Generations of Teelan Box Set

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Generations of Teelan Box Set Page 14

by G. E. Stills

  They jumped at the female voice behind them.

  “Hello, Kat’sar.”

  Both of them spun around.

  “Godamighty,” Nolan whispered. “I’ll never get used to this.”

  From the corner of her eye, she saw him look downward. Her gaze shifted back to Ky’sar. Nearly, the same height and same build, Ky’sar’s skin tone was a bit lighter tan. At first, her hair looked to be black, but closer inspection showed it to be dark purple. Her eyes were different. The whites gave way to large black pupils, with no discernable iris.

  And of course, she’s not wearing a stitch of clothing.

  “Yo-chou-chee?” Ky’sar inquired.

  “Huh?” Kat asked.

  Ky’sar’s attack came as a complete surprise. She reached out and touched Nolan’s shoulder.

  “Oof,” Nolan uttered and collapsed to the deck.

  Kat was stunned by the suddenness, she saw Nolan crumple to the floor. Nolan’s words, ones he only used rarely, flashed through her mind. “Oh my God.”

  She had no time to react, when an instant later, Ky’sar reached out and took her hand.

  Mental contact made her jerk and recoil. Desperately, she tried to pull her hand away, only to have Ky’sar tighten her grip.

  “Oh, my God,” Kat said, aloud this time.

  “Ky’sar has an AI implant. We’re under attack!” Jar’san shouted warning.

  Mental barriers slammed into place inside her, as Jar’san desperately tried to ward off the assault. Inch by inch, intense pain crept through her hand, arm and spread through her upper torso, as her defenses were beaten back. More barriers, erected by Jar’san, sprung into place, seeking to defend her mind from the horrendous onslaught.

  Ky’sar’s lips remained straight. Not a trace of emotion colored her face. Ky’sar’s eyes bored into her own, unblinking. Nothing about Ky’sar hinted of the tremendous battle taking place.

  Beads of sweat erupt all over Kat’s body. Her airways constricted shutting off oxygen to her lungs. One of her mental barriers went down, and then another. Her skin tingled, and it felt as if her insides were on fire. Finally, recovering from surprise, and marshalling her power she started assisting Jar’san’s resistance. Ky’sar’s mental advance halted, but Kat realized it was only temporary. With a sinking feeling, she recognized that Ky’sar was stronger.

  I need more energy, Kat schooled herself.

  The lights in the room dimmed, flickered and then went out completely. Emergency lights came on, shedding their dim glow. The crystal in her navel began to blaze with the intensity of a supernova, as it sucked in energy. It shredded the darkness, illuminating the room suddenly, with a brightness that rivaled sunlight.

  Kat looked down at the still form beside her. Anger and rage roared to life in her, and fueled the intensity of the energy boiling within her, changing it into fury. “You killed my Nolan. The man I loved,” she said through clenched teeth. “For that Ky’sar, I will destroy you with no mercy.”

  For the first time since the onslaught commenced she beat back Ky’sar’s assault. Her lips pressed tightly together. Her eyes narrowed. With the exception of her glowing crystal bathing the room in brightness, the two of them appeared to be motionless, soundless. Their status offered no clue to the titanic struggle taking place.

  Her body shook with the massive amount of energy blazing through it. Slowly Ky’sar gave mental ground. The constriction around her lungs relaxed, and Kat took a gasping breath. She hurled an increase of energy into her trembling arm, beating Ky’sar’s assault back even more.

  From the deepest recesses of her mind, one she had not even been aware existed, a single word flashed to the forefront of her thoughts.

  “Um-cort!” she screamed out mentally and verbally, then clenched her teeth again.

  Ky’sar blinked. Her attack did not falter, it evaporated into complete nonexistence. “Sister! You are who you appear to be.”

  Again, Kat looked down at the still form beside her. More power. A surge of intense electrical current, fueled by fury, erupted from her storage ball, to channel through her arm and into Ky’sar. It drove Ky’sar to her knees. The skin on Ky’sar’s arm turned bright red and started to bubble and smoke.

