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Grishma (Necoh Saga)

Page 6

by Kelly Blount

  Ryder watched Albie’s face as he relayed the previous night’s events. He truly looked upset and his words seemed genuine.

  “So she really wasn’t the princess?” one of the guards asked.

  “No, her name is Brooklyn and she traveled to Necoh by mistake.”

  The other guard said, “What do you mean, traveled to Necoh? Wasn’t she already here?”

  Should I really disclose all of this information? What if they work for the King and they plan to turn me over to Grishma when all is said and done?

  Deciding it was worth the risk, Ryder recounted the story of Grishma killing his father and kidnapping his mother and sister. He went on to explain how he had learned to travel to other worlds in order to search for Grishma. Then, he relayed the details of his last night on Earth and how he and Brooklyn managed to escape Grishma and end up in Necoh.

  Albie, the two guardsmen, and Cridifer all looked stunned by Ryder’s story.

  “You know how to travel to other worlds?” Cridifer asked.

  The larger of the two guardsmen stated, “Grishma killed my cousin Gart last year.”

  Before Ryder could respond, Albie shook his head and murmured, “Grishma attacked your family? I’m so sorry!”

  “Thank you. I appreciate your kindness.” Trying not to let his emotions get the best of him, Ryder cleared his throat and looked down at the ground. “Would there be any way that any of you would be interested in helping me rescue Brooklyn and destroy Grishma once and for all?”

  “I would be honored to help,” said Albie, bowing deeply.

  Cridifer was next. “Even though you lied about your intentions, I see it was only because you were desperate to find your friend. I would also be honored to help you.”

  The two guards stepped forward. “We will join you as well.”

  Ryder smiled. “Thank you, everyone. Now let’s make a plan to rescue Brooklyn and destroy Grishma!”

  Chapter Nine

  A BOOMING VOICE AWOKE BROOKLYN FROM her flower-induced slumber. “My daughter! My sweet, sweet daughter! You have returned to me!”

  Brooklyn’s eyes flew open. Looking around, she took in a large hall with deep crimson banners flying throughout. Each wall was covered with at least ten portraits and several sconces holding candles.

  Turning her head slightly, she realized she was slouching in a fancy chair with gold and silver accents. In front of her was a large group of people dressed in strange clothing. The women were wearing brightly colored dresses with tight corset tops and flowing skirts on the bottom. The men were dressed in loose-fitting brown pants, white or tan long-sleeved shirts, and long flowing red capes.

  Laro was sitting next to Brooklyn grinning from ear to ear in a fancy velvety outfit.

  Where am I? Who are these people?

  A large man with a thick brown beard rushed over to her. He reached forward and kissed her forehead repeatedly.

  Okay, don’t panic, this is probably just a nightmare. Just breathe deeply and smile.

  “Sweet daughter! Where have you been? I have spent every day searching for you since you disappeared!”

  Okay, so it isn’t a nightmare and even the King thinks I’m his daughter! “Um, Your Majesty, I think there has been some sort of mistake. I’m not Princess Sophie! My name is Brooklyn.”

  Drawing his face within inches of hers he appeared to study her closely.

  “Laro! What is the meaning of this? What have you done with my precious daughter? Why does she not recognize her own father?”

  Laro cowered in his chair. “Um, Sire, she has been claiming to be this Brooklyn since I met her. I think perhaps her mind has been altered. I’m sure it’s nothing your potion mixers cannot fix—right, Your Grace?”

  The King glared at the small furry creature and then turned to inspect Brooklyn again. He leaned so close to her face that she could smell his breath. Yuck! It smells like rotten fish!

  Sensing she still wasn’t ready to admit she was the long lost Princess Sophie, he looked at Laro and yelled, “YOU! What have you done to my daughter?” His voice became louder and louder with every word he uttered and a large purple vein protruded from his forehead.

  He immediately switched to a softer tone and looked at Brooklyn. “Who did this to you, my sweet Sophie? Why don’t you recognize me? Please tell me. Was it Laro? Has he erased your memory?”

