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Rocco: To accompany the Fallen Angel Series

Page 8

by Tracie Podger

  Evelyn brought me a coffee and sat opposite with her book.

  “What are you reading?” I asked.

  She showed me the cover. “Knights on white horses and all that shit, huh?”

  “It’s romance, Rocco, something us girls love.”

  I chuckled. “Well, come on over here. You can always ride me.”

  Evelyn laughed as she climbed onto my lap, her knees were either side of my legs and she wrapped her hands around my shoulders.

  “You are so beautiful,” I mumbled into her neck.

  I kissed my way up her throat, feeling her pulse quicken under my lips.

  “It’s been good having you here and sleeping in my bed,” I said.

  “I know, I don’t want to leave.”

  “Maybe it’s time, Evelyn, we tell your father. You can move in with me.”

  “My father won’t let me move in with you even if he did approve of us,” she replied.

  “We’ll see. There’s something going on right now though. I can’t tell you but in a week or so, I’ll talk to him.”

  I saw the look of alarm that crossed her face.

  “Your father is fine. It’s just business that needs to be concluded. He will be in a happy place after, trust me.”

  As Evelyn settled into my lap a loud knock could be heard from the front door. I jumped from the chair and raised my fingers to my lips. She nodded as I pointed to a corner in the yard and pulled on my t-shirt. Opening the door I saw Jonathan and his new love, Patricia.

  “Hey, give you a fright, did I?” he said with a laugh.

  “Yeah, you could have called ahead.”

  I stepped to one side allowing Jonathan and Patricia to enter. Before I’d even got to the kitchen I watched Jonathan open the back door and peer out.

  “Want a glass of wine, Evelyn?” he said.

  “You scared me, again,” she said as she stepped from the shadow.

  He laughed and made his way to the small table, followed by Patricia. I grabbed some glasses and a bottle before joining them.

  “Evelyn, may I introduce Patricia,” Jonathan said.

  “Hi, I’m really glad to meet you,” Patricia held out her hand to Evelyn.

  “Joe doesn’t know Evelyn is dating Rocco, so no mention of her being here, okay?” Jonathan said gently.

  After pouring wine, I sat beside Ev, my arm rested on the back of her chair. We chatted for an hour or so, drinking wine and soaking up the last of the day’s rays before the sun disappeared on the horizon.

  “Ev, I think your father is expecting you back for dinner,” Jonathan said as he drained the last of his wine.

  Our perfect weekend was coming to a close. It would be better for Jonathan to take Evelyn home; he lived close by. It was Sunday evening; there was no doubt Joe would be at home. An evening meal with all the family every Sunday was all Joe insisted of his children.

  I followed Evelyn upstairs to pack her bag. Standing in the bedroom with the bed still unmade, I sighed. I lifted her chin so her eyes, brimming with tears, could meet mine.

  “It’s been a perfect weekend, Evelyn. Thank you.”

  The kiss she returned was fierce and wanting. We were breathless when we pulled apart.

  “I’ll see you in a couple of days?” she whispered, her voice catching.

  “Of course.”

  I watched as the car drove away and Evelyn looked out the rear view window. Just before the car turned the corner she blew a kiss.

  “I love you,” I mouthed, not knowing if she understood.

  I loved her, heart and soul, and as soon as the Senator was taken care of I was going to speak to Joe. I would prove to him I was worthy of her, I would marry her and he could be proud of me.

  It was the last time I ever kissed her and the last time I held her in my arms.

  Chapter Eight

  The following day Joe, Paulo and I drove to Fredrico’s. The restaurant was empty save for one man sitting in a corner booth nursing a coffee. I guessed him to be a little older than me but it was hard to tell. He wore a black suit, a white shirt and had the most startling cold blue eyes. He rose and gave a broad smile as we approached.

  “Tony, please, sit. I’d like to introduce you to Rocco,” Joe said as we joined Tony at the table.

  “Rocco, I’ve heard many things about you. It’s good to finally meet you.”

