Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Saving Liberty (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Saving Liberty (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 13

by Sarah O'Rourke

  “Yeah, baby. Love the way your pussy hugs my meat. Do it, Bambi! Cum all over my dick,” he encouraged, sliding a hand between us to press a thumb to my pulsing clit. “Soak my cock,” he snarled, roaring as he thrust one last time as my pussy gushed. “Ah, shit! That’s it! Take it, baby! Take me,” I heard him roar as his own pinnacle claimed him.

  My climax nearly blinded me as I felt his dick begin to pulse inside me, shooting jets of his thick, creamy cum inside me. Moaning as tiny aftershocks zapped though my bloodstream, I wrapped my arms around him as we both collapsed against the bed, sweaty and sated. For long minutes afterward, Pax and I laid there, exchanging long, lazy kisses as the perspiration dried on our skin until finally he drew back enough to gaze down at me, manly satisfaction shining in his eyes. “You okay?” I heard him ask.

  “That was the most perfect thing I’ve ever felt in my life,” I responded truthfully, reaching up to cup his jaw, his beard lightly abrading my palm. “I love you so much, Pax.”

  “I love you, too, Bambi. And that perfection we just had was just the beginning. I’m just getting started on giving you the happily-ever-after you deserve. So, get ready!”

  Smiling, I knew I’d never been more ready for anything in my life.

  Chapter Ten


  One Year Later


  What a difference a year could make, I thought to myself as I looked out the kitchen window into our backyard where our friends and military family were celebrating Pax’s 37th birthday. Reaching for a dish towel to dry my wet hands, I couldn’t help smiling as the sunlight caught on the two rings I wore on my left hand.

  Pax might have made me his bride six months ago in a surprise trip to Vegas, but I still hadn’t gotten used to seeing his rings on my finger. Mostly because some days I couldn’t believe this was my life. I was now Truly Graham, a happy stay-at-home mom to the cutest little girl in the world and wed to the sexiest badass soldier in the country. And just when I thought it couldn’t possibly get any better, a trip to my doctor - today of all days - confirmed that it had!

  That’s right! They found a bun in my oven. And better yet, the obstetrician I’d seen had assured me that he didn’t see any medical reason I couldn’t carry our baby to term. It was this doctor’s opinion that my stressful first marriage might just well have been the cause of my miscarriages. Since I was now very happily wed to the man of my dreams and we had a supportive network of friends and military family to help out should things become overwhelming, it was a pretty good bet that in seven and a half short months, we’d have a new little person to love and adore.

  And I couldn’t wait to share the news with my husband.

  Snagging the long slim gift box I’d hidden in the bread box, I hurried outside and scanned the lawn for my daughter. As usual, I found my little Liberty Belle playing in my flower garden. My girl might not have an ounce of my blood, but she did have my passion for gardening. Hurrying toward her, I knelt at her side and smiled. “Hey, princess,” I called, waiting until the toddler turned her head my way.

  “Ma Ma!” she squealed, clapping her hands together.

  “You ready to go give Daddy his present, Libby?” I asked as I took her hand and helped her to her feet, dusting off the Baby Bambi romper her daddy had insisted she wear today.

  “Daddy,” she chirped as she nodded, pointing at where Pax sat, relaxed, talking to his buddy, Cagney.

  “Yep,” I agreed, guiding her toward the circle of chairs. It didn’t take very long at all for Pax to look up to find us; he never liked it when either Libby or I got very far away from him.

  “There’re my girls,” he called, holding out his arms.

  And that was the only cue my little toddler needed to take off running toward her daddy, my gift to him clutched in her tiny hand.

  “What’s this, princess?” I heard him ask as he took the brightly wrapped box from her hand. “Did you and Mommy get me something? You guys shouldn’t have done that,” he chastised as he leaned forward to capture my wrist and pull me toward them. “I told you I didn’t want anything, baby. The cake you made was more than enough.”

  “Oh, I think you’ll want this, and since I can’t return it, I thing you should open the box,” I suggested, almost vibrating with excitement.

  “Hell, give it to me,” I heard Fletch call. “I like getting shit,” he said with a wink at me.

  “Like hell,” Pax snarled, holding the box against his chest as he frowned at his friend. “It’s mine.”