  Brooklyn’s eyes grew wider but she was too scared to say anything. What do I do? Should I just play along?

  The King slammed his hands down on the arms of his throne and stood up. “That’s it! Take Laro and throw him in the dungeons until this matter has been settled!”

  Laro looked petrified. He barely managed to squeak, “But, but, Your Majesty! I was promised a reward! Why aren’t you taking me to one of your finest estates to live happily ever after?”

  The King seethed. “A reward? For the traitor that erased my daughter’s memory? Never! Guards, take him now!”

  Switching his demeanor again, he looked at Brooklyn. “There, there, my sweet darling daughter. Don’t worry your pretty head about that treacherous little creature! I will find someone to fix your memory, after all, we have the best potion masters in all of Necoh in this very castle!”

  Potion masters? Maybe Ryder’s mother and sister are here? Okay, you better play along for now. Maybe you can find and save them before you escape. After working up the courage to speak, Brooklyn managed to stammer, “Thank you, Father.”

  Calling him father appeared to please the King. Breaking out into a huge smile, he motioned to a nearby girl, who appeared to be about the same age as Brooklyn. “Adeline, please take the Princess and help her get cleaned up. The tailor will be up later this evening to fit her with a new wardrobe. Afterwards, please burn those disgusting clothes she is wearing now!”

  After curtsying to the King, she turned to Brooklyn and said, “Come, Princess Sophie. Please follow me.”

  Silently, Brooklyn got up and followed the girl out of the large, opulently decorated room. She could feel the eyes of hundreds of spectators following her every move until she was out of their sight.

  “Just a bit farther, Princess. I’ll bet you have had a long day! Don’t worry. A nice bath will help.”

  The palace was absolutely stunning. Every room they walked through was ornately decorated. Huge portraits hung high on the walls and almost every room had a fireplace large enough to roast a Honda Civic.

  Turning one last corner, Adeline looked at Brooklyn and said, “Here you are, my Princess. I already drew your bath. Will you need help disrobing?”

  Brooklyn’s cheeks turned crimson. “Um, no, no thank you., I’ve got it.”

  “When you get out, there is a robe over there for you to change into. You can throw your old clothing away over there,” she said, motioning to a bin near the door. “I shall wait for you to finish in your chambers. Just call if you need anything.”

  “Thank you, Adeline.”

  As soon as the girl turned to leave the room, tears welled up in her eyes and she crumpled into a little ball on the floor. This is too much! How am I ever going to get home? Am I ever going to see Ryder again?

  Suddenly, Adeline pushed through the door. “Um, Princess? I forgot to mention–” She cut herself off at the sight of Brooklyn crying on the floor. “Oh no! Princess! Don’t cry!” Adeline rushed over to Brooklyn and wrapped her arms around her. “It’s okay, don’t you worry. The King will have the potion masters fix your mind.”

  Hugging the girl back felt comforting. “Thank you, Adeline.”

  Adeline excused herself once Brooklyn stopped crying.

  Okay, get it together, Brooklyn. Don’t blow your cover just yet. Peeling off each article of clothing took a bit of care. She had worn Ryder’s mother’s clothes for over three days and they were caked on her skin with a mix of Swive River water, dirt, and sweat. Gross!

  The bathtub was nothing short of amazing. It was large enough to fit ten people. As she got closer to the bubb
le-filled water, heavenly scents floated around her, a combination of fresh roses, honeysuckle, and lilacs. A smile crept over her lips. I wonder what Jocelyn MacIntyre would think of this?

  Carefully dipping each leg in, Brooklyn took her time as she entered the piping hot water. Utter bliss would not do this experience justice. After sinking in to the delicious water, Brooklyn’s muscles relaxed and she closed her eyes.

  I wonder what kind of body wash and conditioner the royal Necohians use?

  Utterly content, she searched around the sides of the enormous tub and found a variety of liquids stored in glass jars and something that resembled a loofah.

  Um… How am I going to tell which of these is the soap and which is the shampoo?

  Sinking deep into the bubbles, Brooklyn politely called, “Adeline, are you still there?”

