Eternal 2: Eternal Obssession

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Eternal 2: Eternal Obssession Page 15

by Ann Lory

  Kelly could hear the change in Cassie’s voice and knew that the sun was rising. “I will. Give me a call when you get up, and we’ll make plans.”

  “Okay, Kelly. Goodnight.”

  The line went silent, and Kelly hung up, laughing at Marian, who was still staring in awe at the ring.

  “This is gorgeous, Kelly, just magnificent.”

  “Thank you. And I’d love some of that bread; I guess I am starving, after all.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Jacques and Dimitri stared helplessly at the two women who were acting like teenage girls as they discussed the small ceremony that was to take place the next night. Cassie and Dimitri had arrived in the night, and Cassie’s family had arrived late that afternoon. Despite the lack of a blood relationship between Kelly and the Stephenses, it was clear they all viewed each other as family. Now everyone was exclaiming and talking over each other.

  Ever since his own family had died, Jacques was unaccustomed to such a large gathering in his home again and felt uncomfortable at the idea of in-laws, however pleasant the Stephenses were.

  Dimitri laughed and clapped his friend on the back as everyone made their way through the main hall of Jacques’s castle. “Welcome to married life,” he teased.

  Jacques smiled, enjoying Kelly’s joy and enthusiasm as he watched her grasp the hand of Beverly, Cassie’s mother, indicating with wild points of her finger about the flowers that would go there and there.

  “Come, everyone. Damian and Christian are awaiting your introductions.” As they entered Jacques’s study, Damian and Christian came to their feet. Dimitri took the liberty of presenting his wife and in-laws; both men smiled and politely greeted the Stephenses.

  Cassie spoke up. “Well, while you gentlemen are doing manly things, we ladies plan to go into Paris to find gowns for tomorrow.”

  Jacques shook his head slightly and lowered his voice so that only Kelly could hear. “I don’t think it a good idea that you go into town alone. Although Mussek has been quiet the last few weeks, he is still a threat.”

  Kelly frowned. “With everything happening, I forgot about him.”

  Cassie eyed Kelly and Jacques, then turned and glared at her husband. “Do you know anything about this?”

  Dimitri glanced away from his wife, and Jacques held back a chuckle knowing it would only make matters worse for all of them. Seeing Dimitri’s guilty shrug, then wince, Jacques knew full well Cassie was giving him a piece of her mind even though the room had gone silent.

  “What’s wrong, Kelly?” Everyone looked at Cassie’s mother, Beverly, whose eyes were wide with concern.

  Kelly kissed the woman’s cheek. “Nothing, really. Just a fan who is getting a little carried away.”

  “Have you notified the police?” Edward Stephens prompted.

  “All is being handled, Mr. Stephens,” Jacques assured him. To Jacques’s surprise, Christian volunteered to escort the women into town.

  “I will go as well,” Dimitri announced, eyeing his wife, who had jerked discreetly away from his touch.

  “I’ll join you; it’s been a while since I’ve been able to visit with my son-in-law.”

  Cassie grinned wickedly at her father’s words, her violet eyes winking in delight. Since she’d yet to tell her family she was a vampire, Cassie was forced to wear violet contact lens when she saw them to hide the black of her changed eyes.

  Jacques saw Dimitri shoot her a glare; Cassie had a “gotcha” expression beaming on her face. Jacques looked away quickly, scratching his chin in order to hide his smile. Meanwhile, his bride practically danced in her excitement, oblivious to the sudden tension between Dimitri and Cassie.

  “Great, come on.” Grabbing Cassie, Beverly, and Alynn, Cassie’s younger sister, Kelly dragged them from the room, leaving the men no other choice but to follow. Edward grabbed his eighteen-year-old son Jay around the back of the neck and forced the groaning young man along with them.

  Soon only two remained. Jacques looked at Damian. “We need to talk.”

  Damian nodded, seated himself. “Go on.”

  Leaning against his desk, Jacques crossed his arms, watching Damian’s reactions. “I want you to stand with me tomorrow when I take my vows.”

  Damian didn’t stir. There was a brief silence. Then, “I would be honored.”

