Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Saving Liberty (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Saving Liberty (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 12

by Sarah O'Rourke

“I sure did,” she replied, dangling the keys to my Dodge in front of my nose. “But I kinda have a surprise for you.”

  Releasing her long enough to snag the keys, I shot her a curious look. “What kind of surprise is that?”

  “Well, I kinda packed us up for a trip to the lake. I rented one of those luxury cabins down by the water through the weekend. The one I was able to get has two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a private hot tub. I thought it would give us a little romance and still let us have Libby with us,” she explained. “Was that okay?”

  I could tell she was both excited by the prospect of a mini-vacation for our small family and worried that I might not like the idea, so I rushed to reassure her. “That sounds awesome, baby! I love the lake. Did you grab my fishing poles out of the garage?” I asked as we spotted my truck in the lot.

  “Yep. They’re in the bed of the truck along with pretty much everything else we own,” she laughed.

  She was exaggerating, I knew, but there was no doubt we’d require a lot of stuff to get through the next few days away from home. Looking over the side of the truck, I grinned as I saw the neatly packed baby swing, pack-n-play, and diaper genie along with a small portable grill and a couple of lawn chairs. And that wasn’t all. Besides my fishing poles, she’d also had a couple of suitcases, a box of diapers and a couple of large coolers wedged back there. Glancing over at her as I opened the back door of the vehicle to install Liberty in her car seat, I asked, “Do we need to make any stops or can we just start the drive up there?”

  “Nope, I think I packed everything,” she replied easily. “I’ve been making lists for three days,” she confided with a mischievous grin. “Don’t worry, I had Fletch pack all your manly stuff like your tackle box and such. And the good news is that if I did forget anything, there’s a Wal-mart and bait shop not too far away.”

  Double-checking Liberty’s safety harness before I slammed the truck door closed, I turned to wrap up Truly in a bear hug. “Thank you, babe. It means a lot that you planned a trip I’d like,” I shared appreciatively before I bent my head to get my first real homecoming kiss. Groaning as her lips parted and her tongue tangled with mine, I wrapped my hand around her long blonde ponytail and held her head steady. Plundering her sweet mouth with an enthusiasm that I knew was drawing stares, I tugged her closer, tightening my arms around her narrow waist as I backed her against the side of the truck.

  “I love you so much,” I growled into her mouth as her arms came up to wind around my neck. “You and our girl are my everything,” I whispered against her lips as I leaned my forehead against hers.

  Her bewitching hazel eyes met mine and she glowed with happiness as she rested her head against the truck and smiled. “I love you, too,” she returned, her voice sure and steady. “I know it took me awhile to say, but I promise you, from this day onward there won’t be a single day that you don’t hear those words from me. I trust you more than I’ve ever trusted anybody in my life, and I’m sorry I made you wait so long to hear what you mean to me.”

  Swallowing hard as the gravity of her declaration swamped me, I felt my eyes burn. Hell, I knew tears weren’t exactly manly – especially in a Delta Force badass, but I couldn’t help it. That shit moved me. Bringing my hands up to cradle her face, I shook my head while I searched for the words I needed to say. “Every second was worth the wait to know that I have your love, Truly. I swear to you, I will never abuse that trust or give you a reason to regret being with me. I’ve told you before, words aren’t my thing, but you gotta know, you’re my dream woman and you’re giving me the life I was afraid I’d never have. For the first time in my life, I feel like I’m part of something precious, and I’ll guard it with my life.”

  Nodding as a tear slipped down her cheek, Truly pulled my head down to hers. “Ditto,” she whispered before pressing a brief kiss to my lips. “Let’s get this show on the road and start the new chapter of our life together,” she urged against her lips.

  And that was a plan I was totally on board with.



  Three hours later, I sat on the sofa, staring out the large bay window at the front of the cabin, my eyes trained on the peaceful lake. Tonight’s sunset made the water appear almost a brilliant shade of purple. It was gorgeous -- much like the man I could hear moving around the bedroom where we’d installed Liberty’s portable crib for the night. I’d offered to do the bedtime routine with her, assuming Pax would be tired from his flight and the drive up here, but he’d refused, seeming almost eager to get back to doing the normal daddy chores he’d come to love.

