much so that a self-satisfied smirk formed on my face as I cradled her against me.

  Whilst Allie was snoozing, I took a moment to indulge my favourite habit – one of several favourites where this woman was concerned – and began trailing a hand over her long hair. God, I loved her hair. Everything about it turned me on: the silky feel of it, the way it trailed through my fingers, the floral scent, the way it wrapped around my wrist when I fucked her from behind … Closing my eyes, I felt my cock begin to thicken slightly inside her tight warmth again. This woman affected me like no other. I only got a semi this time, so it seemed that I had finally managed to wear out my insatiable sex drive. For a while, anyway.

  Usually I could snooze after sex too, but today my mind was buzzing. I was going to have serious words with Savannah later, that was for sure. The conniving bitch needed to realise the extent of my seriousness about Allie; no one and nothing would get in the way of my feelings for her, especially not some fake, attention-seeking harlot like her.

  A soft, contented whimper left Allie’s throat as if she were dreaming, but when she wiggled her hips and gave a hum of pleasure I realised she was waking up. I couldn’t resist giving one small upward thrust to remind her that I was still buried deep, and my move immediately caused her to nuzzle into my neck happily and lift her head to flash me a broad grin.

  ‘Hey, you,’ I murmured, loving the sleepy, flushed expression on her face.

  ‘Hi. I think you wore me out.’ My pride lapped up her words and I returned her smile and dropped a quick kiss on her lips. Slowly easing her onto her back, I set about tracing a finger down her jaw, along the flittering pulse in her neck, and across the top of her breasts until she shuddered. She was so fucking perfect.

  Reluctantly, I shifted my hips to pull my length from within her and saw Allie wince slightly as I slid free. Her small flicker of pain immediately caused a frown to tug at my eyebrows. ‘Are you OK? Was I too rough?’ I loved being rough and hard like that last session had been, but I needed to remember that Allie was far more delicate than me. I’d practically thrown her against a wall, for fuck’s sake, what if I had lost control and hurt her?

  My girl shook her head and smiled sleepily. ‘I’m fine, Sean, I loved every second of it,’ she replied huskily, her low, throaty tone setting my mind partially at ease.

  As I stared at her I made an on the spot decision. ‘I want you to choose a stop word, Allie, just in case I ever get too carried away.’ This wasn’t something I’d ever done before, but then I’d never been with anyone that made me lose my mind quite like Allie did. She turned me on so much that I literally lost all sense sometimes. It was like some primal need to claim her completely overtook all my actions apart from the urge to get my dick inside her as fast as humanly possible.

  ‘A stop word? Like a safe word?’ The hesitation in her tone was clear, but now that I had suggested it, it seemed like the best idea ever, and I found myself nodding keenly.

  ‘I’ve … well, I’ve read about those.’ Her voice softened with nerves and I watched as her beautiful eyes narrowed marginally. ‘But only ever in connection to bondage or sex that might involve pain. Why would you want that, Sean?’

  ‘I don’t want to do anything involving pain, Allie, that’s not what this is about. It’s actually the complete opposite.’ Pausing, I ran a hand through my hair, wondering how I could explain myself without sounding like a complete caveman. ‘I just … well, you know that I sometimes like rough sex … and I just want to make sure that I never push you too far in the heat of the moment.’

  ‘In which case, a stop word isn’t necessary, Sean,’ Allie replied immediately. ‘I like it rough sometimes too.’ I already knew my girl had similar tastes to me, but the way her cheeks flushed with embarrassment still made my cock jerk with excitement. ‘Besides, I trust you completely,’ she reassured me, giving my arm a rub.

  Leaning up on my elbows, I felt my heart clutch a little tighter in my chest. She was just so fucking perfect. ‘I know, and truthfully I don’t think you’ll ever need to use it, but sometimes I … I lose my head around you, Allie. This would make me feel better, that’s all.’