  We shook hands and he had a firm grip, which surprised me. He was slight in build but had strength. I guessed his suit hid an athletic body.

  Fredrico brought over more coffee and Joe slid the photograph of the Senator towards Tony.

  “What do you need?” Tony asked.

  “The Senator seems to be playing two sides. He has knowledge of a murder that my friend in New York wants to ensure never gets shared. They would like to know the name of his contact in the FBI. It’s believed this bill he’s proposing is so he can take down my friend and protect himself.”

  “Okay, straight forward enough. Usual deal?” Tony asked.

  “Of course, you will be paid on completion, normal way.”

  “So where do you fit in?” Tony turned to me as he spoke.

  “As you know, the Senator won’t be an easy target. It was proposed that perhaps Rocco could arrange to meet with him, on the pretence of an exchange of information. This pig, he knows us, he doesn’t know you. You would never get close enough. Rocco arranges the meet; you’ll need extra firepower as he won’t be coming alone. You then do what you do best,” Joe answered.

  That was the first I’d heard of the plan to abduct and ultimately kill the Senator.

  “The Senator won’t come heavily guarded, he won’t run the risk of too many people seeing him with Rocco. I’ll provide the cars, the guns and the men. They will hand him over to you and then their job is done,” Joe added.

  “Do we have a timeframe?” Tony asked.

  “This needs to be done soon, before this bill is passed. I have no idea what your schedule is like, Tony, but I’m asking as a favour that this is done tomorrow evening.”

  “My surgery is available whenever you are ready,” he replied.

  As he said the word surgery he grinned, perfectly straight white teeth were displayed yet his smile never reached his eyes. He was one scary fucker for sure.

  “Rocco, you make contact then you get in touch. I’ll be waiting,” Tony said, then rose and strode out of the restaurant.

  I turned to Joe. “So how do I make contact with a fucking Senator?”

  I was a little pissed to have been told the plan in that way. I would have liked to discuss it with Joe before meeting Dr. Death as I called him.

  “It’s all been done, Rocco. The Senator believes that you are representing our friend from New York. You’re to meet him here tomorrow night. The restaurant will be closed, he’ll come with two security, one normally stays by the car, the other will follow him in. I’d take out the one by the car first. The Senator is a cocky fucker. He believes he’s untouchable and that makes him arrogant but careless. I can’t trust anyone but you to pull this off, Rocco.”

  “So who do I have with me?”

  “Mack, of course—you need the muscle—and Paulo. Paulo can drive the Senator’s car and deliver him to Tony. At that point, Rocco, you leave. Do not stay around.”

  I nodded. As much as I had no issue with killing someone, the thought of what Dr. Death was capable of turned my stomach.

  “His security will be armed of course, so deal with them quickly. Fredrico will spike our Senator’s coffee with a little extra something. He’ll be out before you know it.”

  I nodded and a plan formed in my mind. “Is the Senator usually armed?”

  “I would imagine for this he would be. Just don’t get shot, okay?”

  I shook my head and sighed. Joe smiled, that was all in a day’s work for him and I wondered if Evelyn really had any idea what her father was capable of. I had no idea of the name of the friend; it was Joe’s way. No one person knew everything, th
at strategy protected him and us. We stood and made our way back to the car.


  I met with Mack later in the day and discussed my plan. Richard was sent to find me an address. A distraction was required and I knew exactly what that was going to be.

  It was an hour later that I stood outside an apartment in a block that seriously needed some attention. The sound of a child crying could be heard through the front door. I knocked and waited. I listened to the sound of multiple bolts being released before the door opened a fraction, a chain only allowing it to open so far.

  “Nina, do you remember me?” I asked.

  She nodded. “I do, and I guess you’ve come to be thanked for covering the rent.”

  She held in her arms a blond child; he looked at me with fearful eyes and a snotty nose. His clothes were clean and he looked well cared for but something had clearly distressed him.

  “I’ve come to offer you a job, and not the kind of job you’re thinking of. Can I come in?”

