Book Read Free

Written Together

Page 3

by Wendi Zwaduk

  “I’d ask if it was good for you, but I don’t want to sound cliché.” Melissa rolled onto her side and propped herself up on her elbow. She draped her other arm across his chest and walked her fingers down his sternum. “We should practice that more often.”

  He frowned. He couldn’t disagree with her. Sex with Melissa rocked his world. Were they going too fast? Not really. They’d known each other as colleagues for more than four years and good friends almost two months.

  “What?” she whispered. “Why are you making that face?”

  “I was thinking we should christen every room in my apartment—after food.”

  “Great idea.”

  Chapter Four

  Melissa shrugged into Adam’s button down shirt, fastened the buttons she hadn’t ripped off, then padded down the hallway to the living room. Her body ached in all the right places. Sex with Adam was good—different than she was used to—but good. She rubbed her stomach. He hadn’t asked about the shapewear. Kevin never understood why she liked the tight clothing under her dress outfits. Maybe Adam would get her desires? Or freak out too. The aroma of the pizza curled over to her. Her stomach growled. She’d worry about telling Adam about her fetish until later.

  “I ordered pepperoni. Wasn’t sure what you’d like.” He shrugged. He’d donned his pants, but hadn’t buttoned them. A tiny bit of the hair above his cock showed. Her body tingled all over. What he could do with that dick.

  “I’m famished.” She picked up a slice and breathed in the scent of the cheese. “As long as there’s no anchovies, I’m good.” She bit into the pizza and moaned. Holy crap. Either she was that hungry or the food was that yummy. “This is heaven,” she said around the slice.

  “Heaven. Eatza Pizza is a family joint around the corner. The joint is always packed. It’s good stuff, so I’m not surprised.” He leaned on the countertop and crossed his ankles. Adam munched away on his slice, but kept his gaze on her as she ate.

  “What?” she asked and bit into the pie. A tiny part of her wanted grab a second slice. She didn’t need the extra calories, but the pizza smelled so good.

  “You look good in my shirt. The thing practically swallows your little frame, but it’s very hot.”

  Oh. He liked the way she looked. “You’re going to spoil me.”

  “You’re the second woman to actually spend more than an hour in my apartment. Most of them see me as a huge dork.” He shifted his feet. “I’ll shut up now.”

  The more he talked, the more she liked him. He wasn’t the asshole jock or the stud wanting to sow his wild oats. He was a decent—albeit shy—guy looking for someone to complement him.

  “Do you have any strange things you like? Like dressing up as super heroes? Or do Sci-fi cons totally make your day?” She hopped onto the counter across from him and crossed her ankles. “What makes Adam tick?”

  “No one has ever asked me.” He placed his plate on the empty pizza box. “Hmm. There used to be these bible comics. I loved those. I wanted to draw those until I learned I had no artistic talent.” He dipped his head. “I don’t know. I’ve never been to a convention that didn’t involve teachers. I don’t gamble. Never smoked or did drugs. I curse and have a beer here and there. I really am a dork.”

  “Maybe you haven’t found the one thing to make you tick?”

  “Could be.” He finally looked at her. “You’re going to help me?”

  “Or we can help each other. What turns you on?”

  “You.” He shrugged. “I’m being honest. I like being with you, even when you take all the control.”

  Now they were getting somewhere. “Would you like to be in control?” Her pussy quivered and cream slicked on her cunt lips. She’d teach him what she needed—if he was willing to play.

  Adam tipped his head, like he was thinking through what she said. “Yes.” He crossed the gap, situating himself between her legs. “I could care less about grades right now.”

  “Me, too.” She finished the last bite of crust, then wound her arms around his neck. “I might be terse in the classroom, but when I’m with someone I like, especially in the bedroom, I want my man to take control. Think you can do that?” She scooted forward on the counter, rubbing her pussy against the bulge in his jeans.

  “The sweet little English student needs a spanking?” Fire lit in his eyes, deeper than before.

  “Yes,” she murmured. “I need a spanking.”

