Book Read Free


Page 12

by Alice Raine

  Staring at the screen, I chewed on the inside of my lip as I tried to decide what the hell I should write. Apologies for my behaviour. That sounded way too stuffy and formal.

  Sorry I pounced on you. But it was an amazing kiss, so I’m not really that sorry. Ugh. No. It was the truth, but perhaps not what Caitlin would want to see.

  Blowing out a breath, I wondered why the heck I couldn’t dredge up one useful message to send. I was usually a direct kinda guy when it came to women. If I was interested in them I made sure they knew it in a friendly, flirty way, but equally, if they were making advances and weren’t my type, I would politely make sure they realised it.

  I also didn’t pursue women or hassle them, until I’d met Caitlin, of course, but I knew – I just knew – that I had seen attraction in her eyes, and I had definitely felt our potent chemistry and her desire in that incredible kiss. She’d clawed at my T-shirt, for God’s sake.

  All that considered, my direct approach obviously wasn’t the right way to go with Caitlin. I’d already asked her out several times and she’d knocked me back each and every time. Grimacing at that lovely scrape to my ego, I tried again, keeping my message casual, light-hearted, but direct, in the hope that she’d finally give in to her feelings.

  To: Caitlin Byrne

  Running away from me AGAIN?

  We need to speak, Caitlin. Please call me.

  Before I pressed send I re-read the message and debated the presence of the sad face. I didn’t make a habit of using them, but I did want to keep the message light-hearted in some way. Bugger it, leave it in. Pressing send, I chucked the phone on the passenger seat and restarted the engine, assuming that Caitlin wouldn’t reply straight away, if at all.

  I’d just put my indicator on to pull out into traffic when my mobile buzzed beside me, startling me and causing me to immediately tuck my car back in and switch off the indicator. I’d either just received a text from one of my contacts with impeccably coincidental timing, or Caitlin had replied to my message practically straight away.

  Picking up the phone, I saw a message alert and could barely believe how nervous I was. My stomach was tumbling like I was on a rollercoaster and my fingers felt shaky and useless. Opening up the message I saw her name and my heart rate sky-rocketed even higher.

  From: Caitlin Byrne

  I don’t know who this is, but this is a private number.

  Don’t use it again.

  I re-read her brief text and let out a sigh. That was how she wanted to play things? My ego would have liked to pretend she was playing hard to get, but her message didn’t exactly sound playful. Pursing my lips as I considered her request, I almost followed her wish, but then threw caution to the wind and typed out another message, deliberately adding my name this time.

  To: Caitlin Byrne

  I think you know very well who it is. Or have you run

  away from many men today? Jack

  There was no immediate response this time, and I started to wonder if I should have added another apology to my message. I’d already apologised in the woods, though. Even though my phone still hadn’t rung, I was sitting like a complete sap, staring at it as if willing the bloody thing to ring, or beep, or give me any sign of life. Which it finally did.

  From: Caitlin Byrne

  I’ve lost count.

  Besides, I didn’t run away, I jogged.

  After her initial message, which had been brusque, to say the least, the lighter, almost jokey tone to this one caught me so off-guard that I actually threw my head back and laughed. It was like a whole different person had written it. Not that I was complaining, jokey was far better than curt and standoffish. A smile pulled at my lips as I read her message again. Hmmm. Perhaps I could get away with joking back a little too.

  To: Caitlin Byrne

  I could have caught you.


  The idea of playfully chasing Caitlin made my cock begin to thicken in my shorts. Closing my eyes, I tried to picture the scene and found it all too easy to do: the sun would be shining on us as we laughed and ran, her chestnut hair glinting in the rays as she dodged playfully around trees pretending to evade me, and me watching her gorgeous body as I deliberately trailed behind. When I caught up with her I’d wrap an arm around her waist to pull her flush against me and her hands would fist keenly in my shirt just as they had today. Imagining all this, not to mention the light giggles that she might make as she jumped up and wrapped her legs around me, wasn’t helping the tightness in my shorts at all. Damn it.

