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Alien Romance: Arcturus Mates Complete Series (Book 1 - 9): Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Invasion Romance, Alien Romance)

Page 26

by Julia Sexton

  "Am I really that repulsive?"

  "You are not repulsive. Look at you. You are beautiful, as if you were made to be the epitome of what a man should be...on the outside. Tall, handsome, athletic."

  She looked in up and down in his form fitting black. "You are gorgeous. Any woman would want to be with you...that way. Except, behavior tempers all those good looks. If you want to really claim a woman's affection, you need to treat her well. Try to understand her. Not command her to do something with no explanation. You need to ask, and tell her why you are asking."

  "Hmm. I was on Earth such a short time and I was not studying women, I was overseeing the cellular studies."

  "Who is this Ri'son? Why is he challenging you?"

  "Universal Research," Ac'von grunted.

  "What? The Lab? Why?"

  "Ac'ver, I thought you were smart. Your intelligence...and your fire hair...were the first things I noticed about you. Didn't you wonder about some of the tests you ran?"

  Mary thought for a second. "It wasn't my tests, it was the reports from bio-chemistry. They didn't jibe with what I found."


  "What? My tests were wrong?"

  "No, the opposite. Those bio-chemistry results were all faked. Those and many more. And who was in charge of your division?"

  "Dr. Riesen. But he didn't really bother with us. He just sent for reports and I turned in my results."

  "Yes, Dr. Risen. You have met Ri'son of the Red. All of our names were changed to sound my Earth-like."

  "Dr. Risen? The tall, good-looking man? Always ready with a smile. What was wrong?"

  "Everything. He was conducting unethical research twisting the results to get more Earth funding, showing test results that he...manufactured. Didn't you notice?"

  "I...I...reported the discrepancies but no one responded. I was only there a short while. I was on contract. I think just about everyone in the lab was."

  "Yes. And all of the work was distorted. That's why I shut it down."

  "You! You shut it down? You made it disappear?" Mary remembered looking at the empty field where the day before Universal Research facilities had stood. It seemed impossible.

  " It just disappeared."

  "The same way I brought you here. Universal Research, the building, is here on Rama, just as you are. We can break down atoms and reconstruct them in another place."

  Mary was horrified. She pulled away. She had been deconstructed, molecules broken into atoms, broken into tiny electrical impulses. A shiver ran down her spine.

  She looked at Ac'von. He looked so...normal. Well, normal from a human perspective. All the far as she knew. And all of them very attractive. But inside he was a demanding, destructive being. A building, a human body deconstructed and then put back together again. It was unimaginable.

  Ac'von saw her shiver. He placed his hand on her arm. Then reached up to touch her hair. His fingers combed her red curls. Mary felt new shivers and a tingling in her groin. She decided to lead the conversation back to Ri'son.

  "So this Ri'son is back on Rama and he hates you because you destroyed his project? Is that right?"

  Evening was falling. Mary could just make out the shapes of the trees in the garden. Stars were beginning to appear in the dark sky. She wondered which one of them was the sun, the marker for where Earth was. She felt far away.

  Ac'von pulled his hand away. "Yes, but I never thought he would go so far. The Combat."

  Mary sensed he was not just upset but sad. She reached out to touch his tense jaw. "Why are you sad? I can understand angry, but sad I don't understand."

  Ac'von sighed. "Do you see those stars out there? From Earth you can barely see our galaxy, but we are old and we have traditions. For centuries our traditions, The Way, have kept this planet stable. People accept the rules. No one feels they are treated unjustly. The system works.

  When Ri'son challenged me in the call for Examination, he really challenged The Way. If he wins, the planet will fall into chaos. All of our traditions will be challenged. He wants power at any cost, even the destruction of our society."

  For the first time since all of this had happened, Mary saw him in a different light. He cared about something other than himself. He cared about the entire planet, all the people. He cared about lives being led in security and peace. Of course, he was commanding, he was used to being in charge.

  He had put an end to the unethical research and saved Earth from whatever plan Ri'son had devised. And now he wanted to save his planet. A tiny thought poked at the back of her mind: maybe she could like him. She admired his caring. He had a sense of nobility in being the leader. He wanted to do the right thing.

