Eternal 2: Eternal Obssession

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Eternal 2: Eternal Obssession Page 16

by Ann Lory

  She was young ‑‑ but almost seventeen, as she’d proudly announced at the garden reception when Kelly had teased her like a younger sibling. Alynn was a little taller than Cassie, trim and lean, and her hair was darker than her older sister’s chestnut color, so dark a brown the strands were almost black. Her eyes were dark blue mixed with green.

  He’d had a hell of a time ignoring her. She’d approached him after the wedding couple had retired, while everyone else was visiting amongst themselves. Her walk had been provocative and her grin inviting. It had been the wine and champagne, he knew. She’d been thrilled to have some, thinking it totally cool. When she had finally stood before him, her smile had been saucy, and she’d asked if he’d wanted to take a walk with her in the garden, then hiccupped.

  He’d politely declined and left her. As he’d passed Dimitri, though, Christian had snapped at the older vampire. “Keep your sister-in-law away from me.”

  Now he stood at her door, staring in like a damned peeping tom. She stopped dancing at the end of the song and went to change the CD, glancing at the door as she walked by. It was too late for him to leave; she’d spotted him. Alynn frowned as she walked over to the door, her body angled behind the paneling, and peered out at him through the opening to her room.

  Christian wasn’t sure what to say. What excuse could he possibly give for spying on her? While she was in her undergarments, no less. But she didn’t give him the chance to open his mouth. She smiled, this time shyly, causing his heart to do a funny flip in his chest, then she shut the door completely, closing her away from him.

  He exhaled and inhaled deeply, taking in the remnants of her scent, disgusted with himself. What was wrong with him? Was he that hard up for a woman that he was preying on a teenager? Annoyed and more than a little embarrassed, he sped to his chambers and slammed the door.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Mussek stared into the fire, his eyes aching, but he was beyond caring. He seethed with rage, then roared in agony and tore through his rooms, turning the place into a shambles. A tsk, tsk sound had him spinning about, talons extended, fangs exposed. He hissed at the intruders.

  Michael Windsor’s trim body leaned casually against the door frame. His dark blond hair fell past his shoulders, tied back in a leather thong.

  Mussek’s servant, Burin, bowed. “You asked me to bring Mr. Windsor to you immediately upon his arrival, master.”

  Mussek seized his fury and willed himself to be calm. He waved a hand when he had some semblance of control. “You are dismissed.” His voice was hoarse and gravely, still healing from the wound Kelly had inflicted. Burin bowed again and left.

  His guest didn’t smile, face rigid.

  Mussek walked over to his liquor cabinet. “Wine?”

  Michael walked into the room. “No. What do you want, Mussek?”

  Mussek slammed the bottle down, nearly cracking it. “Watch your tone, youngling. I can kill you with but a thought.”

  Michael smirked. “Oh, I think you’d need more than a thought, Mussek. I may be younger than you, but I’m not a fledgling.” He went to an overturned chair and set it upright, brushing nonexistent lint from it, and then sat down without being invited. “What do you want? I’ve little time, but since I was passing through on my way back to England, I thought I’d answer your summons.”

  Mussek glared at him. “I need your help.”

  Michael laughed and crossed his arms. “This, I have to hear. The great Mussek asking help from a humble soldier.”

  Mussek sneered at the upstart. “You’ve much to learn about respect still. Remember, you’re the one who came to me begging to be turned when his majesty’s army failed to bring about the revenge you desperately sought.”

  The man returned his sneer. “Alexander Forbes is a coward, and I will find him. His feeble excuses will not protect him from my wrath. I will see him dead, and now I’ve the means to do it.”

  Mussek leaned forward at this bit of news. “Really? What leverage have you got to bring him out of hiding?”

  Michael shrugged. “A woman, of course. She’s the missing piece I need to find the Scot.”

  Leaning back, Mussek smiled. “It was only a matter of time.”

  “Never mind me. I repeat, what do you want, Mussek?”

  “I need a distraction. Jacques, that pitiful excuse for a vampire, has stolen my beloved Dominique from me. He knows she is mine, but he has brought in Damian and another to guard her. If I’m not mistaken, Dimitri Alexios is in Paris now as well.”

