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Omega's Unexpected: A Gay MPREG Romance

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by Tammy Knight

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  Omega’s Unexpected

  By Tammy Knight

  Copyright © 2018

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen


  Their story wasn’t the most conventional by any means. Jamie Briggs kind of liked that about the friendship he shared with another ne’er-do-well wolf shifter, Craig Lee. The two were known as the Terrible Two, though that was mostly a name coined by local news writers who had no idea who they actually were. He and Craig weren’t the perfect pair in theory, but in execution… well, their wild streak couldn’t really be beat. Granted, it was never anything too far over the top; Craig made sure of that. The elder omega tended to be the more responsible of the two, for what little that amounted to. Even though Craig could be a bit of a buzzkill at times, Jamie knew in his heart he wouldn’t trade the omega for anyone else. After all, that was part of the reason he was orchestrating this whole new plan. He hadn’t filled his friend in on the details yet, but after a long night of setting off firecrackers in mailboxes and tagging the local gas stations, he was sure the time was right. At least as right as the time could be for something like what he was about to unveil.

  “You’ve been a bit caught in your own head, dude,” Craig muttered, taking a puff off his joint. Jamie chuckled, the high just barely tickling at his insides. Craig was always so worried, even though he didn’t always show it in the most conventional ways. Sometimes it was as simple as snatching a half empty bottle of tequila out of Jamie’s hands, so he could kill the remainder, and Jamie wouldn’t catch his death from alcohol poisoning. He mused that it would take a lot more than a cheap bottle of tequila to knock him off of his game, but it was nice to know the omega cared in some way.

  “I’ve just been thinking of our latest and greatest scheme,” Jamie breathed, taking another drag himself. He inhaled deeply, holding the smoke in his lungs for as long as he could manage before breathing out a long and contented sigh. He always felt the freedom to relax when he was with his best bud. Even if it was a bit strange for an alpha and omega to hang out so often for reasons besides procreation, he only ever felt at ease with Craig. He wasn’t sure what that said about him as a wolf, besides the fact that he wasn’t one to get out often. He didn’t make friends. He could be charming when he put his mind to it; he just didn’t often care to put his mind to it.

  “The scheme you’ve been keeping to yourself for the past…,” Craig paused, glancing towards the ceiling as if it would help him focus. “Past week, I’d say. It must be pretty dumb if you’re so nervous to talk about it,” the omega hummed, nudging Jamie with his foot. The alpha male bristled a bit, shoving the other man’s foot away before clearing his throat and managing a serious expression.

  “It’s not dumb. I just… I know you, Craig. You don’t like to do things that are like way over the top. This… I think it would qualify as over the top,” Jamie sighed, already recognizing the look of trepidation in the elder male’s eyes. “It’s nothing that bad, really! I just… it’s going to be really cool, and I want you to keep an open mind,” Jamie sputtered out, hating himself for sounding like such a teenager. He was just excited over the prospect of telling the other man about the idea that had been occupying his thoughts for what had actually been nearly a month. Craig’s positive or negative reaction could make or break him, respectively. He didn’t like that he was so dependent on the omega just to keep himself from falling into a depressed spiral, but Craig never seemed to find the level of dependence. Would likely just call it normal friendship. Jamie wouldn’t go as far as calling their friendship normal by any means.

  “Well, alright. I’ll hear it out. I just don’t have high hopes,” Craig teased, moving to nudge at the alpha again. Jamie grabbed him by the ankle, tracing his claw up the length of the sole of Craig’s foot in a ticklish manner. Craig outright squealed before twisting and contorting to get away, nearly kicking the alpha in the face in the process. “You know I hate being tickled, you sick bastard,” the omega cried out, amusement clear in his voice.

  “You know I always tell you not to start what you can’t finish, C. Now sit over there and behave while I make my presentation,” Jamie said in a huff. He rolled his eyes, tapping his fingers together for a moment as he tried to piece together a proper way to make his plan seem appealing to someone with a shred of sanity in his head. He was under no delusions that his idea was the best one in the world, but he’d been looking for a way to seal their friendship once and for all. As much as Jamie liked to think his feelings for Craig were nothing more than friendly--maybe with a touch of casual lust, he had a harder time actually convincing even himself sometimes. He didn’t want to consider what the omega would say if he got the idea that Jamie had some kind of kiddie crush. Realistically, Craig would probably be flattered, but too nice to just turn him down. Filled with lust and adrenaline or otherwise, Jamie wasn’t going to take advantage of the omega. At least, as long as he could help himself.