  Allie huffed out a cute little sigh and pouted her lips, which just made them look even more kissable than usual. ‘It’s unnecessary, but it’s only a word, I suppose, so if it makes you feel better then fine.’ My girl paused, chewing on her lower lip as she pondered a suitable word before finally smiling. ‘OK. My word is blizzard.’

  Looking at her curiously, I tilted my head, wondering where her peculiar choice had come from. ‘We met in a snow storm. I was going to choose snow, but it sounds a bit too similar to no, so blizzard is probably better.’

  Now my grin matched hers. What an ideal choice of word. ‘Perfect. Blizzard it is. Remember that, my gorgeous girl, and don’t be afraid to use it if I ever push you too far.’ I had quite a few kinkier things I planned to try with Allie once we were a proper couple, and I couldn’t help a satisfied smile curve my lips as I considered them. Oh yes, we were going to have a lot of fun together.


  So I now had a safe word. How bizarre. As Sean sealed the deal with a kiss I briefly wondered if that meant he might be keen on exploring other more imaginative things in the bedroom, but was stopped from considering this further as he climbed lithely from the sofa, giving me a splendid view of his naked perfection.

  Groaning, I bit my lip as I watched him walk away. His arse was a frigging work of art. Forget Picasso, da Vinci, or Monet, the entire contents of the Louvre couldn’t compare to those two beautifully sculpted butt cheeks.

  He disappeared through a door to my left and moments later, returned with a damp wash cloth in his hand, a cheeky smile on his lips, and a twinkle in his eye.

  Ah, yes. Sean and his never-ending need to care for me after sex. The first time he’d done this I’d panicked that he’d thought of me as unclean, but that hadn’t been the case, of course; he’d felt guilty for being a bit distant with me after we’d had sex, and the caring thing was his way of apologising. As the fond memory flitted through my head a giggle escaped my lips, causing Sean to look at me with a soft smile.

  ‘I love your laugh,’ he commented mildly. ‘Now open those legs, baby.’ Rolling my eyes at his over the top gestures, I didn’t bother to try and deny him and simply let my legs flop open. He now had a full-on view of my down below area, and
I couldn’t care less. Cleaning me attentively with the cloth, I listened to my man humming happily to himself and found myself grinning up at the ceiling.

  ‘Would you like to stay for dinner? I was going to grill some tuna and have it with salsa and salad.’ That sounded delicious, but my grin faded and eyebrows shot up at his question. Had he not learnt his lesson from what had happened earlier with Savannah? There was no way on this earth I was going back inside that house with her still there. A shudder ran through me, but this time it had nothing to do with pleasure, and everything to do with the horrific thought of sour-faced Savannah.

  I’d probably choke on my food if I had to share a meal with Little Miss Petulant and Pouty, or end up throwing it at her, and neither of those things were particularly high on my to-do list tonight.

  Rolling myself to a sitting position, I reached for my clothes on the floor and began to dress. ‘I don’t think so …’ I murmured, my mind filling with images of me lobbing a fistful of salsa into her sickeningly perfect face and watching it drip slowly off her false lips. My own twitched with a small, indulgent smirk. God, that would be so satisfying.

  ‘Three’s a crowd, and all that …’ My words dropped off as Sean frowned, pulled his shorts back on, and sat beside me, still distractingly bare-chested.

  ‘It’s not like you’re imagining at all, Allie. I don’t ever eat with Savannah. To be honest, we barely see each other. If it weren’t for the film company insisting we shared this house I wouldn’t choose to spend any time with her. You and I could eat on the deck,’ he added in a final attempt to persuade me.

  His conviction made my heart feel a little lighter, but I still sighed and shook my head. ‘I would love to spend more time with you, Sean, but Cait had her job interview today and I promised to meet up with her to see how she got on. Plus, I got a text from her earlier saying she might move back to the youth hostel for a bit, and I wanted to try and talk her out of it.’ If possible, my ego took another boost as I saw the open disappointment flash across Sean’s handsome face at my decline of his dinner invitation. He wanted to spend time with me just as much as I did with him, and that realisation made my shoulders feel ten tonnes lighter. It was infinitely reassuring.


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