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Thorn's Challenge

Page 12

by Brenda Jackson

  And she didn’t waste any time in kissing him back.

  His tongue was stroking hers with relentless precision and his hands were roaming all over her body as if to make sure she was really there. And when she wrapped her arms around him, he deepened the kiss.

  She held on to him tight as he evoked sensations within her that were beyond anything she could have ever imagined from a kiss.

  She thought he tasted of desire so hot she could feel it in the pit of her stomach, and pleasure points spread throughout every limb in her body. His kiss was overpowering, and she felt their controls slipping. Tara knew she should pull away from the kiss before they got carried away, but the more their tongues dueled and feasted, the more her mouth refused to do anything but stay put and get everything that Thorn was offering. Thorn was laying it on thick and she was enjoying every single minute of it.

  Moments later, he pulled back, but didn’t end the kiss completely. Instead he continued to torture her with tiny flicks of his tongue on her mouth. A moan escaped her lips and he captured it with his.

  “I missed you,” Thorn’s voice whispered throatily as a hot throbbing sensation settled in her midsection. “Damn this celibacy thing. I want you now. Hell, I might not be around later. Anything could happen.”

  Thorn’s words reminded her of the danger inherent in Sunday’s race. She groaned as she pulled back from his touch. She could not, she would not, be responsible for him losing the race or possibly getting hurt. She loved him too much for that. One of them had to see reason and it seemed it would have to be her at the moment.

  She exhaled a bone-deep sigh when they stood facing each other. Her heart was beating way out of control as her gaze took in everything about him, from the jeans and T-shirt that he wore to the biker boots on his feet. But she mostly zeroed in on his desire-glazed gaze that hadn’t yet left hers.

  For the longest time he didn’t say anything, but neither did she. They continued to stand there, looking at each other, until finally, Thorn spoke in a voice that was husky and deep. “I want you, Tara. Not after the race but now.”

  She swallowed. Lust had temporarily taken over Thorn’s mind, and it was up to her to put it back on track. If they did what he wanted and he lost the race, he would despise her for the rest of his days, and she couldn’t handle that. She knew her next words would sound cold and indifferent, but he’d left her no choice.

  She tilted her head back and frowned up at him. “It doesn’t matter what you want now. Need I remind you that we have an agreement, Thorn? My purpose for being here is to fill your needs after the race and not before. I think it would be best if you kept your hands and lips to yourself until then.”

  He didn’t say anything but stared at her with a look that went from desire to anger in a second, and seeing the transformation made Tara’s heart thump so hard in her chest that it hurt. Her tone of voice had intentionally been like a dose of ice water on a burning flame, and the effect was unmistakably scorching.

  Thorn took a step forward and looked Tara squarely in the eye. “Thanks for reminding me of your purpose for being here, Tara, and you won’t have to worry about me keeping my hands and mouth to myself. But make no mistake about it, I’ve kept my end of the deal, and after the race I fully expect you to keep yours.”

  Without saying anything else he turned and walked out the door, slamming it behind him.

  * * *

  Gravel flew from the tires of Thorn’s motorcycle as he leaned into a sharp curve, tearing up the road in front of him. He shuddered from the force of the anger consuming him as he tightened his grip on the handlebars.

  Tara’s words had burned, although quite frankly, he supposed he should be grateful that she had helped him to come to his senses before he’d done something he would later regret. But instead of wanting to thank her he felt the need to throttle her instead.

  Damn, just like that day in her bedroom, he’d been ready to zip down his pants and have his way with her, race or no race. He’d been that hungry for sex. No, it wasn’t just about sex. It was about her. He had been just that hungry for her. But leave it to her to remind him of their arrangement and to make him remember the only thing between them would be a no-strings-attached affair.

  His spine tightened as he took another curve. Damn the agreement, he wanted more. During the past two weeks he had come to realize just how much Tara meant to him. He had discovered she was goodness and sweetness all rolled into one—on her good days—and tart and tingly on her bad days, but he enjoyed her just the same.

