Generations of Teelan Box Set

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Generations of Teelan Box Set Page 12

by G. E. Stills

  “I feel the same way. Keep the two that were on the ship itself. The others are of no further use. Get rid of them.”

  “Yes sir,” Masih said.

  Shahan left the room and strolled to the bridge house while thinking. When he reached it he found Captain Atish and one sailor. “You leave,” he said to the sailor, “You stay,” he said to the captain.

  The sailor scurried from the room. Shahan turned to the captain. “The Seeker has two days head start on us can you overhaul her?”

  “Yes but not before she reaches the Suez. From the direction she sails in I would guess that is where she is headed.”

  “I need a scrambled line. I need to talk to someone at home.”

  “I will set one up right away sir.”

  “You can reach me in my cabin when the line is established.” Shehan left the bridge.

  After a lengthy conversation with his superiors Shahan convinced them of his plan. The captain was correct, they caught up to the Seeker at the canal. A large amount of cash placed in the right hands put Polav at the front of the list to pass through the canal. More money bribed the inspection team from the Suez to hide a video spy camera and tracking device on board the Seeker.

  Shahan cursed again when he watched the video monitor. Regrettably the camera only showed a picture of the upper deck on the Seeker. There weren’t any below to keep an eye on the crew. A fast boat from Syria met them at sea and delivered the items Shahan had ordered along with extra fuel for an extended voyage.

  Now we wait until we know more. Who are these people and where are they going?

  The next day the Seeker sailed out of the Suez and across the Mediterranean Sea. The Polav shadowed in the distance. They waited and watched when the Seeker put into port at Lisbon. They followed again when it headed into the Atlantic.


  Kat sat monitoring the screen with a smile on her face. The green dot denoting the Seeker was closing in on the slowly flashing red one. Despite the cold nasty conditions here in the North Atlantic, she was warm and happy. Not one of the crew had chosen to leave after she’d told them about the mission her father San’ar had charged her with.

  The hatch opened and her smile widened when Nolan entered the room. He took a seat beside her and his hand rose to stoke her back between her shoulder blades. “It won’t be long now dear. I wonder what she’ll look like? What abilities she’ll have?” he questioned.

  “We’ll know soon. Although not soon enough to suit me. I hate this cold weather.” She shivered at the thought.

  The two dots converged. Though cold, at least the sea outside was not exceedingly rough. Not like it had been off the coast of Alaska.

  “We’re here, ma’am,” Tom announced over her portable resting on the bench.

  Picking the unit up, she answered. “I see Tom. I’ll send out the signal and then go up top to help watch for her capsule.”

  “Very well, ma’am. Keep me informed.”

  “Okay Jar’san. Send out the activation signal.”

  “It’s done, Kat,” Jar’san answered moments later.

  “Well hon, ready to go up top and freeze our asses off?”

  Nolan grabbed their bulky winter coats hanging near the door. Handing one to her, he answered, “Let’s get this done so we can head south for our next pickup.”

  Other than Tom piloting the ship and Kimo down below tending the engines, the rest of the crew, women included, were on deck watching the water.

  “There, Kat,” Blaise shouted, pointing off the port bow. Following the point, she spotted the coffin bobbing in the ocean.


  “On it, Ma’am.”

  With the casket lowered safely into the hold, she instructed Em. “Take everyone into the galley out of the cold. We’ll join you with our newest member soon.”

  “You got it, Kat,” Em answered over her portable.

  “Well, honey. Are you ready to greet her?” she asked.

  “Yep.” Nolan nodded his head.

  Activating the release button, the familiar whooshing sound of the casket seal being broken issued from the case. The lid swung open.

  “Godahmighty, she looks like a child! Can’t be more than sixteen.” Nolan exclaimed.

  “Look again dear. She’s just short is all.”

  He peered again at the naked woman. “I guess you’re right, Kat. She can’t even be five feet tall though.”

  “I remember her. She is short but she’s a year older than I am. Well, time to wake her up.” She reached out and touched the woman.

