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Omega's Unexpected: A Gay MPREG Romance

Page 10

by Tammy Knight


  Jamie would be lying rather blatantly if he tried to convince himself that he wasn’t hurt by the idea of Craig having another alpha’s pup. He had never planned to be a father himself, but he supposed the idea of being the father to Craig’s child wasn’t the worst notion in the world. Then again, he would never have the chance from that point. Craig had chosen another alpha, and Jamie was just an afterthought--just some immature friend who was going to ruin his own life. He supposed he couldn’t blame Craig for refusing to let his life be ruined as well, though he didn’t seem particularly thrilled about the idea of raising a child alone. Jamie pursed his lips as the two walked side by side to his truck, the tension in the air causing his anxiety to flare up.

  “So… how did it happen?” the alpha male inquired hesitantly, glancing over at the older omega. Craig grimaced, resting a hand on his stomach. He hesitated, looking into Jamie’s eyes for a moment before breaking away.

  “You know. The usual thing. A friend and I got a bit too hot and heavy, and now I have to deal with the consequences. It’s not like I would put it on him anyway. He doesn’t even know that I could be carrying,” Craig mumbled. Jamie frowned, resting a gentle hand on the other man’s shoulder. In spite of everything, he still loved Craig. It had taken some time to come to terms with it, and now that he had, it was obviously too little too late. He had wasted too much time with that deadbeat bartender, when he could have been forming an actual relationship with the omega he loved. Squeezing his eyes shut, he inhaled a shaky breath.

  “If he doesn’t want to help you raise your pup, he’s an idiot,” Jamie said, feeling none too astute but not really knowing how else to express himself. Craig laughed bitterly, but for Jamie’s part, he was just glad he wasn’t shrugged off. “How are you planning to raise a kid living with your dad? The guy is an ass, I wouldn’t put it past him to kick you out for something like this,” he pressed, flinching as tears welled up in Craig’s eyes.

  “You’re not wrong there. I’ll be lucky if my dad doesn’t disown or kill me at this rate. I’m praying that the test shows that I’m not pregnant, but my hopes aren’t particularly high,” the omega mumbled, parting his jacket to properly reveal what could only be a baby bump. Jamie’s hand twitched, and as much as he wanted to caress the stretched skin of Craig’s stomach, he managed to refrain. “I don’t know what I’m going to do. It seems like a no-win situation. As much as I hate to say it, I almost want to have this guy’s pup,” Craig said with a watery smile. Jamie’s heart shattered into what he was sure was a thousand pieces, but he managed a smile as he pulled Craig close to his side.

  “We’ll come pick up your car later. If you want…depending on the results, I can help you face your dad. Maybe he won’t be such a prick if he knows I’m there to beat his teeth in,” Jamie offered, opening the passenger side of his truck and helping Craig hop in the seat. The newly pudgy male had a bit of a struggle, but he managed to get situated in the truck, staring bleakly at the pregnancy test gripped in his hands. Jamie closed the door gently, circling around to the driver’s side and hopping in with little issue. He slipped the key into the ignition, occasionally glancing at the omega from the corner of his eye as he began to rev the truck.

  “It’s okay. It’s not your responsibility to take care of me, you know,” Craig finally replied, resting his cheek on the cool glass of his window. Jamie frowned, but said nothing as he drove the familiar path to Craig’s favorite fast food joint. He doubted Craig even noticed as they pulled through the drive-through lane, though he noticed the omega male looking up when Jamie ordered his favorite meal--with extra fries and a chocolate milkshake as the cherry on top. Craig’s expression was confused, and though Jamie couldn’t really blame him, he still felt a bit offended.

  “I know it’s not my responsibility. But…dammit, Craig. Just let me be a good friend. I’ve never managed to be one before, but I’ll be damned if I’m letting you deal with this alone,” the alpha male grumbled. Craig smiled a bit, reaching out to grip Jamie’s hand.

  “I appreciate it. I know…I know we both said some things we regret at the diner, but I’m so sorry. And I want you to know you never deserved such cruelty from me,” the omega said gently. Jamie winced, tightening his grip on his friend’s hand.

