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Shattered (Dividing Line #5)

Page 20

by Heather Atkinson

  “What?” said a totally bewildered Jeremy. “But I thought…”

  “I know what you thought but it’s not true. Alex Maguire has gone mad. He’s paranoid and greedy and for some reason he thinks Rachel and I are a threat to his position, which we’re not. Let me assure you we are now entirely legitimate. We even pay taxes,” he said with grim humour.

  “Then why did you lie to the police?”

  “Oh don’t be naïve Jeremy,” said May. “Do you think these sort of people ever tell the police anything truthful?”

  “I have to admire your nerve May,” said Ryan. “You have the courage of a lioness.”

  She gave him a nod in acknowledgement of the compliment.

  “Alex’s insanity almost killed Rachel,” continued Ryan. “He’s paranoid and thinks everyone has turned against him, including Mikey.”

  “It’s another war,” said May.

  “Yes but no one knows that. The police think Alex is on our side.”

  He was interrupted by a knock at the door.

  “Who’s that?” said Jeremy, sitting bolt upright, terrified someone would see Ryan Law in his home.

  “I’ll get that, it’s someone else I invited to join our little meeting,” said Ryan, getting up out of his chair.

  Jeremy and May were convinced that another member of the Maguire-Law faction was about to enter the room. So it came as a pleasant surprise when DCI Taylor walked in.

  “Hello,” he said, regarding May and Jeremy curiously. He’d come into contact with May professionally and although he had never met Jeremy before he knew who he was.

  The same couldn’t be said for Jeremy. “Who’s this?”

  “This is DCI Taylor,” said Ryan, retaking his seat while Taylor took the spare armchair.

  “I take it this is about Alex Maguire?” said Taylor.

  “It is,” replied Ryan. He turned to May and Jeremy. “DCI Taylor is as keen to get him off the streets as we are and I might just have found a way to do it.”

  “And how’s that?” said May.

  “Soon. There’s one more person to arrive.”

  When Ryan lapsed into silence May and Jeremy looked at each other and shrugged.

  Two minutes later there was another knock at the door.

  “Would you be so kind DCI Taylor?” said Ryan, gesturing to the door.

  Taylor opened it warily, afraid it was some sort of trap. Instead he found a tall slender man in an expensive suit. “Who are you?” said Taylor.

  “Come in Stephen,” Ryan called.

  Stephen Strang followed Taylor back through to the lounge. Stephen recognised Jeremy, they’d met enough times at various social functions but he had no idea who the woman was. After introductions were made Stephen sat beside Taylor and took an iPad out of his briefcase, the others watching in bewilderment. Once he was settled he nodded at Ryan, who continued with the explanation.

  “We have recently discovered that Alex has been involved in a human trafficking operation.”

  “Colour me surprised,” said a sarcastic May. “I’m guessing he’s trafficking young women to use as prostitutes?”

  “Yes, Eastern European women. Apparently he’s got some Russian contact who procures them for him. He’s probably greasing some palms at Customs to get the girls through. DCI Taylor is investigating the bank accounts of any Customs employees who could possibly be in on it.”

  “What has this got to do with us?” said May.

  Ryan looked at Stephen, who nodded and switched on the iPad. Taylor, May and Jeremy all leaned forwards in their seats so they could see the footage playing on the screen.

  May shot to her feet, bristling with indignation. “Do you think this is funny, bringing us here to watch pornography?”

  “No Your Honour I don’t. Sit down and I’ll explain,” replied Ryan, eyebrow cocked.

  She retook her seat, smoothed down her skirt and patted her hair, her way of regaining control.

  “That footage was taken at one of the brothels owned by Alex,” explained Ryan.

  “You were there, using that girl,” Taylor snarled at Strang. “A girl that is now lying dead in the police mortuary with a bullet in her head. You filthy bastard.”

  Strang stared back at him impassively, unaffected by his words. Since Laila had been murdered he cared very little about anything.

