Generations of Teelan Box Set

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Generations of Teelan Box Set Page 13

by G. E. Stills

  She peered at the ladder rising up on the side of the ship, and the numerous shopping bags they had to unload. The prospect of making many trips was not appealing.

  “Well, I guess we may as well get started carrying this stuff onboard.” She sighed in resolve.

  Blaise stepped up next to her. “I have a much better idea. I’ll teleport people and packages up to the deck.”

  Suki joined them. “And when she’s finished doing that, I can levitate the launch back into the hold. No sense leaving it in the water overnight. I doubt anything would happen to it, but….”

  “Sounds great to me.” Kat was certain relief was apparent in her voice.

  Suki chimed in, “I should have thought of it this morning when Aden and Em used the winch to launch it.”

  “Same goes here,” Balise said. “Teleporting people would have been much easier than climbing down that damn ladder.”

  “Well tomorrow is another day. Nolan and I are staying on board, but the rest of you will have fun again.”

  Suki finished lowering the launch through the open cargo doors into its cradle. She then joined the rest, gathering up her remaining packages that Keita could not carry.

  “I think when we’ve unloaded our bags we should meet in the galley and talk about our day some more.”

  A chorus of agreements greeted her suggestion.

  Nolan paced in front of her, arms full of items. “I’ll see you in the room in a few, dear. I need to drop off Ing’s things,” she said.

  “Okay,” he said over his shoulder.

  When she knocked, Ing opened the door, wrapped in a towel, her hair still damp.

  “Perfect timing,” she told Ing. “When you get dressed now, you’ll have something besides oversized clothes to wear.” She spread the packages out on Ing’s bunk.

  “Thank you Kat. I can’t wait to see what you brought.”

  “I hope they fit. We’re all getting together in the galley to discuss the day. I hope you’ll join us.”

  “I’ll be there.”

  “Okay, Ing. I’ve got to run. I need to take a shower myself. See you in the galley.”

  Leaving, she then stopped at Kimo’s room. When he ushered her inside, his hair was still damp also. She handed him a velvet-covered box. “I hope you and she like this.”

  He opened the box. “Oh Kat, it looks fantastic. Thank you. I’m going down to give it to her right away.”

  “She’s dressing. I got her some new clothes. Anyway,” She turned to the door, “I’ve got to run. We’re meeting in the galley later.”

  “We’ll be there Kat. Thanks again.”

  Everyone was gathered in the galley when Kimo and Ing entered. All conversation died, and all eyes focused on them.

  “Godamighty. She’s a lady after all and not a miniature Kimo,” Nolan joked to Kat in a whisper.

  She jabbed him in the ribs. “She looks fabulous.”

  “That, I won’t argue.”

  Ing’s ebony skin looked gorgeous contrasted again the sunflower colored knee length dress she wore. It fit perfectly. Strappy yellow sandals encased her feet. Kimo was wearing dress slacks and a sport shirt. Arm and arm they sauntered across the room and took seats. When she sat down, Kimo scooted her chair in and slid into a chair beside her.

  Seated across the table from Ing, Kat smiled when she saw it around Ing’s neck. The teardrop necklace Ing wore had blood red rubies in silver settings and links. It glistened in the light.

  Ing rolled her eyes when she looked around and saw that all eyes were focused on her. Except for her and Kimo, all of them were dressed in casual tops and shorts. She shifted uncomfortably under the scrutiny.

  “You see, Kimo,” she complained. “I tried to tell you we’d be overdressed for this gathering.”

  “I’m not sorry at all, Ing. I’m enjoying the hell out of showing off your beauty and the looks of envy I’m getting from all these guys.”

  Ing cleared her throat. “Kimo, honey, I need something to drink. Something stronger than water or juice if you understand me?”

  “Coming right up, beautiful.” Sliding his chair back, he dashed over and began fixing her a drink.

  Ing stroked her fingers over the necklace lovingly. “Kat, I want to thank you for picking this lovely necklace out.”

  “It was Kimo’s idea. I just did the shopping for him,” she answered.

  “I know, I read his mind. In addition, I could see it in his eyes. He gave all the credit to you though. Kat, I’m falling in love with him.”

  “And is that so bad? He’s obviously in love with you.”

  Ing giggled. “I’m just letting you know that he is now spoken for. I’ll tell the others too.”

  Reaching across the table, she placed her hand over Ing’s, “I guess you haven’t noticed that all of us are paired up.”

  Ing smiled and looked around at the gathering. Through their touching hands the mind link flashed into existence.

  “You’re right, Kat. I can see it, now that you mention it. I’ve been too busy with my head buried in machines to pay attention.”

  Though the two of them appeared to sit in silence, their conversation continued mentally.

  “Are you happy Ing?”

  “Happier than I’ve ever been in my entire life. You know that. You can read my thoughts just like I can read yours.”

  “Can you talk to others like this when you touch them?”

  “No, only with you. With the others I just see pictures of what they’re thinking. I can’t speak to them. I can’t influence their thoughts.”

  “I was just curious.”