  Not for the first time, I couldn’t help feeling like I’d scored the jackpot with this man. Because in this relationship, I genuinely had a partner in all things. One that I was pretty sure would never let me down if he could help it.

  Putting aside the Kindle as the bedroom door opened and a shirtless Pax stepped quietly out on his bare feet, I couldn’t help the zing of excitement that sizzled down my spine. This incredible man was mine.

  “Hey,” I murmured, tilting my head back to look up at him as he walked toward me. “Libby finally gave up the battle, huh?” I asked, my nervous fingers toying with the sash of my short silk robe. Underneath, I had on a pretty sheer black babydoll nightie, one I hoped Pax would like, but for now, I still looked demure in my robe.

  “Took an hour of me singing her bad country love songs, but yeah, she’s out,” Pax chuckled, dropping her empty bottle to the coffee table in front of the sofa where I was curled in the corner.

  Nodding, I took his hand as he reached for mine, weaving our fingers together as he slid into the spot next to me. “She was probably a little over-stimulated by today. There was a lot happening,” I reminded him. “Up until now, her little world has been confined to our house, the local Wal-mart and grocery store, and the occasional trip to see the doctor.”

  “That’s true. I think she liked getting her toes wet in the lake, though,” Pax said, turning his head to grin at me.

  That had been one of the highlights of my evening…. watching my big, bad soldier hold Libby as he dipped her tiny toes in the cold water. Her little squeals and laughs would always be my favorite sound in the world. “She had so much fun. Tomorrow, maybe she’ll get to touch her first fish.”

  “I’ll see what I can do about that,” I heard Pax readily agree before leaning toward me to nuzzle my ear and drop a kiss against my neck that made a sexy shiver run up and down my spine. “For now, are you ready for bed yet?” he rumbled against my ear. “Been dreaming about this night for two weeks; I don’t think I can hold out much longer, Bambi,” he shared huskily, running his nose along my cheek.

  “Then don’t,” I returned simply. I was more than ready to be in his arms again. Especially now that I was ready to tell all my worries and fears to take a long hike. “I’m ready, Pax. More than that, I’m yours.”

  Those words must have been the catalyst Pax needed because the next minute I found myself in his arms, clinging to his neck as his long legs ate the distance between the couch and the bedroom we’d chosen as ours. Smiling up at him as he placed me in the center of the king-sized bed, I watched as he slowly reached out to turn on the bedside lamp, filling the room with a low warm light. “Hi,” I whispered as he stared down at me, his sapphire blue eyes blazing with a kind of feral-like intensity that instantly got me wet.

  Hi,” he murmured softly as he stood beside the bed watching me with burning eyes.

  “You okay?” I murmured, shifting nervously under his scrutiny, my legs moving restlessly against the thick duvet covering the bed.

  Pax smiled, his straight white teeth gleaming in the dimly lit room in a way that reminded me of the Big Bad Wolf when he found Little Red Riding Hood wandering in the woods. That smile was hungry. Feral. And wicked enough that I feared the tiny satin g-string I wore would spontaneously combust. “I just wanna memorize this moment. I don’t ever want to forget how I feel right now. In this moment,” I heard him
say, his deep voice sliding over me like a warm caress.

  “H-how is that?” I asked, my own voice a mere wisp of sound.

  “Like the most beautiful woman in the world just offered me the key to her hidden kingdom,” he replied softly, trailing one finger down the center of my chest to the ties holding my robe together.

  “I wish I had a kingdom to offer you, but I only have me. That said, I’m yours if you want me,” I offered with my heart in my throat. The expression on his face said that he more than wanted to be with me. Hell, the look on his face made me think he just might devour me whole. Which, if I was honest, would not be a bad way to go.

  “You’re already mine, Truly,” Pax replied seriously as his hands went into the pocket of his low riding jeans. “And because I’m a possessive mother fucker, I want the whole world to know it, too. And since I don’t think you’ll let me tattoo my name on your forehead, I thought this might be an acceptable alternative,” he continued, pulling a little black box out of his pocket as he went to one knee there beside the bed.

  “Oh, my God,” I whispered, jerking upright in the bed and rolling to my knees to face him.

