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Generations of Teelan Box Set

Page 16

by G. E. Stills

  “You know I don’t like having you in front,” he whispered.

  “Tough. Watch my back Keita.”

  In the past Kat’s clipped response would have angered him. In the past he would never have let a women order him like Suki had. But that was in another life. He loved Suki, she was his world. Suki was normally compassionate and loving. All six of these women were compassionate in varying degrees.

  His thoughts cleared when Kat spoke. “Keita do as I say and we’ll discuss you machismo later. For now just watch my butt and make certain someone doesn’t slip out of one of these rooms and shoot it.”

  That is as compassionate as she is going to get right now.

  His eyes shifted to each side and his gaze came to focus on Kat. He had seen these women this way once before when they confronted the pirates. But when we faced the pirates there were only four. Now there are six. A shudder raced down Keita’s spine. All of them were in kill mode. Before this day was done people would die. Probably many people.

  Kat moved in a crouch, silent, deadly and graceful, like a tiger stalking its prey. Her arms were stretched in front of her with elbows bent slightly as if she held a pistol at ready. Her fingers were splayed apart. The ability she could summon for use was far deadlier than any gun.

  Yes behind her is the safest place to be when she looses those bolts of lightning.


  A crewmember streaked out of one the cabins. They ducked just in time. His machine gun shattered the silence. Electrical bolts flashed from her fingers. The man dropped to his face and danced as the massive current ripped through him. He stilled and his skin started to melt before Kat ended her counter attack. Another man dodged from the cabin across and Keita shot him before he could fire.

  The two resumed their hazardous journey. On their next encounter there were three men. A bullet grazed Kat’s thigh before she was able to silence the three with bolts of lightning. Turning to check on Keita she saw him holding his shoulder staunching the flow of blood. Kat removed his hand and smoothed hers over the wound. It stopped bleeding and started to heal. She did the same to her graze.

  “Guess you’re lucky to be with me. I can heal injuries.”

  Twice more they encountered crewmen of the Polav, first a group of two and then three and after fierce but brief fights killed them. Finally they reached the stern and the engine room. All along the way Kat heard bursts of gunfire from above and wondered how things were going up top. She and Keita climbed the stairs to the upper deck. At her first glance she spotted small fires in many places, clear evidence of Emma’s work.

  Kyra spotted them and ran to join them. She had a machine gun in each hand and a belted pistol over one shoulder. “The upper deck is clear,” she reported. “We do have injuries though.”

  “Take me to them,” Kat said.

  Emma and Aden had a few noncritical wounds Victor’s was the worst. His right leg was shattered at the knee and his ankle was broken. Kat healed all of them before turning to Victor again. “I stopped the bleeding and healed your cuts but it’s going to take longer to heal your broken bones. You’re done here Victor.”

  “He took a bullet that was intended for me,” Kyra said. “If it weren’t for him I wouldn’t be talking to you Kat.”

  “I’m sorry I can’t continue ma’am.” Victor said.

  “You’re a part of this crew Victor and don’t you dare apologize for not being able to go on. I’ll heal you completely but we need to mop up here first.” Kat turned. “Blaise take him to the Seeker and put him in his bunk.”

  “Right away.” Flexing her legs Blaise then hefted Victor to her shoulder in a fireman’s carry. “Here we go guy.” She and Victor vanished.

  “Did you find Nolan?” Kyra asked.

  Kat grimaced. “Not yet.”

  Blaise blipped back to join the group. “Victor is in his bunk. Ing and Kimo will take care of him.”

  After doing a head count they discovered there were five men unaccounted for plus the two pirates. Suki joined them and starting at the stern the group did a sweep forward to the bow. Suki and Keita found the two pirate prisoners. Suki pointed her fingers at them and the men crumbled to dust. They found three of the crew holed up in one bulkhead room. Trying to enter the room yielded a rain of gunfire.

  “How are we going to get to them without taking a huge risk that one of us will be killed?” Kat asked.