  With the link established, the woman woke. She and Jar’san quelled the now familiar panic before the woman became aware of her surroundings. “You’re going to be fine Ing’sar. Open you mind and allow me to provide you with the initial information of our present situation.”



  “Okay.” The woman lowered the barriers in her mind and she and Jar’san began the upload.

  While her link flooded the woman with information, she studied her. Like Em, Ing’sar’s skin was ebony. Unlike her own silver-blue hair, Ing’sar’s was sky-blue, just like her eyes would be when they opened. She smiled when she learned of Ing’sar’s abilities.

  Now this should be very interesting and amusing.

  With the thought transference complete, Ing’sar opened her eyes. She and Nolan assisted Ing’sar to stand and Nolan handed her the clothes in his hand.

  “From now on you will be called Ingrid, although if I’m not wrong and, knowing the people in this crew, I’m sure that will be shortened to Ing. Ingrid, I would like you to meet my boyfriend, Nolan.”

  Nolan stuck his hand out and Ingrid put her small one in his. “Nice to meet you, Nolan.” For a moment Ingrid’s eyes clouded. “Nolan, I am not a child. I’m a fully-grown woman, I assure you. I would appreciate it if you thought of me as one.”

  “Huh? I didn’t say––”

  “Nevertheless, I am one, so please think of me in that manner”

  Stifling her giggle, Kat explained.

  “Oh for the love of… This could prove very amusing.” Nolan grinned.

  “I thought so too. Well, Ingrid. Time to meet the rest of the crew.”

  Nolan made certain Ing did not touch him again.

  After showing Ingrid her room, they went aft to the engine room to meet Kimo. It was almost comical to see Ingrid standing in front of Kimo. The top of her head was less than chest high on Kimo and she was just slightly more than half his width.

  “Kimo, I’d like you to meet our newest member, Ingrid.”

  “Ingrid, this is Kimo. He likes it here in the engine room. He considers the engines his babies.” She smiled. Kat had never seen Kimo react to meeting the other women the way he reacted to Ingrid. Glancing at Ingrid, Kat saw his reaction was reflected in her eyes. She almost expected to see visible sparks of attraction to begin jumping between them.

  “Call me Ing please. Kimo, nice to meet you.” Ing stuck her hand out. Ing’s eyes glittered and a smile spread across her lips. “That sounds decidedly wicked, naughty and fun, Kimo. Perhaps when we get to know each other better we’ll try it.”

  Kimo’s face turned bright red. He gaze jerked down to the floor.

  While Kimo’s gaze was focused downward, his cheeks and neck almost glowing with embarrassment, Kat said, “I guess that I should have told you big guy. When Ing touches anyone, she can read their thoughts. Trusting from the way you’re blushing, yours must be doozies”

  Kimo jerked his hand from Ing’s. “Now you tell me. Kat. You’re not being nice at all.” He grumbled and became silent.

  “Sorry, Kimo.”

  “I’ll be back, Kimo.” Ing jumped in to alleviate the awkward situation. “We have other things to talk about besides what you would like to do
to me sexually.” Ing giggled. “I’m really interested in learning about your babies.”

  Taking the cue, Kat explained. “Ing has the ability to…I don’t really know how to describe it and there is no word in English to translate to. The process is called Ni’soon. She can link her thoughts into electronics or machines, figure out ways to improve their efficiency and make them better through internal adjustments or create outside additions.”

  When they left Kimo behind, he was still grumbling about Kat, though after hearing about Ing’s other ability, not as loudly.

  “I think maybe we should warn the others before Ing shakes hands with them,” Nolan advised.

  “I won’t vocalize their thoughts either,” Ing said “I feel sorry for poor Kimo, although what he was thinking sounds…” She stopped and grinned wickedly.


  The Polav sat dead in the water just over the horizon from the Seeker. Over his spy cam, Shahan watched them lift what appeared to be a casket on board in confusion. What are these infidels doing? What is in that box? Again he gnashed his teeth in frustration when the box was lowered below deck and his view cut off. Soon after that the Seeker set sail and the Polav followed.