  She looked at him again. Tall, strong, handsome and a sense of right. She was forming a new picture of her...abductor...No! She couldn't think about marriage. She did have another question.

  "Is your life in danger?"

  "You saw what happened in the arena today. But that's not the big issue. The important point is the stability of our beautiful home. Ri'son is...what do you call it on Earth? A megalomaniac. He wants everything his way. He does not accept failure. If I die, all will be lost. My life is not as important as The Way. I accept the traditions. I do not accept destruction."

  His arms reached out to pull Mary close to him. She felt the strength of his hands as he grazed her back. "My Ac'ver. If I die you will be alone. Once pledge to the king, there is no option but empty widowhood. You will be an untouchable, unwed, widow."

  The entire day seemed to implode inside Mary. Awaking in a strange place, Ac'von's declarations of marriage, the cheers of the crowd, the maiming and gore of The Combat, and, now, the bleak picture of a life without Ac'von if Ri'son won The Combat. She couldn't stop the tears...or the sobs.

  Ac'von moved. He cradled her against him. She felt comfort as his arms held her close. He tilted her head, gently wiping her tears with his fingertips. It was the sweetest thing she could remember a man ever doing. No words. Gentle action.

  He bent and pressed his lips to her cheek, kissing the tears as they fell. Mary felt her core warm. Then his sensuous lips pressed softly against hers. She pressed her lips against his and then parted them running the tip of her tongue against his lips, tasting his mouth.

  He opened his lips letting her taste him. She felt her nipples harden against her black garment pressing his firm pectorals. She felt lightning bolts course through her body.

  He pulled his head away. "My Ac'ver. Queen of Rama," he whispered.

  "Not yet," Mary answered. But, her sense of it all had changed. "Not yet."

  The dark sky sparkled with stars. A wind rustled the trees in the garden. Lights sparkled in the buildings of the city. Mary took in a deep breath. His kiss had stopped her crying.

  The doors from the hallway opened. Tu'ver called into the dark. "Ac'von, we must have a meeting. The Arbiter is here with us. Come inside. We need to discuss Ri'son's examination."

  Ac'von rose. His hands reached out to help Mary up. "Join us. It will be your first official function. Responsibility is more than appearing before the crowds. Responsibility is making right decisions. A leader's first call is to lead."

  Mary's body rebelled. Exhaustion spread through her limbs. She wanted to go to bed and sleep. Sleep for a long, long time. Ac'von pulled her close. "A queen is not a crown. A queen is inspiration to the people."

  Cherryvale and the down-to-earth simple life was very far away. She looked back at the stars as if she could tell which one was the sun. Then she followed Ac'von to the meeting.


  They all went into the elevator, which went down, but not as far as the tunnel. Mary decided that she lived in a palace, the seat of the rulers and the place of government all in one. When the elevator doors opened, they entered a spacious room. The walls were embedded with more mosaics, but these were patterns created in gold and black.

  A large round table, perhaps twenty feet across, surrounded by
high-backed chairs dominated the center of the room. One chair was larger and higher than the others. Tu'von sat there. The others scattered around the table.

  Mary sat next to Ac'von. She felt completely out of her element. At the same time, she felt honored that he had asked her to be part of this meeting.

  "This Examination challenge must be stopped," Tu'von said gruffly.

  Tu'ver looked lovingly at Ac'von. He pretended to ignore her glance.

  "It is The Way," said The Arbiter, his cherubic form dwarfed by the high-back chair. "To make an exception does two things. One, it shows weakness from the rulers. The people will feel that their new king will be a coward."

  "My son is no coward," Tu'von growled.

  "The second, and more important point is that The Way will be broken. Once an exception is made, the entire fiber weakens. A precedent is set to offer many reasons to bend The Way. The moral fiber of all of Rama will turn rotten in the center."

  "The Way must prevail," Ac'von stated.

  Everyone at the table, except Mary, nodded their heads.