  Desperately, Ky’sar’s, AI erected barriers to prevent her mind from becoming instant cinders. A grim smile stretched across Kat’s lips. She knew those barriers would soon fail. Vengeance was at hand. Nolan would not be the only one to die today.

  “Take my life Kat’sar. I deserve and expect no less. I was wrong. You are my sister. Before you kill me though, I will tell you that the human you call Nolan is not dead. Only rendered unconscious by this.” She displayed a tiny silver object in the palm of her hand.

  Kat halted her brutal assault by breaking physical contact. Ky’sar’s arm dropped to hang limp at her side. Taking a step back, Kat remained on guard. Flashes of blue lightning arced across the gaps between her widely splayed fingers, snapping and popping. The smell of ozone hung heavy in the air.

  The main lighting flashed on adding its illumination to the emergency lights and the brilliant light glowing from her power crystal. Still trembling from the massive energy flowing through her, she gazed down at her sister.

  “Why? Why did you attack us?”

  Ky’sar pointed with her good hand. “The signal from that Mil’ort, roused me from my state of sleep. When I followed the signal, I found myself here, with two beings standing before me. When you turned, I recognized you, but not him. I thought you had the same power as me. When you failed to respond to my challenge, I was certain you were Men-gar. I attacked, hoping to destroy you and get away before others arrived.”

  Nolan groaned, giving proof that he lived. His eyes opened and were filled with concern.

  “Nolan talk to me?” she ordered.

  “I can’t move,” he said.

  She glared at Ky’sar.

  “The paralysis will fade soon and he’ll be able to resume normal movement.”

  “What power? Why were you not in the Mil’ort?”

  “You don’t intend to destroy me?” Ky’sar inquired.

  “No. Answer my question. What power? Where did you come from?”

  “The power I can show you. Explaining where I came from will take longer.”

  “Show me, but be careful that you don’t attack.”

  “I will not.” The air surrounding Ky’sar shimmered, and Ky’sar’s skin began to flow like melting plastic.

  Kat’s mouth fell open, Ky’sar was gone. Except for the limp arm, the person, on bended knees before her, was her own mirror image.

  “I have the power to assume the shape of anyone I’ve touched.” Ky’sar’s body shifted again into her original form.

  Nolan rose to his knees and flexed his hands. Though Ky’sar’s face betrayed no emotion, Kat could see in her eyes she was in pain.

  “Ky’sar, I’m going to touch you. I am not attacking, but trying to heal your wounds.”

  “I won’t resist.”

  Kat smoothed her hand over Ky’sar’s arm. The pain in Ky’sar’s eyes faded into a look of wonder.”

  “One of my powers.” With a shrug, Kat retained contact. “I still have questions for you that I expect to be answered, but I will provide information about us.”

  Ky’sar nodded. “I’ll tell you everything. You need not fear me further.”

  The two women closed their eyes and the information sharing process began.

  The handheld, hanging from the belt on Kat’s side, crackled to life.

  Em’s concerned voice came over it. “Kat, is everything okay? We just had a tremendous power failure throughout the ship a few moments ago.”

  Stumbling to his feet, Nolan reached out and retrieved the hand held. “We’re okay, Em. There have been…complications, but nothing we can’t han
dle. Kat’s busy downloading information to our newest member. I’ll have her call you when she’s finished.”

  Minutes passed in silence, and then Kat’s eyes blinked open. She broke contact, and Ky’sar got to her feet, still shaking.

  Kat took the handheld from Nolan. “Em, we’re fine. Ky’sar’s new name is Kyra, she’s injured and we need to get her to her room.”

  “The lights all over the ship dimmed and went out…” Em started.

  “Everything’s fine,” she said, cutting Em off. “Introductions will be delayed for a couple days. I’ll talk to all of you soon.” She clicked off the handheld and placed it on her belt.


  Kat sat on the couch across from Kyra, who was lounged back on her bed. Two days had passed. “How’s the arm?”