  Jacques smirked at his friend’s nonchalant attitude, but he had expected this from Damian. “Shortly after my marriage, I want to settle things with Mussek.”

  “I understand. When the time comes, I will be at your side.”

  Jacques inclined his head and stepped away from the desk. “Thank you, Damian. Thank you for always being my staunch ally.”

  Damian didn’t say anything. He stared into the flames burning in the hearth.

  * * * * *

  Obtaining a marriage license had been surprisingly easy. Though Kelly hadn’t lived in France for sixty days, with a little persuasion ‑‑ and the knowledge that the city chairman loved Kelly Matthews, the prima ballerina ‑‑ most of the red tape and formalities had been cut. Kelly was now a resident and able to be married in France.

  Now, on his wedding day, Jacques stood by the minister with Damian to his left as they faced the main entrance of his castle. The hall had been decorated with flowers, and vines twined down the railing of the stairs that curved to the main floor on either side of the hall. Candelabras scattered throughout the area created a romantic glow.

  Cassie’s family, Dimitri, Christian, Marian, and Quintin all stood as witnesses. Cassie herself walked alongside the most radiant woman present. Jacques forced himself to breathe as the two women made their way toward him.

  Kelly’s golden hair was pulled away from her face, piled high in ringlets on her head and spilling down her back. Wild flowers were scattered through the silken mass, making her look ethereal. She wore pearls around her neck; the ring he had given her glittered in the candlelight. She held a colorful bouquet of wildflowers at her waist.

  Her bridal gown was white, simple yet elegant, and flowed freely, the material made from the finest of satin. Sleeveless, her creamy shoulders enticed him to run his fingers along the neckline, which drew attention to the slender curve of her throat. The bodice was embroidered with just a touch of sequins, and the back dipped to her waist. The skirt flared out, and he caught a glimpse of the neatly folded layering of fabric above her bottom and the slight train following in her wake.

  Her face was angelic, her smile breathtaking. Jacques would never know how he had been so fortunate as to find a woman like her, one so beautiful, loving, and talented. When she finally stood before him, he was transfixed, unable to take his eyes away.

  Kelly had to remind herself to breathe, and Cassie had to tug a bit on her arm to keep her from fidgeting. Jacques stood by the minister. His hair was fastened at his nape with a black ribbon, but some long wisps of his dark hair had escaped, framing his face. He was dressed in a long, ornate black coat with tails, his white shirt gleaming pristinely against the black. The ruffled collar and cuffs peeked out beneath the jacket’s sleeves, and she almost thought she was being whirled back to his time centuries ago. His pants fit his long legs perfectly, shaping the hard muscles there.

  His dark gaze seemed to swallow her as she traveled the length of the hall; she was drowning in the love she saw shining there. This was the man she adored, the one she had fallen helplessly for the moment they had met nearly a year ago. Now he would finally be hers.

  “Who giveth this woman to this man?” the minister asked in French.

  Cassie cleared her throat. “I do.” She turned, kissing Kelly on the cheek before placing Kelly’s hands into Jacques’s.

  His fingers closed over hers, and warmth filled Kelly at the gentle touch. She listened vaguely as the minister spoke of the love and the unity of two people becoming one. Kelly knew what he was saying was terribly important, but she couldn’t seem to hear any of it; she was too focused on Jacques and the way he was looking at
her. But when Jacques spoke his vows to her, she felt immense joy as he said the words that would bind them together as man and wife. His eyes never left hers, and his hands caressed her trembling ones.

  She stood quietly drinking him in, until she felt the soft brush of his voice against her mind.

  Mon ange, the minister is talking to you.

  Blushing furiously, she saw the minister was smiling broadly at her.

  “Repétez après moi, s’il vous plaît.”

  Kelly did as the man said and repeated his words to Jacques. She spoke softly, yet the words somehow seemed to carry through the hall.

  Cassie and Damian handed the wedding bands to the minister, who discussed the symbolism of the rings before handing one to Jacques. Her lover slipped the white gold band over her finger, fitting it snugly against her sparkling engagement ring. She smiled at how both rings looked on her finger. Then she took Jacques’s hand in hers and placed his band on his finger, repeating once again after the minister, until finally he pronounced them man and wife.

