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Alpha's Clarity: A Reverse Harem Omegaverse Story (The Clarity Series Book 1)

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by Ivana B. Kinkee

  Opening her eyes, Karissa finally got an up close and personal view of the swell at the base of his cock, a bulge that thickened to an impossible scale, and Zeke wrapped his fist around it and squeezed. His other fist tightened in her hair, directing her head where he needed, but as cum started to leak she didn’t fight at all — she swallowed. Dug her nails into the back of his thigh to pull him closer, to encourage him to spill and let her have it.

  The roar and his surging cock were the only warning before her mouth filled, unable to even remotely swallow it all as she half drowned on the volume of it. It tasted better than any male had a right to taste, better than real food. And so she drank as much of it down as she could, the rest spilling down her front as she moved closer. When he finally eased back, he looked down at her with dark eyes, teeth bared and she heard what could only be described as a purr rumble out of him as he smeared the saliva and cum across her face in gentle strokes. It was so similar to the growls she’d heard from them, but also completely different. It calmed her, made the growl in her own chest stop, and she turned her face into his hand, licking at the spilled cum, still desperate for another mouthful.

  Suddenly, she was ripped away from the taste, away from the purr, and she heard a shout, a roar as she was flipped to her back. The big one was above her and she snapped her teeth at him, the growl returning to her chest as she tried to lunge for Zeke again, but the massive male above her didn’t even flinch. He pinned her down to the cardboard with a hand in the center of her chest, and then looked down to line up his cock.

  Bigger. Maybe larger than the first male, but she hadn’t been able to see the first as well as she could this one. He was going to hurt her, maybe even damage her. She twisted, trying to seek out Zeke and the gentle sound he’d made, but when she met the blond’s gaze he didn’t react at all. In fact, when the beast on top of her growled, Zeke took a half-step backward, and then she was agonizingly full. Her back would have arched from the sudden pain if he hadn’t had her pinned, and her scream ended the growl in her chest.

  Once again she seemed to have some sense of self, the bright pain pushing the confusing haze away. Clawing at his wrist, digging her nails in as hard as she could, he fucked her without holding back. He was huge, broad, and under his shirt she could see his muscles bunching with each vicious, aching thrust.

  “Take it, Omega.” Another rough growl, and her body responded with a flood of slick that eased the pain a little. Leaning over her, he moved his hand from her chest and captured her wrists to pin them on either side of her head. His elbows braced on the cardboard gave him even more leverage, and as the new angle stretched her she cried out, tears leaking from her eyes. The male licked her cheek, and she whimpered as his teeth snapped too close to her face. “This is what happens when you fight an Alpha, Omega. Remember it.”

  One wrist released as he reached down to grab her thigh, bending it to her chest as he forced his cock all the way in, painful, punishing — and that’s what this was. Punishment for growling at him, snapping her teeth, things she barely even remembered choosing to do. There was no relief, no gentling of his movements even when she kept her wrist where he’d left it. Each time he forced his massive cock inside her was just as brutal as the last, threatening to tear fragile skin stretched too far. When her body finally tightened, clenching him, she almost sobbed with relief because it slowed his movements. Made him back off to avoid knotting her. He had to let her leg go to lean up enough to grip his cock at the base, squeezing the bulging flesh as pleasure finally returned. Cunt fluttering around his thick, hard flesh until the orgasm exploded behind her eyes and the heat burned her from the inside out, amplified as he filled her with his cum. He roared, growled louder, snapping his teeth as he rocked the knot of flesh against her entrance and continued to spill inside her.

  When he finally slid back, she stayed still, let him follow their ritual of stroking his seed over her body. Then he scooped some into his hand and tapped her cheek with the other, where he only had three fingers. The realization was short-lived though because as soon as her lips parted, he poured in the liquid mix of them and she arched in pleasure, hungry for more. He provided. Dipping between her thighs once more to wipe it across her lips, pushing his fingers into her mouth to trace her tongue with it. A low purr rumbled from him, and her eyes went wide as he leaned over her face, keeping his fingers in her mouth. “This is what a good Omega gets. Remember this, too.”