  Adeline opened the door slightly and peeked inside. “Yes, Princess Sophie! What can I do for you?”

  “Well, this is rather embarrassing, but I don’t know—I mean, I don’t remember which of these I use to clean my body and which is for my hair?”

  “Oh dear! I can certainly help you with that, Princess! First, you want to use this one for your hair,” she said as she pointed to a tall container with an almond-colored substance. “Then, wash it out and use this one next,” pointing to another tall container filled with mossy green ingredients. “Once that’s in your hair, you can use this to clean your skin,” she said as she handed Brooklyn the loofah and a short squat jar with some kind of dark brown stuff crammed inside.

  “Oh, thank you so much, Adeline! Eh, losing my memory really has been horrible. I can’t seem to remember anything about my life here.” Nice! Lay it on thick!

  Adeline smiled warmly. “Don’t worry about it at all, Princess! Is there anything else I can help you with?”

  “No, thank you., That will be all.” Did I just say that? I sound like a spoiled brat and I’ve only been a princess for a few hours.

  Sighing, Brooklyn began to follow Adeline’s grooming instructions. Slowly massaging the almond-colored substance in her hair was exquisite. This must be their version of shampoo. Brooklyn held her breath and dipped below into the sudsy water to wash it out.

  Next, she poured some of the mossy green substance into her palm. Studying it for a second, it reminded her of one of those deep-cleansing organic conditioners her mother used to use once a week.

  Bringing her palm to her nose, she inhaled deeply. Mmmm… This smells like a mix of mint and jasmine. “Oops!” Brooklyn smiled. She had accidentally got a dab of the stuff on her nose. I bet I look like the Wicked Witch of the West! Giggling, she applied the mossy green ingredients to her scalp and hair.

  “Last but not least,” Brooklyn said to herself as she reached for the short squat jar. Carefully opening the lid, she peered inside. “Hmmm, it looks like a sugar scrub,” she mumbled to herself.

  She stuck two fingers in the jar and pulled out a thick, gooey, coarse substance. Just like the stuff she had put in her hair, it smelled amazing! Ginger and vanilla, YUM! Could this bath get any better?

  Startled momentarily by a knock at the door, Adeline poked her head in. “Princess Sophie, is everything okay in there?”

  “Yes, sorry, have I been in here too long? It’s just so lovely, I don’t want to get out.”

  “The tailor will be arriving shortly, but take your time, Princess, he can wait.”

  I better pick up the pace! Spreading the gingery vanilla substance all over her body felt refreshing and soothing at the same time.

  After inspecting her arms and legs for signs of dirt and not finding any, Brooklyn dunked her head under the water one last time, rinsing her hair and her body.

  She climbed slowly out of the bathtub and wrapped herself in a thick fluffy white robe. A towel sat on a nearby chair. Picking it up, she bent over and put her hair up to dry.

  “Um, Adeline, I’m done. Could you please show me to my room?”

  “Absolutely, Princess,” said Adeline as she barged in to the bathroom. “Ah, let me grab those old clothes from the bin, the King said to burn them at once!”

  “No! Wait!” Brooklyn said urgently. “Please don’t get rid of them!” I can’t let them burn Ryder’s mother’s clothes. If she’s here in the castle, it may be my only way to convince her I know her son.

  Adeline wrinkled her nose. “Pardon? Princess, why would you want to keep these horrible clothes?”

  “Well,” Brooklyn stammered. Think! How can you explain this? “Well, I was thinking that perhaps if I kept the clothes, I may be able to remember who gave them to me. They might be a clue to where I’ve been the past few years.”

  “Ah, good thinking, Princess Sophie! I will have them washed immediately and returned to your room.”

  Adeline reached down and scooped up the clothing and tucked it beneath her arm. “Now, Princess, please follow me, and I’ll show you to your room.”

  Stepping through the bathroom door was shocking. “Oh my…” Brooklyn’s voice trailed off before she could finish her thought. This can’t possibly be my room! Can it?

  The room they had stepped into was easily the size of Brooklyn’s entire house. In the center stood a stunning canopy bed with beautiful white gossamer draped from the center to each side of the bed. The bed itself was filled with fluffy pillows and thick plush blankets that looked as soft as satin.

