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Eternal 2: Eternal Obssession

Page 6

by Ann Lory

  His lips were cool, yet gentle. One hand moved to her hair and then around her waist, pressing her fully against him. His tongue grazed her mouth, but Kelly didn’t invite him to taste her. She turned her head away and pushed against his chest even as a growl of warning filtered through her mind. She gasped and felt Jacques’s anger, felt every emotion that was coursing through him. Shunting Jacques aside in her head, she faced the man in front of her.

  “No, Mussek. Please let me go.” He studied her for a long while, as if his dark eyes could discover every secret she had. “Please. I’m asking that you take me back to my hotel.”

  He ignored her, bringing her down to the floor instead, his body covering hers. “Can’t you feel it? What is between us?” His hands skimmed down her rib cage, behind her waist, then traveled lower to cup her bottom, bringing her against his arousal.

  She shoved against his chest. But he lowered his mouth against hers again; she sealed her lips together, and then grabbed a handful of his hair when his hands slipped into the collar of her blouse, pushing the material open; buttons popped off at his aggression.

  She writhed, yanking hard on his head. “I said no, Mussek!”

  He growled, baring fangs and glaring at her. Kelly could see the struggle between his desire for her and her demand, but he finally released her. She quickly scrambled from the floor, grabbed her purse, and raced through the house, relieved to make it out the front entrance unhindered.

  He abruptly appeared before her, opening his car door. She shook her head, trying to control the trembling in her limbs. She attempted to walk by him, but Mussek stepped in her path.

  “Kelly, I’m sorry I lost control.” He grabbed her hands, holding them fast even as her fingers twisted in his. “You looked so beautiful with your hair around you, your eyes wide with wonder, that I thought perhaps...”

  Kelly glared at him. “When I tell you no, I mean no. Don’t ever try to force me!”

  “I am sorry if I frightened you. My passion overrode my senses. It will never happen again.”

  “You didn’t frighten me,” she lied. He smiled at her.

  One hand released her, came up, and brushed strands of hair from her face before tracing a gentle line down her cheek. She didn’t move or breathe. “Kelly, you are a beautiful and magnificent woman. Please allow me to make amends and call on you again.”

  She swallowed hard, facing facts. She knew she could never be his, not when her heart belonged to Jacques. No matter how much Jacques had hurt her, she was his woman.

  “Please don’t. I can’t be with you while my heart belongs to another.” Kelly stared at him, not knowing how he would take her reply.

  His eyes narrowed, and she shuddered. “Jacques?” There was no mistaking the menace in his voice.

  “I’m sorry, Mussek.”

  He dropped his hand from her face and let go her other hand as well, stepping aside and making an elegant bow that was somehow mocking. “Heaven forbid that I stand in the way of true love.”

  Head high, Kelly swiftly moved past him. “I’ll see myself back to the hotel.” She was about to try and find a cab when Jacques stepped forth from the shadows.

  “Jacques, my friend,” Mussek spat angrily.

  The men stood face-to-face in the middle of the suddenly empty street. Violent rage spilled from both men. Kelly watched in terror. What would Jacques do? What would Mussek do?

  Jacques’s black eyes began to glow. “You know that I care for her, that we share a bond, yet here you are frightening her, friend.”

  “We haven’t been close for a long time; it leaves a bad taste in my mouth to even think of what we once were. I have been alone for too many years, Jacques, and she can make me happy. You are but a child compared with me. Be gone before I teach you a lesson you more than deserve.”

  Jacques growled at the insult, his fangs gleaming. Mussek returned the challenge. Wind whirled around them, causing their hair to whip into their faces as their anger grew, disturbing nature with their fury. Neither man flinched.

  Kelly ran between them, thinking for a moment that she was making a terrible mistake to step between two feuding vampires. What did she think she could do... stake them with her fingernails? Her hand came to rest on Jacques’s chest; she looked up at him mutely, pleadingly.

  “I would not harm her.” Mussek snarled, glaring at Kelly’s hand.

  “It would mean your death, if you did!”

