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Omega's Unexpected: A Gay MPREG Romance

Page 4

by Tammy Knight

  For a moment, he could pretend this wasn’t just some frenzied screwing. He could feel the softness of Jamie’s lips, could feel the alpha male’s hands gently tensing in his hair as he drew in ever closer. For a moment, he could pretend that the alpha actually loved him. The thought did nothing to slow him, and he stared through wide eyes at the alpha when he drew away, touching his own lip gently. Craig could see a bit of blood beading on Jamie’s full lower lip, and realized he had been a bit clumsy with his teeth. He parted his lips to apologize, but Jamie simply licked the blood away before pressing the omega back onto the bed. It was surprisingly soft, and the sheets weren’t nearly as scratchy as the omega might have expected. It wasn’t freshly washed linens, but all that clung to the sheets was the delicious scent of the alpha before him. He wanted to bathe in that scent, bottle it up for lonely nights alone--God, could he stand another night alone? That thought faded as Jamie crawled on top of him, pinning him down against the mattress and looking at him with a rather sly expression.

  “I want you…,” Jamie paused, tracing his fingers impossibly low on Craig’s body. Craig thought he might end the statement there, but the alpha clearly wasn’t done. His rugged demeanor shifted for a moment, if only just slightly. He pressed his lips to the lobe of the omega’s ear, kissing and nibbling at it for a moment before continuing. “God, forgive me for saying this, but… I want you to prove that you want me. That you won’t leave. That you need me half as badly as I need you,” the alpha breathed, and warmth bloomed in Craig’s chest. Jamie paused, drawing away for a moment. “That doesn’t mean…I’m not the kind of guy who dates, or…,” he said nervously, clearly worried that it would put the omega off.

  “Don’t worry. This is a no-strings-attached affair,” Craig said huskily, wishing that he truly meant it. Before kissing Jamie again and preparing to give himself in to the sensations, he only spoke once more. “As far as proving all of that…I think I can do just the thing,” he whispered.


  Jamie wasn’t sure what he actually expected from Craig that evening. The omega reacted much more positively to his flirtatious efforts, and even when he thought he blew it, his older friend never ceased to surprise him. He’d even made it abundantly clear that he had no intentions of dating Craig, as much as he might have liked to. The omega had soothed that worry relatively quickly, but now that the older male was arched beneath him, desperate to be touched, Jamie wasn’t quite sure what to do. It wasn’t as if he’d never had sex with another male before, but it had always been strangers he picked up in bars or something equally sleazy. Never before had he actually shared such intimacy with someone he actually cared about. He felt a bead of sweat roll down the back of his neck as the omega smiled up at him, his eyes hooded and so damn alluring. He cursed himself for how badly he wanted to just pin Craig to the bed and take him, but he cursed himself even more for the aching tenderness he felt. Reaching a hand up, he brushed Craig’s hair back and leaned in to press a gentle kiss to his forehead. Craig startled a bit, shifting closer to the alpha and clinging to the back of his shoulders.

  “Don’t feel like you have to be gentle, Jamie,” the omega murmured against the side of his neck, and Jamie stiffened as teeth grazed there. He had to pull himself together; it wasn’t as if he wanted Craig to realize there was any actual depth to his emotions. He scarcely wanted to acknowledge it himself. Still, it was hard to remain silent and steely as the omega continued to pepper kisses down his neck. He lowered his hips a bit, a soft sigh drawing itself from his lips.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” the alpha murmured, well aware that it was a loaded statement. He was bound to hurt Craig in the end; it was what he did. Jamie Briggs was the kind of alpha who hurt people, and in most cases, he couldn’t care less. No one worried about him; he wasn’t going to concern himself with anyone else… except the man who lay beneath him. The omega simply smiled up at him as he drew away from his neck, pressing a solid kiss to his lips. Jamie tangled his hands in Craig’s hair, holding him as close as he could manage. Craig deepened the kiss, slipping him the tongue and pressing a hand to the back of his head. Jamie could feel the warmth blooming in his chest, and he drew away just long enough to catch his breath before smashing their lips together again. Craig rolled his hips up, sinking his claws into Jamie’s shoulders. Jamie could barely keep himself composed, the visceral instinct to bite Craig’s neck overtaking him. He obliged himself, sinking his teeth into the nook between the omega’s shoulder and neck. His teeth elongated, piercing the skin flesh deeply. He’d never given a mating bite before in his life--it had always felt too…too close, too devoted, and though he would never say so on the surface, deep down, he was utterly and completely devoted to the omega beneath him.