  “Nolan isn’t in there?” Blaise asked.

  “No. I was able to determine that.”

  “Then I have a simple solution,” Blaise said. “Seal the room.”

  When they had, Blaise used her water power and flooded the entire cabin drowning the three men.

  “Two Polav crew left and where the fuck is Nolan?” Kyra asked.

  Kat shook her head. “Keep searching.”

  “This door is locked,” Blaise announced from further down the corridor. The group joined Blaise outside the door. Kat wrapped her fingers around the hatch release. Current surged through her hand and the lock melted. “Stand to the side,” she ordered and kneeling pushed the door open. Her blood froze when she say Nolen in the center of the room. A man had one arm wrapped around his neck and held a gun to his head with the other hand. Right away she could see that Nolan had been severely beaten.

  “I want to negotiate,” the man said.

  “I’m listening,” Kat said while peeking through the open door.

  “There’s a launch here on board. I want it provisioned. Once I’m safely away from here I’ll release him.”

  Kat felt something brush past her. “We’re in the middle of the ocean. Where do you intend to let him go?” Kat concentrated on keeping her eyes on the man and not on Emma who appeared behind him.

  Emma reached out and ripped the gun away from Nolen’s head. It went off sending a bullet ripping through the ceiling. The man howled and the gun fell to the floor when his hand erupted into flame. “We don’t negotiate,” Emma hissed. She grabbed his hair with her other hand and jerked his head back. His scream cut short when his head became a roaring fire. Kat dashed forward and caught Nolan before he hit the floor.

  Seconds later Keita and Aden were beside her. They grabbed Nolan and carried him to the safety of the hallway. Kat and Emma joined them.

  “Thank you Emma,” she said.

  Emma nodded.

  “One man left,” Blaise said.

  “Fuck him he can die with the rest of the ship,” Emma said.

  “I agree. There is no further need to risk our lives. Blaise, take Nolan to the Seeker, then come back and get the rest of us.”

  “You go with her,” Kyra said. “You can start healing him. I’ll stay and handle it here,” she further explained.

  Kat nodded.

  Ing and Kimo moved the Seeker close and Blaise teleported rest of the team back to her deck.

  The group stood at the Seeker’s rail and peered at the crewless Polav. “Only one thing left to do.”

  “Allow me,” Suki said.

  “Are you done questioning Shahan?” Kyra asked Ing.


  “Kat do you give permission to bring him topside? I would like for him to witness this.”

  Kat lips tightened. “Yes.”

  Kyra turned to Kimo. “Bring him up here please.”

  They waited until Kimo returned prodding the helpless man in front of him. Kimo held him and Kyra nodded to Suki.

  Starting at the bow, Suki slowly swept her hand the length of the Polav. As she did the ship disintegrated into sand and sank beneath the waves.

  “This,” Kyra addressed Shahan, “Is what happens to anyone that tries to fuck with our mission. You hurt my sister and her boyfriend and intended to kill them both. The sentence for your crimes is death.” Before anyone could react, Kyra grabbed Keita’s gun and shot Shehan in the head. T
he lifeless body crumpled to the deck.

  Kat shifted her gaze to each face. All the men stood motionless in shock, some of them with jaws agape. “I’m sorry this was needed but each of you knows now that your girlfriends, although looking human and usually acting that way, are partially alien. We’re sometimes merciless and will not allow anything or anyone stand in the way of completing our mission. There will be more killing in the future. Again I offer you a chance to leave when we return to port. So long as you do not breath a word of what you have seen these past months you will not be harmed. Kimo, please get rid of the body.” Kat shifted her attention to all of the men once more. “That is all I have to say. I’ll be in my cabin.” Kat spun on her heel and strode away. Kimo recovered from surprise and tossed the dead body overboard.

  In silence, the group disbursed behind her. “I think Blaise, Emma and Kyra have become my messengers of death.”

  “Yes they have and you can call on them whenever needed,” Jar’san answered.