  It was just as well a text arrived to distract me, otherwise I might very well have lost control in my running shorts like a teenager.

  From: Caitlin Byrne

  I did athletics in college, so I can be surprisingly quick

  when I need to be.

  How did you get this number?

  The image of her in a university athletics kit tried to push its way into my mind, but after my earlier wayward thoughts I pushed it away with substantial difficulty and concentrated on re-reading her message. I wondered briefly if Caitlin had any idea that I was literally sitting in my car like an idiot waiting for her replies with almost bated breath.

  In the park, she’d seemed jumpy, and it had led me to believe that she might be the type of girl who would like a man to be calm and in control. Someone she could turn to if she needed them, so I hoped to God she didn’t know just how desperate I was acting. I’d have to try and come across as marginally more mature from now on. Of course my previous thoughts didn’t stop me from acting like a giddy schoolboy and replying almost instantly. So much for being mature and in control.

  To: Caitlin Byrne

  I’m sure you can be, but I think I’m faster.

  I knew your surname, and I have a friend at US Mobile

  who owed me a favour.

  I retained my light, teasing wording, and kept the details about Ben vague. While I realised she was probably still in shock from my kiss in the park, I decided to risk it and send a further text.

  To: Caitlin Byrne

  Can’t we just try being friends?

  I wanted more than friendship, but this would be a start. This time, after pressing send I literally did hold my breath. Thankfully the reply came swiftly, but it made my heart sink and an accepting frown settle on my features.

  From: Caitlin Byrne

  I don’t think so. In fact, I find your behaviour quite

  stalker-like. It’s making me uncomfortable.

  I meant what I said in the park, I’m not interested.

  Fuck. Re-reading her text I let out a heavy sigh. Even I wasn’t delirious enough to take that text as jokey or playful in any way. It was blunt and definitely indicated that I’d pushed my luck too far and still drawn a blank.

  I had managed to get myself so convinced that she felt the same attraction that it hadn’t even occurred to me that Caitlin might find me getting her number ‘stalker-like’, but I supposed she wasn’t far wrong; I had pushed some serious boundaries, practically demanding that Ben get the number for me and then immediately using it once he’d sent it across. The things this girl was driving me to were insane.

  My ego had certainly taken quite a battering at the hands of the enigmatic Miss Byrne, that was for sure. I’d never been knocked back so frequently, or so decisively in my entire life. Perhaps that was why I was so bloody taken with her.

  Growling in frustration, I grudgingly decided to do as she’d asked and leave her alone, and chucked my phone on the seat beside me before I could cave and text her again. I was so sure she felt the spark between us, which was why following her wishes was so much harder than it should have been.

  If our paths crossed again I would perhaps take it as a sign of fate that I was destined to pursue her, but if they didn’t then I supposed it was sensible to just give up now before I embarrassed myself any more.

  With all this begging and desperation, I was acting like a reckless kid, not a man nearing forty. Muttering a cur
se, I shook my head in annoyance. Maybe Caitlin was my version of an early mid-life crisis. Rolling my eyes I shoved my sweat-dampened hair away from my face and drove the rest of the way home in a foul mood.



  ‘Come on, let’s get this done,’ I grumbled, knowing that Savannah and I needed to keep our director happy by going out in public and being spotted together. Personally, I couldn’t think of anything I’d rather do less, but Finlay had been flashing me the evil eye all morning, so it seemed easier to do it sooner rather than later.

  Turning to see if Savannah was ready, I pulled off my sunglasses to ensure I definitely got recognised. ‘We’ll grab a quick coffee and let the paparazzi get some pictures. Remember to look pissed off with me, OK?’

  ‘But I’m not angry with you, darrrling. I don’t see why I should pretend,’ Savannah pouted, crossing her arms for effect which just ended up squeezing her tits up and out even further than usual. I suspected that Savannah was hoping to tempt me to check out her cleavage, but I resolutely refused to fall into her trap and glared at her instead.

