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Alien Romance: Arcturus Mates Complete Series (Book 1 - 9): Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Invasion Romance, Alien Romance)

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by Julia Sexton

  “I think that you’ll see that we are destined to be with each other. Mating with a human was not my plan. I always thought that the act of sex was repugnant. I had no interest in exchanging bodily fluids with any of you. You awakened that mating cycle. I knew from that moment that you were the one.”

  He dragged me upstairs and I was punching at his arm. He didn’t seem to notice and then he showed me back to my room. I stood there looking at the imprint of his fingers making a very unique bruise on my arm.

  “Keeping me prisoner here is not going to change anything. I will never let you touch me and if you try, then you’ll find out that this girl has more bite than bark.”

  I knew that if he really wanted to that he could take me and there would be nothing that I could do about it. I was trying to make him see that getting into a fight was not in his best interest.

  “Stacy, you stay in there and settle down and maybe in a little while I’ll allow you to have free reign of the house.”

  It was not a house, or at least not any house that I remember growing up around. This place was a palace or maybe some kinda mansion with its own wings.

  “I think that you’ll begin to realize after some time of quiet contemplation that you have no choice. This is going to happen and it would be best that you were a willing participant.”

  I did not like the sound of this, but at least he had left me alone.

  I sat there on the bed and where I once felt safe, I now felt these metaphorical chains wrapped around my ankles. It was not a feeling that I enjoyed. I walked over to the balcony doors, only to find that they were secured.

  I got a little panicked and I grabbed onto a chair and tossed it with everything I could at the glass. It actually hit it square, but made no indentation whatsoever.

  It bounced back and almost hit me, before I moved and allowed it to come to a crashing end. The pieces scattered on the floor and I looked towards the door half expecting him to be standing there with that smug look on his face.

  I heard hissing and I looked up to see that the vents on either side of the room were now pumping in cool air. If he thought this was going to soothe the savage beast, then he had another thing coming.

  I sat there and contemplated the situation, but I really could not find a way to escape from this prison. I had gone from the frying pan and into the fire. It could’ve been worse and I could’ve been in the hands of somebody that was a lot more sadistic and uncaring about my feelings.

  Wait, I wasn’t even sure that Ash had feelings. What he had described to me was more like a chemical reaction. It must’ve been the kind of pheromones that I was projecting that had drawn him out of his shell. This was not something that I could control.

  Chapter Five

  It became painfully obvious that I was going to have to play nice in order to find a way out of this latest catastrophe. My life was a series of misfortunes, especially after I met my boyfriend. I should’ve known that the twinkle in his eye and his brilliant white teeth was just the bait to lure me into his clutches.

  I couldn’t forgive myself for being so stupid and my mother’s words came ringing back into my ears “Stacy, a guy only has one thing on his mind. He wants to know how to get into your pants with the least amount of effort. Don’t be fooled by the good guy. There is no such thing.”

  I always thought that she was bitter, but I guess I should have listened to her.

  The door came open and looked out into a hallway to see that he wasn’t there. He must’ve had it on some kind of a timer. He was hoping that after a few hours of sitting there that I had finally come to my senses.

  I walked downstairs to find him in the Lotus position, humming some kind of spiritual tune.

  “Stacy the one thing that I do admire about your species is their desire to better themselves. I found that cooking was therapeutic, but meditation is my way to center myself. My mind is always swirling with different ideas and this is my way to calm the waters. Perhaps, you should give it a try. I plan to bring it back to my people. If this were to prevent violence, then I’ll know that coming here was worth it.”

  I wasn’t sure my legs could bend like that, but I managed to curl them in underneath me.

  “I’ve always wanted to try this, but I never seem to find the time. I could certainly use a way to get rid of all the noise in my head. The constant need for validation had followed me from school into my adult life.”

  I followed his technique with my hands outstretched. I was thinking on nothing, but the sound of my breathing.

  “I hope that I didn’t scare you. If you have any thoughts about getting away, then I can assure you that I’m always watching. I know what you’re doing. I will always be three steps ahead of you. I doubt that’s going to stop you from trying to get away, but I thought that you should be forewarned.”

  He had made it sound like it was impossible for me to escape. I learned that if I put my mind to it, I could practically do anything.

  “I am curious about what you meant by rich in nutrients.” I had my eyes closed, but I had a funny feeling that he was staring at me. I put him on the defensive and maybe that would distract him long enough for me to make a hasty exit.

  “The soil of your planet has everything that we need to live. The plan was that we would siphon the land dry and leave it a husk. I’ve since made no recommendation that we only siphon 10%. That should be more than enough to help us live on for the next few of your centuries. After that, they will revisit this, but by then, you’ll be long gone.”

  I began to think about what I would be leaving for the future of our children.

  “Are you sure that they’re going to take your recommendations? As I heard, you have very little sway with those in power.”

  I was trying to cloud his judgment.