  “You didn’t get fired, did you? I’m the one who should be sorry. I wrecked the place, and you… you just wanted to talk things out. I was an idiot. I’m going to make it up to you somehow, though. I swear to God,” the young alpha male asserted, pulling up to the drive-through window and fumbling in his pocket for a moment before handing over the few bills required for the greasy, guilty pleasure of a meal. He handed it over to Craig, who already began to pick at the fries in the bag. Jamie watched with a faint smile as the omega popped the lid off his shake and began to dunk his fries. “I will never understand your fascination with that combination,” Jamie murmured. Craig winked, dunking a fry and offering it to the man in the driver’s seat.

  “Try it. You might like it. You’d be surprised how great things can be if you give them a chance,” the older omega said, his voice somewhat wistful. Jamie sighed, accepting the milkshake- drenched fry and popping it in his mouth. He hummed thoughtfully, taking a moment to savor the flavor before swallowing.

  “Not bad. Maybe you’re right. Then again, when have you ever not been right? It’s a bit obnoxious, bro, this whole know-it-all thing,” Jamie hummed, reaching out for another fry. Craig yanked the bag away, tucking himself in the corner of the passenger seat and gobbling on his food. “Oh, come on. You were all about sharing five seconds ago,” Jamie said balefully, returning his hand to the steering wheel.

  “Well, considering I might be eating for two, I need as much nutrition as I can get,” Craig mumbled through a mouthful of fries. Jamie rolled his eyes, focusing his attention on the road. “Anyway… is our tequila stash still stocked at your place?” the omega male continued, idly sucking on his milkshake. The younger alpha narrowed his eyes a bit, glancing at the male in his passenger seat. Craig seemed entirely serious, though he wasn’t entirely focused on whether or not he received an answer--he was too absorbed in his greasy delicacy.

  “You might be eating for two, like you said. That includes drinking. I don’t think you’re in any state to bust out the tequila,” Jamie said quietly, turning down the street that led to his apartment. Craig scoffed, turning to face the alpha male with a bitter smile.

  “If there happens to be a problem, I’m planning to deal with it. Don’t you worry about that. Me drinking a few shots is the least of my worries,” the omega said coolly, though his voice broke a bit when he mentioned ‘dealing’ with the problem. Jamie’s heart ached at the thought of what Craig was planning to do, but he knew he didn’t have any say in it. Still, he hoped that he could figure out a way to press Craig into reconsidering. He was all about omegas having full control over their bodies, and while he wasn’t against abortion as a concept, he couldn’t see the tender- hearted omega in the passenger seat doing something on that level. It was destroying a tiny little life, especially as far along as the omega was. Jamie struggled to keep reminding himself that it was none of his business, but as he pulled into the parking lot of his apartment complex, he hesitated before cutting the ignition.

  “You’re really just…gonna get rid of it? I thought you said you wanted to have this guy’s pup…,” Jamie asked as gently as he could manage. Craig seemed to choke a bit, but it turned out that he was simply choking back a sob. He refused to meet Jamie’s gaze, keeping his eyes fixed on the food in his lap.

  “It’s not…I don’t know how to raise a pup. I can’t imagine doing it alone. I’m so lost, Jim Jam. I wish I could just talk to the father and get his opinion, but I can’t come clean with him. It would just…ruin everything. It could ruin his life,” Craig mumbled, looking much like a pup himself in the moment. Jamie sighed, unfastening his seatbelt and sliding out of the truck. He circled around to help Craig get out, his heart clenching
as he saw the silent tears rolling down the omega’s cheeks.

  “Well, come on. Maybe we have nothing to worry about, and you’re just getting fat from all the greasy food you’re eating,” Jamie said casually. Craig scowled, slapping the alpha on the arm before accepting his help in getting out of the truck. He wobbled a bit on his feet, but didn’t loosen his grip on his food, continuing to munch on the fries as he made his way towards the steps that led to Jamie’s apartment. The alpha male fell into step beside him, wrapping what he hoped was a comforting arm around the omega’s shoulders. Craig glanced at him with a faint smile, and though the tears continued to spill, he seemed to have relaxed somewhat.