  She thought for a moment before closing the door and releasing the chain. The child had stopped his crying and as I entered the apartment, she sat him on the sofa. He cuddled a blanket close to him as he sucked on his thumb.

  “Cute kid,” I said and smiled at him.

  “I’m sorry for being abrupt. I’m not used to being helped. I should thank you,” she replied.

  “You deserved it. Sit, I want to talk to you.”

  Nina sat on the sofa closest to her child and to show respect I sat in a chair on the opposite side of the small living room. The apartment was clean and tidy, sparsely furnished with what looked like second-hand furniture but comfortable. In one corner was a desk piled high with books; school books.

  “Do you know who I am?” I asked.

  “I know your name is Rocco and I know who Sammy is…was…so I guess you work together?”

  “Sammy worked for me. I’d like to offer you a one-time job. You will earn enough money to pay your way through college without having to work.”

  “I was always told, Rocco, that if something sounds too good, it usually is. I guess I have to sell my soul here.”

  I chuckled and nodded slightly. “Selling your soul is part of the deal. Well, assuring me of your silence would be more appropriate.”

  “What if I can’t offer that?”

  “Then I walk away and you’ll hear no more from me.”

  I reached into my jacket pocket and pulled out a stack of bills. There had to be close to a thousand dollars. It was more money that she would make in a year selling her body and would certainly cover her college fees.

  “That is a down payment. Accept my offer and you will receive a little more.”

  “What if I take your money and run?”

  “Then you make your child an orphan.”

  She stared at me and swallowed hard. I didn’t want to frighten her just lay down the facts.

  “You can’t run from me. I will find you. I’m not trying to scare you but you need to know who you are dealing with before you open your smart mouth again.”

  “What do I have to do?” she whispered, her eyes fixed on the money.

  “It’s real simple. I have to meet a man, he has a driver that I’d like you to distract.”

  “You want me to fuck him? You said your job…”

  I cut her off. “Did I say I wanted you to fuck him? I’m not a pimp, Nina. I’m giving you a way out of that life. I’ve paid your fucking rent for a year. I want you to distract him, lure him away from a car. You fall over, you bat your pretty eyelashes at him, I don’t care how, you just get him away from the car.”

  “And then what?”

  “And then an associate will take over and you go home.”

  “That’s all?”

  “That’s all, except, breathe a word to anyone and like I said earlier, your kid becomes an orphan. Do you have family, Nina? Is there anyone who could care for him long term?”

  She shook her head as she pulled him close to her chest.

  “Then don’t risk him being sent to an orphanage. Kids aren’t treated so well there. Do as I ask and you’ll have enough money to pay for college, get a great job and move on with your life.”

  I was taking a gamble. She could run, skip town, but there was something about her that assured me she wouldn’t. She was a good woman just trying to make it in life.

  “Can I trust you, Nina?” I asked.

  She took a moment before nodding. “Yes, you can trust me.”

  “Good. Someone will collect you at eight o’clock tomorrow evening. You can get a sitter I take it?”

  “Yeah, Macy downstairs can care for him. So I just have to fall over and hope this guys comes to help me, right?”


  “And if he doesn’t?”

  “Call out to him, make him, Nina. If you have done all you can to distract him and he ignores you, fine, you keep that money and get on with your life. Get him away from the car and you’ll get another payment.”

  “Are you going to kill him?” Her voice had quieted.

  “No, do I look like a killer to you?”

  She didn’t answer. I stood and buttoned up my jacket. “Tomorrow, Nina. Be ready for eight.”

  Part one of my plan was in place and I headed back to the office.

  “Paulo, you pick up a woman called Nina at this address tomorrow, eight o’clock sharp. Take her to Fredrico’s. She’ll distract our driver then you put a bullet in his skull. Put the girl in the car and wait for me and the Senator, okay?” I handed over the address.


  “Yeah, the girl Sammy roughed up.”

  “Okay, can we trust her?”