  Michael’s expression showed a flash of confusion. “Dominique is dead.”

  Mussek’s heart stuttered for one beat before he cleared his throat. “She is. I meant Kelly, Kelly Matthews. She’s the prima ballerina for the Vincinni Company, and I want her. She would have been mine if Jacques had not stepped in and interfered with her feelings for me.”

  “Did Jacques give you that nasty cut at your throat?”

  Mussek’s hand flew to his throat where his shirt had become unfastened at the collar, exposing the vicious slash. “No, Kelly did it in her fear.” He looked toward the portrait of Dominique. “Jacques has turned her against me. She would never have done this otherwise.” He turned his gaze back to the other man.

  Michael didn’t say anything for a long moment. Mussek wanted to shake him, but he needed the other vampire. “I’m unsure if I can ‑‑ or want to ‑‑ help you. I have plans of my own to carry out.”

  Mussek shot to his feet. “Bastard!” he shouted angrily. “You are ungrateful, all of you whom I’ve turned or took under my wing. You all betray me.” He lashed out, catching Michael off guard, his talons raking across the other man’s cheek, laying it open.

  Michael immediately covered the wound and stared up at his maker. Then he lunged and grabbed Mussek about the throat, squeezing unmercifully. Mussek choked but broke the hold. Gripping Michael’s wrist, he twisted, hearing bones crack, although the other man made no sound of pain.

  Mussek shoved the younger vampire away, full of righteous fury. “You owe me. You came to me, starving, beaten, and I helped you.”

  Michael was silent, his eyes glaring deep into Mussek’s as he held his wrist and his cheek bled. He sneered at Mussek, who growled in warning.

  “I will see what I can do; my debt will then be paid. In full.” He stalked out of the room.

  Mussek smirked and walked to the mantel, staring at the painting of Dominique. “Soon, my love. Soon we will be together and never parted again.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Jacques and Kelly made love throughout the night, resting during the day. When Jacques next woke, he stared down at the serene face of his wife. He touched her cheek, and she stirred, giving him a lazy smile as her eyes opened, gazing up into his. He felt hunger rising in him, swift and hard, as the sound of her heart pounded in his head, as the sweet scent of her blood hummed through her veins.

  When she spoke, her voice was soft and full of concern. “You need to feed.”

  He blinked; he had been unaware that Kelly had touched her mind to his until that moment. He gave her a pained look and shifted, but she grabbed hold of his arms, coming up to sit on her knees before him. “I know what I want for my wedding gift.”

  His mind raced as he brushed hers. Instantly, he knew what she was going to ask.

  Her hands cupped either side of his face. “I want forever in your arms. There is no possibility that I would ever regret it.” As she whispered the words, she pressed her body into his, her breasts mounding against his chest, and lifted her arms, pushing her golden mane from her neck.

  “There will be great pain.” His voice shook slightly.

  “Pain will be worth the eternity I will be able share with you.”

  Her flesh was ivory and smooth as silk. How he wanted her. Jacques felt the fangs descending in his mouth; the smell of her blood was so tantalizing.

  His arms locked around her and she sighed as his tongue swept over her wildly beating pulse. Ja
cques kissed her neck, then his fangs sank deep. Her body shuddered slightly before relaxing against him. He took care to be extra gentle as his lips brought her essence into himself, drawing and sipping her slowly. The warm liquid rushed over his tongue like fine red wine, coursing through him, heating his body.

  Kelly curled her fingers in the dark locks of his hair, lost in the erotic feeling as he drank from her. Her naked flesh was pliant against his; she basked in the sensation of his lips as they stroked along her skin, until gradually she became more and more cold, her mind and limbs sluggish. She was unable to hold herself up against him, and her eyes grew heavy and her sight blurry as she tried to gaze at a single candle among the many that illuminated the room. She blinked rapidly, feeling her heart rate ease and her breathing become prolonged.

  Jacques pulled away from her; she tried to focus on what he was saying, to bring her vision to where there was only one of him. His words were a distant echo in her mind, but she could somehow sense his distress.