  “Baby.” Adam hoisted her in his arms and carried her to the couch. He sat down with her straddling his lap. “A certain little girl didn’t turn in her essay on time.”

  Melissa shivered. Yes, yes, yes. “I didn’t,” she said and stood. She twined her fingers together. “I just couldn’t get it done.”

  “You’re late and you used the word just.” He patted his thigh. “Across my lap.”

  She gave him her best pout, then stretched across his legs and waggled her butt.

  “Such a pretty ass. So pale.” He smoothed his hand over her skin. “Hmm. A late essay means…three spanks.” He flattened his palm on her ass cheek. The crack echoed in the apartment.

  “Thank you, Mr. Pallas. I deserve another.” She panted and balanced on her hands and toes.

  Adam rewarded her with two more spanks, each sending tingles through her veins. She dug her fingers into the carpet and moaned. He chuckled. “How many spanks for using the word just? Two?”

  “I deserve more, Mr. Pallas.” She closed her eyes. “Please?”

  “You’re begging. That’s hot.” He swatted her ass three times, giving her more than she asked for.

  Melissa rubbed her crotch against his thigh. No way she’d get off from being spanked, but the move took a little of the edge off.

  “Are you trying to come?” He slipped one finger between her ass cheeks and toyed with her asshole.

  “Maybe?” She glanced up at him. “You make me feel good.”

  “Oh?” He drew circles on her butt with one hand and speared the fingers of his other hand between her legs. Her cream slicked his way. “So wet for me. I should spank you for liking this so much.”

  “Yes, sir,” she replied. “Then you should fuck me so I remember to follow the rules.” Goodness, if he kept running with the game, she’d end up losing her heart.

  “Sweet girl.” Adam smacked her ass twice more, then caressed her tender skin. “Stand up.”

  Melissa did as he asked and smoothed her hair from her face. All she needed was her school girl outfit and her hair in pigtails for the role play to be complete. Electric zaps attacked her from within. She unfastened the buttons of his shirt, then shrugged out of the garment and stood naked before him. Her ass burned from the spankings.

  “What are you going to do to me, Mr. Pallas?”

  “Fuck you until you scream my name.” He reached for her and guided her back to his lap. “Open my pants.”

  She fixed her gaze on his as she unzipped him, then eased his cock from behind the cotton barrier. “You’re so hard, sir.” She licked her lips. “So big.”

  Adam threaded his fingers into her hair, then guided her mouth to his dick. “Prepare me.”

  “Yes, sir.” She batted her lashes and took him deep into her mouth. The blunt head of his cock bumped the back of her throat.

  “Whoa.” He slid down in the seat, giving her more room to work. Adam tugged gently on her hair. This was what she needed. Guidance and control from her man. She hummed around his erection, then licked her way down his shaft to his balls. Out of habit, she clasped her hands behind her back. Melissa sucked one of his testicles into her mouth.

  “Shit, fuck.” Adam let go of her hair. “Come here.”

  She swiped her tongue along his balls, then stood.

  “You’re dangerous.” He grasped her hips. “Get a condom and bring it here.”

  Dipping her head, she padded away from him. A shiver skated up her spine. He seemed to like the game and the not-so-vanilla sex. She craved a man who could dominate her in bed
, but let her be the force of nature she’d become at the school. Could he be the one? Too soon to tell, but the idea wasn’t bad. Not at all.

  Melissa returned to the living room with the condom in hand. “Here, Mr. Pallas. Let me put it on you.” She tore the corner and sheathed him.

  “Now you’re mine.” He tugged her onto his lap again and entered her in one thrust. The moment their bodies joined, rational thought evaporated from her head. She gave in to the sensations of pleasure, peace and a bit of pain.

  “You’re so beautiful.” He bounced her on his thighs. “Look at me.”

  She stared into his eyes and rested her forehead on his. “Fuck me, Adam.”

  “Yeah.” His fingers bit into her skin as he increased his speed. A bead of sweat slipped down his temple. His brow creased. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he chanted.