  Mussek roared, the sound vibrating through the area like a tiger on the prowl. “You threaten me after all I have done for you?” He hissed. Jacques snarled back. “I taught you everything you know. I saved your life, you ungrateful child!”

  “When it comes to Kelly, I will fight anyone to protect her.” The men stared belligerently at one another. “Stay away from her.”

  Mussek bristled. “You have signed your own death warrant.” With that, he spun away, shimmering into mist, and disappeared. They watched him go; then Jacques looked down at Kelly, whispering her name.

  She flinched, weary and upset; then she raced away from him, waving a hand as the street became busy once more. A taxi pulled up. She didn’t look back as the car pulled away from the curb, but she felt him take a step, then another and another, before he launched himself into the sky, shapeshifting as he did. She knew he followed her all the way back to her hotel, where she fled inside.

  Chapter Seven

  Kelly double-checked to make sure she had her driver’s license and passport with her before driving out of the car rental lot. As she made her way out of the city and through the countryside, Kelly couldn’t help but appreciate the beauty of the rolling green hills of France. Her final performance in Paris was in a few days. The rehearsal this morning had gone smoothly and Vincinni was actually being generous by giving the dancers the evening to themselves.

  Unfortunately, her day had been marred when Mussek had sent her a bouquet of tulips. She’d been unsuspecting about who the sender was because Mussek had been sending her roses, so she’d read his apology scrawled across the white card before she’d realized the blossoms were from him. She’d then gone after the bellman before the elevator door closed on him, refusing the offering. The man had been perplexed when she’d told him to send the flowers back to the shop.

  Sighing at the memory, she turned onto the winding drive that led up to Jacques’s home. Kelly took a deep breath and prepared to meet him, to lay bare her feelings. She sped through the iron gates into the main courtyard and cut the engine. Inhaling the sweet air that entered the car and briefly gripping the steering wheel for courage, she put on her brave face and exited. She walked up to the large oak door and knocked.

  Kelly couldn’t help the silly grin on her face as an excited Marian opened the door. “My dear! Come in, come in.” The woman took her hand and patted it, smiling affectionately at her. “It is so good to see you again.”

  “Thank you, Marian. It’s lovely to see you as well.” She looked around the massive hall. “I came to speak with Jacques.”

  “I figured as much. He’ll be up in a little while. Go into the study, and I’ll make you a nice cup of tea.”

  “That sounds great, thank you.”

  Leading the way behind one of the staircases, Marian brought her to a room that had been locked the night of the party at the castle. Portraits of stormy shores decorated the walls, and a pair of brown leather chairs and a matching leather couch sat around the fireplace, a low coffee table in front of the sofa. A large mahogany desk piled with papers was nearby, a leather rollaway chair tucked neatly into it.

  She’d seen this room before.

  Kelly absentmindedly ran her fingers down the length of the desk that Jacques had sat behind the time she’d called him in her mind. She filled her lungs with Jacques’s unique scent, a purely masculine fragrance; she had the immediate image of his wavy locks wild around his face and those dark eyes devouring her.

  She jumped when Marian returned with a teapot and two cups. “Did I s
tartle you? Here, have a seat. I’ll start a nice fire, and we can visit until Jacques joins us. It gets chilly in this old castle.”

  Kelly smiled in appreciation from the couch as Marian handed her a cup. She took a sip, then leaned back, letting the warmth of the beverage and the newly lit fire permeate her. She gazed at the slow blaze in the hearth.

  “I am so glad you’re here,” the older woman said, seating herself in a chair beside Kelly. “My husband Quintin is usually out in the garden or off doing something else with the grounds, and Jacques... well, you know he isn’t around much during the day.”

  Kelly smiled. “Yes, I can imagine how you feel. I miss my friend Cassie. We used to be able to visit whenever we liked, but now that she is married... it’s been different.”

  “Things never stay the same, do they? It would get rather boring if it did, I think.”

  Kelly agreed. “You’re right, of course.”

  “Change, ladies, is what I know best.”

  Kelly jerked, almost spilling her drink. She splayed her hand over the tipping cup.