  Cracking open the velvet box, Pax stared inside it for a moment as if he was collecting his thoughts. My breath caught in my throat when he finally turned those fierce blue eyes toward mine.

  “I wasn’t sure when I should do this. Part of me is worried I’m rushing you, but I’ve been carrying this ring around with me for the last two months,” he began, turning the box to show me the gorgeous emerald cut diamond perched on a pillow inside the box. Sparking in the lamplight, it was the definition of the perfect ring. Not small, but not so big as to be ostentations, the diamond winked at me from the box, its sparkle hypnotizing me.

  “Look at me, Truly,” Pax urged as he reached for my left hand with his. “I love you more than I ever imagined being able to love anybody. This last month… being away from you was a special kind of hell. Yeah, I missed you, but it was more than that. It felt like I’d left a piece of myself behind. I don’t ever want to have to leave you again without knowing that you’re my wife. We’ve already created a beautiful family together. Liberty did that for us. Let’s make it official. Put me out of my misery. Wear my gold,” he urged hoarsely, plucking the ring from the box and holding it in front of my left ring finger.

  Blinking hard, I opened and closed my mouth as my throat tightened. Clearing my throat, I stared him in the eye as I demanded, “Ask me the question first.”

  Paxton smiled as he used his thumb to draw comforting little circles on the top of my left hand. “Okay, Bambi. You want the question? You got it. Truly Emmaline Evans, will you please marry me and make me whole?”

  I was never surer of an answer in my life. “Yes!” I nodded emphatically as Pax exhaled the breath he was holding and slid the platinum band down my finger before roughly pulling me into his embrace.

  I moaned as he covered my lips with his, his tongue thrusting inside my mouth to dance with mine. Gasping as I felt his hands at the knotted sash of my robe, I sucked his lower lip as he quickly pushed the thin material off my shoulders, leaving me kneeling before him in my tiny two-piece negligee.

  “Sweet fuck, you look sexy” Pax growled when he drew back enough to get a look at my outfit. From the plunging neckline to the high slits at the side, the nightie screamed sex, and it was clear by the look on my man’s face that he approved of my choice.

  “You like it?” I asked, holding my arms out to my sides as I twisted this way and that, the flirty flare of the transparent silky material billowing around my hips.

  “I love it. I love you,” he growled reaching out to cup the full globes of my breasts. Though my boobs were mostly hidden behind the peekaboo lace, I knew he liked what he saw when he licked his lips hungrily.

  “I love you, too,” I moaned as Pax’s mouth found my neck, his tongue sliding against my skin and making me shiver as he eased me back on the bed.

  “I love this little outfit, baby, but unless you want it in shreds, help me get it off,” he warned against my cheek as his hands reached for the bottom of the gown. “I want you naked. Now,” he insisted as he bit the line of her jaw.

  Nodding because I wanted the same thing, I lifted my arms above my head as he pulled the lacy gossamer material over my head, bearing my breasts to his ravenous mouth. I moaned as his lips tugged at my nipple, sucking and biting the tender flesh in a way that threatened to drive me out of my mind with need. My pussy throbbed as he moved between my breasts, worshipping the firm peaks while he slid a hand between my slightly parted thighs, and I groaned as one of his blunt fingertips skirted over the scrap of satin covering my mound and pulled it off completely. The sensation was so erotic that I wondered if I’d cum right then.

  “Fuckin’ drenched for me. Love that, baby,” he rasped, biting the underside of my breast sensually. “You want me to fill up that needy little pussy for you?”

  “Fuck, yes,” I whined wantonly, arching my hips as I tried to coax him into stroking my slit. The empty gnawing ache inside me felt like it was making me insane. “Please,” I begged, tugging at his head as I tried to pull him up my body. “I need it.”

  “What do you need, Bambi? Say it,” he demanded roughly, dropping his head to run his nose along the shell of my ear. “I wanna hear you say it.”