  “Please don’t be too hard on him DCI Taylor,” said Ryan. “He was in love with that girl and wanted to free her from that life. Unfortunately she died on Alex’s order before he had chance. She helped Rachel escape and she was killed for it.”

  “Escape?” said May. “I don’t understand.”

  “Alex kidnapped her and took her to that disgusting brothel to be raped and tortured. Fortunately Laila saved her before that could happen but she paid for her kindness with her life.” Ryan’s voice grew harsh as he related what had been done to his wife. He cleared his throat before continuing. “Now, it’s this footage you need to be concerned with,” he said, wanting to move the conversation on.

  “I want nothing to do with it,” said May.

  “You will when you’ve heard what I’ve got to say. Please be quiet and listen, I’m getting tired of all the interruptions. Now, Stephen was sent that footage by Alex or, to be more precise, one of his men, he was after all still laid up in hospital when it was sent.”

  “Who exactly shot him?” said May.

  Ryan continued as though he hadn’t heard her. “The footage was accompanied by a message threatening to distribute it to every national newspaper and TV station in the country. Stephen did a very brave thing and defied the blackmailer. He’s willing to risk public exposure and humiliation to get justice for Laila so please don’t judge him harshly. Alex has sent this footage to four more people with the same threat, people who could be very dangerous if panicked into action.”

  “Dangerous to you,” said May.

  “Dangerous to a lot of people. Rachel and I have already had a taste of this. Someone planted drugs at four of our businesses. Thankfully danger was averted and they found nothing.”

  May regarded Taylor incredulously. “Why are you just sitting there listening to this so calmly? What hold has he got over you?”

  “I have no hold over him,” said Ryan. “DCI Taylor is just keen to get rid of a lunatic who has been running riot and killing whoever he wants. You know as well as I do that conventional methods will not be enough to bring down Alex Maguire.”

  Ryan’s eyes bored into her and she finally wilted, looking everywhere but at him.

  “So who are these four people?” said Taylor.

  “Detective Chief Superintendent Kennard.”

  “I don’t believe it,” said May, recovering her voice. “I know him, he’s an excellent officer and a pillar of the community.”

  “We have it from a reliable source that he enjoys squeezing women’s throats until they pass out while having sex with them.”

  “Who told you that? They’re lying.”

  “The Madam of the brothel he used, Alex’s brothel. This same woman is also Alex’s mistress and is pregnant with his child.”

  “How sordid,” said a despondent Jeremy, taking a swig of scotch.

  “Our clean-cut local MP Christopher Greenacre likes chaining women up and whipping and torturing them. We don’t need to worry about him, my associates have spoken to him and we’re confident he’ll behave. The third is the TV journalist and presenter Harvey Pallister, who is also patron of a lot of children’s charities. He likes to have sex with underage girls.”

  “I feel sick,” said Jeremy, getting up to refill his glass. Pallister worked for his TV station. He inwardly resolved to have the man fired as soon as possible.

  “You haven’t said who the fourth person is,” said Taylor.

  “Amanda Sheridan. She’s Alex’s own lawyer but you can leave her to me. May, between you and Taylor you can keep an eye on Superintendent Kennard. If he comes to you for search warrants you can turn them dow
n, or at least give us a heads up if he tries to raid our premises again.”

  “This is just an excuse to get us dancing to your tune,” she thundered. “I don’t care what’s gone on in the past, I will not become one of your puppets.”

  “What has gone on in the past Your Honour? I’m very curious to hear about that,” said Taylor.

  “It’s nothing,” she barked at him. “All we’ve got is your word that these people are corrupt, you’ve no proof. The only one we can be sure is depraved is that revolting individual there,” she said, gesturing at Strang.

  “You want proof, do you Your Honour?” said Ryan in that quiet voice that made Jeremy shiver. “Stephen, show her.”

  He touched the screen of the iPad and it burst into life. He turned it round for them all to see. May’s face creased with disgust when she saw Superintendent Kennard throttling the life out of a young blond woman while frantically thrusting into her. The filth he spewed into the poor woman’s ear as she lost consciousness caused her to blanch. “Turn it off,” she whispered.