  Delirium was threatening, and she sucked on his fingers, nodding with little awareness of the world around her. The male on top of her increased the purr, and then he pulled his fingers free and climbed off her without another glance, the sudden absence of the purr bringing tears to her eyes.

  But, then the male with the pale blue skin picked it up. A different rumbling sound from his chest, but just as deep, just as powerful, and she leaned towards him as he settled between her thighs on the cardboard. His head was smooth, dark blue ink tattooed across his skull in fascinating patterns, and the purr grew as he leaned over her. “I won’t hurt you, Omega,” he whispered above her, and she wanted to say thank you, but the purr was like a sedative.

  When he opened his dark pants she saw no hair at the base of his cock, just a darker blue skin along the length of it. At first she thought the ridges were bulging veins, and while those were visible as well, it was actually his skin that was ribbed. Fear surfaced, but then the purr got louder and she felt the slick flood between her thighs as heat spiraled up her spine.

  “It feels good, I promise.” A mischievous grin across his lips as he slid inside her, so much gentler than any of the others. As he moved deep, in and out, it was like she could feel every ridge. Her head fell back, mouth open to the clouds, eyes rolling as he started to move faster. All she could smell were the males, only amplified as they moved closer, the scent of sex clinging to each of them, to every inch of her. She was covered front and back in drying cum, body still hungry for more, and the male above her delivered. Purr softening as he began to fuck her harder, the ridges of his cock stroking her in just the right place to have her cunt tightening, and as she reached for him, other hands caught her limbs in firm grips. Zeke and Parel spreading her legs, the violent one and the one who had first fucked her on the ground held her wrists to the cardboard, and she whimpered.

  “You belong to us, Omega. You will serve each of us, and we will keep you safe and protected. Always.” It was the first male, some kind of leader to them, above even Jeden who seemed to speak more, but even Jeden deferred to the fierce male who towered over the others. “Tinves, it’s your turn, brother.”

  “I promised I wouldn’t hurt her.” The male above her tensed, his purr stopping completely, and she couldn’t process what was happening as the other males began to purr. Surrounded by a symphony of it, her body bowed, her cunt flooding with slick, and the one called Tinves looked down at her with concern etched in his face, which she couldn’t understand. Everything felt good, everything felt so good.

  “She is ours, brother. That means she will take you.”

  “Yes, Mordek.” His hips started to move again, and the males’ grips on her limbs tightened. Pleasure pulsed between her thighs, intensified by the purrs, and then she saw colors moving over the male’s skin. Flashes of red, pulsing like there were lights under his skin, and he growled as he thrust harder. There was a sharp pain deep inside and she gasped, pulling at the males holding her down, the next pain was worse and she screamed, but it was caught by the one who had punished her. His hold on her mouth and chin gentle, but firm. The purrs increased and she felt heat at her entrance, another sharp spike of pain that dragged with his next withdrawal, and panic rose despite the sedating purrs.

  “Now,” Mordek commanded and she sobbed as the pain grew worse.

  Tinves leaned up, reaching between them to rub at her clit as his skin turned red all over, his eyes closed tight and she wanted him to look at her, to see what he was doing to her because she couldn’t scream it
through the male’s hand. A moment later it felt like a hot, spiked object was being forced in and out of her, and she sobbed as the pain became impossible to stand — but it didn’t seem to matter to the cramping tension in her belly.

  Her body tightened, gripping down on the painful thing inside her, and Tinves froze, fist wrapping around the base of his cock to squeeze tight. Another wave of tension rolled through her body, and he came. Hot jets of cum that seemed to soothe every inch of her core that had been in such pain a moment before. The orgasm hit hard on the heels of the relief, and she heard Tinves’ gasp as he pressed the bulging flesh of the knot against her entrance. Sweat-soaked, covered in cum and slick, Karissa could barely process thought.

  Tinves was incredibly gentle as he coated her thighs and belly in the mix of their cum, carefully bringing it to her lips, letting her lick it off his fingers that were rapidly returning to the pale blue like she’d first seen him.