  “I’m just trying to be devil’s advocate. That means that I’m trying to let you see both sides and give you options for what you’re going to do next.

  “Stacy, I’m not stupid and I’ve been here long enough to understand the meaning behind every single thing that you say.”

  I angered him and that was not my intention.

  He reached out and grabbed my hands and I was immediately awash with these sexual feelings that came over me in an instant. I tried to pull away, but he was determined to give me a brief peek at what his mating desires were all about.

  “What exactly… are… are you doing…ahhh…too me?”

  “I’m letting you feel a small part of what I feel when I am around you.”

  I felt this constant ache and this urge to jump him right here and right now.

  “I live with that every day and when I met you, it was then and only then that it was brought up to this level.”

  That feeling of sexual desire was now stronger and so overwhelming that I actually found myself having an orgasm without anybody even touching me.

  “That’s… Amazing… YESSSSSSS.”

  I threw my head back and I let those feelings take me away. I was a slave to my own body and if this is what he felt when he was around me, then I don’t know if I would’ve been able to control myself under those circumstances. The climax lasted more than any that I’ve ever had before. I just continued to ride that wave, until finally I had no energy left to speak of.

  “I have to push all of that down, because I want you to come to me. I’m afraid that if you don’t do that soon, then I’ll have no choice, but to take you as my mate. I’m trying to give you that choice.”

  He wasn’t really giving me any choice and if he thought that he was, then he was just deluding himself.

  “I’m not sure if I love you, Stacy. I do know that I haven’t found any female of my species that gave me the rush that you do. It is said that it does not have to be from our own species. I thought that I might find it here on earth, but I was disappointed.”

  His hands were still gripping me tightly. I was finally able to open up my eyes and see that we were both covered with that same green
glow that I had seen outside in that clearing.

  Is this the way that you communicate with each other?” I thought it best that I knew everything I could about him. Having knowledge was a weapon and I learned that the hard way.

  If he bled, then he could be killed or at least injured enough that I could get away. I just had to think about what my next course of action was. I didn’t want to anger him and I’d already seen what he had done to my boyfriend and I had no desire to go down that road. Even thinking about it made me cringe. I wondered if he knew that what I had seen terrified me beyond words. I wondered if he even cared.

  “It is the only way that we communicate from long distances. When we are on our own planet, we are forbidden to use that connection to each other. I have a son, but I’ve never really felt like a father. I’ve seen these hallmark commercials and I’ve often wondered what it would be like to have that bond to somebody of your own blood.”

  I saw that he was swallowing hard and that just talking about his son had made him look more human.

  “You really don’t have to talk about this, Ash.” That vulnerability and the pain that resided in his soul needed an outlet.

  “It might make you feel better if you were to let it go.”

  We were both looking at each other and then the connection between him and I was severed when he pulled away from me.

  “Stacy, I need you to make a decision in three days. By then, the buildup of sexual energy will be too much for me to take. My sexual self will demand satisfaction.”

  He got up and walked away wearing a pair of white sleep pants that was pulled together at the waist. He looked almost Zen like, a god amongst men, but then I remembered that I was his prisoner.

  I watched him go upstairs and then I turned and began to make the circuit of the house to see if I could find any way out. The first door that I came to was open and I flung it open to the feel of the fresh air tossing my hair.

  I’m sure that he knew what I was up to, but I had no choice. I had to try. I stepped out onto the deck and I was sent back in with a force of some kind of energy. I was actually Airborne with some hang time and then I landed on the couch. It was strategically placed, so that when I tried to escape, I would not be injured in the process.

  This only angered me further and I went to the back door and opened it. The first thing I saw were two Doberman pinschers in a cage that surrounded the door. I closed it immediately with their snarling and drooling mouths making my heart beat a million miles an hour.

  I tried the other door, but when I opened it, there was only a solid wall in between me and freedom. It was like he had taken everything into consideration. I was left mentally flailing with a panic that was gripping me by the throat.

  I tried the windows, but they only opened enough to get fresh air into the room. He had child proofed the windows, making it impossible for me to slip out that way. He must’ve been getting a real thrill out of watching me flounder like a fish out of the sea.

  I don’t think he knew, but a human being has this sense of survival that kicks in when they are threatened. I felt that when my boyfriend tried to touch me in a not so subtle way. I was now feeling it on a different level. It made me grasp for straws that weren’t there before.

  I went upstairs and I passed by the master bedroom to see that the door was ajar. I felt compelled to look in and I found him completely naked lying on his bed with one leg strewn over the side. I stared at the bulge of his manhood and envisioned what it would be like to be with him. I wanted to know what his alien physique would be like compared to ones of my own race.

  That fantasy translated into having my legs wrapped around him and his cock just touching the lips of my sex. He would wait, until I was begging for it and then I would rake my nails down his chest, as he entered me with one long continuous stroke that took both of our breath away.

  I could see myself reaching for the headboard and holding onto it, as he pummeled between my thighs with this wet friction that was most likely going to leave chaff burns in the morning.