  Kyra twisted her arm and flexed her fingers. “The healing process is almost complete. Thank you, Kat. I’m sorry about our first encounter. Do not be afraid to touch me. Do not fear having others do so. I’ll never assume the form of anyone besides myself without your permission. I can only give you my word on that. You have no idea how nice it is for me to be around other living beings. I would never put that condition in jeopardy.”

  “I believe you Kyra, and it relieves me to hear you say it. What do the words Yo-chou-chee and Um-cort mean? I’ve never heard them.”

  “They are words from a long dead civilization on another planet the Men-gar destroyed. San’ar knew them, and they were supposed to be recognition words for us to say. Obviously, San’ar failed to bring your word to the forefront of your mind, and stress its importance. I don’t know why, unless it was because there was so much taking place in those last days. His omission was almost disastrous. Yo-chou-chee means, who are you? Um-cort means, I am me.”

  “I’m glad we both survived. So, tell me the rest of your story.”

  Kyra shifted into a more comfortable position. “When I was a little girl, about five, the scientist San’ar…”

  “Our father,” Kat reminded her.

  Kyra’s eyes narrowed. “I refuse to call him my father. I never even knew he was my biological father until just before he sent me away for the final time. He never allowed me to come in physical contact with him or anyone else. On his part, I’m sure he was afraid I’d take his form. He was afraid maybe I’d find out more than he wanted me to know.”

  “You’re no doubt right. He didn’t inform me that I was his daughter, until just before the end.”

  “Anyway, when I was a little girl, about five, he found out my capability to shapeshift through tests. Not long after that, he discovered my other ability.”

  “Tell me more about that one.”

  “There are four parallel earths each existing in another dimension. Two of them will not support life. One, is this one. The other, I named Teelan. I have the ability to slip through the partitions, portals; I’m not sure what to call them, the things that separate these worlds. One more thing San’ar told me, in the dimension where Teelan exists, the universe ends just outside her solar system.”

  “I’ve never heard of any of this.”

  “Nor has anyone else, including San’ar’s fellow scientists. Only he and I knew of the other earths. Only me now. San’ar, never went to Teelan. He would have needed to let me touch him to do that. He was never physically abusive to me. He never spoke harshly to me either. At the same time, he was never warm and caring, only cold and official. I spent my entire childhood, my entire life, on Teelan. Only on rare occasions, was I permitted to visit Tran’ort, and then, only when closely monitored by a robot. I was not allowed to touch anyone and was limited in what I could say.”

  “You grew up alone on Teelan?”

  “Yes. Me and twenty robots.”

  “That sounds like a very lonely existence.”

  “It was. Most of my life I’ve only had Kim’san to speak to.”


  “My AI. When the Men-gar found us and the end approached, San’ar said his final words telling me he was my father. I had assisted robots to carry my Mil’ort through to Teelan earlier. One of the robots sealed me in, and the next thing I recall is your summons. Although I wasn’t aware of it until just now, Kim’san, has been busy while I slept. I guess I should say, that she’s kept the robots busy. This included the construction of a duplicate Mil’ort. The one planted here on Earth. I’m certain she followed San’ar’s preprogrammed instructions. If you trust me enough, I think you and I should go see what’s been done on Teelan.”

  “I’d like that Kyra, but first I want to introduce you to the others here on the Seeker. Before we go anywhere though, you need to get dressed.”

  “Clothes. I’ve never worn any. Are they cumbersome?”

  “You get used to them.”

  When Kyra dressed, Kat reached out with her hand as a show of trust.

  Kyra’s grip tightened. She glanced down at their joined hands. Her eyes misted and tears began to trickle down her cheeks. In a choked voice she said to Kat, “You have no idea how much this simple touch means to me. I have longed for this all my life.”

  With her free hand she wiped away the tears. “I don’t understand. Why are my eyes leaking?”

  “Those are tears Kyra. An emotional reaction. Hopefully one of joy.”

  “Is that what I’m feeling? Joy? It feels wonderful whatever it is. My heart is racing.”

