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The Worst of Me

Page 17

by Lisa J. Hobman

  Cat nodded and wiped tears away from her cheeks. “Please don’t let him come back here, Frazer. I don’t want this.”

  As if matters weren’t already bad enough, Tam appeared in the doorway. “What in hell is going on out here? Camden, you scabby scrote! You get out of my pub right now before I knock your block off.” He lurched forward and Cat grabbed him.

  She clung to his arm. “Dad, please, no.” Tam glanced down at Cat and she pleaded at him with her eyes.

  He huffed angrily. “After the way he treated you he’s not welcome in here anymore.”

  Frazer stepped forward and held up his hands in some kind of surrender. “He knows this and I’m so sorry, Mr McCreadie. I can assure you we all tried to stop him. We thought he’d gone to bed to sleep it off but clearly the idiot had other plans. If Lorna was here she would have gotten through to him. She’s the only one who can. But it won’t happen again. I’m really very sorry.”

  Frazer put his arm around his brother and helped him out of the door with a backward glance and another mouthed apology to Cat.

  Once the place had quietened down Tam addressed the room of patrons. “Sorry about that, folks. Please accept a drink on the house by way of apology.” He turned to Cat. “Go take Nick home and see to it that he gets some ice on that jaw.”

  Cat, still shaking, nodded at her father as he kissed the top of her head. With a quick glance over at Nick she ducked through to the back and collected her keys.

  When they got outside to her car Nick held out his hand. “Keys. You’re in no fit state to drive.”

  Normally she would have argued, but not tonight. Tonight she just wanted peace. There had been enough arguing to last her a lifetime. She dropped the keys into his open hand.

  Chapter Twenty Two


  Cat remained silent for the brief drive to Rockhill Cottage and Nick didn’t push her to talk. The events of earlier had certainly been unexpected and he could see Cat was a little traumatised by it all.

  When they arrived he jumped down from the car and jogged around to open her door, holding his hand out to help her down.

  She tilted her head and smiled as she accepted his help. “Look at you being all gentlemanly.”

  He winked. “Ah, you ain’t seen nothing yet, sweetheart.” Realising the cheesiness of his gesture he turned away and berated himself. “Come on. I’ve got a nice bottle of red by the fire. I think we could both use a drink.”

  He opened the door and they both walked inside. Cat hovered by the door, arms folded around herself defensively, so he walked over and rubbed his hands up and down her sleeves.

  “You’re shivering. Do you want me to grab you a hoody?”

  “No, no, it’s fine. I’ll warm up. I think I’m just reeling a little from Camden’s behaviour. I’ve never seen him like that.”

  Nick took her hand and led her into the living room where the stove was already lit and glowing. “He wasn’t in the best frame of mind. Does he drink a lot?”

  Cat lowered herself to the couch and scrunched her brow. She remained silent for a few moments and Nick watched as she seemed to be contemplating his question.

  Eventually she spoke. “You know, the more I think about it the more I wonder if he does have a drinking problem and maybe I just ignored it. He likes a drink, admittedly, but ... there have been times when he’s seemed a little too drunk for the amount he’d had in front of me.”

  “Are you saying he might have been drinking beforehand? Like at home maybe?”

  She lifted her chin and met his gaze. “I think maybe he had. I just don’t understand why. Unless it’s stress related.” Nick collected two glasses from the old drinks cabinet that had been left in the house—minus the drinks—and poured the red wine before handing a glass to Cat. She narrowed her eyes at him as she took a glass. “Why did you turn up at the pub tonight?”

  He cringed and took a large gulp of his drink. “I came to see if you were okay. You know, after what happened between us.”

  “Ah. Well, I’m fine. I’m a big girl, Nick. You didn’t need to check up on me.”

  “Look, it was a big deal. I’m just trying to be a decent bloke, Cat, that’s all.”

  A heavy sigh left her body and her mouth tilted up at one corner. “You are a decent bloke, Nick. And thank you for your concern. But really, I’m fine.”