  Raising a hand, I pointed right in her face. ‘After all the shit you’ve put me through with this fucking fake engagement, and then that stupid stunt you pulled with Allie, you owe me.’ I was so angry I could feel my cheeks heating with rage. ‘Don’t even think of playing games with me, or you’ll live to regret it.’

  Savannah barely even flinched, which only acted to increase my annoyance as I started stalking towards the gates. ‘This is all such a lot of fuss. Dating me would be far easier than her, Sean, you must realise that.’

  Spinning on the spot I threw my hands in the air in aggravation. ‘But I don’t want to date you, Savannah! That’s the whole fucking point. When the hell will you get that into your head?’ I knew Savannah didn’t want that either; she didn’t date, she fucked around, but I thought she was pissed off because I had refused to sleep with her. One thing was sure though, even if Savannah didn’t play the ‘tense, pissed off’ card for the journalists, my scrunched up face and mounting fury would certainly make for a good picture.

  My words seemed to sink in as Savannah’s lips curled contemptuously for a split second before she noticeably deflated and gave an accepting nod. ‘Fine.’

  Nodding curtly, I reached down and grabbed her hand before practically dragging her towards the studios’ exit where there were sure to be a few paparazzi loitering.

  ‘Let’s get this freak show on the road.’



  I was halfway through swimming my thirtieth length of the pool when I came up for a breath and got a glimpse of Cait standing on the poolside. Coming to a stop at the edge, I flicked my goggles up and wiped my eyes as I trod water. Noticing her deep frown I raised my eyebrows curiously. ‘What’s up?’

  ‘Um … are you done?’ She asked, her features still narrowed with apparent concern.

  The private pool was tiny, so I usually tried to swim at least sixty lengths just to feel like I’d done a decent distance, but the look on Cait’s face made me grab the rail. Dragging myself from the water, I pulled down a towel from the rack and roughly dried myself off. ‘I can always have a break. What is it?’

  ‘You might want to see this.’ Cait flicked her elastic band once and then held out her phone to me. As I took the mobile I realised it was actually mine, and saw the screen had one new message alert. ‘I wasn’t snooping, but it flashed up right next to me and I accidentally saw what it said,’ Cait blurted. ‘I think you might want to read it.’

  Unlocking my phone, I brought up the notification and frowned at the words filling the screen.

  Savannah Hilton and Sean Phillips spotted having a reconciliation coffee. Is their love back on track? Click here to read more.

  Hmm. Reconciliation? I didn’t like the sound of that at all.

  ‘Why did that message come to you?’ Cait asked in confusion, and I felt my cheeks heat.

  ‘After the last stunt she pulled I set up an instant alert for Savannah’s name so I would get a message every time her name appeared in a new article.’

  ‘Clever. Why is Sean out with her, though? Is this another one of her stunts?’

  Luckily, my man had been completely open and up front with me regarding Savannah since our fall-out, so I knew exactly what this message was referring to.

  ‘Nah, this is for the benefit of his director.’ I clicked the link and waited while the complete article loaded. ‘Apparently there were some blurry shots of Sean and me in the papers last week and his director went nuts. He says they can end the fake engagement soon, but he wants them to hold off until the end of the season. The fact that Sean’s been spotted with a mystery blonde put a bit of a spanner in the works, but they decided to use it to their advantage and get some extra publicity by creating the illusion of tension between him and Savannah.’

  Scrolling through the article, I saw several pictures of Sean and Savannah sitting over a coffee. Sean’s brows were drawn low into a frown and Savannah’s lips were puckered so petulantly that she looked like she had swallowed something exceptionally sour. ‘The director demanded that they be spotted in public looking strained so people might think there was trouble in paradise. Look.’ Turning the phone to Cait I let her scroll through the images.

  ‘Well, they definitely look strained, that’s for sure,’ she agreed before handing my phone back with a small grimace. ‘I don’t know how you deal with all this drama Allie, I really don’t.’