  “What if I want to be hurt?” Craig murmured, meeting Jamie’s gaze with a faint smile. The alpha hesitated, unsure if he could place the look in his partner’s eyes. It was full of fondness, but a certain sadness as well. He knew Craig often formed attachments to the wrong sorts of wolves, and he couldn’t think of any wolf more wrong than himself. He parted his lips to voice such a statement, but cut himself short as Craig pecked him chastely on the lips. “I want you to take me, Jamie. If I wanted gentle, or too rough, I would turn to someone else. You’re all I want… right now,” the omega said with a smirk, seeming to correct himself after a moment. Jamie tilted his head, searching his potential lover’s eyes. The omega stared earnestly up at him, stroking a hand along the side of his cheek.

  “Me. You want me,” Jamie repeated, as if he couldn’t believe it. He truly couldn’t, if he were honest with himself. He couldn’t begin to fathom why someone as wonderful as his dear friend would want to cross the line to making love. Had he done something right in his series of lifelong mistakes? It seemed unlikely, but why then would someone so perfect be placed into his harsh and calloused hands? He couldn’t begin to fathom why any God would place Craig into his worthless life unless, deep down, he was worth something. Entertaining thoughts of being important, to even a metaphysical being said to love him regardless, it seemed a foolish notion. Not nearly as foolish as hoping, praying, the omega in his arms could love him some day.

  “I’ve always wanted you. Since I lay eyes on you,” Craig said earnestly, his cheeks flushing slightly. Jamie stiffened above him, unsure of how to process the statement. He knew he should be flattered, but more than anything he was angry--angry that someone so beautiful could delude themselves into wanting the scum on their shoes.

  “I’ve never been anything impressive,” Jamie murmured, staring at the expanse of Craig’s flat chest. His eyes fluttered slightly, and he raised a hand to press his palm above the omega’s heart. It beat fiercely beneath his hand, stuttering and racing as if it had never been used before that day. He met Craig’s gaze again, and the omega drew his lip between his teeth with a somewhat worried expression.

  “If you don’t want this… you don’t have to feel obligated,” the omega murmured. Jamie’s eyes widened marginally, and he curled his hand against the soft skin of Craig’s chest. That damned loving heart continued to hammer, and he wanted nothing more than to soothe it, to assure the omega that yes, God yes, he wanted this! He wanted it more than he had ever wanted anything in his lifetime, more than he could want anything on this very Earth.

  “Hush now,” Jamie murmured, curling his fingers in the waistband of Craig’s boxers. Craig stiffened, meeting his gaze with an expression that was strikingly vulnerable. He lifted his hips slightly, and Jamie hesitated but a moment longer to press a kiss to his lips. As their lips worked against each other, tongues meeting in desperate passion, Jamie pushed the underwear down his lover’s legs, only drawing away when he had to. As he tugged the boxers the rest of the way down, he paused before gazing upon the juncture of the omega’s thighs. He wasn’t awfully large by any means, but not small either. Just enough to properly grip in his hand--straining and erect, begging for attention. Jamie licked his dry lips, tracing his fi
ngertips along the omega’s soft hips. Craig’s erection twitched, and Jamie hesitated before wrapping his hand around it, slowly stroking it from base to tip. A breathy gasp spilled past Craig’s lips, and Jamie was sure he’d never heard such a beautiful sound in his life.

  “Oh, God,” the omega moaned, tensing his hands in the sheets at his sides. Jamie smiled a bit, a genuine smile that was entirely unlike his usual cheeky smirk. He loved that he could be the one to make Craig moan, could be the one to make him cry out in pleasure. He felt worthy in that moment, as if he may have finally found someone he could prove himself as useful to. Even if it was just for the occasional hand job, he wanted to give Craig something of himself, something from the heart. Craig never needed to know that he was in love, but he would show it in ways that weren’t so obvious. The touch of a hand on a cheek, the press of lips to the curl of his lips, the gentle grip on his-”Oh,” Craig mewled, rolling his hips slightly.