  He walked across the room and sat beside her on the couch. “I’m glad to hear that. Because I really enjoyed us together.”

  “Me too,” she whispered. “But what happens now?”

  He placed his glass on the floor and took her empty hand in his. “Well, that’s really up to you. Like I said before, there’s no pressure. If you want to just remain friends that’s ... that’s fine.” As he spoke the words he secretly hoped that wasn’t what she wanted as the thought of being naked and inside her began to stir something deep within him all over again.

  She too placed her glass of wine on the floor. “I don’t think I just want to be friends. But ... I don’t really know what this is.” She gestured back and forth between them.

  He reached across and ran his thumb across the apple of her cheek. “Do we really need to put a label on it? Can’t we just enjoy the present and forget the future? I honestly have no idea what will happen tomorrow or next week. But I do know I want to spend whatever time I have here in Gairloch with you.”

  “I’d like that too.” She climbed onto his lap and straddled his hips, running her hands into his hair. “We can start right now maybe?” Her tongue swept out and across her bottom lip causing his blood to rush southwards at the suggestive glint in her eyes.

  “I didn’t think you’d be in the mood after—”

  Before he could finish his sentence her mouth was on his and her hands gripped at the hem of his T-shirt, drawing it upwards and leaving goosebumps as her fingertips trailed up his torso. He stretched his arms over his head to allow her better access and she swiped the garment from his body. With one hand on his chest she teased his nipple as her mouth travelled from his ear lobe down to the sensitive skin of his neck.

  The fact that she was taking charge was a real turn on but he had to fight his natural instinct to take control. This new bold side of her was sexy as hell and he moaned as her kisses gained fervour and her breathing rate increased. He reached up and toyed with her nipple through the cotton of her blouse and she gasped, gripping his hair tighter still.

  “I want you, Nick. Take me to bed,” she breathed as she rested her forehead on his.

  He dragged his tongue over his bottom lip and stretched his mouth into a grin which he was sure expressed his lascivious thoughts. “Oh, I think we should stay right here. It’s warm and cosy by the fire, after all.”

  With a slow, sexy smile she began to unbutton her blouse and he watched greedily as, inch by inch, her perfect skin and pert, lace-covered breasts became visible to his hungry gaze.

  Once she had dropped the blouse to the floor he smoothed his hands up her silky arms and reached behind her to release the clasp of her bra. Leaning forward he sucked a nipple into his mouth and teased the peak with his tongue.

  “Unh ... so good,” she breathed, encouraging him to move to the other breast and do it again.



  Cat watched as he drew her nipple into the wet heat of his mouth. Every muscle below her waistline clenched with a raw need and she rocked against the ridge in his jeans. His fingertips traced circles up and down her back creating shivers of delight that travelled the length of her spine. She allowed her head to roll back and she revelled in the attention her breasts received.

  He pulled away and she pouted at him, eliciting a sexy smile.

  “Stand up, Cat,” he instructed, and she obeyed. He reached up and pulled the zipper of her trousers slowly down before gripping the waistband and yanking her forward until his mouth was level with her lower belly. She watched in awe as he slipped her trousers and panties down her legs, pulle
d each shoe off and tugged the trousers off completely.

  But what happened next took her by complete surprise.

  Without warning he leaned forward and nuzzled the hair at her sex. She gasped in horror and tried to pull away but he gripped her bottom and held her there.

  He gazed up at her, his blue eyes hooded and filled with lust. “It’s okay. Keep still and relax.”

  Putting her trust in him she watched and waited, holding her breath as he nuzzled again and dragged his tongue straight up the centre of her core. She cried out as sensations of pleasure radiated outwards, spreading like electricity from where his tongue caressed her up to her breasts and beyond. Every single hair on her body stood to attention and she had to grip his shoulders in case her legs buckled beneath her.

  He licked her again, only this time his tongue remained at the tight bundle of nerves at her apex and he began to circle her there. Before long she was digging her nails into his shoulders as his movements gained speed.