  Neither did I sometimes. But at least Sean had warned me about this, even if I hadn’t known that it was going to happen so soon.

  ‘I love him,’ I replied simply, a statement that caused Cait to blush, nod, and smile soppily.

  ‘That’s not to say I can’t make him pay a little,’ I added mischievously, opening up my messages and firing off a quick one to Sean.

  To: Sean Phillips

  I see you and your ‘fiancée’ are in the papers today.

  Better get your thinking cap on, because I think you

  owe me a nice surprise in return. A xx

  Smiling as a message instantly popped on to my phone, I opened it up and giggled.

  From: Sean Phillips

  Deal. I’ll put the thinking cap on my pervy head and

  make it a sexy surprise, so be prepared. Love you. S xx

  A pervy sexy surprise from Sean? I couldn’t wait, and with that thought in my head I plonked my phone on a sun lounger and jumped back in the pool to finish my swim with a huge grin on my face.



  I woke with a start, my skin prickling with a bizarre sensation like small, icy pinpricks were dancing across my body. Something was wrong. I could feel it in my gut. Frowning into the darkness, I blinked to clear my sleepy vision and looked around for what had woken me. My heart leapt in my chest and a harsh gasp sucked into my lungs as my eyes settled on what appeared to be a silhouette standing by my patio doors.

  Ho-ly fuuuuck. What the hell?

  In the blink of an eye I was wide awake, my pulse thundering through my veins as every hair on my body stood up on end and my throat closed with fear. In an un-coordinated attempt at a ninja roll, I threw myself across the bed to switch on my lamp, then flung myself up on the mattress as far away from the glass doors as I could.

  Pale lamplight now dimly illuminated my room, but as my eyes adjusted it was obvious that there was no one there.

  The room was empty.

  A choked breath of relief stuttered from my lungs as I blinked several times and surveyed the room again with my heartbeat raging in my eardrums.

  Holy crap balls. That had been really flipping freaky. Drawing in a gigantic breath, I let it out as a huge sigh and tried to rein in my hammering pulse, noticing that my entire body was covered in a film of cold sweat. Jesus. I was shaken up. That shadow had seemed really frigging real.

  Licking my lips, I gingerly slid from the bed and checked t
he patio doors, but they were still locked. Letting out a small, slightly hysterical giggle, I shook my head and clambered back into the safety of my bed. The sheets were still warm and I wrapped them around myself for comfort as I attempted to reel in my overactive imagination and banish the images of a strange, shadowy figure from my mind.

  Clearly my brain had gone haywire tonight, conjuring up phantoms in the dark, although admittedly I did have a pile of clothes thrown over the chair by the window so perhaps it had just been the outline of that that I’d seen.

  I’d also been tossing and turning when I’d gone to bed, because I’d been thinking again about Cait’s confessions that her scumbag ex had been stalking her via letter. Maybe that was the cause of my horror-like visions. It made me feel sick to my stomach that he was out there somewhere and not rotting in jail like he deserved.

  Mind you, it did at least make more sense of why she was struggling so hard to get over him. If he was still haunting her with sick letters and threats, then she was probably struggling to move on completely.

  I decided that must be what was causing me to be so jumpy. Settling myself beneath the covers I stretched out my legs in an attempt to calm my rampaging nerves, but even though I knew I was being ridiculous, it was still five minutes before I plucked up the courage to turn the light off again.



  The carpet smelt of cinnamon, and I couldn’t for the life of me imagine why. Every time I dared to take a small, shallow breath that was the scent I got. It was like someone had squished up a cinnamon bun and rubbed the thing across the floor, and the bloody smell was making my nose twitch.

  Reducing my inhales to the bare minimum I lay on the floor as still as a statue. That had been such a close call that my heart was still pounding in my chest like a bloody bass drum.

  Another shallow breath brought with it more cinnamon and my nose really started to itch. I must not sneeze. A loud sneeze would be disastrous, not only giving away my hiding place, but probably scaring the shit out of Allie in the process too.


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