  “Oh no, you want proof, you’re going to get it May,” said Ryan.

  They sat in silence as Strang showed them two more films, one of their local MP whipping a woman chained to a bed, blood splattering his frenzied face and another of Pallister attacking a young girl dressed in school uniform.

  “Please, we’ve seen enough,” said Jeremy, burying his face in his hands.

  “Is that proof enough?” said Ryan.

  “Yes,” sighed May, raking her fingers through her hair, no longer caring if it was perfectly coiffured. “Okay, we can do something about this. Bring the girls in to make statements. If there’s enough of them we can launch an investigation.”

  “It’s futile,” said Ryan. “That brothel burned down and the girls all ran away. You won’t get anyone to testify against Alex Maguire and you know it.”

  “How did it burn down?”

  “Who knows?” replied Ryan steelily, urging her not to press the issue. “Now do you see that these people have to be stopped? What do you think they’ll be willing to do to stop that footage getting into the public domain?”

  “Anything,” said Taylor.

  “Precisely. Are you going to help or are you going to bury your heads in the sand?” Ryan said to Jeremy and May.

  “I’ll help,” said Jeremy when those grey eyes turned his way.

  “Very well,” sighed May.

  Ryan’s lips curled into a smile. “Excellent.”


  By the time the meeting with The Coalition was complete it was the early hours of the morning, so Ryan was left with no choice but to spend the night in a room at one of the hotels he owned. He was still using the bike Dane had leant him to move about the city anonymously, entering the hotel via the service entrance at the back. If his staff found his comings and goings strange they were too smart to mention it.

  Although he was exhausted he found it difficult to drop off because he’d wanted to spend the night with Rachel. He’d called her earlier to let her know that he wouldn’t be able to make it and she’d understood, she knew he was working hard for both their benefit but now he missed the warmth of her body so much he couldn’t fall asleep. It was silly because she was being released from hospital the following day, the doctor had finally relented, no doubt under Rachel’s insistence. He couldn’t wait.

  He rolled onto his side and sighed, attempting to get comfortable. Alex was still out there somewhere. Five days had passed since he’d escaped from the hospital and there was no sign of him. He’d dropped off the face of the earth. Despite his physical absence he was always there, a big black presence lurking in the background, threatening them all. The rage inside Ryan was on a constant simmer, burning him up. If he didn’t kill Alex Maguire soon he was afraid it might consume him.

  Rachel was already up, dressed, packed and ready to leave when Ryan arrived at the hospital the next morning. He noted she was wearing black trousers and matching blouse, forgoing her trademark skirt and stockings. Despite her assurances that it was just more practical and comfortable, he got the feeling she was holding something back. She was still wearing the bandage around her neck too, although the doctor had told him on his last visit that the wound had healed and that she was only wearing it because she didn’t want anyone to see the scar.

  “Someone’s keen,” he smiled.

  “Too right I am. I’m fed up with hospitals,” she replied before kissing him.

  “How have you accumulated so much stuff in just a few days?” he said, indicating all the bags Battler and Bruiser were attempting to arrange.

  “I’ve no idea. Now then, all this goes into the boot,” she said, pointing to the bags resting on her bed. “I’ll just have my handbag in the car with me.” She finally noticed Ryan was holding something. “What’s that?”

  “A bullet proof vest.”

  “No one’s going to be taking pot shots at me here Ryan.”

  “I’m not taking any chances.”

  “Are you wearing one?”

  “Yes. It’s only sensible.”

  “I can’t wear it. Those things weigh a ton, it’ll press on my scars.”

  “I’m sure it can’t weigh as much as these bags,” said Battler, lifting half of them off the bed, Bruiser taking the rest.

  “Don’t be cheeky you,” she smiled.