  “Oh God, please ... oh, Nick ... Oh ... ” She panted and begged for something she couldn’t even put into words but her contracting muscles gave her fair warning of what was about to happen.

  One more flick of his tongue sent her spiralling into the stratosphere. Her legs weakened and he scooped her into his lap to kiss her deeply. She was unable to speak, unable to communicate, unable to think about anything except how he had made her feel yet again. This talented, sexy, wonderfully-good-at-everything-sex-related demigod.

  Yep. She was done for.

  Chapter Twenty Three


  Wow. Just fucking wow.

  She tasted every bit as good as he had expected and the need to claim her with his body rose again from deep within.

  Still holding her, he stood and placed her down on the couch. “I’ll be back very soon.” He bent to kiss her mouth and jogged away toward the stairs, taking them two at a time. He grabbed what he needed from the bedside table in his room, stripped himself naked and jogged back down again, eager to get to her. At the bottom of the stairs he sheathed himself in readiness and tried to calm his breathing. He stalked toward the couch and picked up his phone from the coffee table. After attaching the little speaker he scrolled through the track lists and hit play.

  The opening bars of “Need Your Love so Bad” by Fleetwood Mac began to play and he walked slowly around to stand before Cat. She waited there, stunningly, gorgeously naked, her auburn hair trailing over one shoulder and caressing the swell of her breast. He tried to memorise every single thing about the way she looked at that moment.

  Without speaking a word she told him exactly what she wanted by trailing her hooded gaze up his body, biting her lip as she did so, and he held out his hand toward her. She took it and he tugged her to a standing position, pulling her close so their naked bodies fit together like the pieces of a puzzle. Slipping one arm around her waist and one hand down to squeeze her bottom, he swayed her to the slow, sensual beat of the music.

  Her fingertips trailed delicately up his skin and into his hair before she pulled him down toward her. He paused before their lips touched, and turned around, pulling her down on top of him as he stepped back and sat on the couch. She straddled his thighs once more and continued to tease his lips with her own.

  Keeping his gaze locked on hers he manoeuvred her so she hovered just above his erection. She tilted her head and watched their bodies joining as he brought her down slowly to envelop him. With a sensual moan and closed eyes she gripped his shoulders and lifted herself before taking him in deep once more.

  As she moved on him he cupped her breasts reverently, rolling his thumbs over the erect pink buds and observing her every reaction. She gasped and covered his hands with her own, grinding her pelvis into him. Her muscles clenched and squeezed him where they were so intimately connected and he fought for self-control, trying hard to take things slow and let her lead. Reaching up, he slipped his hands into her hair and pulled her down until their lips almost touched; her panting breaths feathered across his skin and it was clear he was affecting her equally.

  “So beautiful,” he whispered as he gazed into the emerald green of her irises. “So very beautiful.”

  He watched in awe as she closed her eyes and moved on him with the grace of a dancer, a pink flush tinting her skin. Heat and liquid desire ran through his veins where blood once did and he wondered how he could ever get enough of her. Feeling the pressure of climax building he encouraged her to move faster and she obliged. He took her hand and brought it to her sex and she understood his wordless command.

  He watched as she touched her intimate flesh and listened to the sound of her erotic moans. He gripped her thighs as she continued her delicious movements and the pleasure increased. The familiar sound of their heavy breaths filled the room but was quickly replaced by her cries of ecstasy as she began to clench around him, triggering his own release. He pulled her to him as they both rode the wave together, rising and crashing, ebbing and flowing, holding each other close and peppering each other with kisses.

  Their breathing returned to normal and they lay on the couch, watching the flames dance in the little black stove. She drew lazy, languorous circles on his bare skin and he held her close, relishing the warmth radiating from her body into his.



  Eventually, as the flames died leaving just the pale glow of the embers, Nick stood, took Cat’s hand and led her up the stairs to his bedroom. He climbed into bed first and held the covers up for her.