  Marian stood. “Now, Jacques, look what you did; you almost scared the poor girl half to death.”

  “I do apologize.” Jacques said, with a bow, but the amused smile on his face negated his gallant action.

  The woman wagged her finger at him. “You behave, or I’ll... I’ll...”

  Jacques laughed aloud and hugged his housekeeper. “I will, I promise.”

  Marian blushed, then hurried out of the room. Kelly grinned at her retreat and at the comical scene of her scolding a vampire. It just seemed so ridiculous. But when her eyes turned to Jacques, her smile vanished and her breath stilled at the dark gaze holding hers.

  Setting her tea aside, she rose before him.

  “What are you doing here, Kelly?” His question was spoken softly, and his deep voice seemed to glide over her skin like silk.

  She clutched her hands together, worrying her fingers, fighting for the courage to tell him how she felt, but what if Cassie was wrong? What if he didn’t love her?

  His hands came up and held her shaking ones. Pure heat pooled in the pit of her stomach. It was almost painful, and she had to bite her lip to keep from crying out. She wanted to throw herself into his arms and let him take her, to make her his in every way.

  Her eyes sought his, and she was engulfed in the tenderness shining back at her. Her heart seemed to be beating out of control, and she struggled to breathe.

  Talk to me, his voice whispered in her mind.


  “Would you like to sit?”

  When she nodded and did so, he came down beside her, pulling her hands back into his grasp. “I thought you didn’t want to see me again.”

  “I was angry and confused.” She freed one hand to rub over her forehead agitatedly. “This is really hard for me. I still want to be mad at you. I really do.”

  He cocked his head to the side, studying her. “You have gotten over me?”

  She frowned at him, his words tugging at her heart. “Don’t change the subject.”

  He grinned. “I wasn’t. I merely commented on your comment.”

  Narrowing her eyes, she rose and began to pace. “Don’t be cute, either. It wasn’t easy for me to come here. I’ve never been good at talking about how I feel. With Cassie, yes, but she’s like my sister. Practically everyone else, I could take them or leave them, but then you come along--”

  Jacques came to his feet and stood in front of her, halting her quick strides. She sucked in a breath at the sight of his face, only inches from hers. He brought one hand up and into her hair, while the other gently stroked the curve of her jaw.

  “You still care. That’s what you’re trying to say.”

  Kelly struggled against her mounting desire and gave an unladylike snort. She tried to push him away, but his arms locked around her like steel bands, and then his lips touched hers.

  His mouth was like molten heat, causing familiar sensations to stir in her belly and explode throughout her body. He suckled her lower lip, and then his tongue swept inside against hers. She clung to him, his caresses driving her over the edge with pure sensation, to the point where she didn’t care if he threw her on the couch and had her right there.

  When he pulled back slightly, he was breathing heavily, and his forehead rested against hers. But he didn’t stop the play of his fingers through her hair, down her arms, and over her back.

  “Kelly, I have thought of nothing and no one but you since we were parted months ago. Forgive my arrogance in not consulting with you about what was right or wrong for us.”

  She laughed softly. After a kiss like that, what could she do? “I forgive you ‑‑ but I still think you were a jerk, and I’ll slug you again if you ever repeat the mistake of making decisions for both of us without including me.”

  Jacques laughed, too, and the sound filled the room. “Finally, I’m forgiven! Although I must say I think you are the only person who has ever called me such a name, and the only woman to give me a bloody nose.”

  She knew her eyes must be bright as she batted her eyelashes at him. “Really? Why, I’m honored.”

  “I bet you are.” He grinned. Falling back onto the couch, he tugged her with him, holding her in the security of his embrace.

  She laid her head on his chest and listened to the beat of his heart. Closing her eyes, Kelly savored the sound of it against her ear and his arms wrapped so protectively around her. She never wanted this to end.

  He never wanted to let her go. Jacques held her tightly, delighting in the press of her soft form against his hard body. Nothing in all of his existence had ever made him feel this good. She was sunshine and goodness, light and life. He wished he could relish every moment with her, take her and make her his, but such could not be.