  The Seeker sailed south toward their final destination in the South Atlantic and warmer climes. True to her words, Ing spent a lot of time with Kimo in the engine room.

  Normally, quiet and shy, Kimo’s outburst at the supper table took them all by surprise. “She’s a mechanical wiz. A veritable genius, I tell you.”

  Sitting beside him, Ing looked down at her plate shyly.

  “Captain Parker,” Kimo continued. “Please allow us to shut one engine at a time down so we can perform Ing’s modifications. I assure you, you won’t be sorry.”

  “Okay, if that’s what you recommend and it’s alright with Kat,” Tom answered.

  Kat nodded.

  “Thanks. You won’t regret this I promise,” Kimo jumped from his seat and charged from the room.

  Ing chuckled. “Well, I guess from seeing Kimo rush out of here, it means another late night for both of us in the engine room. Suki, I’m going to need your transmutation ability to create some things.”

  “Anytime Ing. Just let me know what you require.”

  “Thanks. If you’ll excuse me ladies and gentlemen, I’ll join my partner in mayhem.” She giggled and rose. Following Kimo, she dashed from the galley.

  His meal finished, Captain Parker sat back. “Ma’am, I guess this means it will be a little longer before we get to our next destination. At least we’ve left the cold weather behind.”

  “We’ll be fine,” she answered. “I know Ing. I’ll be surprised if once her modifications are complete, we aren’t able to make up that lost time.”

  Blaise, sitting beside Tom, held his hand. Leaning to the side, she rested her head on his shoulder. Though the two of them did not spend all their time together like some of the others, everyone knew they were now a couple.

  “I think Kimo and Ing make a cute pair,” Blaise chuckled. “He’s so huge and she’s so small, like a child.”

  “God Blaise don’t ever let Ing hear you describe her as a child. She set me straight on that the first day we met.” Nolan laughed.

  “I’ve known Kimo for a long time,” Aden joined in the conversation. “In the past he’s had very little interest in women. He’d rather be around his machines than with a woman.” He guffawed. “However, Ing shares that interest in common with him. I’ve never seen Kimo look at a woman the way he looks at, almost worships, Ing. That wee little woman has the big guy wrapped around her tiny little finger.”

  Suki slid her chair back. “Speaking of, I need to go upstairs and check on my man Keita. See if I can wrap him around my finger a little bit.” Still smiling, she left.


  Kat stood and brought their weekly meeting to order. “The captain has brought something to my attention. I agree. Captain if you will explain.” She walked back to the table and sat.

  Tom slid his chair back and stepped to the front. “I really don’t care for the idea of taking one of our engines off line while we’re at sea, although Ing and Kimo assure me the conversion process will be quick.” He glanced at Kimo and Ing. “No matter how much assurance I get from them I hate to challenge Murphy’s Law. I have an alternate suggestion. I think we should anchor in Albemarle Sound, near Edenton, North Carolina, and take both of them down at once. While the process is underway, our newest members can use the launch to go into Edenton and get their first experience of or civilization.”

  Everyone there nodded in agreement. Keita and Suki both agreed remotely from the bridge house.

  A few days later, the Seeker dropped anchor off shore from Edenton.


  Shahan slammed his fist onto his desk when Seeker sailed into American waters. The Polav was a warship of an enemy nation and he dared not enter American waters. The Seeker ceased to move while still in tracking range. I should have attacked before they got to America. My superiors will not be happy that I have lost them to the Americans. He decided to wait a few days and make certain they didn’t leave port.


  Walking down the hall toward their room with her hand in Nolan’s, Kat came to an abrupt stop jerking him to a halt. An unmistakable female giggle came from Kimo’s room. Ing’s giggle. Through the wall they heard Ing’s words.

  “See big guy. I told you we could do it. I just need to spread my legs wide. Let me tell you, it really feels nice.”

  The rumble of Kimo’s voice came next. “I felt you wince earlier.”