  “Kelly!” Were those Jacques’s broken pleas? Had he gashed himself over his chest? She thought she saw ribbons of blood trickling from a wound.

  He cupped the back of her head, one arm supporting her weight behind her back, and raised her to him. Kelly flicked her tongue against his chest, sucking and caressing his skin as she drank from him. The sweet-salty flavor of him coated her tongue and throat until her world narrowed down to the feel of his hands holding her and the taste of him. Finally, she had enough. At a sudden jolt inside her, she looked at his face with confusion.

  “Jacq--” His name was cut off by the pain that lanced through her abdomen. She choked in a deep breath, her nails digging into his forearms as another burst of agony burned within her.

  Jacques gathered her shaking form to his body, holding her close to his heart, but she was almost beyond understanding anything but the sensations that knifed through her. It felt like every organ was twisting inside her body, being pulled apart and restructured. Pure molten lava seemed to have erupted within her, and she cried out, tears running down her face as the agony rapidly became overwhelming.

  Her body convulsed and she tried to reach for Jacques, but her body curled itself into a fetal position as she tried to hold herself together in the face of the inferno that stabbed daggered flames through her. Vaguely, she caught glimpses of Jacques’s haggard face and what appeared to be streams of red tears from his eyes. He seemed to be talking to her, his voice loud and high, but she couldn’t make out what he was saying over the roar of her heart and her shrieks. She tried to smile reassuringly, but only managed a pained grimace and another scream as more torment ripped her apart.

  Kelly felt as if her mind was slipping over the edge as she fought for the next breath, the pain clawing at her viciously. She shouted hoarsely as another onslaught sliced through her; her insides had surely been skewered by swords.

  Finally, after enduring an eternity of anguish, Kelly fell into oblivion.

  He was never more thankful for anything than when sleep claimed Kelly at last. Jacques gathered her still form to him and buried his face in the hollow of her neck. His body trembled from the suffering he had caused her. He rocked her back and forth, and he kissed her forehead, rubbing away the ruby red tears from her eyes and face.

  Loathing himself, he placed her carefully under the covers. Then, dressing quickly, he fled to his study, where four pairs of eyes stared at him. He knew her screams must have echoed through his chambers, mingling with his cries of sorrow. He could only hope that Cassie’s family’s hearing was not as sharp as the vampires’.

  “It is done. She’s asleep now.”

  Cassie’s compassionate gaze and the moisture in her eyes for her friend shamed Jacques as she moved to him and hugged him. “We know. She told me she was going to ask you. Dimitri took care of distracting my family. You don’t have to worry; no one knows but us.”

  Jacques nodded somberly. “I thank you, but I think I’d like to be alone.”

  The group quickly and silently left; Dimitri, Damian, and Christian each gripped his shoulder as they passed by.

  He sat, staring for a long time into the fire he’d conjured. He could only hope he’d done the right thing, but terrible thoughts plagued him. Would she hate him? Could she ever forgive him? Despite her assurances, what if she woke regretting her decision?

  She was his wife. He had to take comfort in Damian’s words that Cassie had undergone the same change ‑‑ albeit under much different circumstances ‑‑ and seemed fine. He took in a shaky breath and rose to return to her, wanting to be there when Kelly woke, but a disturbance at the entrance of his home caught his attention.

  Jacques flung the door open, then hissed at the man standing there.

  “Greetings, Lord Devereaux. I hear congratulations are in order.”

  “I don’t know where Alexander is, Michael, and I still wouldn’t tell you if I did.”

  Michael shrugged and glanced into the castle beyond Jacques. “I’m not here about that. I’ve news from Mussek.”

  Jacques stared long and hard at the other vampire, trying to read his thoughts, but the man kept his mind carefully blank. He’d known Michael for several centuries now and the man’s biggest flaw was his need for vengeance against Forbes. Deep down, Jacques knew Michael was a good man; he opened the door wider. “You may enter.”

  Michael inclined his head and sauntered into the hall. Jacques brought him to his study, then pinned the other vampire with an intense look as they sat. “What news do you have?”