  Willingly, she snuggled in beside him, her back to his front, and his arm came over to hold her. It wasn’t long before she drifted off into a contented sleep ...

  Her eyelids fluttered open and for a moment confusion set in. Where the hell? Ohhh, I remember. She glanced around her surroundings to find herself alone and remembered her clothes were last seen scattered around the living room furniture. Her mouth tasted like the floor of a dog’s kennel—which reminded her ... JD needed his morning walk—and she wished she’d picked up her toothbrush.

  Nick was singing loudly downstairs and she couldn’t help giggling at his rendition of “One Week” by Barenaked Ladies. She instantly recognised it as a song that had played on the radio a fair bit when she’d been working down in London. She grabbed a T-shirt from Nick’s draw and slipped it on, along with a pair of his boxers.

  As she reached the bottom of the stairs she stopped to lean on the door frame and watched him dancing like a buffoon around the kitchen, trying to sing along to the song’s rap section. He clearly was a much better rock singer. It was hilarious hearing him trip over his own tongue, so much so that she burst into fits of laughter and he swung around to face her, red as a beetroot.

  “Don’t you dare put that on YouTube because I’ll deny it’s me if you do.” He laughed.

  “Oooh, now I wish I’d picked up my phone ... the blackmail opportunities I’m missing.” She shook her head and made her way across the cool tile floor until she stood before him. To her surprise he pulled her to him and kissed her tenderly.

  “So, sexy, what are your plans for today?” he asked with a wide handsome grin.

  “Well, as much as I’d like to spend all day here in bed with you I really need to get home and check on dad after last night. And JD needs a walk before my shift.”

  He stuck out his bottom lip. “So you’re going to abandon me here all alone?”

  “Some of us have to do real work for a living, you know? And I’m sure a man of your talent can find something to do by yourself.”

  He winked and nibbled at her bottom lip. “I’d rather do that with you, it’s more fun.”

  She lightly smacked his arm. “I didn’t mean that, Mr One Track Mind. Why don’t you go for a walk?”

  “Yeah, I probably will. Oh, I could take JD if you like. Save you a job? And then when school’s out I’m meeting with the guys down at your place for a rehearsal.”

  Could he get any sweeter? “Sound
s good to me.”

  An hour later they arrived at the pub and Cat clipped on JD’s lead. The little fuzzy bundle jumped around in excitement and Nick crouched to fuss him.

  He scrubbed at the dog’s belly and spoke in a silly voice. “We’re going for a wickle walk. Yesh we are ... yesh we are.”

  Cat stifled a giggle and tried to ignore the fact that Nick was ridiculously cute, man-bun and all.

  Nick left the pub and Cat took her place behind the bar beside her dad. She reached up and kissed him on the cheek just as he had finished serving a customer. “How are you doing, Pop?”

  Tam turned to face her. “Oh, I’m fine, my lovely. It’s you that should be answering that question. Were you okay last night? After the Camden incident.”

  She nodded. “Oh, yes, I was fine. You didn’t have any more trouble from him did you?”

  “No, but he’d have met my boot if he’d come back in here. Anyway, Lorna rang after you’d gone. Asked if you’d give her a quick call. She’s off work today so why don’t you go and have a wee chat with her just now?”

  She shrugged off his suggestion. “Oh, no, it’s fine. I hardly worked yesterday, so I’ll stay.”

  He leaned forward and kissed her head. “Go speak to your friend, hen. I should think you’ve things you want to tell her.” The tilt of his head told her he knew she and Nick were more than friends.

  Without further argument she did as he’d instructed and went thorough to the house to call Lorna, who answered within two rings.

  “Oh, Cat, are you okay? I can’t believe my idiot brother. After everything I said to him on the phone about staying away. Stupid, stupid man.”

  “It’s fine, Lor. I’m fine, honestly.”

  “Was he evil to you?” Concern was evident in Lorna’s voice.

  “Hmm. You could say that. There were a few insults flying around so it wasn’t exactly pleasant. We had customers in too so he made quite a scene.”


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