  "Is there any recourse?" Tu'ver asked. Her voice trembled. Mary sensed the mother was close to tears. She wasn't far from tears herself. She was very tired. So much had happened since the beginning of the day. S

  he'd run a gamut of emotions from completely confused, to a swelling pride at the cheers, Ac'von's deep kiss had set her on fire, and no she was looking at a possible lonely life as an untouchable widow without even being married.

  No one spoke.

  The Arbiter rustled in his seat. "There is the choice of weapons."

  Tu'von spoke. "What difference would that make? He is a giant trained in military arts."

  Mary asked, "May I speak?"

  They all turned to her startled.

  The Arbiter answered, "Ac'ver, yes, you may speak." He gave her an encouraging smile.

  Ac'von looked at her in wonder. His almond eyes, opened wide and then he nodded.

  "I've learned that before any bout, the more you know and analyze your opponent, the better you can fight. What are Ri'son's strengths?"

  "Big, blond, brute," Tu'ver moaned.

  "Large and strong," Tu'von stated. "He wins almost every bout."

  "Strong and crafty," The Arbiter stated.

  Mary listened but heard the same thing stated different ways.

  "What are his weaknesses?" Mary asked.


  Finally Ac'von looked at her with kindness and spoke. "Ac'ver, here on Rama we aren't just divided into colors. Each color represents a clan, a tribe. On Earth you might call them guilds. We are Blacks. We are rulers. We cultivate knowledge, strategy, thinking, decision making. Ri'son is Red.

  The Reds are warriors. They are doers. Some of them, like Ri'son, have leadership skills. You experienced him on Earth. As a leader he is manipulative and condescending. Here he is the finest fighting warrior on the planet."

  Mary countered, "Everyone has weaknesses...even Ri'son. How long until the next Combat?"

  The Arbiter answered, "Seven days."

  "Then I suggest that we make a plan. You are rulers, surely you have spies in every...guild...color."

  Tu'von looked startled. Tu'ver nodded her head. The Arbiter nodded his head and looked at Mary with a new respect. Ac'von looked at her knowing she had more.

  "For the next week...six days have your spies report on everything Ri'son does, especially how he fights with weapons. We're thinking swords, right? Does he leave his left open? Does he protect his back? Is his sword always high to swing down on an opponent leaving his lower quadrants open?"

  Ac'von nodded in agreement.

  "As soon as the reports start coming in Ac'von must practice building skills in the way to take advantage of the weaknesses. Everyone has weakness, patterns that have made them successful but leave openings for an opponent...even Ri'son."

  Ac'von's eyes sparkled. He looked pleased. "That is a good plan. I can win with this strategy. Does everyone agree?" Without waiting for an answer he continued, "Arbiter notify the spies. Now let's retire."

  Everyone rose. They filed out of the room. The Arbiter went down a hallway, probably to notify the spies. The rest of them entered the elevator and went to the top.

  When the elevator doors opened, Tu'von bid them goodnight and strode down the hall. Tu'ver looked at Mary with approval. "My daughter, you are a strategist. Sleep well!"

  Ac'von took her hand and led Mary not to her room. They entered a room much like her's but larger. The window was hung with similar find, gold drapes, still open to the night view. The city lights sparkled under a dark sky. Where Mary's room was striped in gold and black, this room was decorated with black and gold alternating triangles.

  Ac'von took her in his arms, lifted her off the floor and spun around. "I knew I made the right choice. Every male needs his right mate."

  Mary felt the power of his arms and shoulders as he twirled her through the air. She felt lightheaded as waves of pleasure flowed through her. She realized she had nothing underneath the black dress.

  Ac'von set her down. "You will rule Rama with me. Here, in my room, we are male and female. Every man knows that the woman is in charge." He stepped back, flexing the muscles in his chest and arms. "Tell me what you want."

  Mary looked at his body, every inch the ideal male. She didn't love him. From what she'd learned in one day he was smart, diplomatic, and gorgeous. But that was all.

  "Ac'von, if what you say is true, this is what I want. Take me to my room."

  Disappointment flashed across his chiseled face. The lids of his almond eyes, blinked. Then, his face composed.

  "As you wish," he said. The swooped her up off the ground into his arms, strode across the room, opened a side door, stalked through carrying Mary like a small child, and lay her down on the bed.