  Her eyes were then drawn to a magnificent vanity with a jewel-studded chair. There were hairbrushes that appeared to be made of pure gold, baskets that held accessories encrusted with brilliant stones, and small containers that appeared to be make up. Above the vanity was a large mirror.

  “Is everything all right, Princess?” Adeline asked with a concerned look on her face.

  All right? This is AMAZING! “Ah, yes, um, yes. I just wished I remembered my own room,” replied Brooklyn.

  Adeline’s expression melted. “It must be absolutely dreadful not remembering anything, Princess.”

  “Yes, it is very difficult.”

  “Well, this should cheer you up. The King had several gowns sewn for you every year on your birthday. There’s bound to be something in your wardrobe that will fit. Also, the tailor is in the adjacent room, ready to do your fitting. You can put this on while he takes your measurements,” said Adeline as she handed Brooklyn something that looked like a thin nightgown or a slip. “Shall I help dress you?”

  “No, thank you, Adeline, I’ll be just fine.”

  “Very well, then. Please summon me once you’re ready. I shall keep you company while you’re being measured,” said Adeline.

  Looking around in amazement, she thought, Is this real? Is this really how some people live? Shaking her head, Brooklyn pulled the towel out of her damp hair and changed into the white slip-like garment Adeline had given her. All right, I guess I’m ready for my royal fitting.

  Chapter Ten

  STREAKS OF LIGHT FILTERED PAST the canopy of tall trees surrounding Ryder and his allies as they prepared to leave camp.

  Even though he initially urged the group to leave the previous night, Ryder was glad they decided to get some rest before departing on their journey.

  He rubbed his neck. Man, am I sore!

  Stretching his arms above his head, he thought back to the Nalun attack. Wielding his father’s sword in a bloody frenzy was both frightening and exhilarating.

  Dad would have been proud of me, Ryder thought as he looked down at the gleaming sword.

  “Ryder, are you ready?” asked Albie.

  “Ah, yeah, ready as I’ll ever be,” he replied. Grabbing a sack, Ryder loaded it with dried lera berries, several flasks of water, and a few medicinal plants he had found nearby.

  Albie carried a large rucksack filled with additional supplies, including dried meat, fresh picked mushrooms, and more flasks filled with fresh water. Cridifer followed suit with his own small pack and the two guards, Kroy and Lant, pulled a small cart filled with larger supplies and weapons covered by hea
vy blankets.

  As they marched through the tall grass, Ryder wondered, Have I trusted the right Necohians?

  They hadn’t made it too far when Albie frantically shouted, “Everyone STOP! Look!” The small furry creature pointed ahead to a field of vibrant flowers.

  “No,” murmured Ryder, “it couldn’t be.”

  “Lapu flowers. We better cover our faces,” grunted Lant.

  “I thought these things didn’t exist anymore?” asked Ryder.

  “They’re plentiful around here. The King had fields planted after Princess Sophie went missing. It was supposed to prevent future criminals from reaching the city walls,” replied Kroy.

  “And to keep those trying to escape within the grasp of the King’s army,” added Lant.

  Albie removed his pack and grabbed a flask of water and a handful of cloth strips. “Good thing we came prepared,” he said as he carefully poured a small amount of water on each cloth and handed one out to everyone.

  “Cover your nose and mouth. And make sure to tie it tightly. I don’t want to have to carry any of you through this field,” joked Lant, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

  Following orders, Ryder and the others tied the damp rags around their faces.

  The lapu flowers were stunning. Bright yellow petals dotted with aqua spots and neon pink flowers with orange stripes flooded the landscape in front of them.

  “So are they still as potent as before?” asked Ryder.

  Albie shook his head. “Yes, even more so in some cases. I’ve heard all one has to do is take one smell and BAM! You’re unconscious!”

  They stepped carefully, disturbing the flowers as little as possible. Each step was precise and calculated. By the time they had traversed through the seemingly unending lapu field, the sun was directly above them and burning hot.


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