  Later in bed she rolled to her side and faced Nolan. Thanks to her healing power, he was looking better already. Kat smoothed her hand across his cheek and combed her fingers into his hair. She told him about the days events. “You’re very quiet. Tell me what you’re thinking. Do you want to leave?”

  “What happened today just made me realize again my girlfriend is not entirely human. Do I want to leave, no. Has it changed my feelings for you? No. I’ll never leave you babe. I love all of you, the good and … the not so good.”

  “I’m glad to hear you say that because I love you too.” Kat leaned forward and pressed her lips to his.


  Kat backed up against the table and boosted herself up. Her toned legs dangled free. She let her gaze travel over the gathering of intelligent faces in front of her. “Keita, Suki, do you hear me?”

  Over the PA, both of them answered from the bridge house above. “Yes, Kat.”

  “Captain Parker, what about the camera and tracking device?”

  “Disabled and disposed of,” Tom said in anger. “I’m sorry. I should have been watching those Suez inspectors closer.”

  “No one is blaming you Captain. We all should have been more vigilant but what is done is done. Are we on course for Houston?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Just as you requested. We should be there in a few days and I’ve made arrangements for a pilot.”

  “Good.” She shrugged her shoulders and let her glance travel over the assemblage. “I planned to hold this meeting earlier but our encounter with the Polav delayed it. As you all know, our final member, Kyra, has joined us and now we’re faced with the task of getting this world prepared to withstand an invasion by the Men-gar.”

  She let her shifting gaze linger on the man she loved. “Nolan, and some of you other men, have reminded me just how big, if not unachievable, this task will be. They’ve told me that getting all the world leaders to sit down at the same table would be an astronomical accomplishment. That just agreeing on the shape of the table would be a time consuming task. To get everyone in this world to cooperate, and work toward a common goal, would be well-nigh impossible.”

  She smiled grimly. “Reluctantly, I agree. Our recent experience with the Polav brings home the fact there are those who would stand in our way or try to use us for their own purpose. People will try to get rid of us, rather than listen to a message they don’t want to hear. If the Men-gar should arrive, we will all be sitting ducks.

  She turned her head slowly, gazing at each of those gathered with a cold hard stare. “Nevertheless that is the task I’ve been assigned. I intend to employ every method at my disposal to insure its success.” She paused for effect and then repeated “Every method. What we did on the Polav should press home to each of you my resolve.”

  To her relief not one of the assembly flinched although she was certain they understood that, just as her words implied, it would include the forceful removal of anyone that stood in the way. “I’m determined the Men’gar will not destroy intelligent life on this world a second time.”

  Again her gaze traveled over them. “Since you poor souls have chosen to join me, it’s your mission too.”

  “I wish us all luck,” Aden said. “We’re going to need it by the bushel.” His expression became glum. “What happened with the Polav will occur again. Some, if not all of us, will not survive.”

  “You’re right Aden.” She smiled at him. “Suppose I was to tell you I have an alternative? One that was not available until Kyra joined us. Kyra has the ability to travel between this world and one she has named Teelan. I’ve been to Teelan. It’s an entire world, beautiful and unpopulated.”

  The gathering erupted into many conversations, all going on at once. She leaned back on her hands and waited for order to return, while letting her legs swing. Nolan sat with a smile on his face and gazed at her. He knew everything she was going to say. She’d already discussed it with him.

  The deep rumble of Kimo’s voice silenced the rest. “Okay, ma’am, we’re listening.” As usual, Ing had her arms wrapped around one of his, and her head rested against his massive bicep.

  “I propose that all of us go to Teelan. Start our own society. A society with just one main goal. The defense of this Earth. Living on Teelan, we will not have to deal with the constant threat of attack, from those on this planet and there is no evidence the Men-gar have ever been there. This will, of course, be on a voluntary basis, especially with you men. I can’t ask you to abandon earth, unless it’s your wish.”