  I was caught up in the fantasy and I’m not sure, but I think that he was projecting a certain amount of those feelings. It was possible that it was a remnant from what he had done by touching me downstairs.

  Linking hands had obviously caused an undue side effect. It made me want him and it made me hate him at the same time. These feelings were struggling for dominance and I wasn’t sure which one was going to win out in the end.

  I had no idea what compelled me, but I soon found myself walking into his bedroom and standing over him. I could have killed him by smothering him with a pillow, but for some reason I wanted to see him in a different way.

  I reached out with shaky hands and I put my other hand over that hand to try to steady my nerves. I didn’t want to wake him up, but I felt like there was something he was hiding from me. I already knew that he was an alien, but now my curiosity about his anatomy had gotten the best of me.

  I was still going to escape, but for right now, my attention was on something a little bit more pleasurable. I finally gripped the sheet and I began to slowly pull it away from his body. I pulled carefully and my eyes became wider each time that a piece of his skin became exposed to my eager and hungry eyes.

  I was down to his waist and I had already traced every muscle that he had, except the one that was now just hiding under a thin fabric of sheet. One jerk of my hands and I would have the answer that I was looking for.

  “Please god let him be hard as a rock. I’m probably never going to see him again, so just give me this brief look.”

  That thought was lingering in my head and then I held my breath. It was like angels were singing, as his anatomy was now right there for me to look at. It was hard and being this close, only made me want to get closer. I got down on my hands and knees and crawled over to him like I was some sort of animal.

  I put my hand on the bed and leaned in, so that I was no more than a couple of inches from the object of my desire. I touched the shaft and the heat against my hand only made me work my digits all the way from the bottom and up to the top.

  I put my hands around it and pulled it up, so that I could see it in all its Glory. I knew that eventually my luck was going to run out, but this was too good to pass up. I stroked it hard, leaving behind a trail of his juices that was now collecting against his hairless balls.

  It wasn’t like I wanted to have sex with him, but there was a huge part that was begging me to take it to the next level. I was struggling to find a semblance of myself, but that sexual yearning was more than I could control. It had me in its grip and it wasn’t letting go. I parted my lips with a sigh. I was powerless against the effect of this man.

  I let that knob slide around in my hand. I was determined to see how he could take. I think I was daring myself to cross that line. My judgment was completely fucked up and I didn’t care

  I had a moment of clarity that told me that this wasn’t right. It was like I had an angel on one side of my shoulder telling me that I should leave and not continue this insane exploration of his flesh. I also had the devil on the other shoulder, saying that I should get him off and take what was rightfully mine.

  I think I would’ve gone all the way, except he shifted in his sleep and made this moan. It was then that I realized that if he had woken up, he would’ve found me with his cock in my hand. It was wrong on so many levels and I was just playing with fire. A huge part of me wanted to continue, but the other part was more pragmatic. I didn’t want to listen to it, but it was making sense.

  If he were to wake up and see me in this compromising position, it would’ve been sending mixed signals. I’d already made my feelings clear, in that I wanted nothing to do with him. This would only compound the issue and make him think otherwise.

  At the last second, I finally gave up my claim to him. I got back up on my feet and backed away slowly.

  It took a lot of will power to leave his bedroom. I was constantly looking back at
him. I could swear there was a moment there that I thought I saw a smirk on his face. Was he playing me? Did he know what I had done? If so, then it gave me more incentive to get the hell out of here.

  Even as I took the stairs and opened up the hatch for the attic, I just couldn’t stop thinking about him.

  I found the window and it was open. The humidity up here was something fierce and it was making my clothes stick to me like a second skin. I had my leg draped over the windowsill and I was about to lower myself down and hope that the fall was not too far.

  I had one leg outside the window and then I felt like something was holding my bare toe. I began to pull and apparently I had wedged it in between two boards. It came loose with a start and I went out the window and tumbled down the incline of the roof.

  I had no idea how I did it, but I was soon on my feet and literally balancing myself on the edge. I lost my balance and my feet slipped out from underneath me.

  There was no way that I was going to be able to hold on. I knew that I shouldn’t have done that to him in his own bedroom. It had only distracted me and if I had not done that, I might have not slipped and was now plummeting in slow motion toward the ground.

  Chapter Six

  I was falling and it felt like I was moving in slow motion. The ground was getting ever closer and the impact was surely going to break every bone in my body. I think in the back of my mind that I thought this would happen eventually. I would try to escape and he would thwart my efforts, but eventually I would break free of his imprisonment and then have the rug pulled out from underneath me.

  My life flashed before my eyes and I suddenly realized that I was living in a bubble. I had allowed William to hold me down and make me feel like I wasn’t worthy of love. Now that I was about to die, I could see that it was my own fault for allowing him to hold the reins.

  I was the one that was holding me down and if I really wanted to get away, I could’ve done so at any time. I was strong, but my confidence had waned considerably with his constant verbal abuse.


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