  “You like that…?” Jamie asked a bit awkwardly, stroking towards the tip of his member-- fist tightening. Craig nodded silently, his mouth agape as Jamie pleasured him. The alpha smiled to himself, lowering his closed palm to splay his fingers across Craig’s happy trail. His fingers tickled the downy soft hairs there, and the omega breathed a sigh before meeting Jamie’s gaze.

  “Yeah. I like that. And I like you,” Craig said boldly, his breath catching as Jamie tightened his grip.

  “That’s a mistake on your part, C,” Jamie breathed, slowly stroking up and down his length. Craig squeezed his eyes shut, saying nothing for a moment. Jamie could feel the throb of the omega’s length in his palm, his lips parting as saliva dribbled down his chin.

  “Do..” Craig started, his voice cutting off with a sharp gasp. “Do you have any lube?” He managed to grit out, meeting Jamie’s gaze. The alpha swallowed the lump forming in his throat, nodding slowly and reaching towards his bedside table. Craig rolled his hips urgently, whimpering softly and pleadingly.

  “Easy, baby,” Jamie said thoughtlessly, tensing when he realized just what he’d said. Craig seemed oblivious to the term of endearment, his hips twitching sporadically as he drew his lip between his teeth. “Are you sure…?” Jamie asked gently, fumbling with the tube of lube in his hand. Craig peeked an eye open, his expression tense as he nodded urgently.

  “I’ve never been so sure of something in my life,” Craig said breathlessly, rolling onto his side and then slowly onto his stomach. He raised his rear, and Jamie was nearly overwhelmed with the scent of his pheromones. It was all the alpha could do to remember to slide the globs of lube along his length, spurting some on his fingers before pressing them into the omega’s tight hole. Craig cried out, tensing his hands in the sheets and wagging his rear end enticingly. “Please, please, please,” the omega groaned out, his tight pucker tightening around Jamie’s fingers. Jamie continued to loosen him up, his own manhood throbbing almost painfully as he took in his squirming friend. It struck him once more that this wasn’t some strange omega off the streets, that this was Craig--the only friend he’d ever had. He gritted his teeth, using his free hand to reach around and grip Craig by his member. The omega gasped, sinking his teeth into the pillow beneath him and curling his arms around it, claws flexing.

  “You need to relax or it’s going to be painful,” Jamie murmured gently, leaning in to kiss the back of Craig’s neck. His own manhood pressed between the cleft of the omega’s ass-cheeks, sliding against the excess lubrication with a twitch. The alpha groaned, squeezing his eyes shut as he pumped the omega’s length in his hand. He could feel the increasing warmth of the omega’s length, the pulsing growing sporadic and seemingly desperate.

  “Please. I don’t care. I don’t care if it hurts. Just take me, Jamie. Please, God, just take me,” Craig gasped out, raising his rear higher and wagging it eagerly. The alpha hesitated, sliding his hand to the base of the omega’s girth and allowing it to simply rest there.

  “Last chance, Craig. Don’t start something you can’t finish,” the alpha rumbled, his own manhood all too eager to enter that tight hole that awaited him. Craig sighed a long sigh, reaching behind himself and spreading himself wide. If the pheromones were affecting Jamie before, the effect grew ever more dramatic as he inhaled the omega’s scent.

  “Take me, before I change my mind. Show me the kind of alpha you are,” Craig said crassly, and Jamie inhaled a shuddering breath, his mind screaming that he shouldn’t take advantage of his friend. All the same, as he lined himself up, before he could even reconsider, the omega pressed back against him. The tip of his length entered, just slightly breaching the omega’s insides. Craig whined loudly, his voice warbling as he cried out Jamie’s name. The alpha male was sure he had never seen something so hot in his life, and as he slid slowly but surely into his friend, inch by inch, his face contorted in pleasure.