  Ing chuckled mentally. “It’s sometimes awkward with Kimo. When we’re touching I know what he’s thinking before he does it. Poor baby, he can’t hide anything from me. He loves me as much as I love him. I know that with certainty. You have no idea how helpful reading his thoughts are when we’re making love.” She chuckled again. “Some of his ideas are decidedly kinky and totally delicious to try.”

  Kimo returned and set a drink in front of her, before taking a seat and sipping his own.

  Pulling her hand away, she broke their link. Ing gave her a knowing smile.

  “I told you I needed something stronger than orange juice, Kimo dear.”

  Kimo smiled. “It has vodka in it.”

  “Ah. Thanks, hon.” She took a big swig.


  While all the others were gone the next day, she and Nolan spent it lounging on deck. At noon, Kimo and Ing joined them in the galley. Ing unbuttoned one of Kimo’s old work shirts she wore and set it aside. Underneath she had on a pair of shorts and tank top.

  “All the clothes you got me fit perfectly. Thanks again,” Ing said.

  “You’re welcome. How are things going with the engines?”

  “They’ll be ready tomorrow,” Kimo replied.

  The rest of the crew returned at dusk, and all gathered in the galley again.

  “I ran into a guy I know today, Kat,” Tom began. “I think he’d fit in well as a replacement for Willie. I told him just what you told us initially, and he seems interested. I advised him I’d have to talk to you first and would let him know in the morning.”

  “I like him, too, Kat,” Blaise added. “Victor seems to be a good guy.”

  “I trust your judgment, Tom. The only problem I see is we’ll be leaving in a day or so.”

  “I advised him we’d be shipping out right away. That didn’t bother him. He’s between jobs and working day labor. How soon are the engines going to be ready?”

  “They’re ready. We can fire them up tomorrow,” Ing supplied.

  “Then I guess we only need to take on some more fuel,’ Tom said.

  “Won’t be needing any,” Suki chimed in. “The new engines require a different fuel than diesel
. I’ve already converted it to Ing’s specifications. According to her, the new engines will be a lot more efficient. If we do need more, then we’ll just pump in sea water and I’ll convert it.”

  “Wow. What about the galley? We need to restock food. Or…”

  Suki smiled. “Already done.”

  The captain shook his head. “I’m still trying to get used to having someone that can transmute things. Okay then, I’ll contact Victor in the morning and see if he can leave right away.”


  Kat gazed out over the water. The early morning sun and clear skies held the promise of yet another pleasant day. The rolling swells were dead calm in comparison to the angry and cold water encountered in the North Sea. The breeze stirred her hair, making it swirl around her face. She cast a sideways glance at the man standing beside her with his arm resting gently around her waist.

  “Thank you for bringing Nolan into my life, Jar’san. I can’t picture life without him in it.”

  Her computer implant answered right away. “I am responsible for bringing him into it, but you alone are responsible for keeping him there.”

  “I love him so much, sometimes it hurts.”

  “And we both know that he loves you also.”

  Kat leaned closer to Nolan and rested her head against his strong shoulder. Much had transpired since her initial awakening. Nolan was her rock. Her lover. Her mate. Her world. Only the overriding importance of her mission took priority over him. She thought of Em, Blaise, Suki and Ing. The women from her past that had joined her.

  She snorted mentally, the old ladies from the past. The term had been shortened to simply The Old Ladies. She did not know which of the men was responsible for that term, although she suspected Aden. It had his fingerprint all over it. The men never used the term in front of them, but just the same, in overheard conversations between the men, it was used, fondly and affectionately, to refer to them.

  Turning her head slightly, and standing on tiptoes, she kissed Nolan on the cheek.

  I am your old lady. I will be your old lady for life.

  “What was that for? Not that I’m complaining, just wondering what’s going through that pretty head of yours” Nolan said.

  “Just because I love you, hon. Just because I’m thinking of you.”

  “I love you too Kat. But then, you know that don’t you?”

  “I know it, but I never tire of hearing it.”

  His grip around her waist tightened.

  “I love you, Kat.”

  She returned to her reminiscing. She had once been aloof. Now her budding emotions had blossomed largely as a result of her love for Nolan. Although alien, she had developed human feelings and traits. Resulting from of her uploads, her sharing, each of the women she revived, had been imprinted with those basic emotions.

  Each of her sisters, she considered all of them her sisters, was bonded inseparably to her chosen human male. Though tragic, that day the pirates had attacked had strengthened that bond immensely. Ing had not been revived at that time, but her knowledge upload impressed the same strong feelings on her. The five of them had adapted to their human mates.

  She smiled. Even to the point of swearing occasionally, like their mates did.

  “Do you care to share your thoughts, babe?” Nolan asked.

  “I’m just thinking about you, about my sister old ladies.”

  Nolan chuckled.

  “Yes, I’m aware of the term you men use to describe us.”

  “You know that we use that term with deep affection.”

  “I know that too. I love you, Nolan. I also love my adopted human race. All of us do.”

  “That’s good. I wouldn’t like you to hate us.”

  She patted his hand tenderly. “Hate you? You know better my man, my mate. Using a human term…my husband.”