  He was constantly reminded of who and what he was. Even now, he was aware of her heartbeat pounding a rhythm in his head, the scent of her blood flowing through her veins. How sweet it was! He envisioned that moment so many months ago, when she had given of herself freely that he might live. She had become his angel, her presence everywhere he turned.

  He could almost taste her again on his tongue, but he dared not. To succumb to such temptation could be fatal to her ‑‑ or enter her into a life of eternal darkness. Not that Jacques hated his existence. In fact, he had taken great pleasure from it once he’d accepted his fate, but he wondered how Dimitri had stood it, being with Cassie for so long yet not making her his, dealing with her fears and regrets regarding vampires. He shuddered inwardly.

  He kissed the top of Kelly’s head. Could he make her his? Would she be happy as a vampire, to be with him for untold years? Cassie was adjusting well to her new life despite her earlier struggles, so maybe it would work out ‑‑ but what if Kelly changed her mind a hundred years down the road?

  He flinched. Becoming a vampire was final; there was no going back once the dark gift was accepted.

  Shifting to look at him, Kelly touched his lips, running her fingertips over him. “I was thinking of staying for a while after my final performance.” She paused as he frowned at her, his thoughts still focused on making her vampire. “I mean, I’m due the time, and I have several weeks before we start rehearsing again. Would you mind, Jacques?”

  His answer was a gentle kiss against her mouth. “I would like that very much.”

  “Plus, I'm going to tell them about Mussek. I don’t feel comfortable with him coming to see me perform any more.”

  At the mention of the man’s name, Jacques’s body went rigid, and he sat up, grabbing her by the shoulders. “I think Mussek has become a very dangerous man” He averted his eyes for a moment, pained, before gazing at her again. “Maybe it would be best if you went back to the States. I do not want you to get hurt.”

  Kelly reared back. “No! I won’t go!”

  “I don’t want you to, but it would probably be safer until I deal with Mussek. I really don’t know what he’s capable o
f now.”

  Shaking her head and moving away from him, she stared at his face. “No.”

  Jacques stood, looming over her, but she didn’t back down.

  “I’m not leaving you, Jacques.”

  Mon ange.” He saw she meant it and so gave up trying to convince her and pulled her back into his embrace, resting his chin atop her head. “Okay.”

  She seemed happy at his words. “Show me your city, Jacques. The last time I was here, it was terrible. I want to experience it with you this time.”

  Touched, he grinned. “I would enjoy showing you my city.”

  “Great. I have rehearsal till about eight or so tomorrow night. You can come get me at the hotel, and we’ll start our tour.”

  “Stay with me tonight.” He heard her heart pound rapidly. She touched his face.

  “I would love to, but I promised Chris and some of the others we’d hang out early tomorrow.” She looked away sheepishly. “Sorry.”

  Taking her hand in his, he kissed it before walking her out of the study and down the hall. “I will see you tomorrow evening, then.” Her smile was so brilliant he felt almost giddy, unable to suppress his laughter. How alive he felt!

  Stepping out into the night, they walked slowly to her car, stopping every once in a while for a lingering embrace, until finally they were beside the white, two-door vehicle. “Nice car.” He winked.

  “Oh, hush, this was all they had.”

  Jacques helped her in, then leaned over the door, kissing her once more. He shifted so he could look into her eyes, which seemed to sparkle like gems at him. “Good night, Kelly. I will come for you tomorrow.”

  “Until tomorrow. Good night,” she whispered, then drove away.

  He took to the sky, a massive dark hawk, trailing her all the way into the city, ensuring she made it safely to the hotel. He didn’t trust Mussek, but he didn’t want to share with Kelly how much danger he really thought her to be in. She needed to be aware of the risk to herself, but she also still had her remaining performances. He knew that if he’d objected to her continuing on the stage, she would have fought him like crazy to complete her commitments. He had to keep an extra watch on her. Plus, to stave off temptation, he needed to feed before seeing Kelly tomorrow; he didn’t know if Kelly was quite ready for him to let her in completely on that aspect of his life.


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