  "What! Our rooms connect?" Mary said, breathless from the twirling and swooping. She had never been carried to a bed...any bed. It was so...masculine. And so...romantic. On earth she would have torn off her clothes for almost any man who would do that. But then, on Earth, no one had.

  "Oh, yes," Ac'von said. "They are very connected. In fact," he reached to the side of Mary's bed. "...They are connected." As he spoke the dividing wall separated in the middle. Both parts receded into the wall. "This is the children's room."

  Mary, after all that had happened today, was still surprised. The large room went from outside wall to outside wall. It was enormous.

  She saw Ac'von's huge bed on the opposite side. She looked up at him, towering over her bed with his massive frame. Low lights outlined every feature of his magnificent body.

  He sat down on the bed next to Mary. "Ac'ver, my queen. You are so lovely." He reached down and lifted the crown away from the pillow. "You don't need this now. Your radiance is crown enough in this room."

  Once again, he stroked her red curls. This time in spite of her thoughts, Mary's body responded. The feel of his large fingers on her head was soft and gentle.

  "Ac'von, I don't know you. I can't."

  Instead of answering, he drew his hand down to her face and caressed her forehead, then across her eyes down to her cheeks. Now she felt the fire. Her nipples hardened in response. Her groin grew hot.

  His hands continued down, his thumbs outlining her jaw, as his fingers lightly touched her neck. She felt her hair slide across her neck as his fingers gently caressed.

  "This is crazy," Mary murmured.

  His hands continued down, caressing as they went: her chest, her breasts, her abdomen, her thighs, her knees, her shins. Then he undid one boot and slid it off her foot. Mary gasped. She was on fire with his tantalizing touch.

  Ac'von kissed her naked ankle as he deftly undid the other boot and slipped it off and to the floor. Mary was lost. All of her wanted to touch all of him. He was the most magnificent man she had ever seen.

  She fumbled at the fastenings of his tunic but couldn't find the way to undo the clasps.

"Not yet," Ac'von whispered.

  His hands moved upward in the same gentle slide that had brought them down to her boots. Mary sighed, then gasped as his hands traveled higher up the inside of her thighs.

  "Oh," she cried. "Oh, oh. Don't stop."

  Ac'von continued the hand journey up to her neck. He unfastened her dress. Mary was limp as he raised her arms to remove the dress. She was certain that with some secret Raman formula she would melt, right there on the bed. The image of herself as a puddle on the bed made her laugh softly.

  "Did I miss an Earth cue?" Ac'von asked.

  "No, no," Mary murmured from her melting pool. "I had a vision of myself melting."

  "A good sign," he said as he unfastened his tunic down the side. Mary reached out to touch his chest. She traced the hard line of his pectorals as he slid the tunic off his arms. She felt the muscles flex under her fingertips.

  He bent over to undo his boots.

  "Wait," Mary admonished. She got off the bed to kneel on the floor as she unfastened his boots. She slipped one down his hard calf and over his foot. Then she slid the other one. She put her cheek against his calf. His skin was soft over the hard muscle.

  Ac'von reached down and lifted her to stand. "Ah, better than I imagined." His eyes scorched her naked flesh. Inside Mary, the fire roared. She could see his arousal pressing against the fluid fabric of his pants.

  His arms reached out and drew Mary against his body. He reached up to her breast, taking the nipple and areola between his fingers. He squeezed. The fever inside was so hot she thought she would burn his skin. He took the nipple into his mouth alternating lick and sucking. Mary knew that she had never had so much pleasure in any sexual encounter. She was mad with desire. All she wanted was Ac'von. Ac'von inside her.

  As he sucked, his fingers parted the hair at the mouth of her arousal. Then his index finger found the slit. It slid over her nub between her swollen lips, then plunged in as his thumb made small circles with her clit. Mary was panting so hard she couldn't think. Her body responded in instinct.

  She found the fastening for his pants. She was getting skilled at Raman fastenings. She parted her legs and straddled his. She rode along his powerful thighs and then her opening found the hard tip of his shaft.


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