  Rachel felt a little nervous as she waited for the brothers to leave the room. She had to test herself and discover how her relationship with Ryan had changed because of what Alex had done to her. It was driving her crazy. If she knew they were going to be okay she could focus properly on what was to come. The minute they’d gone out the door Rachel closed it behind them and kissed him hard. Her heart thudded as she felt one hand slide into her hair, the other around her waist, his thumb stroking the side of her breast, but the pounding of her heart was caused by excitement, not fear or revulsion. Even when she felt his erection pressing against her stomach she experienced nothing but love and lust. She smiled up at him, relief washing over her in waves. Alex hadn’t broken them. Nothing could do that.

  “I take it you’re feeling much more your old self?” he smiled, sliding his hands up and down her waist, enjoying the curve of her hips and breasts.

  “Yes but I’d rather feel you,” she replied with a saucy wink.

  “Steady on, Battler and Bruiser will be back any minute. Oh God Rachel,” he groaned when her hand cupped his crotch.

  “Someone’s excited.”

  “Of course I am, you’re touching me.”

  “Its been so long since we last, you know.”

  “You’re telling me,” he said, running his hands over her bottom. “But tonight we’ll get to snuggle up in bed together. What have I said?” he asked when she appeared amused.

  “You used the word snuggle. It doesn’t suit you.”

  “You bring out my soft side.”

  He inhaled sharply when her hand started to rub his crotch.

  “I’m not sure how true that is,” she grinned.

  Her doctor walked in, saw the two of them in a clinch, apologised and hastily retreated.

  “It’s okay, you can come in,” called Rachel, Ryan standing behind her to hide the large bulge in his jeans.

  She stepped back inside and smiled. “Do excuse me. That will teach me to knock.” She looked round the empty room. “Packed already? We haven’t been that terrible, have we?”

  “You’ve been great. I’m just suffering from a severe case of cabin fever.”

  “Even though you’re being released I still want you to take it easy,” said the doctor sternly. “Your body has gone through an ordeal and needs proper time to recover.”

  “I know, you’ve already told me.”

  “I get the sneaking suspicion you’re not going to heed my advice.” She looked to Ryan. “I’m trusting you to make sure she rests Mr Law.”

  “I will, promise.”

  “I hope so because it’s v
ital for her recovery. No work, no sports, nothing but a gentle stroll round the garden for the next few days.”

  “I feel like I’m back at school,” said Rachel.

  “Only I’m stricter. I don’t want you back here suffering a relapse.”

  “I won’t,” said Rachel, smiling sweetly.

  “Well, I’ve got to check on my other patients so I’ll say goodbye now. It’s been a pleasure Rachel, Mr Law,” she said, shaking their hands in turn.

  “You too doctor. Thank you,” said Rachel sincerely.

  The woman smiled and nodded before leaving.

  “I’ll go and pay the bill,” said Ryan.

  “I’ll come with you.”

  Rachel waited in reception while Ryan settled up. She kept looking through the window at the outside world, itching to get back out there but also apprehensive about what it might hold.

  When it came time to leave Rachel walked out between Battler and Bruiser in case of an assassination attempt. It touched her that they were both still willing to take a bullet for her. She didn’t think the contract Alex had put out on her and Ryan was such a serious threat anymore, not with the one they’d put out on Alex. By now everyone in their world would know a war was being fought and that they were winning. But then again there were always rogue elements willing to do anything for cold hard cash.

  They got into the car without incident, the brothers up front while Rachel settled into Ryan’s arms in the back seat.

  “Can we just drive around for a bit before we go to the safe house?” said Rachel. “I want time to prepare myself before seeing Frankie McVay.”

  “No problem Rach,” replied Battler as he put the car into gear and they set off. “I was going to do that anyway just to make sure we’re not followed.”

  “Did you have another talk with Frankie?” she asked Ryan.

  He hated the anxiety in her eyes. “I had a quiet word with him before I came here this morning. I’m sorry Babe, he’s not budging.”

  “Shit. How do we make him see sense?”

  “This isn’t over yet. I’m still hoping Mikey will impress him.”


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