  “Come on, Jim-Jam. I’m not going to laugh at you. I know what a fragile and delicate alpha male you are,” Craig teased, though there was warmth in his gaze. Jamie sighed, dragging his hand down his face. It would be much easier if the other male wasn’t so damn understanding. As it stood, Jamie could probably tell him that the
plan was to murder the omega’s father, and he would act with the faintest shred of sense Hell, it probably made more sense than what he was actually presenting. Craig’s stereotypically alpha dad was a jerk-and-a-half, and Jamie would be doing the omega a favor to get rid of the old man. Still, that wasn’t the plan he had chosen, and he’d come too far to simply back out at that point. He had to come out and tell Craig everything-- his feelings notwithstanding.

  “Okay, so you know how I’ve wanted to do something big. Something really big, you know? We’ve been mentioned in the local papers a time or two, but it’s always just some tiny little advertisement telling people to call if they have any clues. Not that people are gonna have clues, right? We don’t talk to anyone besides each other…,” Jamie trailed off, feeling a bit pathetic in spite of himself. Craig simply smirked, arms crossed over his slender chest.

  “God knows what I would do without your company. Alright, I’m following so far. You want to do something big. Something worthy of getting on TV, I’d guess?” the omega pressed, leaning in with his joint hanging from his lips. He waggled his eyebrows at Jamie, and the alpha struggled to ignore the rush of adoration that swept over him. He wasn’t some sad sack with a dumb crush. He tried to tell himself that he just valued the omega male’s friendship, nothing more. It wasn’t exactly the right time to have an existential breakdown, in any case.

  “Yeah! Not anything we’d be identified for, but if we followed through with this, who would they suspect but the Terrible Two? We’d go down in local history, and no one would even know it,” Jamie said excitedly, his hands fidgeting at his sides. He couldn’t ignore the expression of doubt flickering on Craig’s face, and he had to fight the instinct to bite out some snide remark. At least, he tried. “What’s with the face? I haven’t even told you what we’re doing yet. You can’t think it’s a bad idea if you don’t even know what it is,” he spat, stubbing out his joint in their ashtray. His buzz was fading, as was usual with these sorts of conversations with Craig. He’d pushed the idea of big plans in the past, something that would get them the notoriety they deserved. Craig was always so hesitant, too afraid of being caught to actually follow through on anything the alpha came up with. Well, no more. Jamie was determined that he was putting his foot down this time; the omega wasn’t getting out of this scheme no matter what. He was getting desperate.

  In spite of his assurances that it was just to get famous, Jamie had a bit of an ulterior motive to the plans. He’d been easily swayed before, back when he was sure that Craig couldn’t find any better friends to hang out with. The alpha just happened to notice other alphas noticing his omega friend in a way that he wasn’t pleased with. Craig was often oblivious to their stares, though from time to time he made a comment about a cute alpha he’d had a bit of fun with. Jamie wasn’t sure what hurt more in those instances--his heart or his pride. He was all too aware that Craig was becoming more and more enticing to other alphas, not just Jamie himself. The omega’s hips were broadening, forming child-bearing hips as the other alphas so callously called them. His rear was getting rounder and more delectable, and it was almost too much for Jamie to stand when the omega entered his first heat cycle. They’d both had their share of confusion then, but nothing too terrible had happened. They’d made out a bit before Craig seemed to realize what was happening and bolted. Jamie had felt scorned, but relieved when the omega had explained that doing the horizontal tango while he was in heat wasn’t the brightest idea.

  Jamie didn’t want to tie Craig down with something as permanent as a child. He wouldn’t make any kind of good father, and he knew the omega actually deserved much more than he could provide. It didn’t mean he was willing to give Craig up altogether. No, once they followed through with this ultimate scheme, Craig would be tied down, but not by physical bonds. He would be tied down by their brotherhood, the act that they had taken part in that no one else could ever know about. If the expression on Craig’s face was any indication, he seemed to realize the severity of what they were discussing. Jamie tried not to lose his temper with his friend, but it was harder in practice than in theory.