  “My wife,” he returned.


  As a result of modifications to the hull and engines, the Seeker cleaved through the gentle waves at more than twice her previous top speed. Nolan commented. “We should be at our destination by tomorrow. I still can’t believe how much faster the Seeker moves now. Ing assures us that the engines are capable of much greater speeds.”

  “Yes, but Tom is right to err on the side of caution. The engines may be able to move us faster, but he’s afraid for the ship’s hull integrity and whether it could handle the additional stress.”

  Nolan chuckled. “Yep and even now Ing and Kimo are working on that problem. You know, Ing. I’m certain she’ll have a fix soon. Kimo’s right, she’s a mechanical genius.”

  “You really like Ing, don’t you? More than the others. I’m a little jealous.”

  Nolan chuckled. “You needn’t be jealous, although maybe I should be flattered that you are. Yes, I like Ing, a lot, but I love you.”

  “Just make sure she doesn’t touch you, or she’ll know just how much you admire her. She might use it to her advantage. For example, trying to use you to influence my decisions. You do have a strong influence you know.” She grinned at him.

  “Don’t worry about that, I’m not anxious to have her read my thoughts.”

  “Poor Kimo. I can still picture the first time they met and how she was able to see his doubtless naughty thoughts about her.”

  “Yeah and then she embarrassed the crap out of him by telling him she read those thoughts.

  She laughed. “And now I bet they’ve at least tried to enact those thoughts.”

  I know it in fact. Ing told me. Only Jar’san heard her mental giggle.

  “Victor seems to be working out well as a new addition,” Nolan said.

  “Yes. Tom and Blaise were right about him. He fits in just fine.”

  For a time the two of them stood in silence, watching the water pass by and the sun climb higher, each wrapped up in their own thoughts.

  “This next recovery should go much easier. With Suki’s ability to levitate, Aden won’t even have to winch the casket on board,” he said.

  “You’re right. I wish Suki had felt more confidence in her ability when we were tossing around and freezing in the North Sea. We could have used her capability then.”

  Hands joined, the two headed inside to begin their daily routine of helping operate the ship.


  Shahan cheered silently when their prey sailed from port. The Polav quickly pursued. An hour later his mood darkened when Captain Atish called.

  “Sir the Seeker is much faster than before. The Polav cannot keep up,” Atiah informed him.

  “How is this possible? She was only in port a few days. Certainly not long enough to have stronger engines installed.”

  “I don’t know sir. I only know we’re running at full speed and she is leaving us behind. I’m sorry.”

  “As you should be. Keep following them for as long as possible. Once signal is lost inform me.”

  A few hours later Shahan lost the video signal. A couple hours after that, they lost the tracking signal.

  “You orders sir?” the Captain asked.

  “Stay on their last course heading. If we’re lucky they’ll stop.”

  “Yes sir.”

  Shahan pounded his desk in frustration. Following his orders, the Polav continued to sail south.


  Having activated the retrieval signal, Kat joined the others on deck to watch. Nolan strolled over to stand beside her.

  Unlike the other capsules, Jar’san knew who the woman in this one was. He had discovered the data stored in his memory and had only recently been able to access it. Jar’san had provided Kat with his newly discovered knowledge. She in turn informed Nolan.

  “So, are you looking forward to seeing your sister again?” he asked.

  “Yes, but at the same time I’m a little nervous. Ky’sar
and I were never close. She was born a year after me. She’s, I don’t know how to describe it, quiet, reserved, strange. Ky’sar was never around the rest of us much. I don’t know where she was though, because Tran’ort was not that big. Whenever she was around, she was always in the company of a robot.”

  “This is this last one Kat. Your team will be complete and then we start the real work, which seems hopeless to me even considering the awesome powers you women have. Do you realize just how many nations and leaders there are in this world? Do you know how difficult it’s going to be to get them all to agree to work together toward a common cause? I know the survival of the human race is at stake, but even so, I think the task your father has given you is impossible to accomplish.”

  She shook her head. “I know. I’ve learned of the world and the way it is now. Still, all of us must try.”

  “I’ll give you one hundred percent, babe. We all will. Even if we feel our efforts are destined to fail.”

  “There it is,” Aden yelled, interrupting their conversation.

  Suki stepped to the rail and followed his point.

  “All stop.” Kat heard Tom order over her portable radio.

  This time, the Seeker would not have to get within winch distance of the casket. Suki focused and they watched the casket rise from the water and float toward them. The cargo doors were already open. Suki lowered the casket down into the hold.

  “Well, time for your reunion,” Nolan said. “Shall we?”

  Kat and Nolan left the deck and walked to the cargo hold below. Going through the familiar process, she pressed the button, the seal hissed and the lid opened.

  “What!” Nolan exclaimed. “I don’t understand.”

  “I have no idea,” she answered.

  Both of them stood staring down at the empty Mil’ort.

  She let her gaze travel over the inside. All of the readouts were idle save one. It was counting up. Minutes passed while she racked her mind. Why, why would her father leave an empty Mil’ort for them to find? Where was Ky’sar?


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