  “Kyra you are among friends now. People that will bring you much joy and laughter. They will also bring you sorrow and sometimes anger. All the things you’re feeling and will feel in the future are called emotions.”

  “Emotions,” Kyra said reverently. “I have much to learn about them.”

  “They are the source of much pleasure. They can also be a terrible curse. You will learn to deal with the good and the bad.”

  “I would not give them up for anything. Thank you Kat.”

  When Kyra was able exert control over her new feelings the two of them went on the introductory tour.


  Kat walked across the deck with Nolan by her side. She glanced at Kyra waiting for them and recalled the previous day’s introductions and how enthusiastic Kyra had been. From the very beginning it became apparent just how starved Kyra was for contact with other people.

  “Ready?” Kyra asked when they stopped in front of her.

  Kat stood on one side of Kyra, and Nolan, stood on the other. Both of them offered their hand and Kyra clasped them. The air in front of them turned smoky and they took two strides into it. When they stepped out of the fog, they were no longer on the Seeker’s deck.

  The three of them looked around in wonder. Behind them, stood the building where Kyra had lived from the time she was five. She gave them a tour. It was expansive for one person. Kat learned that Kyra’s days, had been spent doing much the same routine as she had. Eating, exercising and studying before going to sleep in her Mil’ort.

  The air was humid and warm, but not unpleasantly so. The gently sloping hill in front of them was blanketed in short, dark-green grass. Patches of wild flowers in every conceivable color dotted the lush, green expanse. The surrounding hills were covered by large trees.

  As if reading her thoughts, Nolan said, “I would estimate those trees are eighty to one hundred feet tall.”

  “They’re magnificent,” Kat said in wonder.

  “Most of my free time, I spent wandering through the forest or playing in the valley below. Always in the company of one of the robots of course.” Kyra directed their attention to the twenty motionless machines lined up along one wall. They were of various shapes and sizes.

  “Does the entire world look like this?”

  “I haven’t any idea. I’ve been restricted to the distance I chose to walk. I know about fifty kilometers to the south there is a large body of water. It’s fresh, so I would guess
it’s a lake and not an ocean.”

  “How far have you been in each direction?”

  “Over the years, I’ve walked about fifty kilometers each way.” Kyra answered.

  Kat reached a decision. Quickly, she removed her top and next her bra. She handed both articles to Nolan.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Nolan blurted out, staring at her naked breasts.

  “Oh hush. You’ve seen them before and so has Kyra. I’m going to fly up as high as I can, and look around.”

  Wings, she commanded. They unfurled from her back. Taking two springing strides, and flapping them briskly, she launched into the air. In graceful motions, she climbed ever higher, until both Nolan and Kyra were just tiny dots below her. Soaring in lazy circles, she gazed around in wonder.

  “Beautiful. Yes, Kyra. You’re right, it is a lake, a big one.” To the north, at the very limit of her vision, a mountain range stretched east and west as far as she could see. The land on this side of the mountain range consisted of the same rolling hills, forests and meadows filled with riots of wild flowers.

  With a sigh of reluctance, she drifted back to the ground. Softly, she alighted on her tiptoes and then lowered the rest of the way. Wings away. They vanished into her back.

  “You say there is no indigenous life on this world?” Kat retrieved her bra from Nolan and fastened the front clasp.

  “There’s life. Kim’san, informs me, even a few predators, although I’ve never encountered one. My AI assures me there is no intelligent life though. Not even as intelligent as the hairy ones. Apes I’ve learned you call them.”

  “I’m getting an idea, but I need to discuss it with the group.” She took her blouse from Nolen and buttoned it. “I think it’s time we returned to the Seeker, and I’ll call a meeting.”

  Kyra held out her hands.

  “Are you certain you can take us back to the Seeker?”

  Kyra smiled. “Trust me, Kat. Once I’ve been to a place, I just form a picture of it in my mind and that’s where I go.”

  The smoky, wavering portal, formed in front of them. Stepping through, they walked onto the deck of the Seeker.


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