  “Your cock,” I bit out desperately. “Give me your cock, Pax. Fuck me,” I pled, lifting my pelvis to rub against the hard-on he was sporting behind his unbuttoned jeans. Sliding a hand between us, I slid the zipper to his fly down and reached inside, relieved to find my man liked to go commando. Grasping his thick dick, I pulled it from his jeans and slid my fist up and down his swollen staff. Biting my lip as I peered down at the organ in my hand, I found all nine glorious inches of him to be hard and swollen, his bell-shaped crest flushed dark red and leaking pearly drops of cum. His hot, heavy weight felt like a steel bar shrouded in velvet and I couldn’t wait to feel it shafting in and out of my slick pussy.

  “Fuck,” he hissed through his teeth, his hips flexing as I fucked him with my hand.

  “Now, who looks needy?” I teased, pressing my head back against the pillow to stare up at his clenched, tense face.

  “Baby, you’ve got about three seconds to stop before I waste this load,” he said, issuing his raw warning through barely moving lips. It was like all his concentration was focused on not spilling in my hand.

  One day, I’d ignore his warning and learn what it felt like for his cum to coat my fingers. For now, though, I wanted to be fucked. It had been a long time for me, and I was ready. “Well, we can’t have that,” I declared in a throaty whisper. “I think we both know there’s a place you’d rather put that load.”

  “Damn right,” he bit out as he impatiently kicked out of his jeans and tossed them to the floor. “I’m clean, baby. There hasn’t been anyone else for me in over a year and a half. Are you protected or do you want me to wear a rubber?” he asked as he shifted his big, naked body over mine, settling between my splayed legs like it was his new home.

  “Not unless you want to. I’m on the pill and I just got a clean bill of health last week,” I returned honestly, leaving the decision in his hands. I didn’t want anything between us, but I was once married to a guy that fucked everything that moved. I couldn’t blame Pax if he didn’t want to take that risk. My worries, however, were proven to be pointless a heartbeat later.

  “Want you bare,” he grunted, notching the blunt tip of his cock to my entrance before staring into my eyes. “Nothing separating all that’s me from the soft, slick heaven of your juicy cunt,” his deep voice went on while his words created an image in my head hotter than any porno ever could. “Wrap those long legs around me, Bambi. Wrap me up,” he ordered against my check as I slowly felt the broad head of his cock sink inside me.

  Our low cries of pleasure mingled as his dick tunneled deeper, filling me up and making me whole. “Oh, God, Pax!” I shuddered when he’d rooted
himself to the hilt, giving me every inch he had. He was deeper than I’d ever dreamed possible, touching me in a way I’d never experienced. Lifting a hand to weave my fingers though his, I struggled to breath. That moment… our connection, it was that powerful. “I love you,” I offered, my voice jagged and shaky as the enormity of our union hit me.

  “I love you, too, Truly,” he returned, his jaw flexing as I watched him fight to remain still and give my body a chance to adjust to his. “Baby, tell me you’re okay,” he ordered harshly, dropping his head to my shoulder as his big body shook. “You feel incredible and I don’t know how much longer I can hold back from fucking you the way I need to fuck you.”

  “Don’t hold back,” I smiled, turning my face to look at his. “I love you. I love this. I’m ready. Fuck me, Pax. Take what’s yours,” I invited before lifting my hips to nudge his.

  “Thank Christ!” he growled as he slowly withdrew from the tight clasp of my body only to slam back inside me a heartbeat later.

  He fucked me the way he loved me. Hard, deep, and so completely it robbed me of speech. Every stroke of his cock, every plunge of his hips, every passionate kiss, every tender caress – all of it convinced me that this man was fated to be mine.

  “Can’t get enough,” Pax snarled against my mouth as he captured my mouth for another deep kiss as his hand palmed one breast while his cock pumped in and out of me. “You’re so fucking tight. I think my Bambi’s got herself a magic pussy. Fuckin’ magic pussy’s gonna milk the cum right out of me,” he ground out as the wet slap of our bodies echoed in the shadowed bedroom.

  “Yes,” I panted, as I met each thrust with a surge of my own hips. I was so close to having the mother of all orgasms and as I felt Pax’s hot breath fan my cheek and listened to the bed creak underneath us with each heavy thrust, I knew that pleasure like this didn’t come around often. It was rare. Special. And something worth surviving a lifetime of pain to find. “Fuck, Pax,” I cursed, my nails digging into his shoulders as my legs began to shake. “I’m gonna cum, baby! I’m gonna cum,” I gasped.


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