  Her little girl curiosity piqued, Liberty frowned and patted the box Pax still held. “O-pen, Dada!”

  “Okay, sweetheart, Daddy’ll open it,” Pax soothed her, tugging the lid off the box and pulling away the tissue paper covering his gift. “Oh, my God,” he whispered, staring down at the slim white stick nestled inside the box, the pink plus sign in the results window shining up at him. Lifting startled eyes, he met my gaze. “Truly! Really?” he choked hopefully.

  I could only nod, my eyes cloudy with tears. Watching as he gently scooted Liberty into nearby Em’s lap, I laughed as he lunged toward me, wrapping me in his tight embrace.

  “Are we sure?” he asked raggedly against my ear.

  “Confirmed it this morning. All systems are go, Sgt. Graham. Things look perfect for Baby Number Two. The doc thinks as long as I keep stress levels to a minimum, we won’t have a single problem,” I assured my husband as I watched pure elation flood his face. “Happy Birthday, hubby!”

  And as my husband’s strong arms wrapped me up while our daughter played nearby, I knew that my happily-ever-after had just gotten a whole lot happier!

  The End

  More by Sarah O’Rourke

  Fiction by Sarah O’Rourke

  Passion in Paradise Series

  Cain’s Salvation

  Hard as Stone

  Ready, Willing and Abel

  Man of Honor

  The Homespun Holiday

  Tangled Hearts

  Wed by Wednesday


  The Sizzle Series



  The Sizzle Saga with New Epilogues


  The Estate

  Slave to Passion



  One More Night (Part of the Passion, Vows and Babies Kindle World)

  Cat Scratch Fever

  Non-fiction Humor by Sarah O’Rourke

  The Bunny Tales


  Dear Reader,

  No book is created by just one person. It truly takes a village for me to get these words out to each of you. So, aptly enough, I need to thank a lot of folks.

  First, you should know this book was special to me. I was a military wife for twenty years to my very own badass soldier. While not a Delta Force operative, he nevertheless went into more than a few dangerous situations and risked his life to preserve the values we hold dear. Believe me, without him in my life, this book would never have been conceived. So, thank you, hubster, for providing the inspiration for Pax.

  A HUGE thank you to my soul sister and partner in crime, Crazy Two. You’ve kept me sane when the world spun out of control. You held my hand when I wanted to give up. You’ve kicked my butt when I needed it, and you cheered me on when I deserved it. I adore you. Enough said.

  A lot of gratitude also goes to my momma. First of all, you gave birth to me. That right there earns you a gold medal. But above that, you’ve spent your life encouraging me, making me stronger, and making me better. You’ve also spent countless hours reviewing my work, correcting my errors and catching my mistakes. And you only heckled me a little! Thank you, Momma. I love you.

  I also want to take a moment to thank all those men and women serving our country. Each of you are truly heroes and heroines. You put your life on the line and risk everything for the country we both love and you are always in my thoughts and prayers.

nk you to Susan Stoker for creating such a vivid world and allowing us to play in it. It was truly an honor.

  Thank you to S. Van Horne for our long talks on what the military wife sisterhood is really like. We reminisced for hours and I treasure each conversation we had. The connection between military wives, no matter the branch, is truly an unbreakable bond.

  We also couldn’t do without our incredible Sarah O’Rourke Crazy Crew manager, Shay Lich! Shay, you’ve been an amazing source of love and support for years, and you run that Crew like a well-oiled…well, let’s say ship!

  Super special shout-outs to our girls Jane Graf, Jane Wells, Danielle Palumbo, and Natasha Mahadeo. These incredible women have been some of our greatest super-readers that have been with us from the very beginning. Ladies, it’s an honor for us to be counted among your friends!

  We also want to thank all the bloggers out there that spend their precious free time promoting our books. It’s often a thankless job and yet, you persevere. For that1, you have our eternal gratitude.

  And last, but certainly not least, we want to offer an ENORMOUS wealth of gratitude to our readers. When I began this writing journey several years ago, I never imagined anyone would actually want to read what I wrote let alone purchase it. But YOU DID! And I’m still amazed! Thank you, thank you, and thank you from the very bottom of our hearts. Without you, we’d be nothing.

  All our love,

  Crazy One (and Crazy Two, who nodded along supportively while Crazy One was writing this)




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