  “Well, this combo you got me certainly isn’t keeping my svelte and trim figure. Not that I’m complaining, that is…I really needed some comfort. I’m glad I found you in the store, though I’m not…entirely happy about what you were there to get,” the omega mumbled. Jamie flinched a bit, rubbing the back of his neck.

  “I just…I don’t want to go down in history as some mediocre scumbag that couldn’t even treat his best friend worth a damn. I want to do something meaningful. When this whole thing started, it was a matter of keeping you in my grips, but…now it’s become so much more. It’s like it’s all I have,” Jamie replied nervously, fumbling for his keys for a moment and unlocking the door. Thinking about the plan and his more insidious goal of keeping Craig under his thumb brought back memories of the night they’d spent together. How soon after they made love did the omega find someone else to fill the void? Why had Craig overreacted so much in the first place? The thoughts still haunted the alpha male, but he wasn’t going to voice them while they seemed to be on…tenuously good terms.

  “You’d never be a mediocre scumbag. You’re so much more than you give yourself credit for, Jamie,” Craig sighed, slipping into the apartment as the door was pushed open. The alpha trailed behind him, worrying his lip between his teeth as Craig made his way straight towards their usual stash. He rushed forward, gripping Craig by the arm and forcing him to meet his gaze.

  “You’re not having any tequila shots, dude. I don’t want you to do something you’re going to regret; especially not under my watch. If you do get rid of…the problem, or whatever, if there even is a problem…we’ll get totally wasted then. But until you’ve made a solid decision one way or the other, I’m not letting you risk your pup’s life,” Jamie said firmly. Craig barked out a laugh, grabbing a bottle and popping the top on it.

  “Look at you, being Mister Responsible all of a sudden. Isn’t that supposed to be my job? Come on, Jamie. Just a few little shots, so I can loosen up a bit. It won’t hurt anything. Like you said, there might not even be a problem,” Craig pressed. Jamie shook his head, yanking the bottle out of the omega’s hand.

  “Go get that piss stick ready, and we’ll talk. I’ve already effectively ruined so many lives. I’ve ruined my own life for sure. I couldn’t live with myself if I let you throw your life away as well,” the alpha said earnestly. Craig narrowed his eyes, looking critically at the alpha for a long moment before storming into the bathroom. Jamie watched him go, hesitating for a moment before going to pour his remaining bottles of tequila down the sink. He knew Craig would be angry, but it was for the best. He was just looking out for the older male. Craig had always looked out for him; what was so bad about him returning the favor? He sighed as he dumped the final bottle, slipping towards his bathroom and plopping on the floor just outside the door. He couldn’t hear much inside the bathroom, but he was sure Craig was utterly and completely cursing his name. When Craig came out of the bathroom, he offered Jamie a mocking smile.

  “I took the test. Are you happy? Now can I have some booze? Or at least light up a joint, man. Don’t hold out on me like this,” the omega male hissed. The younger alpha shook his head, gesturing to the empty tequila bottles on the floor beside him.

  “No stash, man. Like I said. If the test comes out negative, we can go to the bar and get some drinks. Until then…you’re cut off. I’m sorry man; it’s for your own good,” Jamie said gently. Craig scowled, hands tensing into fists at his side. Jamie was sure an explosion was coming, but he was prepared for anything. He had been a piss-poor friend for so long, and he was going to turn over a new leaf. Whatever Craig needed, he would provide, even if it was someone to scream at. He just hoped the screaming session didn’t last too terribly long.

  “Since when do you care about my own good, Jamie? Since when do you care about anyone but yourself. It’s not like you have any say in what I do with my body…why do you care?” Craig demanded.

  As much as Jamie wanted to come clean and tell him how much he had actually cared all along, he stayed quiet. It was for the best.