  “First time. That’s over now. Now we can try some of those deliciously naughty things that are tumbling through that mind of yours.”

  “Are you sure I’m not hurting you? Are you sure you’re okay?”

  Ing’s giggle and her words came through the closed door. “Oh sweetie, I’m far better than just okay. Now make love to me some more.”

  After a soft chuckle, Kat whispered,” It appears Kimo and Ing are now sharing more than just a love of machines.”

  Nolan’s grip on her hand tightened. He jerked her into motion. Taken by surprise, Kat stumbled for a few steps before recovering. Nolan broke into a brisk walk down the hallway dragging her behind him. “Godamighty, sometimes you’re so aggravating woman,” he grumbled over his shoulder.

  Almost, but not quite, she stifled her wicked chuckle. Even the back of Nolan’s neck was glowing red.

  “Humph! Stop being so bad. It’s impolite to eavesdrop,” he growled. His pace increased forcing her into a trot.

  Her lips stretched into an ear-to-ear grin.


  Ing climbed out of the engine compartment and stood before Kat. Her hair was pulled back and braided into a ponytail. In the process of brushing an errant lock from her face and tucking it behind her ear, she left a smear of grease across her cheek. Further, it smeared into her blue tresses, turning them black.

  “Are you sure you won’t change your mind and come ashore with us Ing? You really need some clothes.” Her gaze drifted over the woman. She knew other than the dress and sandals that came with her in her coffin, Ing did not have a single article of clothing that fit.

  Her dress was hardly fitting to wear while working on an engine. The top Ing wore was many sizes to large, coming to her waist. Her shorts, which were supposed to be mid-thigh in length, fell to just above her knees. A modified belt held them up. She knew also that Ing had no underwear on. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t get any clothes to fit your petite size. I didn’t know.”

  “I know you didn’t. I’m not interested in going shopping. I need to stay here. Kimo and I have a lot of work to get done. You and Jar’san know the sizes I need.” A smile stretched across her full lips. “Surprise me.”

  Kimo came around the ot
her engine. He saw the smear, picked up a clean rag and began trying to wipe the grease away from her face and hair.

  His actions are so gentle, especially for someone his size. Aden is right, she has him wrapped.

  “Ing, you can go ashore if you wish. I can handle things here,” he said in a soft rumble.

  “No, I’ll stay here and help you.” Her small hand rose to cover his. Pulling it away, she kissed the back of it affectionately. The look in her sky-blue eyes was mirrored in his and spoke volumes.

  The two of them have definitely become a couple.

  The sight of Ing, kissing his hand brought back memories of the conversation she’d overheard a few nights ago. A smile curved her lips. “Well alright. I’ll see you two later. Captain Parker is remaining onboard until the rest of us return.”

  “Thanks, Kat,” Ing said softly. She went over to a pile of parts stacked against one wall and selected one of the pieces. Kat knew these were parts that Suki had created using Ing’s descriptions. Part in hand, Ing climbed back into the engine compartment.

  “Get her some nice things,” Kimo whispered. “As a special favor to me, I’d like it if you got her a nice necklace or something similar too. I need to run up to my room and get you a credit card.”

  “No you don’t. I’m buying everything. I have more than enough. Besides if we should run short, I’ll just have Suki make us a batch of bills,” she joked.

  Both of them grinned.

  “Are you sure, ma’am?”

  “You bet, big guy.” She winked at him. “I’ll get it as a special gift from you.”

  Kimo grinned. “Thanks ma’am”

  Spinning on her heel, she left the engine room and trotted for the waiting launch.


  The launch tied up to the side of the Seeker just as the sun was dipping below the western horizon. The conversation on the boat was righteous, as the occupants recalled their day. A day of a little sight seeing first thing in the morning, eating throughout the day and loads of shopping. Kat smiled in recollection. Half of the fun was listening to the three men groan and seeing the pained expressions on their faces as the four women subjected them to hour upon hour of shopping. They went from store to store trying on clothes and shoes. Her grin widened when she thought of one store the men did not mind. A lingerie store.


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