  “Oh God, Craig,” he moaned, pushing the final inch of his length into the other male. Fully hilted inside, he felt fully enveloped and more complete than he had ever felt in his life. Craig growled in desperation beneath him, pressing back in a desperate suggestion for the alpha to continue. Jamie gripped the older male’s hips, drawing back and then thrusting harshly back into him. Craig squealed, his toes curling in ecstasy at the sheer pleasure the young alpha was drawing out of him. Jamie grunted, his predatory and dominant instincts sweeping over him as he continued to plunge into the man he loved. In all the omegas he had mated before, he was certain he had never felt so good, so complete. He pressed his check against Craig’s back, pressing his lips to the omega’s shoulder in a brief kiss before sinking his teeth into him. Craig’s voice was haggard as another moan slipped past his lips, and Jamie didn’t slow his pace even as the omegas’ voice hitched as if he couldn’t draw breath.

  “Please, please, please,” Craig howled like a mantra once he could manage to speak, jerking back against Jamie with every thrust of his hips. The alpha sank his claws into the side of the omega’s hips, forcefully drawing him back with every thrust. Jamie could feel himself growing closer and closer to the edge, eagerly slamming into the omega with every inward breath.

  “I’m… I’m gonna....,” Jamie desperately gasped out, slamming into his chosen omega for a final time as he shot his seed deep within the other male. Craig’s voice was a shuddering scream as he tensed his claws in his own hair, squirming in rapidly mounting pleasure. As Jamie sank his teeth into the omega’s shoulder once more, a true mating bite, Craig shrieked and spilled himself on the sheets beneath them. He sank into the sheets of the bed, his breath escaping him in a soft gasp as Jamie settled upon him. The alpha’s manhood continued to twitch and flow, filling Craig with as much as he could take. Jamie was sure he’d never had such an intense orgasm before, but he wasn’t questioning, simply throwing his head back in total pleasure as he rode out the waves. When his essence finally seemed to stem its flow, he fell heavily upon Craig, burying his face in the back of the omega’s neck. He thought that he had experienced true pleasure, but in that moment, he knew he was a fool to compare anything to that moment.

  It was heaven.


  The alpha weighed heavily upon Craig’s back, but it was a comforting sort of weight. He smiled into the pillow he’d snagged with his teeth when the pleasure was almost too much to bear. He was acutely aware of how filthy and sticky the two of them were, and the omega couldn’t deny that he loved every minute of it. He could tell that the alpha who rested wearily on top of him was utterly spent, and as much as he wanted to see the look of dazed pleasure on his friend’s face, he was too spent to move very much. He shivered as Jamie nuzzled his nose against his shoulder, pressing idle kisses to the exposed skin. Craig exhaled a breathy chuckle, gasping as Jamie abruptly spun him around to look him in the eyes. His toes curled at the intensity of the alpha’s gaze, and he tilted his head with a coy curl of his lips.

  “Was it everything you’ve ever imagined?” Craig purred, reaching up to cup Jamie’s cheek with his hand. Jamie
grinned like a maniac, and shivers of pleasure shot through Craig’s body as the alpha leaned in to snap his teeth just short of his nose.

  “Oh, I don’t know. I have a pretty vivid imagination,” Jamie hummed, his expression turning briefly thoughtful. Craig gave him a little nudge, pouting in a manner he hoped was adorable. Jamie chuckled warmly, leaning in to capture Craig’s lips in a soft kiss. It was almost as if the alpha had forgotten that this was a no strings attached arrangement, not that the omega was complaining. “You were amazing, C. I’ve never…,” Jamie paused, seeming to reconsider whether he wanted to actually continue his train of thought. He exhaled a sigh, running a hand through his hair. Craig could tell the post-ecstasy stress was beginning to settle in, and Jamie would likely tell him to leave soon. He tried to scoot away, but the alpha grabbed him by the hip and drew him closer again. “I’ve never had such an amazing time with someone. You never fail to impress me. I know this doesn’t change anything between us, but… I had a hell of a good time,” Jamie smiled, his expression sincere. Craig chuckled huskily, enjoying the sensation of the alpha’s strong grip on him even though the main event, as it were, was essentially over.

  “You weren’t so bad, yourself. Maybe we can do it again sometime,” the omega murmured a bit nervously. Jamie watched him with a sly grin, and the omega thought it was rather unfair how the tables had been turned. He had very much enjoyed being the one to embarrass the alpha for once.


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