  “He’s very upset about your marriage to Kelly and has asked for my help in stealing her away from you.”

  Jacques leapt from his seat and began to pace in front of Michael. “Son of a bitch!” He turned and glared at Michael. “Why have you told me this?”

  The other vampire shrugged. “Just thought I’d pass the word along that you need to keep your head up. Mussek is not all there anymore, and I fear for your young wife.”

  Jacques sank down in his chair once more and sighed. “I’ve been on the watch for Mussek’s possible attempts to take her. I know he is no longer in Paris; should I assume he’s in St. Petersburg?” Michael nodded. “There are others here who will help me guard her.”

  “I would like to do so, as well.”

  Jacques studied Michael. “Why?”

  “My allegiance is not and has never been to Mussek. My primary concern is finding Forbes, but until that blessed day, I can do this. Mussek is unstable; who knows what he will do in his madness?”

  Jacques rose. “Come, then. We’ll get you settled.” Jacques brought him to an empty set of rooms. As the man entered, Jacques stopped him. “It is good to see you again after so long, Michael. I’m grateful for your help and am glad you are in our corner. Kelly and I... it’s been a difficult courtship.”

  Michael nodded, then shut the door.

  * * * * *

  As the sun dipped low in the sky and night finally enveloped the land, a rush of breath filled Kelly’s lungs. Her heart began to beat, and her eyes fluttered open.

  The crackle of flames was almost deafening. She sat up abruptly in bed, feeling Jacques beside her. He was whispering soothing words to her, but she focused on the fireplace, where the color of the fire was so brilliant it almost hurt her eyes. She looked around the dimly lit room. Everything seemed brighter and more defined; she could see every detail where she wouldn’t have before.

  She inhaled deeply, and scents rushed through her all at once. The smell of food wafting from the kitchen turned her stomach, and she covered her mouth to keep from heaving. Then she noticed the fragrance of the blossoms that filled the garden and heard the sounds of the insects and animals. She clutched the bedspread, and the soft material felt lighter than usual; in addition, the pads of her fingers seemed to graze over every fiber that went into the silk. Pulling the covers to her chin, Kelly tried to understand what was going on.

  Jacques’s fingers wrapped around her wrists and his
face came into view. She could see his lips moving, but everything was so loud, drowning out his voice. Her gaze wandered the room as she looked for any kind of escape from her keen senses. Then she felt pinpoints of pain in her mouth and suddenly realized she had fangs. She tentatively ran her tongue over the tips, then stared at Jacques, desperate for help.

  He pulled gently at her arms, and she tensed, not wanting to lower her mental shields for fear of further bombardment. He rubbed her hands and she felt him immersing himself gently into her mind. Gradually, all other sounds fell away, and the only thing she could hear and focus on was his deep voice.

  Kelly, it will take a short time, but you will adjust.

  She nodded, and took a deep breath. You promise?

  His smile was quick. Of course.

  She gulped in another breath and blinked, able to focus a little better now. It was like she was seeing everything again for the first time, as if she’d received a pair of very powerful glasses. Rising, she shakily walked around and tried to block out the sounds and smells without Jacques’s help. He allowed her that, and she was grateful.

  Sighing, Kelly looked at him. “Do you mind giving me a moment?” He didn’t say anything, but the request made his heart beat faster, and she could smell his fear. Funny, she’d never smelled emotions before; fear was bitter. She knew he thought she was second-guessing the gift he’d given her, but she just needed to get her bearings on her own.

  She watched as he rose cautiously from the bed, looking as if he was afraid she might bolt in an instant. Finally, after a long, intense stare, he turned and left the room. Kelly waited a few minutes, then inhaling deeply, she dressed, exited the underground chamber, and made her way out into the garden.

  She looked up at the night sky, pleased at how the stars twinkled like diamonds, winking down at her. She walked along the path and absorbed the scent of the roses, letting the rapture of the night calm her. It felt wonderful!

  She hadn’t gone too far before she stumbled onto a stranger, who sat on a bench and stared into the central fountain. He was tall and lean, with long, dark blond hair and black vampire eyes. He stood.


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