  She continued to stare into his eyes, but embraced the climax building in her body. A thousand needles pricked her from within and blood rushed through her veins. She couldn’t breathe or think, just feel. He hadn’t told her not to come. She wanted to, but held back.

  “Sweet girl.” Adam’s rhythmic thrusts turned jerky and feral. “Christ, gotta come. Come with me.” He filled her to the brim. “Oh.”

  His command splintered her restraint and she gave in to the orgasm. Light flashed behind her closed eyes and her legs trembled. She squeezed her fingers around her wrist. From her head to her toes, she shuddered. Heat enveloped her and she slumped against his chest.

  “Holy shit,” Adam puffed. He didn’t say anything for a long moment. “Never did that before.”

  With his cock still deep inside her, Melissa rested her head on his shoulder. The post-climax glow faded. Ah, the moment of truth. She splayed her palm over his pec. Before she could speak, he sighed.

  “Kevin was an idiot.” He trailed his fingers through her hair. “A complete fool.”

  “How so?”

  “He let you go.” Adam helped her to sit upright. His wilting erection slipped from her sopping pussy. “I don’t know if whatever this is between us is going to last, but I can’t see my immediate future without you.”

  “My kink doesn’t bother you?” She scooted off his lap and grabbed the shirt from the floor. She needed the bit of cover to deal with the moment of intimacy between them.

  “I’ve never spanked anyone before, but if that’s part of what makes you, you, then I’m willing to explore. I liked it and I like learning the boundaries with you.” He stood and wrapped his arms around her. “Stay with me tonight. Snuggle with me, breathe on me…take up most all of the bed. I don’t care.”

  “Since you put the invitation that way…” Melissa stared at him for a moment. “How can a girl say no?” He was the man she’d been waiting for, but something somewhere had to go wrong. The other shoe had to drop. Protect her heart, or love with both arms wide open? Maybe she’d just wait and see.

  Chapter Five

  Adam led Melissa back to the bedroom. How could she say no? Lots of ways she could say no, for crying out loud. He doubted his skills. Damn low confidence. Something about her made him feel stronger, tougher…like a better man. He stripped out of his pants and settled on the bed. Instead of shucking the shirt, she snuggled beside him between the covers. He didn’t mind. Some people weren’t keen on sleeping in the nude. Living alone meant no one to tell him what to wear. He rolled onto his side and pawed at the floor for his boxers.

  “Adam? You’re fine.” She sat up and wriggled out of the dress shirt, then collapsed beside him. “I like the skin on skin feel.” She twined their legs. “Better.”

  Hell yeah, her soft body against his felt like heaven. He’d played hooky, not doing grades, instead having the best sex of his life. Would he trade a minute of the night? No way. He succumbed to sleep. There was plenty of time to get the day job done…tomorrow.

  Adam rolled over and blinked. The clock read seven-forty. They’d slept almost nine hours, which was good after the workout between the sheets. He glanced over at the sleeping female form beside him. Melissa. He stretched. He’d make sure to rectify that situation soon—after breakfast. He slipped from the bed and donned his boxer shorts.

  In the kitchen, he grabbed the fixings for omelets from the refrigerator. Every so often, he glanced down the hall to the bedroom. Either she slept like the dead or the scent of cooking food hadn’t reached her. He switched on the coffee pot, then added the chopped pepper to the pan.

  “You will seriously spoil me.” Melissa wrapped her arms around him from behind. “Great sex and breakfast?”

  “I aim to please.” He flipped one half of the egg concoction onto the other half. “For you.”

  He plated the omelet, then cracked the eggs for the second one. “There’s orange juice in the fridge and the coffee should be done in a moment.”

  “I didn’t think you could cook.”

  “I can do lots of things.” He added the pepper and onion to the pan, then removed the coffee pot from the maker. “Cream? Sugar?”

  “Cream.” She sat across the counter, her food untouched.

  Adam poured a cup of coffee, then popped the top on the creamer bottle. “Don’t like eggs?”

  “I’m waiting for you.” She added the frothy white liquid to the coffee. “Smells fantastic.”

  He grinned and plated his food. “I don’t get many visitors, but a guy has to eat. I learned to cook over at the joint vocational school. Night classes. I’m glad I did.”