  Aden grinned. “Start a society you say?” He glanced around. “Just the twelve of us? Sounds like a lot of delicious baby makin’ to me, ma’am. I’m game.” He snorted. “Oh, and by the way, if any of you gents don’t feel up to the task, I will gladly contribute me seed to the other ladies here.”

  The splat of Em’s hand against Aden’s brawny bicep resounded from the walls. Em addressed the group. “You can count me in too, Kat. There is one thing I would like to say though, Aden, will not be contributing his seed to anyone except me.” For a moment her expression sobered. “I know we will need to expand the gene pool but it will not happen in the manner he is suggesting,” Em amended. She turned to Aden, with a huge grin on her face. “Don’t even think about it, my sweets.”

  “I was just kiddin’ me love, you know that.”

  Kat’s shook her head and smiled at Aden. His comical statements had lightened the somber mood and she appreciated that.

  Keita’s voice boomed over the PA. “Suki and I will be going with you too, ma’am.”

  Ing looked at Kimo for a second, and watched his nod. “We will too, Kat,” she said.

  Captain Parker wrapped his arm tighter around Blaise’s shoulders. “Blaise and I will be there.”

  Kyra glanced at her. “I lived there all my life. You know where I’ll be.”

  She focused on Victor, the newest member. “Victor, you have shed blood for our cause. I can’t ask for more. If you choose to remain on Earth I’ll certainly understand and if you decide to stay here, I’ll make sure you’re well provided for.”

  Victor peered at her before speaking. He was a handsome man, with long dark hair, broad shoulders and a deep tan. His brown eyes stared deep into hers. “You’re right, ma’am, I haven’t been with this group for long. I wish I had. I’ve worked with the Captain before. In my opinion there is no finer skipper. I like every one here. The prospect of having an entire world to explore sounds mighty inviting. I guess what I’m trying to say is, if you don’t mind, I’d really like to go with you.”

  She gave him a warm smile. “You’re welcome to remain with us, Victor.”

  “May I make a suggestion?” Captain Parker asked.

  “Certainly, Captain. I desire input from everyone,” Kat said.

  “Well, it’s just a suggestion, but why shouldn’t we consider having others join us on
Teelan. I’m sure that we can find volunteers that are more than willing to relocate.”

  “That’s an excellent idea, Tom.”

  “I have a sister that I’m certain would be interested,” Kimo rumbled.

  “Kat, in researching history, I find the human race is full of people that welcomed the challenge of exploring new worlds. I have an idea for using the Internet to search out those that might be interested,” Jar’san said.

  “Find out more and keep me posted.”

  “Then the decision is unanimous. Kyra, I’d like you to start taking people two at a time to see their new home. Once we’re docked in Houston, I think we should rotate and only one couple remain here on Earth at a time.”

  “Sounds great Kat, and while I’m there the first time, I’ll get the robots started building new homes,” Kyra answered.


  Kat hesitated and her hand paused before knocking on the door. Kyra was inside her cabin, waiting. She had mixed feelings about the meeting she planned with Kyra. It would be the first time her AI and Kyra’s, established direct contact since their initial meeting.

  She knocked.

  “Come in,” Kyra answered.

  With resolve, she twisted the latch and entered. Kyra was seated at the small couch in her room. Smiling, she looked up. That was something that had vastly changed about her. Since Kyra had learned of them and discovered she had them, she displayed and felt emotions freely.

  “Are you ready for this, Kyra?”

  “In all honesty, no. I agree with you though, it has to be done.”

  Seating herself next to Kyra, Kat returned the smile and reached out with her hand. “Let’s do this.”

  Kyra joined hands and established the link. The exchange of information between Jar’san and Kim’san flashed to life. A little more than an hour later, the women unclasped their hands and broke the link.

  “Wow,” Kyra said, “That was interesting.”

  “I think that is putting it rather mildly,” Kat laughed. “I need to go to my room and think about this new information. I’ll see you in the galley later, Kyra.”


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