  Letting her get under his skin had definitely not been part of the plan. But it had happened anyway. His thoughts went back to the harsh words she’d spoken. Did she really see her sole reason for being here as she had described it? But then, how could she not, when he had pretty much spelled out why he wanted her here?

  He wondered just when his thoughts on the matter had changed. When had he decided that he wanted more from Tara than a week in bed? When had he decided he wanted more from her than sex?

  He sighed deeply. He had been in denial for two long years, but he wouldn’t lie to himself any longer. It had taken him long enough to come to grips with his feelings for her. He could now admit that he loved her and had from the first time he’d seen her. He had lied through his teeth when he’d told his brothers he didn’t love her. At this very moment he was faced with the truth. He desperately loved her and didn’t want her to pick now to start getting temperamental and difficult.

  The last of his pent-up anger floated away in the wind as he rounded another curve at high speed. Now was not the time to get mad; he would get even and teach a certain doctor a lesson. Tara would soon discover that Thorn the celibate was moodier and grumpier than hell, but Thorn in love was a force to be reckoned with.

  * * *

  “Enjoying yourself, Tara?”

  Tara glanced up from her drink and met Stone Westmoreland’s curious stare. She then glanced around the table and met the gazes of the other Westmoreland brothers and smiled. It seemed every one of them was interested in her response.

  “Yes, I’m enjoying myself,” she responded cheerfully. She knew they weren’t fooled and were well aware she was having a lousy time. The only thing she enjoyed was seeing Dare and Shelly and how they interacted with each other. The two were so much in love they practically glowed. Even now she couldn’t help but watch as they danced together. It was a slow number and Dare was holding his wife as though she meant the world to him.

  It touched Tara’s heart deeply, the thought of a woman being loved that much by a man. She sighed. No man had ever loved her that much, certainly not Derrick.

  “You want to dance, Tara?”

  She glanced up at Chase. She wasn’t fooled either. She was well aware that the brothers knew the one person she wanted to dance with wasn’t around. What they probably didn’t know was that she was intentionally keeping Thorn at bay.

  “No, but thanks for asking.” They were all seated around a table in a nightclub that had live entertainment. All the Westmoreland brothers were present except for Thorn.

  She hadn’t seen him since he had paid her a visit at the hotel three days ago. Each day she had made it a point to drop by the booth where his Thorn-Byrds were on display, hoping that he would be there, but he never was. According to Dare, Thorn was keeping a low profile and would probably be doing so until the day of the race.


  She smiled and glanced around, wondering what question one of the Westmoreland brothers had for her now, when suddenly she realized it hadn’t been one of them who had called her name. Her name had been spoken by the man who stood next to their table.


  Surprised, she met his gaze and wondered what on earth Derrick was doing in Daytona during Bike Week. Although Bunnell was less than sixty miles away, she had never known him to show an interest in motorcycles. But then she had to remember many people came to Bike Week just to check out the festivities.

>   She had planned to rent a car and drive to Bunnell to see her family tomorrow. It had been two years and it was time she finally went home for a visit. The main reason she had stayed away was now standing next to her table.

  She plastered a smile on her face as she reached for the glass of soda in front of her. “Derrick, what are you doing here? This is certainly a surprise.”

  He was nervous, she could tell. But then after glancing around the table she understood why. Stone, Chase and Storm were glaring, facing him down, and letting Derrick know without saying a word that they didn’t appreciate his presence. Evidently, it hadn’t taken much to figure out who he was and to remember what he had done.

  “Yes, well, me and a couple of the guys from town decided to come check things out,” he said after nervously clearing his throat.

  Tara nodded. She couldn’t help but be openly amused by his nervousness. “And how is Danielle?”

  Derrick cleared his throat again. “She’s fine. She’s expecting. Our baby is due to be born in a few weeks.”