  Melissa speared a bite of her eggs. “So why are you still single? You cook, keep a clean apartment and make love like a pro. What’s the deep, dark secret?”

  “I’m boring.” He shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “It’s true. Other than chasing Tessa—which I now see was silly—I’ve only gone on a handful of dates in the last five years. Each of the women said I was dull. I wasn’t into sports or drinking or anything and I wasn’t gay so they couldn’t talk to me about fashion.”

  “Who said that?”

  “Her name was Leanna. We went to the Park Street Chop House. Whatever I’d worn wasn’t hip enough and she said, quote, ‘You’re not gay.’” He cringed, remembering the moment like it was just yesterday. “I said, nope. I’m heterosexual, to which she replied, I can’t talk to you about anything. If you were gay, at least you’d know about pop culture and fashion.”

  “That’s terrible.”

  “She was right, even if I do know a little bit about popular music. The kids. You can’t ignore it when they talk about who is hot and what song is the best.” He dropped his fork. “Sorry. I’m rambling.”

  “No need to be sorry.” She sipped her coffee. “I think you’re fine the way you are.”

  “Then you’re the first.” He rubbed his stomach. “We should get the grades done so it’s out of the way.”

  “You’re avoiding, but it’s fine.” She grinned and finished her omelet. “Grades won’t wait.”

  After three hours of inputting grades, Adam watched her as she frowned at the computer screen. They’d only been dating—if that’s what they were doing was called—for less than twenty-four hours, but she seemed so right in his apartment. Like they were an old married couple. He paused. Marriage wasn’t a word in his vocabulary and he’d tossed it out in his thoughts like it was commonplace. Things with Melissa were good. Quick, but good.

  “There.” She tapped the keyboard. “Done.” Melissa grinned at him. “That was sucky.”

  “Once we get used to it, inputting the grades will go faster.”

  “Unless they decide to upgrade or change the system again.” She rolled her eyes. “I need to shower and feed my cat.” She placed her laptop on the coffee table. “I know. Awkward moment.”

  “Nah.” He closed the lid on his laptop. “Can we do this again?”

  “Have sex?” Her eyes twinkled and her smile grew.

  “And be lazy together.”

  “There’s a whole day o
f football on tomorrow. Want to come over?” She folded her hands on the top of the computer. “Two older brothers means I’ve been subjected to a lot of ball games. I developed a love of football over baseball. More happens. Are you in?”

  “You bet.” Hell yeah, he’d be there.

  “We could bet. Make it real interesting.” She slinked across the expanse to where he sat. “Whoever picks the losing team at the end of each quarter has to remove an article of clothing. At the end of the game the one with the least amount on has to perform oral on the other.”

  “Count me in.” He wrapped his arms around her. The more time he spent with her, the more he liked her. The fortifications surrounding his heart melted into puddles.

  * * * * *

  The next afternoon, Adam shivered in his boxer shorts and socks. He didn’t mind being nearly nude, but damn. He could swear Melissa turned the heat down in her studio apartment. He glanced over at her once more. Naturally, she had all her clothes on. Stupid bet.

  The cat stared at him. She would have a fluffy white cat with gigantic orange eyes. “Clark is staring at me again.”

  “He likes you.” She waved her hand, not looking at him. “Come on guys. You can do it,” she said to the players who couldn’t hear her. Like they needed any help.

  “Why would you name a cat Clark?” he asked and folded his arms.

  “Why not?” She glanced over at the cat. “He gets crazy and runs through the apartment, then is all calm and collected. Either he’s got a split personality, or he’s a super hero.”

  Good Lord.

  The announcer on the television shouted as the opposing team scored yet again. Adam rolled his eyes. Yes, the bet was all in good fun, but she managed to select the one team to finally hit a hot streak. The last two weeks his team had won by huge amounts. This week? A total blow-out, not in his favor.

  “That’s the game.” Melissa jumped out of her seat and the cat bolted to hide under the bed. She waved her arms in the air. “I won! Get naked baby.”


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