  “Hold her upright, brothers.” Mordek speaking again, and the males responded instantly, lifting her to a sitting position. He slid into place behind her, knees on either side of her hips, and he leaned her back against his chest. Breathing deeply in her hair, he pressed a kiss to the crown of her head as his purr resonated through her chest. It made her ribs vibrate, her heart stutter and slow, and she suddenly just wanted to curl up in the male’s lap. With a touch so gentle it seemed impossible from a man of his size, he stroked her hair back from her face and then wrapped an arm around her chest, and used his hand to press her cheek to his shoulder. “This is so there is no question of who you belong to, little Omega.”

  “Hmm?” The wordless question was quiet, lost in the rumbling purrs.

  “Come on,” Jeden commanded, and she felt someone’s lips on her shoulder. A kiss, and then a lick, and then pain. As teeth bit hard into muscle, just at the point where neck meets shoulder, she wanted to fight back, to scream, but she was paralyzed. The moment the teeth broke skin she felt the heat of her blood trailing down, felt the pain, but she could do nothing but cry silently.

  Just as the first set of teeth released, another kiss, another lick, and then a bite. No reticence, just raw and violent pain that had no relief as it overlapped the same place. The purrs were deafening now, a third bite, a fourth.

  “You belong to us. Ours to protect, ours to keep. Ours.” Mordek was whispering in her ear as the fifth bite dug in and held for a brutal moment.

  “You will understand soon.” Jeden’s voice, just before he kissed her shoulder, licked the blood in wide sweeping laps, and then bit down even harder than the others. Her body managed a twitch as the pain turned to white noise in her head, like loud static, blotting out the comfort of the purr for a half-second. He held on longer than the last, but eventually released her and her lungs pulled in air, the barest hint of a whimper released on her next exhale.

  “There is so much more, little Omega. So much more for us to show you.” Mordek shifted her in his lap, bringing her shoulder to his lips. He kissed the tender, torn skin, licked away the blood once more, and then whispered, “Ours,” just before he bit down. Jaw clamped tight, and she jerked as it felt like he might just take a chunk out of her shoulder. His arm around her ribs tightened, and then his teeth dug deeper and she felt lights sparking behind her eyes. The purrs sounded farther away, like the males were in another room, and then it was gone.

  The pain, the purrs, the lights behind her eyes.

  It took an incredible effort to fight the urge to sleep, but she could feel herself being lifted. Wrapped in a male’s jacket, the scent clinging to it and comforting her, but when she looked to the side she saw blood around the mouths of each male, their eyes glued to her, and then the purrs returned and she couldn’t fight it anymore.

  Dark, dreamless abyss waited to catch her, and she let herself fall.


  By the gods, Karissa had never known so much pain as consciousness tortured her, dragging her back to her body like a prisoner to his death. Once she was aware of the agonized ache of every muscle, it was impossible to slip back into sleep. But with the pain came awareness, scents. Her nostrils flared as she breathed deep, turning to press her nose into the cloth under her, but the sniff was cut short by a yelp.

  Her shoulder. Fuck. It was like someone had slammed a hatchet deep into the muscle and left it behind for good measure. “Gods, why…”

  A flurry of heavy footsteps approaching made her body tense, joints and tendons rebelling against the tiny movement. Parting sticky eyelids, she saw a forest of legs capped by boots, sneakers, and bare feet.

  “Hello, little Omega.” That low, gruff voice brought back everything. Every insane, slick-soaked memory. Every moment of incredible pleasure and horrifying pain.

  They had bitten her. The males had fucking bitten her, drawn blood, one after the other. Rage steadied her shaking limbs, and she felt the growl rumbling in her chest and had no doubt she was the one making it this time.

  Pushing herself to a seated position, she ignored the aches, the throbbing between her thighs, and raised her gaze to the one that led this gang of monsters. “I am not an Omega,” she hissed, the words sounding so unlike her voice. Rough and peppered with the growl she couldn’t stop now that it had begun.

  A throaty laugh came from one of the others and she snapped her teeth in the male’s direction, unsure which it had been, but ready to bite back if they even reached for her.

  “I understand your confusion, but Clarity has revealed your true nature, and you are Omega.” The massive male crouched, still forced to angle her head back to keep her gaze on pale green eyes, like leaves faded by the sun.