  Craig tried to ignore the sour feelings rolling in his gut as he shuffled into the tiny bathroom in Jamie’s apartment. He fidgeted with the box of the pregnancy test, staring bitterly into his hands as he read the instructions. It was pretty cut and dry--the usual piss stick approach. He didn’t even know why he’d gone through the effort of buying an actual test; if his stomach was any indication, he was going to burst at any given moment. Just the same, he wanted some concrete evidence that his life had been as effectively ruined as he felt it had. He couldn’t help feeling bitter about Jamie’s sudden interest in his well-being, considering the alpha male had cared so little in the past. Though, that wasn’t entirely true--Jamie had always cared in his strange way. He just had piss poor ways of showing it. Still, he didn’t want the alpha to take a sudden interest in the heath of his baby or himself. He didn’t want to burden Jamie with the knowledge that it was their pup he was carrying. He didn’t want to burden his father with the knowledge of his pregnancy, either, but that seemed an unfortunate byproduct of his life. He never wanted to be much of a bother, despite the years he and Jamie had spent painting the town red. Yet, is seemed he was doomed to a life of being a nuisance.

  Preparing the test was no monumental task. All he had to do was pee in a cup and let the test do its thing. It would apparently take around forty-five minutes to offer any sort of conclusion, so he planned to simply sit moodily in the bathroom while he waited. Facing Jamie wasn’t on the top of his agenda for the time being. He knew it was something he would have to deal with eventually; after all he was presently in the alpha’s apartment and he couldn’t spend the rest of his life in the bathroom. Perhaps he could convince the alpha to loan him a clothes hanger to deal with the problem in one fell swoop, but the fool of a wolf seemed so concerned with the well-being of the unborn child. Craig supposed the only thing he could do was wait for the forty- five minutes to pass and then make quick work of evacuating the premises. The knocking on the bathroom door made it evident that it wouldn’t be as easy as he might have liked or even expected.

  “What do you want, Jamie?” he muttered, sitting on the toilet to avoid getting stuck on the ground. With the new size he was carrying, it was something of an adjustment to get up and out of tight places.

  “I just want to talk, C. You seem like you could use a buddy to talk to,” Jamie called out amicably, and though the knocking had ceased, Craig only found himself getting more annoyed.

  “My buddy turned his back on me two months ago, though I do appreciate the offer, kind stranger,” he muttered. He expected a sharp retort but only received a baleful laugh in reply. He stared critically at the door, exhaling sharply through his nose as Jamie pushed through and offered him a weak smile.

  “I deserve all your scorn and more. Seems to me, though, that I’m the only person you have to confide in right now. I regret the way things turned out, but I’m not giving up. I want a chance to make things right between us. I want to earn your forgiveness, and…,” Jamie trailed off, wringing his hands together in an uncharacteristic show of nervousness.

  “Well, it’s not like it matters at this point, does it? It’s not like I’m going to be able to carry out any nefarious plots with the situation I’m deal
ing with. Makes me wonder why you’re even wasting your time. Surely you can find someone else to spend time with. Apply a new coat of red paint to the town, and all,” Craig said coolly. Jamie scoffed, shifting closer to the omega. Craig hesitantly met his gaze but broke the stare as quickly as he was able. He didn’t like the concern reflected in his old friend’s eyes. He didn’t like the idea that Jamie actually wanted to help. It was too out of character. As much as he’d loved the alpha--still loved him though he was loathe to admit as such--Jamie had always been the rather self-absorbed sort. Craig couldn’t fathom why the alpha he thought he had known was going through so many changes.

  “The plan doesn’t really matter right now, does it? What matters is that you don’t make a decision you’ll regret for the rest of your life. I know you seem pretty dead set upon…well, disposing of your little problem, as it were. But think of all the omegas who would kill to be in your place…those who can’t carry pups of their own…I know it’s hard to think beyond the realm of what’s happening to you, right here, right now, but…,” he trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck uncertainly.

  “But…?” Craig pressed, his voice gentler than he had intended.

  “I know if someone was carrying my pup and got rid of it without telling me…I’d be hurt. And it hurts to think that you’ve suddenly become capable of killing the life inside of you. It’s not like you, Craig. I don’t blame you, not at all, but it’s not like you,” Jamie managed to force out. Craig felt his heart twist with emotion, just as his face shifted into a sneer.


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