  Surprisingly, that bit of news didn’t have the effect on her it would have had a year ago. She found herself genuinely smiling. “Congratulations. I’m glad the two of you are happy and have decided to add to your family and wish you both the best.”

  Derrick nodded and then asked. “What about you, Tara? Are you happy?”

  Tara opened her mouth to answer, but instead a deep male voice sounded from the shadows behind where Derrick stood.

  “Yes, she’s happy.”

  When the person came into view, Tara’s heart began beating fast. She held her breath as Thorn moved around Derrick and came straight to her, leaned down and placed an open-mouthed kiss on her lips, publicly declaring before Derrick, his brothers and anyone who saw him, that Tara was his.

  After releasing her mouth Thorn straightened to his full height and turned back to Derrick. He glared at the man. “I make it my business to see that she’s happy.”

  Tara wanted to scream out “Since when?” but decided to go along with whatever game Thorn was playing. Besides, what he’d done had effectively squashed any notion Derrick might have that there was a chance she was still pining away for him. She was grateful for that. According to her parents, the rumor still floating around Bunnell was that she hadn’t been home because she hadn’t gotten over Derrick.

  Derrick met Thorn’s stare. “I’m glad to know that.” He then blinked as recognition hit. “Hey, aren’t you Thorn Westmoreland?”

  “Last I heard.” Thorn crossed his arms over his chest and studied the man who’d had the nerve to betray and humiliate Tara on her wedding day. As far as Thorn was concerned, this man’s loss was certainly his gain.

  A look of adoration appeared in Derrick’s eyes and a smile tipped the corners of his mouth. “Wow. Your bikes are the bomb.”

  Usually Thorn was appreciative of anyone who admired his work, but not this man. “Thanks. Now if you don’t mind, I’d like to dance with my lady. The race is in two days and I want to spend as much time with her as I can before then.”

  “Oh, sure, man,” Derrick said awkwardly. He then met Tara’s gaze again. “Take care, Tara, and I’ll tell your family that I saw you.”

  Tara shrugged. “There’s really no need since I plan to visit them tomorrow. There’s no reason to be this close and not visit.”

  Derrick nodded. “Yeah, right. I’ll be seeing you.” He then moved on.

  “Glad you could find the time to grace us with your presence tonight, Thorn,” Dare said sarcastically to his brother when he and Shelly sat down at the table after dancing. He then glanced across the room at Derrick’s retreating back after seeing his brothers’ glares. “Who was that?”

  Thorn met his brother’s gaze. “Some fool who didn’t know a good thing when he had it.”

  Without waiting for Dare, or anyone else for that matter, to make another comment, Thorn reached out and gave Tara’s hand a gentle tug and brought her to her feet. “Dance with me.”

  Whatever words Tara wanted to say died in her throat the moment Thorn touched her. She offered no resistance when he led her to the dance floor where a slow number had just started. An uncomfortable glance over her shoulder verified that Derrick was sitting at a table with his friends, staring at her and Thorn. She quickly glanced around the crowded room. It seemed everyone was staring, especially the Westmoreland brothers. But they were doing more than just staring; they were all grinning from ear to ear. Why?

  “Okay, what’s going on with your brothers?” she asked Thorn the moment he pulled her into his arms.

  He glanced over at the table where his four brothers sat, then back at her, meeting her gaze. “I have no idea. They tend to act ignorant while out in public. Ignore them.”

  That wouldn’t be hard to do, Tara thought, since her concentration was mainly on him. “What are you doing here, Thorn? I thought with only two days left before the race you would be somewhere in seclusion.”

  Thorn frowned. “Yeah, you would probably think that. But don’t worry, I’m more than ready for the race.” He met her stare and his hands moved gently down to the small of her back and drew her closer into his arms. “In fact, I’m looking forward to it being over. And I don’t want you to worry your pretty little head any, because I’m also ready for you after the race.”