  “It’s just… last time you came up with something that would put us on the front page in the local archives, it was… really dangerous,” Craig said carefully, obviously not wanting to press Jamie’s buttons. Jamie inhaled a calming breath, trying to talk himself down. It was true, last time he had suggested they steal a cop car and smash the thing. The time before that, he’d come up with the idea of dumping red dye into the local water source. It didn’t sound that bad in theory, but when Craig had pointed out the possible effects of the pollutants, Jamie had given up on that idea as well. Truth be told, those ideas were doomed to fail anyway. They were too obvious, something that the alpha had planned to just galivant around doing in the light of day. They would be arrested and charged with God knows what. While his newest plan certainly amped up the danger levels, it had one particular fact going for it. Jamie had actually planned, plotted, followed police routes, and looked for possible exploits before even getting to the point where he would reveal his plan to Craig. He had agonized over the execution of the scheme, and he was determined that this one would succeed where the others would have surely failed. He couldn’t blame Craig for being dubious, but he was going to seal their friendship once and for all. He had to. He couldn’t stand the thought of losing Craig to some other alpha to make some big family. He couldn’t bear the fact that, ultimately, nothing tied Craig to him. He was disposable. There was nothing stopping Craig from abandoning him altogether.

  “You said you would hear me out. I kinda thought that involved hearing the whole idea before passing judgment,” Jamie muttered, leveling a glare at the man he cared so deeply for. Craig frowned but shrugged his shoulders and nodded obligingly.

  “I did say that. Alright. I’m listening, Jamie. What’s your plan?” Craig asked gently, offering his still-lit joint to the other wolf shifter. Jamie hesitated, reaching out to take it and inhaling a deep lungful. He needed to steel himself if he was going to get all of this out in one go. He knew Craig’s immediate response wouldn’t be ideal, but as long as he could keep his cool and convince the other male, he was sure he would come out on top. He passed the blunt back to Craig, who took the final puff before snuffing it out and giving Jamie his full attention. It was moments like that where Jamie felt truly appreciated. It was the reason he couldn’t let Craig go. No one would ever care about him like Craig did. His own parents hadn’t even cared enough to keep him--no one had ever cared. No one in the foster system, no one until he met this one particular omega through what could only be fate. He needed Craig. He didn’t just care about Craig--he needed him like he needed no one else. Any doubts he had about the plan he was going to propose faded as he realized that he was doing the right thing. The right thing for him, at least. He could only hope it was the right thing for Craig, too.

  “Alright, so. I’ve been thinking this over for a while, and I realized the last plans were too obvious. We’d have been discovered immediately, and arrested, and… I can understand why you would have been against that,” Jamie began, receiving a soft chuckle and a nod in response. “That’s what makes this plan so different though, and that’s why I’m so sure it’s going to work. I’ve done the homework on this, Craig, and I’ll show you what I mean in… just a minute, but… I mean, I know this is going to sound crazy,” he rambled, tapping his fingertips together.

  “Get it out, man,” Craig said in that semi-harsh, semi-soothing manner that only he had been able to master, in Jamie’s experience. The alpha hesitated for a moment longer, squeezing his eyes shut and blurting as confidently as he could:

  “I want to set the post office on fire!”


  He would have been foolish not to recognize the crazed look in his friend’s eyes, and Craig felt his heart drop into his gut as Jamie blurted out another dangerous plan. It wasn’t terribly surprising, but a small part of him had hoped th
e young alpha would move on from his more immature outlook on life. Jamie wasn’t a dumb guy by any means, but there was something in the man’s brain that seemed to experience a disconnect between right and wrong; sane and insane. He knew that the alpha male didn’t particularly take rejection well, and wasn’t prepared to tell him just how utterly brainless his idea was. Just the same, he wasn’t prepared to go out in the middle of the night and blow up the post office either. He had to think of a way to deal with this delicately. In a perfect world, he could simply tell his friend that the idea was outright maniacal, but Jamie was too important to Craig for the omega to simply dash his hopes.

  “You want… to set the post office on fire,” Craig repeated, almost praying the other shifter would correct him. Maybe he had misheard or gotten the wrong idea. He wasn’t sure how he could get the wrong idea from Jamie’s explanation, but he would hold out the hope at least. When Jamie’s expression seemed to droop in response to his lackluster response, Craig sputtered in an attempt to correct it as much as he could--what could feasibly be corrected in the realm of sanity, that is. “It’s just… I thought I might have heard you wrong,” the omega managed to get out. Jamie frowned that intense frown Craig was so often subjected to, and the older male managed a half-smile in the face of his friend’s irritation.


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