  “You may kiss the bride.”

  Jacques’s wide smile was contagious as he pulled her into his arms, sealing their union with a soul-searing kiss that she felt to the tips of her toes, and an unspoken promise of forever. The embrace left her shaken, and when he finally let them come up for air, she loved how he kept his arm secure around her waist to keep her from falling.

  Their small group of participants applauded and rushed forward to congratulate the newlyweds. Marian had tears in her eyes, hugging them as though they were her son and daughter, and Quintin kissed Kelly’s cheek. Damian and Christian both clapped Jacques on the back and kissed the bride. Dimitri embraced Jacques and Kelly. And lastly, Beverly, Edward, Jay, and Alynn, then Cassie were there, crowding around them.

  Her friend touched Jacques’s cheek gently, bussed him, then wrapped Kelly in her arms. Cassie had tears in her eyes and Kelly sniffled. “I am so happy for you, Kelly.”

  Kelly kissed her, whispering softly in Cassie’s ear. “Thank you for coming, and for being my friend and family.” She did the same to the rest of the Stephenses, grateful to all of them for giving her their love when she’d ached so much for her own mother and father. She loved them dearly ‑‑ her family. And now she had Jacques.

  Everyone retired to the lighted garden for the reception. A large table surrounded by wrought iron chairs was decorated with a white tablecloth, shimmering candles, and flowers for the occasion. Lanterns flickered on curved iron poles throughout the space, softly illuminating the area. They gathered around the table to enjoy the red wine and champagne Jacques had had brought in from Paris. Even sixteen-year-old Alynn was allowed to drink.

  As a lovely surprise for his new bride, Kelly discovered Jacques had asked Dimitri to paint their wedding portrait. While Dimitri set up shop, Cassie looked on over his shoulder. Marian fussed over Damian and his apparent indifferent attitude, but the others appeared interested. Dimitri’s strokes were sure and quick as Kelly and Jacques posed.

  After a while, as Dimitri worked, the rest of the group mingled. Those that “ate” enjoyed the hors d’oeuvres; the vampires among them feigned eating and discreetly deposited their food elsewhere when the Stephenses weren’t looking. Some time passed; then Dimitri carefully handed Jacques and Kelly their portrait.

  Kelly was riveted and thanked Dimitri several times for the perfect gift, holding the canvas delicately in her hands. She was astonished at how he had captured every detail of the flowers behind them, the sheen of her wedding gown... the love that shone in both her and Jacques’s eyes. Then Jacques took the picture from her and passed it to Marian.

  “Will you please see to this?” The woman nodded, smiling broadly. Jacques turned back to his guests. “Thank you for coming and sharing this evening with us, but...” he paused, his intent gaze roved over Kelly, fervent desire obvious in those dark depths. “I think I would like to take my bride away for our wedding night.”

  There was much laughter and cheers as Kelly blushed. Jacques rapidly escorted her from the group. Once through the door, he swung her up into his arms and kissed her.

  “Duchesse Devereaux, welcome home.” She kissed him back as he carried her down the corridor leading to his chambers, her heart swelling with joy.

  “I would like to give you another gift for our wedding day.”

  “Jacques, you don’t have to do that.”

  “I want to, mon ange.” He kissed her temple. “Ask anything, and it will be yours.”

  She gave him a sly smile. “Anything?”

  “Yes, you have only to name it.”

  They entered their room, and Kelly sighed happily. Lighted candelabras filled the room, red and white rose petals covered the bed, and vines twisted and twined overhead, creating a lovely canopy. She gazed in appreciation at all that he had done.

  “This is beautiful. Thank you.”

  “It is you who are beautiful.” He lowered her to her feet, and she breathed deeply the scent of the rose petals. She was incredibly lucky to have such a thoughtful man in her life.

  She touched the collar of his jacket. “Where did you get this? It’s exquisite and so old worldly.”

  His smile was sad. “It is a replica of the one made in preparation of my wedding centuries ago.”