  His words gave her pause, and she nervously licked her bottom lip with the tip of her tongue. Maybe now was a good time to tell him about her virginal state. She opened her mouth to speak, but before she would get any words out, he kissed her. In the middle of the dance floor he gave her a full-blown, nothing-held-back, full-mouth kiss, just the thing to make her lose all rational thought.

  She ignored the catcalls she heard, the whistles, as well as the flashing bulbs from several sport reporters’ cameras. Instead, she held on to Thorn to receive the mind-blowing kiss he was giving her.

  He reluctantly pulled away when someone tapped him on his shoulder. He glared and turned to meet Dare’s amused features. He and Shelly had returned to the dance floor. “You’re making a scene, Thorn, and your song stopped playing moments ago. Maybe you ought to take that outside.”

  “No problem,” Thorn said, and without waiting for Tara to say anything, he pulled her across the room and out the door.

  * * *

  Tara snatched her hand from Thorn’s the moment Florida’s night air hit her in the face, returning her to her senses. “Hold on, Thorn. What do you think you’re doing?”

  “Taking you somewhere,” he said, pulling her out of the doorway to a secluded area.

  She refused to move an inch. “Where?”

  “To show you my bike.”

  Tara frowned. “I’ve seen your bike. I’ve even ridden on it, remember?”

  He smiled. “Not this one. The bike I want to show you is the one I’ll be using in the race.”

  For a moment it seemed as though Tara had forgotten to breathe. She had been around the Westmorelands enough to know how they joked with Thorn about not letting anyone see the bike he would race. Since he owned so many for racing, it was anyone’s guess as to which one he would use to compete in any given race.

  “But I thought that other than your racing team, no one is supposed to know about which bike you’d be using.”

  He gave a small shrug as he leaned one shoulder against a brick wall. “Usually that’s true, but I want you to see it.” He met her gaze. “In fact, I want you to christen it.”

  Tara lifted a brow. “Christen it? You want me to hit it with a bottle of champagne or something?”

  Thorn shook his head and smiled. “No, that would put a dent in it. There’s more than one way to christen something. If you come with me, I’ll show you another way.”

  Indecisively, Tara just stared at him, not knowing what she should do. Being somewhere alone with Thorn was not a good idea, especially when he had told her just two days ago that he would be keeping his hands and his lips to himself. Already tonight he had touch
ed her and had kissed her twice and there was no telling what else he had in store.

  Evidently she took too long to say anything because he covered the distance separating them, took her face in his hands and lowered his head to capture her lips with his.

  Kiss number three, Tara thought, closing her eyes as his mouth totally devoured hers. She shuddered when she felt his hands pull her T-shirt from her shorts and slowly began caressing her bare skin underneath. Her tongue automatically mated with his, relishing in the taste of him.

  Moments later, when he released her mouth, she pressed her face to his chest and sighed deeply into his T-shirt. The manly scent of him made her groan at the same time her midsection became flooded with warmth. She felt his hands gently caressing her back as he pulled her closer to him, letting him feel the hardness of the erection that stirred against her belly.

  She forced her eyes upward and met his. They were so dark and filled with so much desire it made her tremble. “I thought you said you wouldn’t touch me or kiss me, Thorn, until after the race.”

  He sighed deeply and reached up to thread his fingers through her hair, pushing it away from her face. “Lord knows I tried, but I don’t think I can not touch you or kiss you, Tara,” he said truthfully.

  A part of him wanted to tell her more. He wanted to let her know that he loved her and that no matter whether he won the race or not, he knew his most valued prize was standing right here in front of him. But he couldn’t tell her any of that yet. He would wait and tell her later, when he felt the time was right.

  He inclined his head to take a good look at her and let her take a good look at him. “Will you come with me, Tara? I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do.”

  Oh, hell, Tara thought. Didn’t he know she was human, and so far, whatever he’d done to her had been just fine and dandy with her. She couldn’t imagine turning him down for anything unless it meant going all the way. She would not allow him to break his vow of celibacy two days before the race, but he was definitely testing her control.


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