  “Yes. Mack, you need to take out the Senator’s guy as soon as his coffee starts to take effect. We won’t have much time, while the Senator is drowsy, we get him to the car.”

  It was a simple plan but one that could go wrong on so many levels. Timing was going to be crucial.

  I checked my watch. I had wanted to see Evelyn but Joe had plans for a family meal out and I had to focus. A lot was riding on that job; my family’s security, my reputation and Joe’s trust. If I pulled it off, I believed Joe would be proud and, I hoped, more open to my relationship with his daughter. I headed for home.

  The house was quiet and Evelyn’s perfume still lingered. It pleased me to have her scent in my home. She had left a cardigan on the arm of the sofa and I raised it to my face. The soft fabric brushed against my cheek as I inhaled. I was reminded of the time I had caught her doing the same thing a few years previous.

  I sat in the kitchen thinking of Evelyn. She would be twenty years old in a few days. I had known her since she was sixteen, watched her blossom into a woman and the past months that we had been secretly meeting had been some of the best of my life.

  I slept well that night despite the task I was to undertake the following evening and despite the bed feeling way too large with just my body on it. One weekend was all it took for my house to feel empty without her, for my bed to feel cold and for me to miss her.


  The weather reflected my mood; it was cold, rain fell heavily, flooding the sidewalk. Dark ominous clouds blocked out the moonlight as I stopped the car outside Fredrico’s. There was no doubt the Senator would have sent someone to scout the place already and Fredrico would have played his part well. The spanner in the works was the weather; I was banking on a clear night so the driver of the car wouldn’t need to be wrapped up inside it. I only hoped there was a gentleman lurking under the suit and armour.

  “Rocco, sit over here. Can I get you a coffee?” Fredrico asked as I entered.

  “Sure, a normal one though, yeah?”

  He raised his eyebrows and smirked. “Of course, my friend. A coffee for you too, Mack?”

  Mack stood a little away from the table. The Senator would know I wouldn’t be alone, he would also assume the information I had to give him wouldn’t be divulged in front of anyone.
br />   Senator Lukehurst believed he was meeting with me to be told the family behind the recent killing of the Chief of Police in NY. He would then offer that information to his FBI pals, a whole family would be removed from the street and his bill proves to have worked. It gets passed; he gets a Presidential pat on the back and slithers further up the political ladder. Truth was, I had no idea who took out the Chief of Police, and neither did I care. What I did care about was that I was being used as a pawn in a game between families.

  While I sipped my coffee and waited, I pondered. I might have come from simple farmers but I wasn’t a dumb man. My gut instinct was screaming that either Joe or me was about to be set up. My senses were on high alert.

  The door opened and a gust of wind blew through the restaurant. I stood to greet my guest. As predicted one man shadowed the Senator. He was carrying under his jacket; the bulge of a handgun could be clearly seen by his breast pocket.

  “Senator,” I said as he approached.

  “Rocco, it’s great to finally meet you. I’ve been following your progress,” he replied, a veiled admission that he was keeping an eye on me.

  “Likewise, Senator. It’s always nice to have friends that are connected, wouldn’t you say?”

  He was a cocky fucker; to the point that when he removed his jacket before sitting, he also removed a handgun he had been concealing and placed it on the table next to his hand. If I was supposed to be scared, he’d need to do more than that.

  “Senator, you insult me. Here I was about to give you some valuable information, to help your cause, eliminate your problem and you bring a gun to our meeting.”

  “One can never be too careful, Rocco, and I don’t trust you wops.”

  “Mmm, interesting choice of words. I’d be careful, Senator. There are two of you and four of us wops as you call us. Are the odds in your favour?”

  Mack stepped forward from his resting place in the corner of the room, Fredrico returned with a coffee in his hand and a shotgun over his shoulder, the chef, someone who’s name I never knew, stepped from the kitchen. The front of his white tunic was covered in blood. I wanted to laugh; I had no idea if that was for effect or if he had been feeding the dogs.


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