  It seemed ridiculous even to herself that she’d be upset about a woman from hundreds of years past, but she couldn’t help it. She flounced on the bed, not caring that she wrinkled her dress as she glared up at Jacques.

  He came down on the bed beside her, his gaze intent upon her face. “I was engaged to a young lady through our parents; when I was born they had pledged to betroth their children. Suffice to say it was a match made in heaven for our parents and not for us ‑‑ especially since, unfortunately, my fiancée was not born until after I reached manhood.” He paused, his hands going to Kelly’s. “She was very young, and I hadn’t wanted to settle down unless it was my choice, but it was past time for me to marry. I believed I was never meant to find the woman who would complete me.”

  Kelly’s heart pounded at his words. She looked at him through her lowered lashes as he continued to speak. “She thought me an old man, of course.” His thumb brushed the palm of her hand, his smile sad. “My mother had the original outfit made for me. I kept replacing it with new ones all these years because it was one of the last things she gave to me.”

  Kelly turned to him, her skirt pulling tight over her legs. “Oh, Jacques, I’m sorry. I didn’t know. I wouldn’t be so jealous if I had.”

  The rest of her apology died on her lips and her mind turned to jelly as she felt Jacques’s hands travel over her bare shoulders; she shuddered at the scorching heat emanating from his eyes.

  “There is nothing to forgive, mon ange.” His fingers glided along her lower back, then lifted her to her feet. He pressed kisses along her shoulder and neck until, finally, he unfastened the dress and pushed it free; the satin slipped from her body.

  She raised her face to his, smiling when she heard the quick intake of his breath and watched the widening of his eyes. She wore only a strapless bra, lacy white panties that rode low on her hips, and a white garter belt with lacy thigh-high hose.

  At the sexy and erotic picture she made, Jacques could not keep his hands from exploring her further. But she stepped back, a playful smile on her face as she moved to the bed and lay across it, and spreading her thighs and arching her body seductively for him. Her gaze fluttered to the thick bulge at his groin.

  “I’m glad you like what you see.”

  She would never know how beautiful she was amidst the rose petals, her hair blanketing her upper body and the sheets around her. Jacques hastily removed his clothes, then joined her on the mattress. He came down over her, his hands feverishly fondling her flesh. Her soft moans and whimpers tortured his ears, but they tormented his body more. Everywhere she touched, his skin burned him in turn, setting him ablaze.

  He caressed her breasts, bringing each
hard peak into the moist heat of his mouth. Then he slid down to her stomach, causing her to quiver as his tongue swirled in and around her navel. Finally, he went lower yet. She stiffened, then cried out when his tongue licked the swollen bud between her thighs.

  Her hands went into his hair, and he could sense the pleasure swirling through her body as his mouth worshiped her, as his tongue stroked and tantalized. She writhed under him until he felt her tighten; she spasmed and exploded with shrill cries.

  He rose over her and penetrated her swiftly, becoming one with the woman he loved, his wife. She was really his and, as he moved deeply within her, he knew heaven was within his reach at last.

  He wanted to show her more of paradise, to bring her ecstasy, and was satisfied when she convulsed around him, then shuddered again as she reached one orgasm after another, her moans and cries of pleasure music to his ears. Unable to hold back any longer, he found his own rapture, swelling within her and releasing the seed from his loins.

  * * * * *

  It was late and the castle and its occupants had settled into silence.

  Christian wandered down the halls, his heart heavy. Although he was happy that both Jacques and Dimitri had found their true loves, it made him ache for his own lost Carrie.

  He trod up the stairs and along the corridor toward his chambers but halted at the sound of music coming from one of the rooms. He walked slowly toward it, hearing shuffling feet and light singing, and found himself in front of Alynn’s room. The door was cracked open slightly, and he could see her shadow against the wall. He swallowed past the lump forming in his throat, licking suddenly dry lips. Then he inhaled sharply as she wiggled her way into his line of sight.

  She was wearing a black lace bra and matching boyshorts that left half of her nicely shaped bottom bare. As she spun, he could see her small breasts. They looked inviting, perfect for palming, for nibbling. He swallowed again with great difficulty and told himself he should walk away right now, but he remained riveted by the vision of her.


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