  Clarity. The drug.

  “You—” Another growl, a snap of teeth when his hand threatened to touch her. “You drugged me! You did this to me!”

  The smallest of smiles shifted his lips, and he tilted his head. “You took the drug of your own free will, Omega. If anyone did this, it was you.”

  “LIAR!” she screamed, lunging for the male, and there was a chorus of powerful growls, so much louder than her own as the male caught her with ease and then roared. Her body curled in, submitting to the sound without thought, but when she opened her eyes again she saw the male was staring at the others — not her. His growl like a physical force that pushed them back.

  When his eyes returned his pupils were growing larger, and his grip on her shoulders tightened, the tip of one finger tracing the painfully tender bite. “You have spirit, Omega. That’s good, we want you strong.”

  “Karissa,” she hissed, unable to summon her growl back under the overpowering presence of the male towering over her while still on his knees.

  “What?” he asked, but his eyes were glued to her shoulder, his tongue tracing his lower lip, and for one insane moment she wanted to taste him. His lip, his mouth, his tongue. His scent was everywhere, taking over the air around her, making it hard to think of anything except how good he’d tasted when he’d pushed his fingers between her lips.

  “My name. Karissa.” Too quiet, but loud enough for him to hear, and then he purred as a smile spread over his face. A face scarred by more fights than she could imagine, but she could clearly imagine him winning them all, and as the purr turned her bones to liquid she couldn’t remember why she had ever even tried to fight him.

  “Beautiful. Just like you.” Fingers tightening around her shoulders, she realized just how much larger he was. Easily holding her, his hands were massive, knuckles scarred, palms rough against her naked skin, and as the purr grew louder, she let him pull her into his chest. So much hard, male muscle. Breathing into his shirt had her salivating, nosing him, rubbing her face into his pectoral as he shifted them, that powerful grip turning into gentle stroking. “Bring her water. Food.”

  Such strength in that voice… a command that had to be followed, and it was the sound of multiple feet moving away that drew her back to awareness. Her fist twisted in the fabric over his chest, her tongue running over the rough texture until
she made herself stop. “Why… why doesn’t it hurt anymore?”

  “Because your body knows what you are, even though you don’t understand yet.” He tilted his head, baring his throat to her and she half-climbed him to get closer, to taste, unable to hold back as he allowed her to drag her tongue up the column of his throat. Over the flickering pulse that screamed of a vulnerability she’d never be able to exploit. Still, she sucked on his skin, dragging her teeth against the tender spot, waiting for him to stop her. But he didn’t — he purred.

  It made her thoughts go haywire, teeth digging in as she laved his skin, wanting more. More. That single word becoming the focus of her entire being as she twisted, straddling him, grabbing onto his shoulders to try and prevent him from breaking her hold. Yet, it seemed like he had no interest in protecting his throat, the pounding vein just a clench of her jaw away. He turned them, and her fingers became claws in his massive shoulders, teeth digging in harder, and she felt the shudder move through him. When he started to lean back she followed, shifting up his body to maintain her hold. Once on his back he pulled the neck of his shirt to the side, exposing more flesh, more bulging muscle of his shoulder. A scent, stronger, better. It was the only lure that could have made her voluntarily release the pulse dancing under her tongue. Nosing down to the newly exposed skin, she whined, licking, grinding herself into his abs as heat flooded between her thighs once again. A liquid rush that soaked the thin cloth in seconds. The purr rumbled louder and she nipped, testing.

  “Yesss…” he groaned through the purr, hand moving to her hip so that she had to catch the neck of his shirt to keep it back. “You can bite, you can do whatever you want.”

  The words made her body taut. So much power under her, so much strength, and he wasn’t even holding her to him. Almost passive, or as passive as a monster can be. Like a predator lying in wait, but in the moment he didn’t frighten her. Not enough to pull back from the rich spice of his scent, the rush of pleasure as she tasted his skin, cunt grinding down on the hard ridges of his stomach. Moaning as her teeth dug in, as her nails dragged furrows in his skin, and the huge male did nothing. Nothing but gently cup her hips, urging her to move, to seek her satisfaction.


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